diff --git a/example/input/config.yaml b/example/input/config.yaml
index afd9bf1edfd628e7117768c6fce241a0dd4088f2..4d5f8c1a9055f34516679199cdaf9ada7b046c46 100644
--- a/example/input/config.yaml
+++ b/example/input/config.yaml
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ samples:
   # STRING. "ATACseq" or "ChIPseq". Only data type specific steps are executed. Currently, if set to ChIP-Seq, ATAC-seq specific steps like RSS adjustment are not executed, and peak calling may include control samples if the sample table specifies this.
   dataType: "ChIPseq"
-  dataType: "ATACseq"
 # SECTION additionalInput #
@@ -252,3 +251,12 @@ featureCounts:
   # BOOLEAN. “true” or “false”. Default "false". Should read (pairs) be counted once for each gene they overlap with? If set to false, the default, read (pairs) overlapping with more than one meta-feature (=peak) will not be counted. Setting this to "true" may lead to artifacts because a read that overlaps multiple features will be counted once for each overlapping feature.
   countMultiOverlaps: false
+# SECTION multiqc #
+  # STRING. Default "/g/zaugg/carnold/Projects/AtacSeq/src/config/multiqc_config.yaml". Absolute path to the multiqc configuration file
+  path_configFile: "/g/zaugg/carnold/Projects/AtacSeq/src/config/multiqc_config.yaml"
diff --git a/example/templates/hg19/config.yaml b/example/templates/hg19/config.yaml
index 798589b3c90f626be24f681bfc076a3e73c93291..1a57146cd963576c2493e0e5abd94b2df3fb7361 100644
--- a/example/templates/hg19/config.yaml
+++ b/example/templates/hg19/config.yaml
@@ -244,11 +244,10 @@ deepTools:
   bamCoverage_otherOptions: "--centerReads"
+# SECTION multiqc #
-# SECTION featureCounts #
-  # BOOLEAN. “true” or “false”. Default "false". Should read (pairs) be counted once for each gene they overlap with? If set to false, the default, read (pairs) overlapping with more than one meta-feature (=peak) will not be counted. Setting this to "true" may lead to artifacts because a read that overlaps multiple features will be counted once for each overlapping feature.
-  countMultiOverlaps: false
+  # STRING. Default "/g/zaugg/carnold/Projects/AtacSeq/src/config/multiqc_config.yaml". Absolute path to the multiqc configuration file
+  path_configFile: "/g/zaugg/carnold/Projects/AtacSeq/src/config/multiqc_config.yaml"
diff --git a/example/templates/hg38/config.yaml b/example/templates/hg38/config.yaml
index 3db02ee01b86a920f2e2ac89722833721697e0b8..aad06018ee5102d948ee8f33c9e2be2519a6913d 100644
--- a/example/templates/hg38/config.yaml
+++ b/example/templates/hg38/config.yaml
@@ -251,3 +251,11 @@ featureCounts:
   # BOOLEAN. “true” or “false”. Default "false". Should read (pairs) be counted once for each gene they overlap with? If set to false, the default, read (pairs) overlapping with more than one meta-feature (=peak) will not be counted. Setting this to "true" may lead to artifacts because a read that overlaps multiple features will be counted once for each overlapping feature.
   countMultiOverlaps: false
+# SECTION multiqc #
+  # STRING. Default "/g/zaugg/carnold/Projects/AtacSeq/src/config/multiqc_config.yaml". Absolute path to the multiqc configuration file
+  path_configFile: "/g/zaugg/carnold/Projects/AtacSeq/src/config/multiqc_config.yaml"
diff --git a/example/templates/mm10/config.yaml b/example/templates/mm10/config.yaml
index ea117b6a7e84a7fc911f6c2322055d61b1768cf0..5df0f5a373d0bed41e48f4c14103e426c1aa5c12 100644
--- a/example/templates/mm10/config.yaml
+++ b/example/templates/mm10/config.yaml
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ postalign:
  # NOTE: There is usually no need to modify the parameters here.
   # INTEGER. Default 4000. The region size in bp that specifies what is considered within a TSS. The STATS script does a TSS enrichment test to test whether or not ATAC-Seq reads are primarily located within annotated TSS as opposed to outside of TSS regions. A value of 4000 means the region from -2kb up to +2kb of annotated TSS.
   STATS_script_withinThr: 4000
@@ -248,3 +248,11 @@ featureCounts:
   # BOOLEAN. “true” or “false”. Default "false". Should read (pairs) be counted once for each gene they overlap with? If set to false, the default, read (pairs) overlapping with more than one meta-feature (=peak) will not be counted. Setting this to "true" may lead to artifacts because a read that overlaps multiple features will be counted once for each overlapping feature.
   countMultiOverlaps: false
+# SECTION multiqc #
+  # STRING. Default "/g/zaugg/carnold/Projects/AtacSeq/src/config/multiqc_config.yaml". Absolute path to the multiqc configuration file
+  path_configFile: "/g/zaugg/carnold/Projects/AtacSeq/src/config/multiqc_config.yaml"
diff --git a/src/Snakefile b/src/Snakefile
index e8942af24255da9e192604675735d324d3d19317..02cba3b94de2f46e3e9b22fedd2941b199ebb645 100755
--- a/src/Snakefile
+++ b/src/Snakefile
@@ -154,7 +154,9 @@ configDict = {
                 ["readLength", "bamCoverage_normalizationCoverage", "bamCoverage_binSize", "bamCoverage_otherOptions"],
-                ["countMultiOverlaps"]
+                ["countMultiOverlaps"],
+            "multiqc":
+                ["path_configFile"]
@@ -341,10 +343,10 @@ if nIndividualsUniqueNoControl % 5 != 0 and nIndividualsUniqueNoControl not in r
     rangeOverlapMerged = rangeOverlapMerged + list([nIndividualsUniqueNoControl])
 #singularity_conda = config["additionalInput"]["singularity_baseFolder"] + "/Singularity.ATAC_seq_conda_all.sif"
-singularity_conda = "oras://git.embl.de:4567/grp-zaugg/singularity-reg/atac_conda:stable"
+singularity_conda = "oras://registry.git.embl.de/grp-zaugg/singularity-reg/atac_conda:stable"
 #singularity_R     = config["additionalInput"]["singularity_baseFolder"] + "/Singularity.ATAC_seq_R.sif"
-singularity_R     = "oras://git.embl.de:4567/grp-zaugg/singularity-reg/atac_r:stable"
+singularity_R     = "oras://registry.git.embl.de/grp-zaugg/singularity-reg/atac_r:stable"
 # print(samplesData.loc[:,"sampleName"])
@@ -2504,7 +2506,7 @@ rule multiqc:
         basename  = lambda wildcards, output: os.path.basename(output.report),
         rootDir   = ROOT_dir,
         #config    = workflow.source_path("config/multiqc_config.yaml")  # see https://snakemake.readthedocs.io/en/stable/snakefiles/rules.html#snakefiles-aux-source-files
-        config    = "/g/zaugg/carnold/Projects/AtacSeq/src/config/multiqc_config.yaml"  # see https://snakemake.readthedocs.io/en/stable/snakefiles/rules.html#snakefiles-aux-source-files
+        config    = config["multiqc"]["path_configFile"]  # see https://snakemake.readthedocs.io/en/stable/snakefiles/rules.html#snakefiles-aux-source-files
     conda: "condaEnvironments/multiqc.yaml"
     singularity: singularity_conda