diff --git a/model_server/base/accessors.py b/model_server/base/accessors.py
index 11f048bb6e6ed35d1523cc1275ef03c408866c52..a9366156bb6a5fcd63267cd3fb6e319d13bfbe37 100644
--- a/model_server/base/accessors.py
+++ b/model_server/base/accessors.py
@@ -49,13 +49,51 @@ class GenericImageDataAccessor(ABC):
             nda = self.data.take(indices=carr, axis=self._ga('C'))
             return self._derived_accessor(nda)
+    def get_zi(self, zi: int):
+        """
+        Return a new accessor of a specific z-coordinate
+        """
+        return self._derived_accessor(
+            self.data.take(
+                indices=[zi],
+                axis=self._ga('Z')
+            )
+        )
+    def get_mip(self):
+        """
+        Return a new accessor of maximum intensity projection (MIP) along z-axis
+        """
+        return self.apply(lambda x: x.max(axis=self._ga('Z'), keepdims=True))
     def get_mono(self, channel: int, mip: bool = False):
         return self.get_channels([channel], mip=mip)
+    def get_z_argmax(self):
+        return self.apply(lambda x: x.argmax(axis=self.get_axis('Z')))
+    def get_focus_vector(self):
+        return self.data.sum(axis=(0, 1, 2))
+    @property
+    def data_xy(self) -> np.ndarray:
+        if not self.chroma == 1 and self.nz == 1:
+            raise InvalidDataShape('Can only return XY array from accessors with a single channel and single z-level')
+        else:
+            return self.data[:, :, 0, 0]
+    @property
+    def data_xyz(self) -> np.ndarray:
+        if not self.chroma == 1:
+            raise InvalidDataShape('Can only return XYZ array from accessors with a single channel')
+        else:
+            return self.data[:, :, 0, :]
     def _gc(self, channels):
         return self.get_channels(list(channels))
-    def _unique(self):
+    def unique(self):
         return np.unique(self.data, return_counts=True)
@@ -75,6 +113,15 @@ class GenericImageDataAccessor(ABC):
     def _ga(self, arg):
         return self.get_axis(arg)
+    def crop_hw(self, yxhw: tuple):
+        """
+        Return subset of data cropped in X and Y
+        :param yxhw: tuple (Y, X, H, W)
+        :return: InMemoryDataAccessor of size (H x W), starting at (Y, X)
+        """
+        y, x, h, w = yxhw
+        return InMemoryDataAccessor(self.data[y: (y + h), x: (x + w), :, :])
     def hw(self):
@@ -120,6 +167,14 @@ class GenericImageDataAccessor(ABC):
+    @property
+    def info(self):
+        return {
+            'shape_dict': self.shape_dict,
+            'dtype': str(self.dtype),
+            'filepath': '',
+        }
 class InMemoryDataAccessor(GenericImageDataAccessor):
     def __init__(self, data):
         self._data = self.conform_data(data)
@@ -139,6 +194,12 @@ class GenericImageFileAccessor(GenericImageDataAccessor): # image data is loaded
     def read(fp: Path):
         return generate_file_accessor(fp)
+    @property
+    def info(self):
+        d = super().info
+        d['filepath'] = self.fpath.__str__()
+        return d
 class TifSingleSeriesFileAccessor(GenericImageFileAccessor):
     def __init__(self, fpath: Path):
@@ -240,7 +301,7 @@ class CziImageFileAccessor(GenericImageFileAccessor):
 def write_accessor_data_to_file(fpath: Path, acc: GenericImageDataAccessor, mkdir=True) -> bool:
-    Export an image accessor to file.
+    Export an image accessor to file
     :param fpath: complete path including filename and extension
     :param acc: image accessor to be written
     :param mkdir: create any needed subdirectories in fpath if True
@@ -287,7 +348,7 @@ def write_accessor_data_to_file(fpath: Path, acc: GenericImageDataAccessor, mkdi
 def generate_file_accessor(fpath):
     Given an image file path, return an image accessor, assuming the file is a supported format and represents
-    a single position array, which may be single or multi-channel, single plane or z-stack.
+    a single position array, which may be single or multichannel, single plane or z-stack.
     if str(fpath).upper().endswith('.TIF') or str(fpath).upper().endswith('.TIFF'):
         return TifSingleSeriesFileAccessor(fpath)
@@ -379,6 +440,11 @@ class PatchStack(InMemoryDataAccessor):
             tifffile.imwrite(fpath, tzcyx, imagej=True)
+    def write(self, fp: Path, mkdir=True):
+        if mkdir:
+            fp.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+        self.export_pyxcz(fp)
     def shape_dict(self):
         return dict(zip(('P', 'Y', 'X', 'C', 'Z'), self.data.shape))
@@ -437,7 +503,6 @@ def make_patch_stack_from_file(fpath):  # interpret t-dimension as patch positio
     return PatchStack(pyxcz)
 class Error(Exception):
diff --git a/model_server/base/process.py b/model_server/base/process.py
index d475b063ca641922e4c08707bdc2bfc36049f9ea..dac347cd8c2e7a43e1ef82c4c00d9d119fdf303b 100644
--- a/model_server/base/process.py
+++ b/model_server/base/process.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def is_mask(img):
         return True
     elif img.dtype == 'uint8':
         unique = np.unique(img)
-        if unique.shape[0] == 2 and np.all(unique == [0, 255]):
+        if unique.shape[0] <= 2 and np.all(unique == [0, 255]):
             return True
     return False
@@ -136,7 +136,14 @@ def smooth(img: np.ndarray, sig: float) -> np.ndarray:
     :param sig: threshold parameter
     :return: smoothed image
-    return gaussian(img, sig)
+    ga = gaussian(img, sig, preserve_range=True)
+    if is_mask(img):
+        if img.dtype == 'bool':
+            return ga > ga.mean()
+        elif img.dtype == 'uint8':
+            return (255 * (ga > ga.mean())).astype('uint8')
+    else:
+        return ga
 class Error(Exception):
diff --git a/model_server/base/roiset.py b/model_server/base/roiset.py
index 2b52d5a3db08ae68cf39ad57fdecd231e791d6ce..4eeda4909fa4e4c813698b0dc315f7c3b2c980e8 100644
--- a/model_server/base/roiset.py
+++ b/model_server/base/roiset.py
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+import itertools
 from math import sqrt, floor
 from pathlib import Path
-import re
-from typing import List, Union
+from typing import Dict, List, Union
+from typing_extensions import Self
 from uuid import uuid4
 import numpy as np
@@ -10,9 +11,9 @@ from pydantic import BaseModel
 from scipy.stats import moment
 from skimage.filters import sobel
-from skimage.measure import label, regionprops_table, shannon_entropy, find_contours
-from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
-from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
+from skimage import draw
+from skimage.measure import approximate_polygon, find_contours, label, points_in_poly, regionprops, regionprops_table, shannon_entropy
+from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation, disk
 from .accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor, InMemoryDataAccessor, write_accessor_data_to_file
 from .models import InstanceSegmentationModel
@@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ class RoiFilter(BaseModel):
 class RoiSetMetaParams(BaseModel):
     filters: Union[RoiFilter, None] = None
     expand_box_by: List[int] = [128, 0]
+    deproject_channel: Union[int, None] = None
 class RoiSetExportParams(BaseModel):
@@ -62,8 +64,7 @@ class RoiSetExportParams(BaseModel):
     derived_channels: bool = False
-def _get_label_ids(acc_seg_mask: GenericImageDataAccessor, allow_3d=False, connect_3d=True) -> InMemoryDataAccessor:
+def get_label_ids(acc_seg_mask: GenericImageDataAccessor, allow_3d=False, connect_3d=True) -> InMemoryDataAccessor:
     Convert binary segmentation mask into either a 2D or 3D object identities map
     :param acc_seg_mask: binary segmentation mask (mono) of either two or three dimensions
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ def _get_label_ids(acc_seg_mask: GenericImageDataAccessor, allow_3d=False, conne
     if allow_3d and connect_3d:
         nda_la = label(
-            acc_seg_mask.data[:, :, 0, :],
+            acc_seg_mask.data_xyz,
         return InMemoryDataAccessor(np.expand_dims(nda_la, 2))
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ def _get_label_ids(acc_seg_mask: GenericImageDataAccessor, allow_3d=False, conne
         la_3d = np.zeros((*acc_seg_mask.hw, 1, acc_seg_mask.nz), dtype='uint16')
         for zi in range(0, acc_seg_mask.nz):
             la_2d = label(
-                acc_seg_mask.data[:, :, 0, zi],
+                acc_seg_mask.data_xyz[:, :, zi],
             la_2d[la_2d > 0] = la_2d[la_2d > 0] + nla
@@ -92,13 +93,13 @@ def _get_label_ids(acc_seg_mask: GenericImageDataAccessor, allow_3d=False, conne
         return InMemoryDataAccessor(
-                acc_seg_mask.data[:, :, 0, :].max(axis=-1),
+                acc_seg_mask.get_mip().data_xy,
-def _focus_metrics():
+def focus_metrics():
     return {
         'max_intensity': lambda x: np.max(x),
         'stdev': lambda x: np.std(x),
@@ -109,7 +110,216 @@ def _focus_metrics():
-def _safe_add(a, g, b):
+def filter_df(df: pd.DataFrame, filters: RoiFilter = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    query_str = 'label > 0'  # always true
+    if filters is not None:  # parse filters
+        for k, val in filters.dict(exclude_unset=True).items():
+            assert k in ('area')
+            vmin = val['min']
+            vmax = val['max']
+            assert vmin >= 0
+            query_str = query_str + f' & {k} > {vmin} & {k} < {vmax}'
+    return df.loc[df.query(query_str).index, :]
+def filter_df_overlap_bbox(df1: pd.DataFrame, df2: pd.DataFrame = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    If passed a single DataFrame, return the subset whose bounding boxes overlap in 3D space.  If passed two DataFrames,
+    return the subset where a ROI in the first overlaps a ROI in the second.  May return duplicates entries where a ROI
+    overlaps with multiple neighbors.
+    :param df1: DataFrame with potentially overlapping bounding boxes
+    :param df2: (optional) second DataFrame
+    :return DataFrame describing subset of overlapping ROIs
+        bbox_overlaps_with: index of ROI that overlaps
+        bbox_intersec: pixel area of intersecting region
+    """
+    def _compare(r0, r1):
+        olx = (r0.x0 < r1.x1) and (r0.x1 > r1.x0)
+        oly = (r0.y0 < r1.y1) and (r0.y1 > r1.y0)
+        olz = (r0.zi == r1.zi)
+        return olx and oly and olz
+    def _intersec(r0, r1):
+        return (r0.x1 - r1.x0) * (r0.y1 - r1.y0)
+    first = []
+    second = []
+    intersec = []
+    if df2 is not None:
+        for pair in itertools.product(df1.index, df2.index):
+            if _compare(df1.iloc[pair[0]], df2.iloc[pair[1]]):
+                first.append(pair[0])
+                second.append(pair[1])
+                intersec.append(
+                    _intersec(df1.iloc[pair[0]], df2.iloc[pair[1]])
+                )
+    else:
+        for pair in itertools.combinations(df1.index, 2):
+            if _compare(df1.iloc[pair[0]], df1.iloc[pair[1]]):
+                first.append(pair[0])
+                second.append(pair[1])
+                first.append(pair[1])
+                second.append(pair[0])
+                isc = _intersec(df1.iloc[pair[0]], df1.iloc[pair[1]])
+                intersec.append(isc)
+                intersec.append(isc)
+    sdf = df1.iloc[first]
+    sdf.loc[:, 'overlaps_with'] = second
+    sdf.loc[:, 'bbox_intersec'] = intersec
+    return sdf
+def filter_df_overlap_seg(df1: pd.DataFrame, df2: pd.DataFrame = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    If passed a single DataFrame, return the subset whose segmentations overlap in 3D space.  If passed two DataFrames,
+    return the subset where a ROI in the first overlaps a ROI in the second.  May return duplicates entries where a ROI
+    overlaps with multiple neighbors.
+    :param df1: DataFrame with potentially overlapping bounding boxes
+    :param df2: (optional) second DataFrame
+    :return DataFrame describing subset of overlapping ROIs
+        seg_overlaps_with: index of ROI that overlaps
+        seg_intersec: pixel area of intersecting region
+        seg_iou: intersection over union
+    """
+    dfbb = filter_df_overlap_bbox(df1, df2)
+    def _overlap_seg(r):
+        roi1 = df1.loc[r.name]
+        if df2 is not None:
+            roi2 = df2.loc[r.overlaps_with]
+        else:
+            roi2 = df1.loc[r.overlaps_with]
+        ex0 = min(roi1.x0, roi2.x0, roi1.x1, roi2.x1)
+        ew = max(roi1.x0, roi2.x0, roi1.x1, roi2.x1) - ex0
+        ey0 = min(roi1.y0, roi2.y0, roi1.y1, roi2.y1)
+        eh = max(roi1.y0, roi2.y0, roi1.y1, roi2.y1) - ey0
+        emask = np.zeros((eh, ew), dtype='uint8')
+        sl1 = np.s_[(roi1.y0 - ey0): (roi1.y1 - ey0), (roi1.x0 - ex0): (roi1.x1 - ex0)]
+        sl2 = np.s_[(roi2.y0 - ey0): (roi2.y1 - ey0), (roi2.x0 - ex0): (roi2.x1 - ex0)]
+        emask[sl1] = roi1.binary_mask
+        emask[sl2] = emask[sl2] + roi2.binary_mask
+        return emask
+    emasks = dfbb.apply(_overlap_seg, axis=1)
+    dfbb['seg_overlaps'] = emasks.apply(lambda x: np.any(x > 1))
+    dfbb['seg_intersec'] = emasks.apply(lambda x: (x == 2).sum())
+    dfbb['seg_iou'] = emasks.apply(lambda x: (x == 2).sum() / (x > 0).sum())
+    return dfbb
+def make_df_from_object_ids(acc_raw, acc_obj_ids, expand_box_by, deproject_channel=None) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    Build dataframe that associate object IDs with summary stats;
+    :param acc_raw: accessor to raw image data
+    :param acc_obj_ids: accessor to map of object IDs
+    :param expand_box_by: number of pixels to expand bounding box in all directions (without exceeding image boundary)
+    :param deproject_channel: if objects' z-coordinates are not specified, compute them based on argmax of this channel
+    :return: pd.DataFrame
+    """
+    # build dataframe of objects, assign z index to each object
+    if acc_obj_ids.nz == 1 and acc_raw.nz > 1:
+        if deproject_channel is None or deproject_channel >= acc_raw.chroma or deproject_channel < 0:
+            if acc_raw.chroma == 1:
+                deproject_channel = 0
+            else:
+                raise NoDeprojectChannelSpecifiedError(
+                    f'When labeling objects, either their z-coordinates or a valid deprojection channel are required.'
+                )
+        acc_raw.get_mono(deproject_channel)
+        zi_map = acc_raw.get_mono(deproject_channel).get_z_argmax().data_xy.astype('uint16')
+        assert len(zi_map.shape) == 2
+        df = pd.DataFrame(regionprops_table(
+            acc_obj_ids.data_xy,
+            intensity_image=zi_map,
+            properties=('label', 'area', 'intensity_mean', 'bbox')
+        )).rename(columns={'bbox-0': 'y0', 'bbox-1': 'x0', 'bbox-2': 'y1', 'bbox-3': 'x1'})
+        df['zi'] = df['intensity_mean'].round().astype('int')
+    else:  # objects' z-coordinates come from arg of max count in object identities map
+        df = pd.DataFrame(regionprops_table(
+            acc_obj_ids.data_xyz,
+            properties=('label', 'area', 'bbox')
+        )).rename(columns={
+            'bbox-0': 'y0', 'bbox-1': 'x0', 'bbox-2': 'z0', 'bbox-3': 'y1', 'bbox-4': 'x1', 'bbox-5': 'z1'
+        })
+        def _get_zi_from_label(la):
+            return acc_obj_ids.apply(lambda x: x == la).get_focus_vector().argmax()
+        df['zi'] = df['label'].apply(_get_zi_from_label)
+    df = df_insert_slices(df, acc_raw.shape_dict, expand_box_by)
+    def _make_binary_mask(r):
+        acc = InMemoryDataAccessor(acc_obj_ids.data == r.label)
+        cropped = acc.get_mono(0, mip=True).crop_hw((r.y0, r.x0, (r.y1 - r.y0), (r.x1 - r.x0))).data_xy
+        return cropped
+    df['binary_mask'] = df.apply(
+        _make_binary_mask,
+        axis=1,
+        result_type='reduce',
+    )
+    return df
+def df_insert_slices(df: pd.DataFrame, sd: dict, expand_box_by) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    h = sd['Y']
+    w = sd['X']
+    nz = sd['Z']
+    df['h'] = df['y1'] - df['y0']
+    df['w'] = df['x1'] - df['x0']
+    ebxy, ebz = expand_box_by
+    df['ebb_y0'] = (df.y0 - ebxy).apply(lambda x: max(x, 0))
+    df['ebb_y1'] = (df.y1 + ebxy).apply(lambda x: min(x, h))
+    df['ebb_x0'] = (df.x0 - ebxy).apply(lambda x: max(x, 0))
+    df['ebb_x1'] = (df.x1 + ebxy).apply(lambda x: min(x, w))
+    df['ebb_z0'] = (df.zi - ebz).apply(lambda x: max(x, 0))
+    df['ebb_z1'] = (df.zi + ebz).apply(lambda x: min(x, nz))
+    df['ebb_h'] = df['ebb_y1'] - df['ebb_y0']
+    df['ebb_w'] = df['ebb_x1'] - df['ebb_x0']
+    df['ebb_nz'] = df['ebb_z1'] - df['ebb_z0'] + 1
+    # compute relative bounding boxes
+    df['rel_y0'] = df.y0 - df.ebb_y0
+    df['rel_y1'] = df.y1 - df.ebb_y0
+    df['rel_x0'] = df.x0 - df.ebb_x0
+    df['rel_x1'] = df.x1 - df.ebb_x0
+    assert np.all(df['rel_x1'] <= (df['ebb_x1'] - df['ebb_x0']))
+    assert np.all(df['rel_y1'] <= (df['ebb_y1'] - df['ebb_y0']))
+    df['slice'] = df.apply(
+        lambda r:
+        np.s_[int(r.y0): int(r.y1), int(r.x0): int(r.x1), :, int(r.zi): int(r.zi + 1)],
+        axis=1,
+        result_type='reduce',
+    )
+    df['expanded_slice'] = df.apply(
+        lambda r:
+        np.s_[int(r.ebb_y0): int(r.ebb_y1), int(r.ebb_x0): int(r.ebb_x1), :, int(r.ebb_z0): int(r.ebb_z1) + 1],
+        axis=1,
+        result_type='reduce',
+    )
+    df['relative_slice'] = df.apply(
+        lambda r:
+        np.s_[int(r.rel_y0): int(r.rel_y1), int(r.rel_x0): int(r.rel_x1), :, :],
+        axis=1,
+        result_type='reduce',
+    )
+    return df
+def safe_add(a, g, b):
     assert a.dtype == b.dtype
     assert a.shape == b.shape
     assert g >= 0.0
@@ -120,45 +330,125 @@ def _safe_add(a, g, b):
+def make_object_ids_from_df(df: pd.DataFrame, sd: dict) -> InMemoryDataAccessor:
+    id_mask = np.zeros((sd['Y'], sd['X'], 1, sd['Z']), dtype='uint16')
+    if 'binary_mask' not in df.columns:
+        raise MissingSegmentationError('RoiSet dataframe does not contain segmentation')
+    def _label_obj(r):
+        sl = np.s_[r.y0:r.y1, r.x0:r.x1, :, r.zi:r.zi + 1]
+        mask = np.expand_dims(r.binary_mask, (2, 3))
+        id_mask[sl] = id_mask[sl] + r.label * mask
+    df.apply(_label_obj, axis=1)
+    return InMemoryDataAccessor(id_mask)
 class RoiSet(object):
     def __init__(
             acc_raw: GenericImageDataAccessor,
-            acc_obj_ids: GenericImageDataAccessor,
+            df: pd.DataFrame,
             params: RoiSetMetaParams = RoiSetMetaParams(),
         A set of regions of interest, referenced by their positions and contours in the YXCZ space of stack acc_raw.
         RoiSet contains their internal state, which may be exported as patches, maps, and other products by export methods.
         :param acc_raw: accessor to a generally a multichannel z-stack
-        :param acc_obj_ids: accessor to a 2D single-channel object identities map, where each pixel's intensity
-            labels its membership in a connected object
+        :param df: dataframe containing at minimum bounding box and segmentation mask information
         :param params: optional arguments that influence the definition and representation of ROIs
-        assert acc_obj_ids.chroma == 1
-        self.acc_obj_ids = acc_obj_ids
         self.acc_raw = acc_raw
         self.accs_derived = []
         self.params = params
-        self._df = self.filter_df(
-            self.make_df(
-                self.acc_raw, self.acc_obj_ids, expand_box_by=params.expand_box_by
-            ),
-            params.filters,
-        )
+        self._df = df
         self.count = len(self._df)
-        self.object_class_maps = {}  # classification results
     def __iter__(self):
         """Expose ROI meta information via the Pandas.DataFrame API"""
         return self._df.itertuples(name='Roi')
-    def from_segmentation(
+    def from_object_ids(
+            acc_raw: GenericImageDataAccessor,
+            acc_obj_ids: GenericImageDataAccessor,
+            params: RoiSetMetaParams = RoiSetMetaParams(),
+    ):
+        """
+        :param acc_raw:
+        :param acc_obj_ids: accessor to a 2D single-channel object identities map, where each pixel's intensity
+            labels its membership in a connected object
+        :param params:
+        :return:
+        """
+        assert acc_obj_ids.chroma == 1
+        df = filter_df(
+            make_df_from_object_ids(
+                acc_raw, acc_obj_ids,
+                expand_box_by=params.expand_box_by,
+                deproject_channel=params.deproject_channel,
+            ),
+            params.filters,
+        )
+        return RoiSet(acc_raw, df, params)
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_bounding_boxes(
+        acc_raw: GenericImageDataAccessor,
+        bbox_yxhw: List[Dict],
+        bbox_zi: Union[List[int], int] = None,
+        params: RoiSetMetaParams = RoiSetMetaParams()
+    ):
+        bbox_df = pd.DataFrame(bbox_yxhw)
+        if list(bbox_df.columns.str.upper().sort_values()) != ['H', 'W', 'X', 'Y']:
+            raise BoundingBoxError(f'Expecting bounding box coordinates Y, X, H, and W, not {list(bbox_df.columns)}')
+        # deproject if zi is not specified
+        if bbox_zi is None:
+            dch = params.deproject_channel
+            if dch is None or dch >= acc_raw.chroma or dch < 0:
+                if acc_raw.chroma == 1:
+                    dch = 0
+                else:
+                    raise NoDeprojectChannelSpecifiedError(
+                        f'When labeling objects, either their z-coordinates or a valid deprojection channel are required.'
+                    )
+            bbox_df['zi'] = acc_raw.get_mono(dch).get_focus_vector().argmax()
+        else:
+            bbox_df['zi'] = bbox_zi
+        bbox_df['y0'] = bbox_df['y']
+        bbox_df['x0'] = bbox_df['x']
+        bbox_df['y1'] = bbox_df['y0'] + bbox_df['h']
+        bbox_df['x1'] = bbox_df['x0'] + bbox_df['w']
+        bbox_df['label'] = bbox_df.index
+        df = df_insert_slices(
+            bbox_df[['y0', 'x0', 'y1', 'x1', 'zi', 'label']],
+            acc_raw.shape_dict,
+            params.expand_box_by,
+        )
+        def _make_binary_mask(r):
+            return np.ones((r.h, r.w), dtype=bool)
+        df['binary_mask'] = df.apply(
+            _make_binary_mask,
+            axis=1,
+            result_type='reduce',
+        )
+        return RoiSet(acc_raw, df, params)
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_binary_mask(
             acc_raw: GenericImageDataAccessor,
             acc_seg: GenericImageDataAccessor,
@@ -169,102 +459,43 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         Create a RoiSet from a binary segmentation mask (either 2D or 3D)
         :param acc_raw: accessor to a generally a multichannel z-stack
         :param acc_seg: accessor of a binary segmentation mask (mono) of either two or three dimensions
-        :param allow_3d: return a 3D map if True; return a 2D map of the mask's maximum intensity project if False
+        :param allow_3d: use a 3D map if True; use a 2D map of the mask's maximum intensity project if False
         :param connect_3d: objects can span multiple z-positions if True; objects are unique to a single z if False
         :param params: optional arguments that influence the definition and representation of ROIs
-        :return: object identities map
-        return RoiSet(acc_raw, _get_label_ids(acc_seg, allow_3d=allow_3d, connect_3d=connect_3d), params)
+        return RoiSet.from_object_ids(
+            acc_raw,
+            get_label_ids(
+                acc_seg,
+                allow_3d=allow_3d,
+                connect_3d=connect_3d
+            ),
+            params
+        )
-    def make_df(acc_raw, acc_obj_ids, expand_box_by) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    def from_polygons_2d(
+            acc_raw,
+            polygons: List[np.ndarray],
+            params: RoiSetMetaParams = RoiSetMetaParams()
+    ):
-        Build dataframe associate object IDs with summary stats
-        :param acc_raw: accessor to raw image data
-        :param acc_obj_ids: accessor to map of object IDs
-        :param expand_box_by: number of pixels to expand bounding box in all directions (without exceeding image boundary)
-        # :param deproject: assign object's z-position based on argmax of raw data if True
-        :return: pd.DataFrame
+        Create a RoiSet where objects are defined from a list of polygon coordinates
+        :param acc_raw: accessor to a generally a multichannel z-stack
+        :param polygons: list of (variable x 2) np.ndarrays describing (x, y) polymer coordinates
+        :param params: optional arguments that influence the definition and representation of ROIs
-        # build dataframe of objects, assign z index to each object
-        if acc_obj_ids.nz == 1:  # deproject objects' z-coordinates from argmax of raw image
-            df = pd.DataFrame(regionprops_table(
-                acc_obj_ids.data[:, :, 0, 0],
-                intensity_image=acc_raw.data.argmax(axis=3, keepdims=True)[:, :, 0, 0].astype('uint16'),
-                properties=('label', 'area', 'intensity_mean', 'bbox', 'centroid')
-            )).rename(columns={'bbox-0': 'y0', 'bbox-1': 'x0', 'bbox-2': 'y1', 'bbox-3': 'x1'})
-            df['zi'] = df['intensity_mean'].round().astype('int')
-        else:  # objects' z-coordinates come from arg of max count in object identities map
-            df = pd.DataFrame(regionprops_table(
-                acc_obj_ids.data[:, :, 0, :],
-                properties=('label', 'area', 'bbox', 'centroid')
-            )).rename(columns={
-                'bbox-0': 'y0', 'bbox-1': 'x0', 'bbox-2': 'z0', 'bbox-3': 'y1', 'bbox-4': 'x1', 'bbox-5': 'z1'
-            })
-            df['zi'] = df['label'].apply(lambda x: (acc_obj_ids.data == x).sum(axis=(0, 1, 2)).argmax())
-        # compute expanded bounding boxes
-        h, w, c, nz = acc_raw.shape
-        df['h'] = df['y1'] - df['y0']
-        df['w'] = df['x1'] - df['x0']
-        ebxy, ebz = expand_box_by
-        df['ebb_y0'] = (df.y0 - ebxy).apply(lambda x: max(x, 0))
-        df['ebb_y1'] = (df.y1 + ebxy).apply(lambda x: min(x, h))
-        df['ebb_x0'] = (df.x0 - ebxy).apply(lambda x: max(x, 0))
-        df['ebb_x1'] = (df.x1 + ebxy).apply(lambda x: min(x, w))
-        df['ebb_z0'] = (df.zi - ebz).apply(lambda x: max(x, 0))
-        df['ebb_z1'] = (df.zi + ebz).apply(lambda x: min(x, nz))
-        df['ebb_h'] = df['ebb_y1'] - df['ebb_y0']
-        df['ebb_w'] = df['ebb_x1'] - df['ebb_x0']
-        df['ebb_nz'] = df['ebb_z1'] - df['ebb_z0'] + 1
-        # compute relative bounding boxes
-        df['rel_y0'] = df.y0 - df.ebb_y0
-        df['rel_y1'] = df.y1 - df.ebb_y0
-        df['rel_x0'] = df.x0 - df.ebb_x0
-        df['rel_x1'] = df.x1 - df.ebb_x0
-        assert np.all(df['rel_x1'] <= (df['ebb_x1'] - df['ebb_x0']))
-        assert np.all(df['rel_y1'] <= (df['ebb_y1'] - df['ebb_y0']))
-        df['slice'] = df.apply(
-            lambda r:
-            np.s_[int(r.y0): int(r.y1), int(r.x0): int(r.x1), :, int(r.zi): int(r.zi + 1)],
-            axis=1,
-            result_type='reduce',
-        )
-        df['expanded_slice'] = df.apply(
-            lambda r:
-            np.s_[int(r.ebb_y0): int(r.ebb_y1), int(r.ebb_x0): int(r.ebb_x1), :, int(r.ebb_z0): int(r.ebb_z1) + 1],
-            axis=1,
-            result_type='reduce',
-        )
-        df['relative_slice'] = df.apply(
-            lambda r:
-            np.s_[int(r.rel_y0): int(r.rel_y1), int(r.rel_x0): int(r.rel_x1), :, :],
-            axis=1,
-            result_type='reduce',
-        )
-        df['binary_mask'] = df.apply(
-            lambda r: (acc_obj_ids.data == r.label).max(axis=-1)[r.y0: r.y1, r.x0: r.x1, 0],
-            axis=1,
-            result_type='reduce',
+        mask = np.zeros(acc_raw.get_mono(0, mip=True).shape, dtype=bool)
+        for p in polygons:
+            sl = draw.polygon(p[:, 1], p[:, 0])
+            mask[sl] = True
+        return RoiSet.from_binary_mask(
+            acc_raw,
+            InMemoryDataAccessor(mask),
+            allow_3d=False,
+            connect_3d=False,
+            params=params,
-        return df
-    @staticmethod
-    def filter_df(df: pd.DataFrame, filters: RoiFilter = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
-        query_str = 'label > 0'  # always true
-        if filters is not None:  # parse filters
-            for k, val in filters.dict(exclude_unset=True).items():
-                assert k in ('area')
-                vmin = val['min']
-                vmax = val['max']
-                assert vmin >= 0
-                query_str = query_str + f' & {k} > {vmin} & {k} < {vmax}'
-        return df.loc[df.query(query_str).index, :]
     def get_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
         return self._df
@@ -275,19 +506,6 @@ class RoiSet(object):
     def add_df_col(self, name, se: pd.Series) -> None:
         self._df[name] = se
-    def get_multichannel_projection(self):
-        if self.count:
-            projected = project_stack_from_focal_points(
-                self._df['centroid-0'].to_numpy(),
-                self._df['centroid-1'].to_numpy(),
-                self._df['zi'].to_numpy(),
-                self.acc_raw,
-                degree=4,
-            )
-        else:  # else just return MIP
-            projected = self.acc_raw.data.max(axis=-1)
-        return projected
     def get_patches_acc(self, channels: list = None, **kwargs) -> PatchStack:  # padded, un-annotated 2d patches
         if channels and len(channels) == 1:
             patches_df = self.get_patches(white_channel=channels[0], **kwargs)
@@ -301,7 +519,7 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         write_accessor_data_to_file(fp, annotated)
         return (prefix + '.tif')
-    def get_zmask(self, mask_type='boxes'):
+    def get_zmask(self, mask_type='boxes') -> np.ndarray:
         Return a mask of same dimensionality as raw data
@@ -352,7 +570,7 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         :param channels: list of nc raw input channels to send to classifier
         :param object_classification_model: InstanceSegmentation model object
         :param derived_channel_functions: list of functions that each receive a PatchStack accessor with nc channels and
-            return a single-channel PatchStack accessor of the same shape
+            that return a single-channel PatchStack accessor of the same shape
         :return: None
@@ -385,26 +603,67 @@ class RoiSet(object):
             self.get_patch_masks_acc(expanded=False, pad_to=None)
-        om = np.zeros(self.acc_obj_ids.shape, self.acc_obj_ids.dtype)
+        se = pd.Series(dtype='Int64', index=self._df.index)
-        self._df['classify_by_' + name] = pd.Series(dtype='Int64')
-        # assign labels to object map:
         for i, roi in enumerate(self):
             oc = np.unique(
-            self._df.loc[roi.Index, 'classify_by_' + name] = oc
-            om[self.acc_obj_ids.data == roi.label] = oc
-        self.object_class_maps[name] = InMemoryDataAccessor(om)
+            se[roi.Index] = oc
+        self.set_classification(f'classify_by_{name}', se)
-    def export_dataframe(self, csv_path: Path) -> str:
-        csv_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-        self._df.drop(['expanded_slice', 'slice', 'relative_slice', 'binary_mask'], axis=1).to_csv(csv_path, index=False)
-        return csv_path.name
+    def get_instance_classification(self, roiset_from: Self, iou_min: float = 0.5) -> pd.DataFrame:
+        """
+        Transfer instance classification labels from another RoiSet based on intersection over union (IOU) similarity
+        :param roiset_from: RoiSet source of classification labels, same shape as this RoiSet
+        :param iou_min: threshold IOU below which a label is not transferred
+        :return DataFrame of source RoiSet, including overlaps with this RoiSet and IOU metric
+        """
+        if self.acc_raw.shape != roiset_from.acc_raw.shape:
+            raise ShapeMismatchError(
+                f'Expecting two RoiSets of same shape: {self.acc_raw.shape} != {roiset_from.acc_raw.shape}')
+        columns = [f'classify_by_{c}' for c in roiset_from.classification_columns]
+        if len(columns) == 0:
+            raise MissingInstanceLabelsError('Expecting at least on instance classification channel but none found')
+        df_overlaps = filter_df_overlap_seg(
+            roiset_from.get_df(),
+            self.get_df()
+        )
+        df_overlaps['transfer'] = df_overlaps.seg_iou > iou_min
+        df_merge = pd.merge(
+            roiset_from.get_df()[columns],
+            df_overlaps.loc[df_overlaps.transfer, ['overlaps_with']],
+            left_index=True,
+            right_index=True,
+            how='inner',
+        ).set_index('overlaps_with')
+        for col in columns:
+            self.set_classification(col, df_merge[col])
+        return df_overlaps
+    def get_object_class_map(self, name: str) -> InMemoryDataAccessor:
+        """
+        For a given classification result, return a map where object IDs are replaced by each object's class
+        :param name: name of the classification result, same as passed to RoiSet.classify_by()
+        :return: accessor of object class map
+        """
+        colname = ('classify_by_' + name)
+        assert colname in self._df.columns
+        obj_ids = self.acc_obj_ids
+        om = np.zeros(obj_ids.shape, obj_ids.dtype)
+        def _label_object_class(roi):
+            om[self.acc_obj_ids.data == roi.label] = roi[colname]
+        self._df.apply(_label_object_class, axis=1)
+        return InMemoryDataAccessor(om)
     def export_patch_masks(self, where: Path, pad_to: int = None, prefix='mask', expanded=False) -> pd.DataFrame:
@@ -446,15 +705,13 @@ class RoiSet(object):
                 patch = np.zeros((roi.ebb_h, roi.ebb_w, 1, 1), dtype='uint8')
                 patch[roi.relative_slice][:, :, 0, 0] = roi.binary_mask * 255
-                patch = np.zeros((roi.y1 - roi.y0, roi.x1 - roi.x0, 1, 1), dtype='uint8')
-                patch[:, :, 0, 0] = roi.binary_mask * 255
+                patch = (roi.binary_mask * 255).astype('uint8')
             if pad_to:
                 patch = pad(patch, pad_to)
-            return patch
+            return np.expand_dims(patch, (2, 3))
         dfe = self._df.copy()
-        dfe['patch_mask'] = dfe.apply(lambda r: _make_patch_mask(r), axis=1)
+        dfe['patch_mask'] = dfe.apply(_make_patch_mask, axis=1)
         return dfe
     def get_patch_masks_acc(self, **kwargs) -> PatchStack:
@@ -482,7 +739,8 @@ class RoiSet(object):
             if white_channel:
                 assert white_channel < raw.chroma
-                stack = raw.data[:, :, [white_channel, white_channel, white_channel], :]
+                mono = raw.get_mono(white_channel).data_xyz
+                stack = np.stack([mono, mono, mono], axis=2)
                 stack = np.zeros([*raw.shape[0:2], 3, raw.shape[3]], dtype=raw.dtype)
@@ -491,10 +749,10 @@ class RoiSet(object):
                 assert isinstance(ci, int)
                 assert ci < raw.chroma
-                stack[:, :, ii, :] = _safe_add(
+                stack[:, :, ii, :] = safe_add(
                     stack[:, :, ii, :],  # either black or grayscale channel
-                    raw.data[:, :, ci, :]
+                    raw.get_mono(ci).data_xyz
             if white_channel is not None:  # interpret as just a single channel
@@ -509,9 +767,10 @@ class RoiSet(object):
                         annotate_rgb = True
                 if annotate_rgb:  # make RGB patches anyway to include annotation color
-                    stack = raw.data[:, :, [white_channel, white_channel, white_channel], :]
+                    mono = raw.get_mono(white_channel).data_xyz
+                    stack = np.stack([mono, mono, mono], axis=2)
                 else:  # make monochrome patches
-                    stack = raw.data[:, :, [white_channel], :]
+                    stack = raw.get_mono(white_channel).data
             elif kwargs.get('channels'):
                 stack = raw.get_channels(kwargs['channels']).data
@@ -533,7 +792,7 @@ class RoiSet(object):
             # make a 2d patch, find optimal z-position determined by focus_metric function on each channel separately
             elif focus_metric is not None:
-                foc = _focus_metrics()[focus_metric]
+                foc = focus_metrics()[focus_metric]
                 patch = np.zeros([ph, pw, pc, 1], dtype=patch3d.dtype)
@@ -593,6 +852,22 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         dfe['patch'] = dfe.apply(lambda r: _make_patch(r), axis=1)
         return dfe
+    @property
+    def classification_columns(self):
+        """
+        Return list of columns that describe instance classification results
+        """
+        pr = 'classify_by_'
+        return [c.split(pr)[1] for c in self._df.columns if c.startswith(pr)]
+    def set_classification(self, colname: str, se: pd.Series):
+        """
+        Set instance classification result as a column addition on dataframe
+        :param colname: name of classification result
+        :param se: series containing class information
+        """
+        self._df[colname] = se
     def run_exports(self, where: Path, channel, prefix, params: RoiSetExportParams) -> dict:
         Export various representations of ROIs, e.g. patches, annotated stacks, and object maps.
@@ -633,10 +908,10 @@ class RoiSet(object):
             if k == 'annotated_zstacks':
                 record[k] = str(Path(k) / self.export_annotated_zstack(subdir, prefix=pr, **kp))
             if k == 'object_classes':
-                for kc, acc in self.object_class_maps.items():
-                    fp = subdir / kc / (pr + '.tif')
-                    write_accessor_data_to_file(fp, acc)
-                    record[f'{k}_{kc}'] = str(fp)
+                for n in self.classification_columns:
+                    fp = subdir / n / (pr + '.tif')
+                    write_accessor_data_to_file(fp, self.get_object_class_map(n))
+                    record[f'{k}_{n}'] = str(fp)
             if k == 'derived_channels':
                 record[k] = []
                 for di, dacc in enumerate(self.accs_derived):
@@ -650,7 +925,7 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         return record
-    def serialize(self, where: Path, prefix='') -> dict:
+    def serialize(self, where: Path, prefix='roiset') -> dict:
         Export the minimal information needed to recreate RoiSet object, i.e. CSV data file and tight patch masks
         :param where: path of directory in which to write files
@@ -658,94 +933,136 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         :return: nested dict of Path objects describing the locations of export products
         record = {}
-        df_exp = self.export_patch_masks(
-            where / 'tight_patch_masks',
-            prefix=prefix,
-            pad_to=None,
-            expanded=False
-        )
-        se_pa = df_exp.patch_mask_path.apply(
-            lambda x: str(Path('tight_patch_masks') / x)
-        ).rename('tight_patch_masks_path')
-        self._df = self._df.join(se_pa)
-        df_fn = self.export_dataframe(where / 'dataframe' / (prefix + '.csv'))
-        record['dataframe'] = str(Path('dataframe') / df_fn)
-        record['tight_patch_masks'] = list(se_pa)
+        if not self._df.binary_mask.apply(lambda x: np.all(x)).all():  # binary masks aren't just all True
+            df_exp = self.export_patch_masks(
+                where / 'tight_patch_masks',
+                prefix=prefix,
+                pad_to=None,
+                expanded=False
+            )
+            # record patch masks paths to dataframe, then save static columns to CSV
+            se_pa = df_exp.patch_mask_path.apply(
+                lambda x: str(Path('tight_patch_masks') / x)
+            ).rename('tight_patch_masks_path')
+            self._df = self._df.join(se_pa)
+            record['tight_patch_masks'] = list(se_pa)
+        csv_path = where / 'dataframe' / (prefix + '.csv')
+        csv_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+        self._df.drop(
+            ['expanded_slice', 'slice', 'relative_slice', 'binary_mask'],
+            axis=1
+        ).to_csv(csv_path, index=False)
+        record['dataframe'] = str(Path('dataframe') / csv_path.name)
         return record
+    def get_polygons(self, poly_threshold=0, dilation_radius=1) -> pd.DataFrame:
+        self.coordinates_ = """
+        Fit polygons to all object boundaries in the RoiSet
+        :param poly_threshold: threshold distance for polygon fit; a smaller number follows sharp features more closely
+        :param dilation_radius: radius of binary dilation to apply before fitting polygon
+        :return: Series of (variable x 2) np.ndarrays describing (x, y) polymer coordinates
+        """
+        pad_to = 1
+        def _poly_from_mask(roi):
+            mask = roi.binary_mask
+            if len(mask.shape) != 2:
+                raise PatchMaskShapeError(f'Patch mask needs to be two dimensions to fit a polygon')
+            # label and fill holes
+            labeled = label(mask)
+            filled = [rp.image_filled for rp in regionprops(labeled)]
+            assert (np.unique(labeled)[-1] == 1) and (len(filled) == 1), 'Cannot fit multiple polygons in a single patch mask'
+            closed = binary_dilation(filled[0], footprint=disk(dilation_radius))
+            padded = np.pad(closed, pad_to) * 1.0
+            all_contours = find_contours(padded)
+            nc = len(all_contours)
+            for j in range(0, nc):
+                if all([points_in_poly(all_contours[k], all_contours[j]).all() for k in range(0, nc)]):
+                    contour = all_contours[j]
+                    break
+            rel_polygon = approximate_polygon(contour[:, [1, 0]], poly_threshold) - [pad_to, pad_to]
+            return rel_polygon + [roi.x0, roi.y0]
+        return self._df.apply(_poly_from_mask, axis=1)
+    @property
+    def acc_obj_ids(self):
+        return make_object_ids_from_df(self._df, self.acc_raw.shape_dict)
-    def deserialize(acc_raw: GenericImageDataAccessor, where: Path, prefix=''):
+    def deserialize(acc_raw: GenericImageDataAccessor, where: Path, prefix='roiset') -> Self:
+        """
+        Create an RoiSet object from saved files and an image accessor
+        :param acc_raw: accessor to image that contains ROIs
+        :param where: path to directory containing RoiSet serialization files, namely dataframe.csv and a subdirectory
+            named tight_patch_masks
+        :param prefix: starting prefix of patch mask filenames
+        :return: RoiSet object
+        """
         df = pd.read_csv(where / 'dataframe' / (prefix + '.csv'))[['label', 'zi', 'y0', 'y1', 'x0', 'x1']]
-        id_mask = np.zeros((*acc_raw.hw, 1, acc_raw.nz), dtype='uint16')
-        def _label_obj(r):
-            sl = np.s_[r.y0:r.y1, r.x0:r.x1, :, r.zi:r.zi + 1]
-            ext = 'png'
-            fname = f'{prefix}-la{r.label:04d}-zi{r.zi:04d}.{ext}'
-            try:
-                ma_acc = generate_file_accessor(where / 'tight_patch_masks' / fname)
-                bool_mask = ma_acc.data / np.iinfo(ma_acc.data.dtype).max
-                id_mask[sl] = id_mask[sl] + r.label * bool_mask
-            except Exception as e:
-                raise DeserializeRoiSet(e)
-        df.apply(_label_obj, axis=1)
-        return RoiSet(acc_raw, InMemoryDataAccessor(id_mask))
-def project_stack_from_focal_points(
-        xx: np.ndarray,
-        yy: np.ndarray,
-        zz: np.ndarray,
-        stack: GenericImageDataAccessor,
-        degree: int = 2,
-) -> np.ndarray:
-    """
-    Given a set of 3D points, project a multichannel z-stack based on a surface fit of the provided points
-    :param xx: vector of point x-coordinates
-    :param yy: vector of point y-coordinates
-    :param zz: vector of point z-coordinates
-    :param stack: z-stack to project
-    :param degree: order of polynomial to fit
-    :return: multichannel 2d projected image array
-    """
-    assert xx.shape == yy.shape
-    assert xx.shape == zz.shape
-    poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=degree)
-    X = np.stack([xx, yy]).T
-    features = poly.fit_transform(X, zz)
-    model = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False)
-    model.fit(features, zz)
-    xy_indices = np.indices(stack.hw).reshape(2, -1).T
-    xy_features = np.dot(
-        poly.fit_transform(xy_indices, zz),
-        model.coef_
-    )
-    zi_image = xy_features.reshape(
-        stack.hw
-    ).round().clip(
-        0, (stack.nz - 1)
-    ).astype('uint16')
-    return np.take_along_axis(
-        stack.data,
-        np.repeat(
-            np.expand_dims(zi_image, (2, 3)),
-            stack.chroma,
-            axis=2
-        ),
-        axis=3
-    )
+        pa_masks = where / 'tight_patch_masks'
+        if pa_masks.exists():  # import segmentation masks
+            def _read_binary_mask(r):
+                ext = 'png'
+                fname = f'{prefix}-la{r.label:04d}-zi{r.zi:04d}.{ext}'
+                try:
+                    ma_acc = generate_file_accessor(pa_masks / fname)
+                    assert ma_acc.chroma == 1 and ma_acc.nz == 1
+                    mask_data = ma_acc.data_xy / np.iinfo(ma_acc.data.dtype).max
+                    return mask_data
+                except Exception as e:
+                    raise DeserializeRoiSet(e)
+            df['binary_mask'] = df.apply(_read_binary_mask, axis=1)
+            id_mask = make_object_ids_from_df(df, acc_raw.shape_dict)
+            return RoiSet.from_object_ids(acc_raw, id_mask)
+        else:  # assume bounding boxes only
+            df['y'] = df['y0']
+            df['x'] = df['x0']
+            df['h'] = df['y1'] - df['y0']
+            df['w'] = df['x1'] - df['x0']
+            return RoiSet.from_bounding_boxes(
+                acc_raw,
+                df[['y', 'x', 'h', 'w']].to_dict(orient='records'),
+                list(df['zi'])
+            )
 class Error(Exception):
+class BoundingBoxError(Error):
+    pass
 class DeserializeRoiSet(Error):
+class NoDeprojectChannelSpecifiedError(Error):
+    pass
 class DerivedChannelError(Error):
+    pass
+class MissingSegmentationError(Error):
+    pass
+class PatchMaskShapeError(Error):
+    pass
+class ShapeMismatchError(Error):
+    pass
+class MissingInstanceLabelsError(Error):
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/model_server/base/util.py b/model_server/base/util.py
index 9b95edca73fbef1e831d4e423e7a30bc82ad5907..81736d485cd322d9ee42af0dcc6d77604314e154 100644
--- a/model_server/base/util.py
+++ b/model_server/base/util.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import pandas as pd
 from .accessors import InMemoryDataAccessor, write_accessor_data_to_file
 from .models import Model
+from .roiset import filter_df_overlap_seg, RoiSet
 def autonumber_new_directory(where: str, prefix: str) -> str:
@@ -163,4 +164,4 @@ def loop_workflow(
     if len(failures) > 0:
-        pd.DataFrame(failures).to_csv(Path(output_folder_path) / 'failures.csv')
+        pd.DataFrame(failures).to_csv(Path(output_folder_path) / 'failures.csv')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/base/test_accessors.py b/tests/base/test_accessors.py
index a8a879f28ba238f62cfa70029d44672ed4477a3a..9bb3b7a8c5a50a4f9aedc1818df3febc2590eaa3 100644
--- a/tests/base/test_accessors.py
+++ b/tests/base/test_accessors.py
@@ -61,6 +61,52 @@ class TestCziImageFileAccess(unittest.TestCase):
         sc = cf.get_mono(c, mip=True)
         self.assertEqual(sc.shape, (h, w, 1, 1))
+    def test_get_single_channel_argmax_from_zstack(self):
+        w = 256
+        h = 512
+        nc = 4
+        nz = 11
+        c = 3
+        cf = InMemoryDataAccessor(np.random.rand(h, w, nc, nz))
+        am = cf.get_mono(c).get_z_argmax()
+        self.assertEqual(am.shape, (h, w, 1, 1))
+        self.assertTrue(np.all(am.unique()[0] == range(0, nz)))
+    def test_get_single_channel_z_series_from_zstack(self):
+        w = 256
+        h = 512
+        nc = 4
+        nz = 11
+        c = 3
+        cf = InMemoryDataAccessor(np.random.rand(h, w, nc, nz))
+        zs = cf.get_mono(c).get_focus_vector()
+        self.assertEqual(zs.shape, (nz, ))
+    def test_get_zi(self):
+        w = 256
+        h = 512
+        nc = 4
+        nz = 11
+        zi = 5
+        cf = InMemoryDataAccessor(_random_int(h, w, nc, nz))
+        sz = cf.get_zi(zi)
+        self.assertEqual(sz.shape_dict['Z'], 1)
+        self.assertTrue(np.all(sz.data[:, :, :, 0] == cf.data[:, :, :, zi]))
+    def test_crop_yx(self):
+        w = 256
+        h = 512
+        nc = 4
+        nz = 11
+        cf = InMemoryDataAccessor(_random_int(h, w, nc, nz))
+        yxhw = (100, 200, 10, 20)
+        sc = cf.crop_hw(yxhw)
+        self.assertEqual(sc.shape_dict['Z'], nz)
+        self.assertEqual(sc.shape_dict['C'], nc)
+        self.assertEqual(sc.hw, yxhw[2:])
     def test_write_single_channel_tif(self):
         ch = 4
         cf = CziImageFileAccessor(data['czifile']['path'])
diff --git a/tests/base/test_roiset.py b/tests/base/test_roiset.py
index f993d2a00ba233b16a4d35d4a1a917cd27c5f98c..93e96df72b99640c418ece38cbb467fb0aeace92 100644
--- a/tests/base/test_roiset.py
+++ b/tests/base/test_roiset.py
@@ -6,16 +6,19 @@ from pathlib import Path
 import pandas as pd
-from model_server.base.roiset import RoiSetExportParams, RoiSetMetaParams
+from model_server.base.roiset import filter_df_overlap_bbox, filter_df_overlap_seg, RoiSetExportParams, RoiSetMetaParams
 from model_server.base.roiset import RoiSet
 from model_server.base.accessors import generate_file_accessor, InMemoryDataAccessor, write_accessor_data_to_file, PatchStack
 from model_server.base.models import DummyInstanceSegmentationModel
+from model_server.base.process import smooth
 import model_server.conf.testing as conf
 data = conf.meta['image_files']
 output_path = conf.meta['output_path']
 params = conf.meta['roiset']
 class BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts(object):
     def setUp(self) -> None:
@@ -28,7 +31,7 @@ class BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts(object):
 class TestRoiSetMonoProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
     def _make_roi_set(self, mask_type='boxes', **kwargs):
-        roiset = RoiSet.from_segmentation(
+        roiset = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(
@@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ class TestRoiSetMonoProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
         acc_zstack_slice = InMemoryDataAccessor(self.stack_ch_pa.data[:, :, :, 0])
         self.assertEqual(acc_zstack_slice.nz, 1)
-        roiset = RoiSet.from_segmentation(acc_zstack_slice, self.seg_mask, params=RoiSetMetaParams(mask_type='boxes'))
+        roiset = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(acc_zstack_slice, self.seg_mask, params=RoiSetMetaParams(mask_type='boxes'))
         zmask = roiset.get_zmask()
         zmask_acc = InMemoryDataAccessor(zmask)
@@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ class TestRoiSetMonoProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
     def test_create_roiset_with_no_objects(self):
         zero_obmap = InMemoryDataAccessor(np.zeros(self.seg_mask.shape, self.seg_mask.dtype))
-        roiset = RoiSet(self.stack_ch_pa, zero_obmap)
+        roiset = RoiSet.from_object_ids(self.stack_ch_pa, zero_obmap)
         self.assertEqual(roiset.count, 0)
     def test_slices_are_valid(self):
@@ -162,26 +165,6 @@ class TestRoiSetMonoProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
         result = generate_file_accessor(where / file)
         self.assertEqual(result.shape, roiset.acc_raw.shape)
-    def test_flatten_image(self):
-        roiset = RoiSet.from_segmentation(self.stack_ch_pa, self.seg_mask, params=RoiSetMetaParams(mask_type='boxes'))
-        df = roiset.get_df()
-        from model_server.base.roiset import project_stack_from_focal_points
-        img = project_stack_from_focal_points(
-            df['centroid-0'].to_numpy(),
-            df['centroid-1'].to_numpy(),
-            df['zi'].to_numpy(),
-            self.stack,
-            degree=4,
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(img.shape[0:2], self.stack.shape[0:2])
-        write_accessor_data_to_file(
-            output_path / 'flattened.tif',
-            InMemoryDataAccessor(img)
-        )
     def test_make_binary_masks(self):
         roiset = self._make_roi_set()
@@ -200,26 +183,51 @@ class TestRoiSetMonoProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
         roiset = self._make_roi_set()
         roiset.classify_by('dummy_class', [0], DummyInstanceSegmentationModel())
         self.assertTrue(all(roiset.get_df()['classify_by_dummy_class'].unique() == [1]))
-        self.assertTrue(all(np.unique(roiset.object_class_maps['dummy_class'].data) == [0, 1]))
+        self.assertTrue(all(np.unique(roiset.get_object_class_map('dummy_class').data) == [0, 1]))
         return roiset
     def test_classify_by_multiple_channels(self):
-        roiset = RoiSet.from_segmentation(self.stack, self.seg_mask)
+        roiset = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(self.stack, self.seg_mask, params=RoiSetMetaParams(deproject_channel=0))
         roiset.classify_by('dummy_class', [0, 1], DummyInstanceSegmentationModel())
         self.assertTrue(all(roiset.get_df()['classify_by_dummy_class'].unique() == [1]))
-        self.assertTrue(all(np.unique(roiset.object_class_maps['dummy_class'].data) == [0, 1]))
+        self.assertTrue(all(np.unique(roiset.get_object_class_map('dummy_class').data) == [0, 1]))
         return roiset
+    def test_transfer_classification(self):
+        roiset1 = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(self.stack, self.seg_mask, params=RoiSetMetaParams(deproject_channel=0))
+        # prepare alternative mask and compare
+        smoothed_mask = self.seg_mask.apply(lambda x: smooth(x, sig=1.5))
+        roiset2 = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(self.stack, smoothed_mask, params=RoiSetMetaParams(deproject_channel=0))
+        dmask = (self.seg_mask.data / 255) + (smoothed_mask.data / 255)
+        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.unique(dmask) == [0, 1, 2]))
+        total_iou = (dmask == 2).sum() / ((dmask == 1).sum() + (dmask == 2).sum())
+        self.assertGreater(total_iou, 0.6)
+        # classify first RoiSet
+        roiset1.classify_by('dummy_class', [0, 1], DummyInstanceSegmentationModel())
+        self.assertTrue('dummy_class' in roiset1.classification_columns)
+        self.assertFalse('dummy_class' in roiset2.classification_columns)
+        res = roiset2.get_instance_classification(roiset1)
+        self.assertTrue('dummy_class' in roiset2.classification_columns)
+        self.assertLess(
+            roiset2.get_df().classify_by_dummy_class.count(),
+            roiset1.get_df().classify_by_dummy_class.count(),
+        )
     def test_classify_by_with_derived_channel(self):
         class ModelWithDerivedInputs(DummyInstanceSegmentationModel):
             def infer(self, img, mask):
                 return PatchStack(super().infer(img, mask).data * img.chroma)
-        roiset = RoiSet.from_segmentation(
+        roiset = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(
                 filters={'area': {'min': 1e3, 'max': 1e4}},
+                deproject_channel=0,
@@ -232,7 +240,7 @@ class TestRoiSetMonoProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertTrue(all(roiset.get_df()['classify_by_multiple_input_model'].unique() == [4]))
-        self.assertTrue(all(np.unique(roiset.object_class_maps['multiple_input_model'].data) == [0, 4]))
+        self.assertTrue(all(np.unique(roiset.get_object_class_map('multiple_input_model').data) == [0, 4]))
         self.assertEqual(len(roiset.accs_derived), 2)
         for di in roiset.accs_derived:
@@ -281,13 +289,14 @@ class TestRoiSetMultichannelProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCa
     def setUp(self) -> None:
-        self.roiset = RoiSet.from_segmentation(
+        self.roiset = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(
                 expand_box_by=(128, 2),
                 filters={'area': {'min': 1e3, 'max': 1e4}},
+                deproject_channel=0,
@@ -520,7 +529,7 @@ class TestRoiSetMultichannelProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCa
             self.assertEqual(pacc.chroma, 1)
-from model_server.base.roiset import _get_label_ids
+from model_server.base.roiset import get_label_ids
 class TestRoiSetSerialization(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self) -> None:
@@ -528,6 +537,7 @@ class TestRoiSetSerialization(unittest.TestCase):
         self.stack = generate_file_accessor(data['multichannel_zstack_raw']['path'])
         self.stack_ch_pa = self.stack.get_mono(params['segmentation_channel'])
         self.seg_mask_3d = generate_file_accessor(data['multichannel_zstack_mask3d']['path'])
+        self.seg_mask_2d = generate_file_accessor(data['multichannel_zstack_raw']['path'])
     def _label_is_2d(id_map, la):  # single label's zmask has same counts as its MIP
@@ -536,22 +546,22 @@ class TestRoiSetSerialization(unittest.TestCase):
         return mask_3d.sum() == mask_mip.sum()
     def test_id_map_connects_z(self):
-        id_map = _get_label_ids(self.seg_mask_3d, allow_3d=True, connect_3d=True)
+        id_map = get_label_ids(self.seg_mask_3d, allow_3d=True, connect_3d=True)
         labels = np.unique(id_map.data)[1:]
         is_2d = all([self._label_is_2d(id_map.data, la) for la in labels])
     def test_id_map_disconnects_z(self):
-        id_map = _get_label_ids(self.seg_mask_3d, allow_3d=True, connect_3d=False)
+        id_map = get_label_ids(self.seg_mask_3d, allow_3d=True, connect_3d=False)
         labels = np.unique(id_map.data)[1:]
         is_2d = all([self._label_is_2d(id_map.data, la) for la in labels])
     def test_create_roiset_from_3d_obj_ids(self):
-        id_map = _get_label_ids(self.seg_mask_3d, allow_3d=True, connect_3d=False)
+        id_map = get_label_ids(self.seg_mask_3d, allow_3d=True, connect_3d=False)
         self.assertEqual(self.stack_ch_pa.shape, id_map.shape)
-        roiset = RoiSet(
+        roiset = RoiSet.from_object_ids(
@@ -560,11 +570,11 @@ class TestRoiSetSerialization(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertGreater(len(roiset.get_df()['zi'].unique()), 1)
     def test_create_roiset_from_2d_obj_ids(self):
-        id_map = _get_label_ids(self.seg_mask_3d, allow_3d=False)
+        id_map = get_label_ids(self.seg_mask_3d, allow_3d=False)
         self.assertEqual(self.stack_ch_pa.shape[0:3], id_map.shape[0:3])
         self.assertEqual(id_map.nz, 1)
-        roiset = RoiSet(
+        roiset = RoiSet.from_object_ids(
@@ -593,6 +603,7 @@ class TestRoiSetSerialization(unittest.TestCase):
             m_acc = generate_file_accessor(pmf)
             self.assertEqual((roi.h, roi.w), m_acc.hw)
+            self.assertEqual(m_acc.nz, 1)
         # make another RoiSet from just the data table, raw images, and (tight) patch masks
         test_roiset = RoiSet.deserialize(self.stack_ch_pa, where_ser, prefix='ref')
@@ -614,3 +625,191 @@ class TestRoiSetSerialization(unittest.TestCase):
             t_acc = generate_file_accessor(pt)
             self.assertTrue(np.all(r_acc.data == t_acc.data))
+class TestRoiSetObjectDetection(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self) -> None:
+        # set up test raw data and segmentation from file
+        self.stack = generate_file_accessor(data['multichannel_zstack_raw']['path'])
+        self.stack_ch_pa = self.stack.get_mono(params['segmentation_channel'])
+        self.seg_mask_3d = generate_file_accessor(data['multichannel_zstack_mask3d']['path'])
+    def test_create_roiset_from_bounding_boxes(self):
+        from skimage.measure import label, regionprops, regionprops_table
+        mask = self.seg_mask_3d
+        labels = label(mask.data_xyz, connectivity=3)
+        table = pd.DataFrame(
+            regionprops_table(labels)
+        ).rename(
+            columns={'bbox-0': 'y', 'bbox-1': 'x', 'bbox-2': 'zi', 'bbox-3': 'y1', 'bbox-4': 'x1'}
+        ).drop(
+            columns=['bbox-5']
+        )
+        table['w'] = table['x1'] - table['x']
+        table['h'] = table['y1'] - table['y']
+        bboxes = table[['y', 'x', 'h', 'w']].to_dict(orient='records')
+        roiset_bbox = RoiSet.from_bounding_boxes(self.stack_ch_pa, bboxes)
+        self.assertTrue('label' in roiset_bbox.get_df().columns)
+        patches_bbox = roiset_bbox.get_patches_acc()
+        self.assertEqual(len(table), patches_bbox.count)
+        # roiset w/ seg for comparison
+        roiset_seg = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(self.stack_ch_pa, mask, allow_3d=True)
+        patches_seg = roiset_seg.get_patches_acc()
+        # test bounding box dimensions match those from RoiSet generated directly from segmentation
+        self.assertEqual(roiset_seg.count, roiset_bbox.count)
+        for i in range(0, roiset_seg.count):
+            self.assertEqual(patches_seg.iat(0, crop=True).shape, patches_bbox.iat(0, crop=True).shape)
+        # test that serialization does not write patch masks
+        roiset_ser_path = output_path / 'roiset_from_bbox'
+        dd = roiset_bbox.serialize(roiset_ser_path)
+        self.assertTrue('tight_patch_masks' not in dd.keys())
+        self.assertFalse((roiset_ser_path / 'tight_patch_masks').exists())
+        # test that deserialized RoiSet matches the original
+        roiset_des = RoiSet.deserialize(self.stack_ch_pa, roiset_ser_path)
+        self.assertEqual(roiset_des.count, roiset_bbox.count)
+        for i in range(0, roiset_des.count):
+            self.assertEqual(patches_seg.iat(0, crop=True).shape, patches_bbox.iat(0, crop=True).shape)
+        self.assertTrue((roiset_bbox.get_zmask() == roiset_des.get_zmask()).all())
+class TestRoiSetPolygons(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_compute_polygons(self):
+        roiset_ref = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(
+            self.stack_ch_pa,
+            self.seg_mask,
+            params=RoiSetMetaParams(
+                mask_type='contours',
+                filters={'area': {'min': 1e1, 'max': 1e6}}
+            )
+        )
+        poly = roiset_ref.get_polygons()
+        roiset_test = RoiSet.from_polygons_2d(self.stack_ch_pa, poly)
+        binary_poly = (roiset_test.acc_obj_ids.get_mono(0, mip=True).data > 0)
+        self.assertEqual(self.seg_mask.shape, binary_poly.shape)
+        # most mask pixels are within in fitted polygon
+        test_mask = np.logical_and(
+            np.logical_not(binary_poly),
+            (self.seg_mask.data == 255)
+        )
+        self.assertLess(test_mask.sum() / test_mask.size, 0.001)
+        # output results
+        od = output_path / 'polygons'
+        write_accessor_data_to_file(od / 'from_polygons.tif', InMemoryDataAccessor(binary_poly))
+        write_accessor_data_to_file(od / 'ref_mask.tif', self.seg_mask)
+        write_accessor_data_to_file(od / 'diff.tif', InMemoryDataAccessor(test_mask))
+    def test_overlap_bbox(self):
+        df = pd.DataFrame({
+            'x0': [0, 1, 2, 1, 1],
+            'x1': [2, 3, 4, 3, 3],
+            'y0': [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
+            'y1': [2, 2, 2, 3, 2],
+            'zi': [0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
+        })
+        res = filter_df_overlap_bbox(df)
+        self.assertEqual(len(res), 4)
+        self.assertTrue((res.loc[0, 'overlaps_with'] == [1]).all())
+        self.assertTrue((res.loc[1, 'overlaps_with'] == [0, 2]).all())
+        self.assertTrue((res.bbox_intersec == 2).all())
+        return res
+    def test_overlap_bbox_multiple(self):
+        df1 = pd.DataFrame({
+            'x0': [0, 1],
+            'x1': [2, 3],
+            'y0': [0, 0],
+            'y1': [2, 2],
+            'zi': [0, 0],
+        })
+        df2 = pd.DataFrame({
+            'x0': [2],
+            'x1': [4],
+            'y0': [0],
+            'y1': [2],
+            'zi': [0],
+        })
+        res = filter_df_overlap_bbox(df1, df2)
+        self.assertTrue((res.loc[1, 'overlaps_with'] == [0]).all())
+        self.assertEqual(len(res), 1)
+        self.assertTrue((res.bbox_intersec == 2).all())
+    def test_overlap_seg(self):
+        df = pd.DataFrame({
+            'x0': [0, 1, 2],
+            'x1': [2, 3, 4],
+            'y0': [0, 0, 0],
+            'y1': [2, 2, 2],
+            'zi': [0, 0, 0],
+            'binary_mask': [
+                [
+                    [1, 1],
+                    [1, 0]
+                ],
+                [
+                    [0, 1],
+                    [1, 1]
+                ],
+                [
+                    [1, 1],
+                    [1, 1]
+                ],
+            ]
+        })
+        res = filter_df_overlap_seg(df)
+        self.assertTrue((res.loc[res.seg_overlaps, :].index == [1, 2]).all())
+        self.assertTrue((res.loc[res.seg_overlaps, 'seg_iou'] == 0.4).all())
+    def test_overlap_seg_multiple(self):
+        df1 = pd.DataFrame({
+            'x0': [0, 1],
+            'x1': [2, 3],
+            'y0': [0, 0],
+            'y1': [2, 2],
+            'zi': [0, 0],
+            'binary_mask': [
+                [
+                    [1, 1],
+                    [1, 0]
+                ],
+                [
+                    [0, 1],
+                    [1, 1]
+                ],
+            ]
+        })
+        df2 = pd.DataFrame({
+            'x0': [2],
+            'x1': [4],
+            'y0': [0],
+            'y1': [2],
+            'zi': [0],
+            'binary_mask': [
+                [
+                    [1, 1],
+                    [1, 1]
+                ],
+            ]
+        })
+        res = filter_df_overlap_seg(df1, df2)
+        self.assertTrue((res.loc[1, 'overlaps_with'] == [0]).all())
+        self.assertEqual(len(res), 1)
+        self.assertTrue((res.bbox_intersec == 2).all())
+        self.assertTrue((res.loc[res.seg_overlaps, :].index == [1]).all())
+        self.assertTrue((res.loc[res.seg_overlaps, 'seg_iou'] == 0.4).all())
diff --git a/tests/test_ilastik/test_ilastik.py b/tests/test_ilastik/test_ilastik.py
index bd2be94a9e2c62e9ca874296523421e77a7158b4..fd6893a55feff793facb931efb6c4265abd9961d 100644
--- a/tests/test_ilastik/test_ilastik.py
+++ b/tests/test_ilastik/test_ilastik.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import numpy as np
 from model_server.base.accessors import CziImageFileAccessor, generate_file_accessor, InMemoryDataAccessor, PatchStack, write_accessor_data_to_file
 from model_server.extensions.ilastik import models as ilm
 from model_server.extensions.ilastik.workflows import infer_px_then_ob_model
-from model_server.base.roiset import _get_label_ids, RoiSet, RoiSetMetaParams
+from model_server.base.roiset import get_label_ids, RoiSet, RoiSetMetaParams
 from model_server.base.workflows import classify_pixels
 import model_server.conf.testing as conf
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ class TestIlastikOnMultichannelInputs(conf.TestServerBaseClass):
         acc_input = generate_file_accessor(self.pa_input_image)
         acc_obmap = generate_file_accessor(res.object_map_filepath)
         self.assertEqual(acc_obmap.hw, acc_input.hw)
-        self.assertEqual(len(acc_obmap._unique()[1]), 3)
+        self.assertEqual(len(acc_obmap.unique()[1]), 3)
     def test_api(self):
@@ -401,9 +401,9 @@ class TestIlastikObjectClassification(unittest.TestCase):
         stack_ch_pa = stack.get_mono(conf.meta['roiset']['patches_channel'])
         seg_mask = generate_file_accessor(data['multichannel_zstack_mask2d']['path'])
-        self.roiset = RoiSet(
+        self.roiset = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(
-            _get_label_ids(seg_mask),
+            seg_mask,
                 filters={'area': {'min': 1e3, 'max': 1e4}},