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Alejandro Riera Mainar / linuxcommandline
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalBio-IT Linux Commandline courses
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Materials for the Bio-IT "Image Processing with Python" course. Materials have been adapted from those originally forked from Karin Sasaki's GitHub repo.
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Materials for the ALMF/Bio-IT Image Analysis with Python series, running Spring/Summer 2018
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Tools for online image analysis of images acquired with Zeiss confocal microscopes.
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Panagiotis Mantas / diffTF
MIT LicenseSource code for "Genome-wide quantification of differential transcription factor activity: diffTF"
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This Fiji script allows the user to load all files matching a certain naming pattern into an image stack.
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Originated from https://github.com/rackt/redux/tree/master/examples/real-world adjusted to work with embase-ng-dev
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Analysis of the Architecture of the Nuclear Pore Complex by 3D super-resolution fluorescence microscopy
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Materials for the ALMF/Bio-IT Image Analysis with Python series, running Spring/Summer 2018