diff --git a/model_server/czi_util.py b/model_server/czi_util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e97310ab247abbb2cc4e0f696105d40573cea6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model_server/czi_util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import csv
+from pathlib import Path
+import czifile
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from model_server.accessors import InMemoryDataAccessor
+def dump_czi_subblock_table(czif: czifile.CziFile, where: Path):
+    csvfn = Path(where) / 'subblocks.csv'
+    with open(csvfn, 'w', newline='') as csvf:
+        he_shape = ['shape_' + a for a in list(czif.axes)]
+        he_start = ['start_' + a for a in list(czif.axes)]
+        wr = csv.DictWriter(csvf, he_shape + he_start)
+        wr.writeheader()
+        for sb in czif.subblock_directory:
+            shape = dict(zip(['shape_' + a for a in sb.axes], sb.shape))
+            start = dict(zip(['start_' + a for a in sb.axes], sb.start))
+            wr.writerow(shape | start)
+    print(f'Dumped CSV to {csvfn}')
+def dump_czi_metadata(czif: czifile.CziFile, where: Path):
+    xmlfn = Path(where) / 'czi_meta.xml'
+    with open(xmlfn, 'w') as xmlf:
+        xmlf.write(czif.metadata())
+    print(f'Dumped XML to {xmlfn}')
+def get_accessor_from_multiposition_czi(cf: czifile.CziFile, pi: int):
+    # assumes different channels across different subblocks
+    df = pd.DataFrame([dict(zip(sbd.axes, sbd.start)) for sbd in cf.subblock_directory])
+    dfq = df[(df['S'] == pi)]
+    c_arr = dfq['C'].sort_values()
+    nc = len(dfq)
+    # assert that c_arr is sequential and 0-indexed
+    assert list(c_arr) == list(range(0, nc))
+    # assert all other dimensions in dfq are the same
+    assert all(dfq.drop(['C'], axis=1).nunique() == 1)
+    # sbis = list(dfq.index) # subblock indices
+    sbd = cf.subblock_directory
+    df_shapes = pd.DataFrame([dict(zip(sbd[i].axes, sbd[i].shape)) for i in dfq.index])
+    assert all(df_shapes.nunique() == 1)
+    (h, w, nz) = tuple(df_shapes.loc[0, ['Y', 'X', 'Z']])
+    yxcz = np.zeros((h, w, nc, nz), dtype=cf.dtype)
+    # iterate over mono subblocks
+    for i in range(0, len(c_arr)):
+        sbi = c_arr[c_arr == i].index[0]
+        sb = list(cf.subblocks())[sbi]
+        data = sb.data()
+        sd = {ch: sb.shape[sb.axes.index(ch)] for ch in sb.axes}
+        # only non-unit dimensions are Y, X, C, and Z
+        assert len({k: v for k, v in sd.items() if v != 1 and k not in list('YXZ')}) == 0
+        yxz = np.moveaxis(
+            data,
+            [sb.axes.index(k) for k in list('YXZ')],
+            [0, 1, 2]
+        ).squeeze(
+            axis=tuple(range(3, len(sd)))
+        )
+        yxcz[:, :, i, :] = yxz
+    return InMemoryDataAccessor(yxcz)
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