diff --git a/extensions/chaeo/params.py b/extensions/chaeo/params.py
index e516f49bf86c55ffc6603feb42048ca356976c0a..796469e9d7cd52b9af9c3d852b0af1dd1f10a0bd 100644
--- a/extensions/chaeo/params.py
+++ b/extensions/chaeo/params.py
@@ -26,11 +26,6 @@ class RoiSetExportParams(BaseModel):
     annotated_z_stack: Union[AnnotatedZStackParams, None] = None
-class RoiClassifierValue(BaseModel):
-    name: str
-    value: int
 class RoiFilterRange(BaseModel):
     min: float
     max: float
@@ -39,5 +34,3 @@ class RoiFilterRange(BaseModel):
 class RoiFilter(BaseModel):
     area: Union[RoiFilterRange, None] = None
     solidity: Union[RoiFilterRange, None] = None
-    classifiers: List[RoiClassifierValue] = []
diff --git a/extensions/chaeo/workflows.py b/extensions/chaeo/workflows.py
index 6e9732f6d5c0f074c1cdaceb7076b738457b8fd1..50428f09b0c7f9a6f51e89ef586598bc016f9284 100644
--- a/extensions/chaeo/workflows.py
+++ b/extensions/chaeo/workflows.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
 from extensions.chaeo.accessors import MonoPatchStack
 from extensions.chaeo.annotators import draw_boxes_on_3d_image
 from extensions.chaeo.models import PatchStackObjectClassifier
-from extensions.chaeo.params import ZMaskExportParams
+from extensions.chaeo.params import RoiSetExportParams
 from extensions.chaeo.process import mask_largest_object
 from extensions.chaeo.products import export_patches_from_zstack, export_patch_masks_from_zstack, export_multichannel_patches_from_zstack, get_patches_from_zmask_meta, get_patch_masks_from_zmask_meta
 from extensions.chaeo.zmask import project_stack_from_focal_points, RoiSet
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ def infer_object_map_from_zstack(
         zmask_type: str = 'boxes',
         zmask_filters: Dict = None,
         # zmask_expand_box_by: int = None,
-        exports: ZMaskExportParams = None,
+        exports: RoiSetExportParams = None,
 ) -> Dict:
     assert len(models) == 2
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ def infer_object_map_from_zstack(
     # make zmask
-    obj_table = RoiSet(
+    rois = RoiSet(
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ def infer_object_map_from_zstack(
     # record pixel scale
-    obj_table.df['pixel_scale_in_micrometers'] = float(stack.pixel_scale_in_micrometers.get('X'))
+    rois.df['pixel_scale_in_micrometers'] = float(stack.pixel_scale_in_micrometers.get('X'))
     # ti, stack, fstem, obmask, pxmap, obj_table = get_zmask_meta(
     #     input_file_path,
@@ -307,79 +307,79 @@ def infer_object_map_from_zstack(
     #     **kwargs
     # )
-    # extract patches to accessor
-    patches_acc = get_patches_from_zmask_meta(
-        stack.get_one_channel_data(patches_channel),
-        obj_table.zmask_meta,
-        rescale_clip=zmask_clip,
-        make_3d=False,
-        focus_metric='max_sobel',
-        **kwargs
-    )
-    # TODO: make this a method of ZMaskObjectTable class
-    # extract masks
-    patch_masks_acc = get_patch_masks_from_zmask_meta(
-        stack,
-        obj_table.zmask_meta,
-        **kwargs
-    )
-    # TODO: add ZMaskObjectTable method to apply object classification results as new DataFrame column
-    # send patches and mask stacks to object classifier
-    result_acc, _ = object_classifier.infer(patches_acc, patch_masks_acc)
-    labels_map = obj_table.interm['label_map']
-    output_map = np.zeros(labels_map.shape, dtype=labels_map.dtype)
-    assert labels_map.shape == obj_table.get_label_map().shape
-    assert labels_map.dtype == obj_table.get_label_map().dtype
+    # # extract patches to accessor
+    # patches_acc = get_patches_from_zmask_meta(
+    #     stack.get_one_channel_data(patches_channel),
+    #     obj_table.zmask_meta,
+    #     rescale_clip=zmask_clip,
+    #     make_3d=False,
+    #     focus_metric='max_sobel',
+    #     **kwargs
+    # )
+    #
+    # # extract masks
+    # patch_masks_acc = get_patch_masks_from_zmask_meta(
+    #     stack,
+    #     obj_table.zmask_meta,
+    #     **kwargs
+    # )
-    # assign labels to object map:
-    meta = []
-    for ii in range(0, len(obj_table.zmask_meta)):
-        object_id = obj_table.zmask_meta[ii]['info'].label
-        result_patch = mask_largest_object(result_acc.iat(ii))
-        object_class = np.unique(result_patch)[1]
-        output_map[labels_map == object_id] = object_class
-        meta.append({'object_id': ii, 'object_class': object_id})
+    # # send patches and mask stacks to object classifier
+    # result_acc, _ = object_classifier.infer(patches_acc, patch_masks_acc)
+    # labels_map = obj_table.interm['label_map']
+    # output_map = np.zeros(labels_map.shape, dtype=labels_map.dtype)
+    # assert labels_map.shape == obj_table.get_label_map().shape
+    # assert labels_map.dtype == obj_table.get_label_map().dtype
+    #
+    # # assign labels to object map:
+    # meta = []
+    # for ii in range(0, len(obj_table.zmask_meta)):
+    #     object_id = obj_table.zmask_meta[ii]['info'].label
+    #     result_patch = mask_largest_object(result_acc.iat(ii))
+    #     object_class = np.unique(result_patch)[1]
+    #     output_map[labels_map == object_id] = object_class
+    #     meta.append({'object_id': ii, 'object_class': object_id})
+    object_class_map = rois.classify_by(patches_channel)
     # TODO: add ZMaskObjectTable method to export object map
     output_path = Path(output_folder_path) / ('obj_classes_' + (fstem + '.tif'))
-        InMemoryDataAccessor(output_map)
+        InMemoryDataAccessor(object_class_map)
     if exports.patches_3d:
-        obj_table.export_3d_patches(
-            Path(output_folder_path) / '3d_patches',
-            fstem,
-            patches_channel,
-            exports.patches_3d
-        )
-        ti.click('export_3d_patches')
+            rois.export_3d_patches(
+                Path(output_folder_path) / '3d_patches',
+                fstem,
+                patches_channel,
+                exports.patches_3d
+            )
+    ti.click('export_3d_patches')
     if exports.patches_2d_for_annotation:
-        obj_table.export_2d_patches_for_annotation(
+        rois.export_2d_patches_for_annotation(
             Path(output_folder_path) / '2d_patches_annotation',
-        ti.click('export_2d_patches_for_annotation')
+    ti.click('export_2d_patches_for_annotation')
     if exports.patches_2d_for_training:
-        obj_table.export_2d_patches_for_training(
+        rois.export_2d_patches_for_training(
             Path(output_folder_path) / '2d_patches_training',
-        ti.click('export_2d_patches_for_training')
+    ti.click('export_2d_patches_for_training')
     if exports.patch_masks:
-        obj_table.export_patch_masks(
+        rois.export_patch_masks(
             Path(output_folder_path) / 'patch_masks',
@@ -387,18 +387,17 @@ def infer_object_map_from_zstack(
     if exports.annotated_z_stack:
-        obj_table.export_annotated_zstack(
+        rois.export_annotated_zstack(
             Path(output_folder_path) / 'patch_masks',
-        ti.click('export_annotated_zstack')
+    ti.click('export_annotated_zstack')
     return {
         'timer_results': ti.events,
-        'dataframe': pd.DataFrame(meta),
+        'dataframe':     rois.df,
         'interm': {},
         'output_path': output_path.__str__(),
diff --git a/extensions/chaeo/zmask.py b/extensions/chaeo/zmask.py
index 67a78334a7cbe754f9fa7d1cf0d3be82ca80ca8c..69e128ef871fcd47ed9e385a6da9e128c38f2a76 100644
--- a/extensions/chaeo/zmask.py
+++ b/extensions/chaeo/zmask.py
@@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
 from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
 from extensions.chaeo.annotators import draw_boxes_on_3d_image
-from extensions.chaeo.products import export_patches_from_zstack, export_multichannel_patches_from_zstack, export_patch_masks_from_zstack
+from extensions.chaeo.products import export_patches_from_zstack, export_multichannel_patches_from_zstack, export_patch_masks_from_zstack, get_patches_from_zmask_meta, get_patch_masks_from_zmask_meta
 from extensions.chaeo.params import RoiFilter, RoiSetExportParams
+from extensions.chaeo.process import mask_largest_object
 from model_server.accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor, InMemoryDataAccessor, write_accessor_data_to_file
+from model_server.models import InstanceSegmentationModel
 class RoiSet(object):
@@ -30,13 +31,11 @@ class RoiSet(object):
-        )  # currently, some methods can add columns to self.df
+        )
         self.acc_raw = acc_raw
         self.count = len(self.zmask_meta)
-    def get_label_map(self):
-        return self.interm.lamap
+        self.object_id_labels = self.interm['label_map']
     def get_argmax(self):
         return self.interm.argmax
@@ -152,19 +151,48 @@ class RoiSet(object):
             projected = self.acc_raw.data.max(axis=-1)
         return projected
-    def classify_by(self, column_name, object_classification_model, patch_basis=True):
-        # add one column to df where each value is an integer
-        pass
+    def get_raw_patches(self, channel):
+        return get_patches_from_zmask_meta(self.acc_raw(channel), self.zmask_meta)
-    def get_raw_patches(self, filters: RoiFilter):
-        pass
+    def get_patch_masks(self):
+        return get_patch_masks_from_zmask_meta(self.acc_raw, self.zmask_meta)
+    def classify_by(self, channel, object_classification_model: InstanceSegmentationModel):
+        # do this on a patch basis, i.e. only one object per frame
+        obmap_patches = object_classification_model.label_instance_class(
+            self.get_raw_patches(channel),
+            self.get_patch_masks()
+        )
-    def get_patch_masks(self, filters: RoiFilter):
+        lamap = self.object_id_labels
+        output_map = np.zeros(lamap.shape, dtype=lamap.dtype)
+        self.df['instance_class'] = np.nan
+        # assign labels to object map:
+        for ii in range(0, self.count):
+            object_id = self.zmask_meta[ii]['info'].label
+            result_patch = mask_largest_object(obmap_patches.iat(ii))
+            object_class = np.unique(result_patch)[1]
+            output_map[self.object_id_labels == object_id] = object_class
+            self.df[object_id, 'instance_class'] = object_class
+        return InMemoryDataAccessor(output_map)
+    # TODO: test
+    def get_object_mask_by_id(self, obj_id):
+        return self.object_id_labels == obj_id
+    def get_object_mask_by_class(self, class_id):
+        return self.object_id_labels == class_id
+    # TODO: implement
+    def get_object_patch_by_id(self, obj_id):
     def get_object_map(self, filters: RoiFilter):
 def build_zmask_from_object_mask(
         obmask: GenericImageDataAccessor,
         zstack: GenericImageDataAccessor,