From 5125d44cccc783b94dd4b1f4619b5dd2a6894e46 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christopher Rhodes <>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 14:45:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Prompt user input and compare results of same model before
 and after opening in ilastik

--- | 87 ++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 64 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/extensions/chaeo/examples/ b/extensions/chaeo/examples/
index d79127c3..a02840be 100644
--- a/extensions/chaeo/examples/
+++ b/extensions/chaeo/examples/
@@ -13,9 +13,13 @@ from extensions.ilastik.models import IlastikObjectClassifierFromSegmentationMod
 from model_server.accessors import generate_file_accessor, GenericImageDataAccessor, InMemoryDataAccessor, write_accessor_data_to_file
 class PatchStackObjectClassifier(IlastikObjectClassifierFromSegmentationModel):
+    """
+    Wrap ilastik object classification for inputs comprising raw image and binary segmentation masks, both represented
+    as time-series images where each frame contains only one object.
+    """
-    def make_tczyx(acc):
+    def make_tczyx(acc: GenericImageDataAccessor):
         assert acc.chroma == 1
         tyx = np.moveaxis(
   [:, :, 0, :], # YX(C)Z
@@ -23,7 +27,6 @@ class PatchStackObjectClassifier(IlastikObjectClassifierFromSegmentationModel):
             [0, 1, 2]
         return np.expand_dims(tyx, (1, 2))
-        # return tyx
     def infer(self, input_img: GenericImageDataAccessor, segmentation_img: GenericImageDataAccessor) -> (np.ndarray, dict):
         assert segmentation_img.is_mask()
@@ -39,11 +42,11 @@ class PatchStackObjectClassifier(IlastikObjectClassifierFromSegmentationModel):
-        obmaps =, export_to_array=True) # [z x h x w x n]
+        obmaps =, export_to_array=True)  # [z x h x w x n]
         assert len(obmaps) == 1, 'ilastik generated more than one object map'
-        # for some reason these axes get scrambled to Z(1)YX(1)
+        # for some reason ilastik scrambles these axes to Z(1)YX(1)
         assert obmaps[0].shape == (, 1, input_img.hw[0], input_img.hw[1], 1)
         yxcz = np.moveaxis(
             obmaps[0][:, :, :, :, 0],
@@ -54,7 +57,13 @@ class PatchStackObjectClassifier(IlastikObjectClassifierFromSegmentationModel):
         assert yxcz.shape == input_img.shape
         return InMemoryDataAccessor(data=yxcz), {'success': True}
-def get_dataset_info(h5, lane=0):
+def get_dataset_info(h5: h5py.File, lane : int = 0):
+    """
+    Report out specific datasets in ilastik project file HDF5
+    :param h5: handle to ilastik project file, as h5py.File object
+    :param lane: ilastik lane identifier
+    :return: (dict) selected data values from project file
+    """
     lns = f'{lane:04d}'
     lane = f'Input Data/infos/lane{lns}'
     info = {}
@@ -79,13 +88,22 @@ def get_dataset_info(h5, lane=0):
     return info
-def generate_ilastik_object_classifier(template_ilp, where: str, lane=0):
+def generate_ilastik_object_classifier(template_ilp: str, where: str, stack_name: str = 'train', lane: int = 0):
+    """
+    Starting with a template project file, transfer input data and labels to a duplicate project file.
+    :param template_ilp: absolute path to existing ilastik object classifier to use as a template
+    :param where: location of folder containing input data, segmentation maps, labels, and label descriptions
+    :poram stack_name: prefix of .tif and .csv files that contain classifier training data (e.g. train, test)
+    :param lane: ilastik lane identifier
+    :return: (str) name of new ilastik classifier project file
+    """
     # validate z-stack input data
     root = Path(where)
     paths = {
-        'Raw Data': root / 'zstack_train_raw.tif',
-        'Segmentation Image': root / 'zstack_train_mask.tif',
+        'Raw Data': root / f'zstack_{stack_name}_raw.tif',
+        'Segmentation Image': root / f'zstack_{stack_name}_mask.tif',
     accessors = {k: generate_file_accessor(pa) for k, pa in paths.items()}
@@ -97,9 +115,9 @@ def generate_ilastik_object_classifier(template_ilp, where: str, lane=0):
     nz = accessors['Raw Data'].nz
     # now load CSV
-    csv_path = root / 'train_stack.csv'
+    csv_path = root / f'{stack_name}_stack.csv'
     assert csv_path.exists()
-    df_patches = pd.read_csv(root / 'train_stack.csv')
+    df_patches = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
     assert np.all(
         df_patches['zi'].sort_values().to_numpy() == np.arange(0, nz)
@@ -142,7 +160,6 @@ def generate_ilastik_object_classifier(template_ilp, where: str, lane=0):
         # change object labels
         la_groupname = f'ObjectClassification/LabelInputs/{lns}'
         del h5[la_groupname]
         lag = h5.create_group(la_groupname)
         for zi in range(0, nz):
@@ -151,6 +168,12 @@ def generate_ilastik_object_classifier(template_ilp, where: str, lane=0):
     return new_ilp
 def compare_object_maps(truth: GenericImageDataAccessor, inferred: GenericImageDataAccessor) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    Compare two object maps to assess classification results
+    :param truth: t-stack of truth objects
+    :param inferred: t-stack of inferred objects, presumably with same segmentation boundaries as truth
+    :return: DataFrame comparing results for each frame in truth and inferred stacks
+    """
     assert truth.shape == inferred.shape
     assert np.all(( == 0) == ( == 0))
     assert inferred.chroma == 1
@@ -180,25 +203,43 @@ def compare_object_maps(truth: GenericImageDataAccessor, inferred: GenericImageD
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     root =  Path('c:/Users/rhodes/projects/proj0011-plankton-seg/')
     template_ilp = root / 'exp0014/template_obj.ilp'
-    # template_ilp = root / 'exp0014/test_obj_from_seg.ilp'
-    where_patch_stack = root / 'exp0009/output/labeled_patches-20231016-0002'
+    where_patch_stack = root / 'exp0009/output/labeled_patches-20231018-0000'
+    # auto-populate an object classifier
     new_ilp = generate_ilastik_object_classifier(
+        stack_name='train'
-    train_zstack_raw = generate_file_accessor(where_patch_stack / 'zstack_train_raw.tif')
-    train_zstack_mask = generate_file_accessor(where_patch_stack / 'zstack_train_mask.tif')
+    def infer_and_compare(suffix):
+        # infer object labels from the same data used to train the classifier
+        train_zstack_raw = generate_file_accessor(where_patch_stack / 'zstack_train_raw.tif')
+        train_zstack_mask = generate_file_accessor(where_patch_stack / 'zstack_train_mask.tif')
+        mod = PatchStackObjectClassifier({'project_file': where_patch_stack / new_ilp})
+        result_acc, _ = mod.infer(train_zstack_raw, train_zstack_mask)
+        write_accessor_data_to_file(where_patch_stack / f'zstack_train_result_{suffix}.tif', result_acc)
+        # write comparison tables
+        train_truth_labels = generate_file_accessor(where_patch_stack / f'zstack_train_label.tif')
+        df_comp = compare_object_maps(train_truth_labels, result_acc)
+        df_comp.to_csv(
+            where_patch_stack / autonumber_new_file(
+                where_patch_stack, f'compare_train_result_{suffix}', 'csv'
+            ),
+            index=False
+        )
+        print('Truth and inferred labels match?')
+        print(pd.value_counts(df_comp['truth_label'] == df_comp['inferred_label']))
+    # infer object labels from the same data used to train the classifier
+    infer_and_compare('before')
-    mod = PatchStackObjectClassifier({'project_file': new_ilp})
+    # prompt user input when ilastik file has been modified in-app
+    print(f'Press enter when project file {new_ilp} has been updated in ilastik')
+    input()
-    result_acc, _ = mod.infer(train_zstack_raw, train_zstack_mask)
-    write_accessor_data_to_file(where_patch_stack / 'result.tif', result_acc)
-    print(where_patch_stack / 'result.tif')
+    # repeat inference with the same project file, but a fresh model handle
+    infer_and_compare('after')
-    # write comparison
-    train_labels = generate_file_accessor(where_patch_stack / 'zstack_train_label.tif')
-    df_comp = compare_object_maps(train_labels, result_acc)
-    df_comp.to_csv(where_patch_stack / autonumber_new_file(where_patch_stack, 'comp', 'csv'), index=False)