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+# SVLT: <u>S</u>erving <u>V</u>ision to <u>L</u>iving <u>T</u>hings
+## Overview
+SVLT is a service for on-demand computer vision, adapted specifically to life sciences applications that require 
+rapid feedback as images are acquired.  It exposes APIs that make it easy for instruments to request 
+sophisticated image analyses while experiments are running.  This is intended to accelerate advanced imaging, 
+experimental manipulation of biological entities, and image feedback for the preparation and manufacturing of 
+## Key design goals
+**Interoperability:** Image feedback is desired across diverse instrumentation and computing infrastructures. SVLTs 
+service architecture makes it broadly usable in instruments, labs, clusters, and clouds.  
+**Low latency:** SVLT is the opposite of a workflow manager, in that it prioritizes a single rapid answer over the 
+throughput of batches of answer.  But its API is async, so clients can readily parallelize computation as needed.
+Pipeline performance is automatically recorded to help accurately profile system performance.  
+**Extensibility:** There will always be new tasks, formats, and models.  Core classes and modular pipelines make it 
+as easy as possible to incorporate these into the project.
+## Solutions to specific problems
+**Problem:** Instrument control and data analysis thrive in very different environments.\
+**Solution:** A FastAPI supports rapid communication between environments.  It also eases distributed deployment to 
+dedicated on-prem hardware, HPC clusters, the cloud, etc.  MQTT is also implemented on an experimental basis for 
+embedded and robotics applications.
+**Problem:** Microscopes see heterogeneous objects in complex scenes.\
+**Solution:** SVLT leverages cutting-edge machine learning frameworks.  It serves ML models for segmentation, the 
+results of which are tabulated as RoiSet objects.  Queries of this set are then passed to patch- or scene-, 
+context-aware object classification models e.g. YOLO.  And these results accumulate during sessions, paving the way 
+for spatial statistics and advanced learning workflows.
+**Problem:** Machine learning uses large in-memory models.  Loading them is a bottleneck.\
+**Solution:** The service holds models in state, so they are only loaded once per session.  Hence, serial inference 
+calls are usually very fast.
+**Problem:** ML models are very particular about their input specification.\
+**Solution:** SVLT wraps image data in Accessors with intuitive dimensions (height, width, depth, colorspace).  
+Where possible, these are derived automatically from microscope file metadata.  Models then introspect their 
+compatibility when attempting to run predictions.
+**Problem:** It is hard to keep track of parameters in image analysis pipelines.\
+**Solution:** Pipeline parameters are specified as JSON-serializable types with helpful docstrings.  These schemas 
+are inheritable and discoverable by clients.  Intermediate data representations are persisted and can be exported during 
+parameter-tuning campaigns.
+**Problem:** ML frameworks are picky about their platform and dependencies.\
+**Solution:** The project comprises core classes (data and model abstraction, base API) and framework-specific 
+extensions on a monorepo.  Framework-platform pairs can then be built to spec with conda build.
+## Components
+### svlt.core.accessors
+Abstractions of single- and multi-position image data, generally multichannel Z-stacks.  Data can either exist purely 
+in-memory, such as the results of a pipeline operation, or be backed by image files. For example:<br>
+>>> import numpy as np
+>>> from svlt.core.accessors import InMemoryDataAccessor
+>>> arr = np.array([[4, 4], [2, 3]], dtype='uint8')
+>>> acc = InMemoryDataAccessor(arr)
+>>> acc.shape_dict
+{'Y': 2, 'X': 2, 'C': 1, 'Z': 1}
+>>> acc.is_mask()
+>>> acc.chroma == 1
+>>> new_acc = acc.apply(lambda x: 2 * x)
+>>> type(new_acc)
+<class 'svlt.base.accessors.InMemoryDataAccessor'>
+>>> new_acc.unique()
+(array([4, 6, 8], dtype=uint8), array([1, 1, 2], dtype=int64))
+Data accessors can be imported directly from microscope image file formats:
+>>> from svlt.base.accessors import GenericImageFileAccessor
+>>> facc = GenericImageFileAccessor.read('~/svlt/test_data/D3-selection-01.czi')
+>>> facc.shape_dict
+{'Y': 1274, 'X': 1274, 'C': 5, 'Z': 1}
+>>> facc.get_channels([2, 3]).shape_dict
+{'Y': 1274, 'X': 1274, 'C': 2, 'Z': 1}
+>>> facc.pixel_scale_in_micrometers
+{'X': 0.25074568288853993, 'Y': 0.25074568288853993}
+### svlt.core.api
+The core FastAPI methods, e.g. for configuring and restarting sessions, importing and exporting data accessors,
+and interacting with generic models.
+### svlt.core.models
+Abstractions of models that generally are (1) loaded once then (2) called for inference many times during an experiment.
+### svlt.core.pipelines.*
+Implements classical, learned, and hybrid pipelines for image segmentation and analysis.  Each module is a single 
+pipeline, comprising a main function that acts of accessors, its API endpoints, and a parameter model.
+### svlt.core.roiset
+The RoiSet data structure catalogs regions of interest (ROI) inside of images.  ROI metadata are queryable with the 
+Pandas API.  Patches can be exported for visualization and annotation.
+### svlt.core.session
+This module represents the state of a "session" and is mainly called via the core FastAPI
+## Examples
+### Running unittests
+1. Build and activate the conda environment as described in README.md
+2. Copy test data from https://s3.embl.de/model-server-fixtures (inquire for access) to a local directory <data_root>
+3. In the development shell or IDE, set an environmental variable UNITTEST_DATA_ROOT=<data_root>
+4. From the project root, run `python -m unittest discover`
+### Interactive server example
+This involves manual clicking but covers the main steps that a client should call programmatically.
+The same general sequence is covered in:
+1. Procure the test data as described previously 
+2. Start the FastAPI server: `python scripts.run_server.py`
+3. Wait for the browser to open with ``
+4. Downlaod and open the configuration JSON if it does not appear automatically in the browser.
+5. Copy the test image `D3-selection-01.czi` to the session input directory listed under `paths.inbound_images`
+6. Note the location of `paths.outbound_images`
+7. In the browser, navigate to ``
+8. Load an ilastik model:
+   - under `/ilastik/seg/load/`, press "Try it out"
+   - under "Request Body", copy the full local path to `ilastik/demo_px.ilp` in the "project_file" field
+   - set "model_id" to "test_model"
+   - set "duplicate" to false
+   - click "Execute"
+   - confirm that you receive a server response code of 200
+9. Load the image as an in-memory accessor under `/accessors/read_from_file/`
+   - set "filename" to `D3-selection-01.czi`
+   - set "accessor_id" to 'test_acc'
+   - again, "Execute" and confirm a status code of 200
+10. Run inference on the image under `pipelines/segment`
+   - set "accessor_id" to 'test_acc'
+   - set "model_id" to "test_model"
+   - "Execute" and confirm a status code of 200
+   - The output mask should soon appear in the directory described in `paths.outbound_images`
+## Extending SVLT
+### Where to write extensions
+1. If using the same dependencies as `svlt-core`, create a subpackage of `base.extensions`
+2. If using different or new dependencies, create a new package that imports `svlt-core`
+3. Write unittests in a subdirectory of `tests` with the same (sub)package name
+4. For the time being, push to a branch starting with extension_ followed by the (sub)package name
+5. Write command-line scripts in `scripts`, i.e. outside of the package's directory tree
+### Extending models
+1. First see if any existing model superclass matches the model's task.  E.g. if a model processes an image into a 
+segmentation mask, inherit from `models.SemanticSegmentationModel`
+2. Otherwise, inherit from `core.models.Model`
+3. In the `.load()` method, implement any resource-intensive code that loads a model once for subsequent use.
+4. In the `.infer()` method, implement any code that runs inference on the model.
+5. If extensive setup parameters are used, specify these as a Pydantic model e.g. in 
+### Extending pipelines
+Using `pipelines.segment` as a template, generally work from bottom to top:
+1. Implement the main pipeline function ending in `*_pipeline()`.  
+   - This function interacts with accessors and models as dictionaries of their python objects.  
+   - E.g. parameter `example_accessor_id` becomes `accessors['example_accessor']` in the calling function,
+   - and `example_model_id` populates `models['example_model']`, and so on.  
+   - Instantiate, populate, and return a single `PipelineTrace` object with any meaningful intermediate accessors.  
+   - The API will automatically assign an ID to the final accessor in the trace, and all intermediate accessors if 
+keep_interm parameter is True.
+2. Implement the API function and its API path.  
+   - Other than renaming the function, its path, and the `Params` and `Record` subclasses, nothing here needs to change.
+   - This receives a single `PipelineParams` object as input, automatically maps accessors and models from their ID 
+strings to objects, passes them to `*_pipeline()`, and returns a single `PipelineRecord` as output.  
+   - Fast API handles the parsing and validation of fields in the request and response.  
+3. Optionally, sublass `PipelineRecord`, if additional parameters are expected from the pipeline.
+4. Subclass `PipelineParams` with additional parameters that the pipeline needs.  
+   - By default, single `accessor_id` and `model_id` fields are already defined.  
+   - These and anything ending in `accessor_id` or `model_id` are automatically validated to check that their IDs match 
+loaded models.  
+   - Use a descriptive class name.  FastAPI uses this in a global schema, so it helps users understand the expected 
+   - Use default values where possible.  Field validation can optionally use `pydantic.Field` classes for this.
+### Testing
+1. Write unittests that cover new models, pipeline functions, and API calls.
+2. Where possible, use the existing test data described "Examples" > "Running unittests"
+3. If adding test data or models, inquire about adding these to the distributed test data.
+4. For new pipeline modules, it is advisable to both:
+   - test `*_pipeline()` directly in a subclass of `unittest.TestCase`
+   - and test FastAPI endpoints in a subclass of `conf.TestServerBaseClass`, by way of its `._get()` and `._put()` methods
+5. Where possible, assertions should assure not just error-free functionality, but also test that the content of outputs 
+is correct.
diff --git a/model_server/base/accessors.py b/model_server/base/accessors.py
index 187b093038a76c87f10cd1e1b60e90b8b17de095..2129820310ef7f19c02326ec45b593f00ff8a863 100644
--- a/model_server/base/accessors.py
+++ b/model_server/base/accessors.py
@@ -99,6 +99,18 @@ class GenericImageDataAccessor(ABC):
             return self.data[:, :, 0, :]
+    @property
+    def data_yxcz(self) -> np.ndarray:
+        return self.data
+    @property
+    def data_yxzc(self) -> np.ndarray:
+        return np.moveaxis(
+            self.data,
+            [0, 1, 3, 2],
+            [0, 1, 2, 3]
+        )
     def data_mono(self) -> np.ndarray:
         if self.nz > 1:
@@ -186,17 +198,27 @@ class GenericImageDataAccessor(ABC):
         return InMemoryDataAccessor(data)
-    def apply(self, func, preserve_dtype=True):
+    def apply(self, func, params: dict = {}, preserve_dtype=True, mono=False):
         Apply func to data and return as a new in-memory accessor
         :param func: function that receives and returns the same size np.ndarray
+        :param params: (optional) dictionary of parameters to pass to function
         :param preserve_dtype: returned accessor gets the same dtype as self if True
+        :param mono: check that accessor is mono and pass only YXZ data to func
         :return: InMemoryDataAccessor
-        nda = func(self.data)
+        if mono:
+            if self.chroma != 1:
+                raise DataShapeError(f'Expecting monochrome accessor when calling with mono=True')
+            nda = func(self.data_mono, **params)
+        else:
+            nda = func(self.data, **params)
         if preserve_dtype:
             nda = nda.astype(self.dtype)
-        return self._derived_accessor(nda)
+        if mono:
+            return self._derived_accessor(np.expand_dims(nda, 2))
+        else:
+            return self._derived_accessor(nda)
     def info(self):
diff --git a/model_server/base/annotators.py b/model_server/base/annotators.py
index 7626d76e72fdfe9e8f2c74b072d5764c9a568d1a..5b79599d8ab4812f6c686b08108adbae16a19a0b 100644
--- a/model_server/base/annotators.py
+++ b/model_server/base/annotators.py
@@ -31,20 +31,21 @@ def draw_boxes_on_3d_image(roiset, draw_full_depth=False, **kwargs):
     for zi in range(0, nz):
         if draw_full_depth:
-            subset = roiset.get_df()
+            subset = roiset.df().bounding_box
-            subset = roiset.get_df().query(f'zi == {zi}')
+            subset = roiset.df().bounding_box.query(f'zi == {zi}')
         for ci in range(0, len(channels)):
             pilimg = Image.fromarray(roiset.acc_raw.data[:, :, channels[ci], zi])
             draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pilimg)
             draw.font = _get_font()
-            for roi in subset.itertuples('Roi'):
-                xm = round((roi.x0 + roi.x1) / 2)
-                draw.rectangle([(roi.x0, roi.y0), (roi.x1, roi.y1)], outline='white', width=linewidth)
+            def _draw_boxes(bb):
+                xm = round((bb.x0 + bb.x1) / 2)
+                draw.rectangle([(bb.x0, bb.y0), (bb.x1, bb.y1)], outline='white', width=linewidth)
                 if kwargs.get('draw_label') is True:
-                    draw.text((xm, roi.y0), f'{roi.label:04d}', fill='white', anchor='mb')
+                    draw.text((xm, bb.y0), f'{bb.name:04d}', fill='white', anchor='mb')
+            subset.apply(_draw_boxes, axis=1)
             annotated[:, :, ci, zi] = pilimg
diff --git a/model_server/base/api.py b/model_server/base/api.py
index b1d92d5d88437ec444df3301952fec4eff0ed945..574f1ebcbb67b57fbe6f38a0c32115589f89830c 100644
--- a/model_server/base/api.py
+++ b/model_server/base/api.py
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
 from .accessors import generate_file_accessor, generate_multiposition_file_accessors
 from .models import BinaryThresholdSegmentationModel
+from model_server.rois.models import IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentationModel
 from .pipelines.shared import PipelineRecord
-from .roiset import IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentationModel
 from .session import session, AccessorIdError, InvalidPathError, WriteAccessorError
 app = FastAPI(debug=True)
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ def show_session_status():
         'memory': session.get_mem(),
         'models': session.describe_loaded_models(),
         'paths': session.get_paths(),
-        'paths': session.get_paths(),
         'accessors': session.list_accessors(),
         'tasks': session.tasks.list_tasks(),
@@ -258,4 +257,11 @@ def get_output_accessor_id_for_task(task_id: str) -> str:
 def list_tasks() -> Dict[str, TaskInfo]:
-    return session.tasks.list_tasks()
\ No newline at end of file
+    return session.tasks.list_tasks()
+def get_phenobase_bounding_boxes() -> list:
+    if session.phenobase is None:
+        return []
+    return session.phenobase.list_bounding_boxes()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/model_server/base/models.py b/model_server/base/models.py
index f1fccd37d99e237c10747a0a83c30db745c1fbf3..f4064feb451804bee297839fa02c8213ee637243 100644
--- a/model_server/base/models.py
+++ b/model_server/base/models.py
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import numpy as np
 from .accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor, PatchStack
 class Model(ABC):
     def __init__(self, autoload: bool = True, info: dict = None):
diff --git a/model_server/base/pipelines/router.py b/model_server/base/pipelines/router.py
index 5ce7e96fdf384aeebe42eaa7e9289ebe7981db0c..bf430f8c9d14864230043c5d14656c6ee42c036d 100644
--- a/model_server/base/pipelines/router.py
+++ b/model_server/base/pipelines/router.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ router = APIRouter(
-for m in ['segment', 'roiset_obmap', 'segment_zproj']:
+for m in ['segment', 'segment_zproj']:
diff --git a/model_server/base/pipelines/segment.py b/model_server/base/pipelines/segment.py
index 96cb5f19a1e2b2b338203692f3ecfccaf1c06b7c..8604ddd276f9e277c0a654b5bead491ca15eb801 100644
--- a/model_server/base/pipelines/segment.py
+++ b/model_server/base/pipelines/segment.py
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ def segment_pipeline(
     if not isinstance(model, SemanticSegmentationModel):
         raise IncompatibleModelsError('Expecting a semantic segmentation model')
-    if (ch := k.get('channel')) is not None:
+    if ch := k.get('channel') is not None:
         d['mono'] = d['input'].get_mono(ch)
     d['inference'] = model.label_pixel_class(d.last)
-    if (sm := k.get('smooth')) is not None:
+    if sm := k.get('smooth') is not None:
         d['smooth'] = d.last.apply(lambda x: smooth(x, sm))
     return d
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diff --git a/model_server/base/pipelines/shared.py b/model_server/base/pipelines/shared.py
index 9518a08a35452edb7d9842242e60f5dd4d01d184..fca3f620f68cf137bf6dd33f5b0aeb4baafe6d24 100644
--- a/model_server/base/pipelines/shared.py
+++ b/model_server/base/pipelines/shared.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ from fastapi import HTTPException
 from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, root_validator
 from ..accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor, InMemoryDataAccessor
+from model_server.rois.roiset import PatchParams, RoiSetExportParams
 from ..session import session, AccessorIdError
@@ -53,6 +54,16 @@ class PipelineQueueRecord(BaseModel):
     task_id: str
 def call_pipeline(func, p: PipelineParams) -> Union[PipelineRecord, PipelineQueueRecord]:
+    """
+    Resolve accessor and model objects from their IDs in session, pass them to the given pipeline function, and
+    register output and (if specified) intermediate accessors in the session.  If p.schedule is True, enqueue
+    this as a task in the session queue; otherwise call it immediately.
+    :param func: pipeline function with the signature:
+        func(accessors: Dict[str, GenericImageDataAccessor], models: Dict[str, Model], **k) -> PipelineTrace
+    :param p: pipeline parameters object
+    :return:
+        record objects describing either the results of pipeline execution or the queued task
+    """
     # instead of running right away, schedule pipeline as a task
     if p.schedule:
         p.schedule = False
@@ -137,7 +148,7 @@ class PipelineTrace(OrderedDict):
         self.enforce_accessors = enforce_accessors
         self.allow_overwrite = allow_overwrite
         self.last_time = self.tfunc()
-        self.misc = {}
+        self.markers = None
         self.timer = OrderedDict()
         if start_acc is not None:
@@ -163,6 +174,7 @@ class PipelineTrace(OrderedDict):
     def append(self, tr, skip_first=True):
         new_tr = self.copy()
+        new_tr.timer = self.timer
         for k, v in tr.items():
             if skip_first and v == tr.first:
@@ -246,6 +258,34 @@ class PipelineTrace(OrderedDict):
         return paths
+class RoiSetPipelineParams(PipelineParams):
+    exports: RoiSetExportParams = RoiSetExportParams()
+    roiset_index: Dict[str, int]
+    patches: Dict[str, PatchParams] = {}
+def call_roiset_pipeline(func, p: RoiSetPipelineParams) -> Union[PipelineRecord, PipelineQueueRecord]:
+    """
+    Wraps pipelines.shared.call_pipeline for pipeline functions that return an RoiSet in addition to PipelineTrace.
+    Upon execution, add the returned RoiSet to session PhenoBase and otherwise delegate to call_pipeline
+    :param func: pipeline function with the signature:
+        func(accessors: Dict[str, GenericImageDataAccessor], models: Dict[str, Model], **k) -> (PipelineTrace, RoiSet)
+    :param p: pipeline parameters object, which must contain a unique index for the RoiSet
+    :return:
+        record objects describing either the results of pipeline execution or the queued task
+    """
+    def outer(*args, **kwargs):
+        trace, rois = func(*args, **kwargs)
+        session.add_roiset(
+            roiset=rois,
+            index_dict=p.roiset_index,
+            export_params=p.exports,
+        )
+        session.write_phenobase_table()
+        return trace
+    return call_pipeline(outer, p)
 class Error(Exception):
@@ -259,4 +299,4 @@ class NoAccessorsFoundError(Error):
 class UnexpectedPipelineReturnError(Error):
-    pass
+    pass
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diff --git a/model_server/base/process.py b/model_server/base/process.py
index d2ba6abf743b01f7df2917699186b8e75b1e2ddb..0be8c8894ed254792ead1ce649e9c98440be53d3 100644
--- a/model_server/base/process.py
+++ b/model_server/base/process.py
@@ -156,3 +156,13 @@ class TooManyObjectError(Exception):
+def safe_add(a, g, b):
+    assert a.dtype == b.dtype
+    assert a.shape == b.shape
+    assert g >= 0.0
+    return np.clip(
+        a.astype('uint32') + g * b.astype('uint32'),
+        0,
+        np.iinfo(a.dtype).max
+    ).astype(a.dtype)
diff --git a/model_server/base/session.py b/model_server/base/session.py
index 112c021fa7a8f4b7480fb425a58642146a599181..032270193f1179b9f7f469d3dcdcc11306d441ae 100644
--- a/model_server/base/session.py
+++ b/model_server/base/session.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from collections import OrderedDict
 import itertools
 import logging
 import os
-from multiprocessing.managers import Namespace
+from typing import Dict
 import psutil
 import uuid
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ import pandas as pd
 from ..conf import defaults
 from .accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor
 from .models import Model
+from model_server.rois.phenobase import PhenoBase, RoiSetIndex
+from model_server.rois.roiset import RoiSetExportParams, RoiSet
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -195,35 +197,12 @@ class _Session(object):
         self.accessor_info = OrderedDict()
         self.accessor_objects = {}
         self.tasks = TaskCollection()
+        self.phenobase = None
         self.logfile = self.paths['logs'] / f'session.log'
         logging.basicConfig(filename=self.logfile, level=logging.INFO, force=True, format=self.log_format)
         self.log_info('Initialized session')
-        self.tables = {}
-    def write_to_table(self, name: str, coords: dict, data: pd.DataFrame):
-        """
-        Write data to a named data table, initializing if it does not yet exist.
-        :param name: name of the table to persist through session
-        :param coords: dictionary of coordinates to associate with all rows in this method call
-        :param data: DataFrame containing data
-        :return: True if successful
-        """
-        try:
-            if name in self.tables.keys():
-                table = self.tables.get(name)
-            else:
-                table = CsvTable(self.paths['tables'] / (name + '.csv'))
-                self.tables[name] = table
-        except Exception:
-            raise CouldNotCreateTable(f'Unable to create table named {name}')
-        try:
-            table.append(coords, data)
-            return True
-        except Exception:
-            raise CouldNotAppendToTable(f'Unable to append data to table named {name}')
     def get_paths(self):
         return self.paths
@@ -495,6 +474,38 @@ class _Session(object):
                     return mid
         return None
+    def add_roiset(
+            self,
+            roiset: RoiSet,
+            index_dict: RoiSetIndex,
+            export_params: RoiSetExportParams = None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Add an RoiSet into PhenoBase; initialize PhenoBase if empty
+        :param roiset: RoiSet object to be added to PhenoBase
+        :param index_dict: dict that uniquely identifies the RoiSet; keys must match existing ones
+        :param export_params: (optional) parameters for exporting each RoiSet patch series
+        return: dict of added RoiSet in PhenoBase if successful
+        """
+        if self.phenobase is None:
+            self.phenobase = PhenoBase.from_roiset(
+                root=self.paths['outbound_images'],
+                roiset=roiset,
+                index_dict=index_dict,
+                export_params=export_params,
+            )
+        else:
+            self.phenobase.push(
+                roiset,
+                index_dict=index_dict,
+                export_params=export_params,
+            )
+        return index_dict
+    def write_phenobase_table(self):
+        if self.phenobase is not None:
+            return self.phenobase.write_df()
     def restart(self, **kwargs):
diff --git a/model_server/clients/batch_runner.py b/model_server/clients/batch_runner.py
index 6fd3dbd4c3e44de06b8315ba380958e24554e711..439cbeb65f888ce7b1cce7c33e286f4d610f3bef 100644
--- a/model_server/clients/batch_runner.py
+++ b/model_server/clients/batch_runner.py
@@ -53,6 +53,11 @@ class FileBatchRunnerClient(HttpClient):
         self.stacks.to_csv(self.conf_root / 'filelist.csv')
         self.stacks.to_csv(self.local_paths['output'] / 'filelist_copy.csv')
+    def write_tasks_json(self):
+        tasks_dict = self.hit('get', 'tasks')
+        with open(self.local_paths['output'] / 'tasks.json', 'w') as fh:
+            json.dump(tasks_dict, fh)
     def hit(self, method, endpoint, params=None, body=None, catch=True, **kwargs):
         resp = super(FileBatchRunnerClient, self).hit(method, endpoint, params=params, body=body)
         if resp.status_code != 200:
@@ -144,7 +149,6 @@ class FileBatchRunnerClient(HttpClient):
                 return matching_files
-            files += _append_files_by_pattern(where_local, inp.get('pattern'))
             is_multiposition = inp.get('multiposition', False)
             where_remote = Path(self.remote_paths['input']) / inp['directory']
@@ -153,20 +157,27 @@ class FileBatchRunnerClient(HttpClient):
                 for subdir in where_local.iterdir():
                     if not subdir.is_dir():
+                    if (sdp := inp.get('subdirectory_pattern')) is not None:
+                        if sdp.upper() not in subdir.name.upper():
+                            continue
                     matches = _append_files_by_pattern(subdir, inp.get('pattern'))
                     files += [f'{subdir}/{f}' for f in matches]
+            else:
+                files += _append_files_by_pattern(where_local, inp.get('pattern'))
-            def _get_file_info(filename):
+            def _get_file_info(fpath_str):
                 info = {
-                    'remote_path': (where_remote / filename).as_posix(),
-                    'local_path': where_local / filename,
+                    'remote_path': (where_remote / fpath_str).as_posix(),
+                    'local_path': where_local / fpath_str,
                     'is_multiposition': is_multiposition,
+                filename = Path(fpath_str).name
                 if (coord_regex := inp.get('coord_regex')) is not None:
                     for coord_k, coord_v in re.search(coord_regex, filename).groupdict().items():
-                        if coord_k.lower() not in ['well', 'position', 'time']:
-                            raise InvalidStackCoordinateKeyError(f'Cannot interpret coordinate {coord_k}')
-                        info[f'coord_{coord_k.lower()}'] = int(coord_v)
+                        if coord_k.lower() in ['well', 'position', 'time', 'date']:
+                            info[f'coord_{coord_k.lower()}'] = int(coord_v)
+                        else:
+                            info[f'coord_{coord_k.lower()}'] = coord_v
                 return info
             paths = paths + [_get_file_info(f) for f in files]
         if max_count is not None:
@@ -225,6 +236,8 @@ class FileBatchRunnerClient(HttpClient):
                         v['body'][pki] = output_acc_ids[tki]
                 else:  # input is the output of the last task
                     v['body']['accessor_id'] = list(output_acc_ids.values())[-1]
+                if cpi := v.get('stack_info_to_param'):
+                    v['body'][cpi] = {'stack': stack.name, 'position': stack.position}
                 task_id = self.hit(**v, catch=not self.debug)['task_id']
                 v['task_id'] = task_id
@@ -258,6 +271,7 @@ class FileBatchRunnerClient(HttpClient):
             if all(df_tasks[df_tasks.stack_index == stack_index].complete):
                 self.stacks.loc[stack_index, 'all_tasks_complete'] = True
+                self.write_tasks_json()
             self.hit('put', f'tasks/delete_accessors')
diff --git a/model_server/clients/phenobase.py b/model_server/clients/phenobase.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fea82ea5c0fb3d2f4a0762de1853cb1b48f4b108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model_server/clients/phenobase.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+import pandas as pd
+from model_server.rois.phenobase import PhenoBase
+from model_server.clients.batch_runner import FileBatchRunnerClient
+class MakePhenoBaseClient(FileBatchRunnerClient):
+    def __init__(self, *args, labels_csv: Path = None, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Create a batch runner client that outputs a PhenoBase in its output directory
+        :param args:
+        :param labels_csv:
+            optional path to a CSV file that relates object labels to substrings matched on each input stack
+        :param kwargs:
+        """
+        self.labels_csv_path = labels_csv
+        return super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    def get_stacks(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        df_stacks = super().get_stacks(*args, **kwargs)
+        if self.labels_csv_path is not None:
+            labels = pd.read_csv(self.labels_csv_path)
+            def get_label(pa):
+                for row in labels.itertuples():
+                    if row.pattern in str(pa):
+                        return row.label
+                return None
+            df_stacks['category_label'] = df_stacks.local_path.apply(get_label)
+        return df_stacks
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/model_server/conf/fastapi.py b/model_server/conf/fastapi.py
index 53edadd80cda52c565a4d97ca99923bac92996e1..76eed2cc13935cab242269cb71ff7e6a27f6bf63 100644
--- a/model_server/conf/fastapi.py
+++ b/model_server/conf/fastapi.py
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ import importlib
 from ..base.api import app
-for ex in ['ilastik']:
-    m = importlib.import_module(f'..extensions.{ex}.router', package=__package__)
+for ex in ['ilastik', 'rois']:
+    m = importlib.import_module(f'..{ex}.router', package=__package__)
diff --git a/model_server/conf/testing.py b/model_server/conf/testing.py
index 6b05dbe54bb5a0aa0fe92405844120d68e313e27..b4535a5967877d715d173caee742489dc0d1162a 100644
--- a/model_server/conf/testing.py
+++ b/model_server/conf/testing.py
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ import unittest
 from math import floor
 from multiprocessing import Process
 from pathlib import Path
-import requests
 from shutil import copyfile
-from urllib3 import Retry
 from fastapi import APIRouter
 import numpy as np
diff --git a/model_server/extensions/__init__.py b/model_server/ilastik/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from model_server/extensions/__init__.py
rename to model_server/ilastik/__init__.py
diff --git a/model_server/extensions/ilastik/__init__.py b/model_server/ilastik/examples/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from model_server/extensions/ilastik/__init__.py
rename to model_server/ilastik/examples/__init__.py
diff --git a/model_server/extensions/ilastik/examples/ilastik3d.py b/model_server/ilastik/examples/ilastik3d.py
similarity index 100%
rename from model_server/extensions/ilastik/examples/ilastik3d.py
rename to model_server/ilastik/examples/ilastik3d.py
diff --git a/model_server/extensions/ilastik/models.py b/model_server/ilastik/models.py
similarity index 97%
rename from model_server/extensions/ilastik/models.py
rename to model_server/ilastik/models.py
index e57f9726f4b43cf7c3c1a17f62c8cc2fc0c89ce1..2167fbbcd923d6552a60ad992dc41aec59d365b9 100644
--- a/model_server/extensions/ilastik/models.py
+++ b/model_server/ilastik/models.py
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import warnings
 import numpy as np
 import vigra
-from ...base.accessors import PatchStack
-from ...base.accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor, InMemoryDataAccessor
-from ...base.models import Model, ImageToImageModel, InstanceMaskSegmentationModel, InvalidInputImageError, ParameterExpectedError, SemanticSegmentationModel
+from model_server.base.accessors import PatchStack
+from model_server.base.accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor, InMemoryDataAccessor
+from model_server.base.models import Model, ImageToImageModel, InstanceMaskSegmentationModel, InvalidInputImageError, ParameterExpectedError, SemanticSegmentationModel
 class IlastikModel(Model):
diff --git a/model_server/extensions/ilastik/examples/__init__.py b/model_server/ilastik/pipelines/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from model_server/extensions/ilastik/examples/__init__.py
rename to model_server/ilastik/pipelines/__init__.py
diff --git a/model_server/extensions/ilastik/pipelines/px_then_ob.py b/model_server/ilastik/pipelines/px_then_ob.py
similarity index 91%
rename from model_server/extensions/ilastik/pipelines/px_then_ob.py
rename to model_server/ilastik/pipelines/px_then_ob.py
index 335e4115d0b9d0cdb2f9e405bfa402e88efc5a36..b9d210b6c16555d24c07ec8c55fbe337ddb99259 100644
--- a/model_server/extensions/ilastik/pipelines/px_then_ob.py
+++ b/model_server/ilastik/pipelines/px_then_ob.py
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ from typing import Dict
 from fastapi import APIRouter, HTTPException
 from pydantic import Field
-from ....base.accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor
-from ....base.models import Model
-from ....base.pipelines.shared import call_pipeline, PipelineTrace, PipelineParams, PipelineRecord
+from model_server.base.accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor
+from model_server.base.models import Model
+from model_server.base.pipelines.shared import call_pipeline, PipelineTrace, PipelineParams, PipelineRecord
 from ..models import IlastikPixelClassifierModel, IlastikObjectClassifierFromPixelPredictionsModel
diff --git a/model_server/extensions/ilastik/router.py b/model_server/ilastik/router.py
similarity index 92%
rename from model_server/extensions/ilastik/router.py
rename to model_server/ilastik/router.py
index c21db3fe871759a01847ab0acef7edd659de3426..22cd7500151fec1180aeeb2ef7abbb7ce70663da 100644
--- a/model_server/extensions/ilastik/router.py
+++ b/model_server/ilastik/router.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
 from model_server.base.session import session
-from model_server.extensions.ilastik import models as ilm
+from model_server.ilastik import models as ilm
 router = APIRouter(
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ router = APIRouter(
-import model_server.extensions.ilastik.pipelines.px_then_ob
+import model_server.ilastik.pipelines.px_then_ob
 class IlastikParams(BaseModel):
diff --git a/model_server/rois/__init__.py b/model_server/rois/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/model_server/rois/derived.py b/model_server/rois/derived.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ae821c62fe3708a54ce8747bf4ba16f1e9b64c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model_server/rois/derived.py
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from model_server.base.models import InstanceMaskSegmentationModel
+from model_server.base.process import mask_largest_object
+from model_server.rois.roiset import RoiSetExportParams, RoiSet
+class RoiSetWithDerivedChannelsExportParams(RoiSetExportParams):
+    derived_channels: bool = False
+class RoiSetWithDerivedChannels(RoiSet):
+    def __init__(self, *a, **k):
+        self.accs_derived = []
+        super().__init__(*a, **k)
+    def classify_by(
+            self, name: str, channels: list[int],
+            object_classification_model: InstanceMaskSegmentationModel,
+            derived_channel_functions: list[callable] = None
+    ):
+        """
+        Insert a column in RoiSet data table that associates each ROI with an integer class, determined by passing
+        specified inputs through an instance segmentation classifier.  Derive additional inputs for object
+        classification by passing a raw input channel through one or more functions.
+        :param name: name of column to insert
+        :param channels: list of nc raw input channels to send to classifier
+        :param object_classification_model: InstanceSegmentation model object
+        :param derived_channel_functions: list of functions that each receive a PatchStack accessor with nc channels and
+            that return a single-channel PatchStack accessor of the same shape
+        :return: None
+        """
+        acc_in = self.get_patches_acc(channels=channels, expanded=False, pad_to=None)
+        if derived_channel_functions is not None:
+            for fcn in derived_channel_functions:
+                der = fcn(acc_in) # returns patch stack
+                self.accs_derived.append(der)
+            # combine channels
+            acc_app = acc_in
+            for acc_der in self.accs_derived:
+                acc_app = acc_app.append_channels(acc_der)
+        else:
+            acc_app = acc_in
+        # do this on a patch basis, i.e. only one object per frame
+        obmap_patches = object_classification_model.label_patch_stack(
+            acc_app,
+            self.get_patch_masks_acc(expanded=False, pad_to=None)
+        )
+        self._df['classify_by_' + name] = pd.Series(dtype='Int16')
+        se = pd.Series(dtype='Int64', index=self._df.index)
+        for i, la in enumerate(self._df.index):
+            oc = np.unique(
+                mask_largest_object(
+                    obmap_patches.iat(i).data_yxz
+                )
+            )[-1]
+            se[la] = oc
+        self.set_classification(name, se)
+    def run_exports(self, where: Path, prefix, params: RoiSetWithDerivedChannelsExportParams) -> dict:
+        """
+        Export various representations of ROIs, e.g. patches, annotated stacks, and object maps.
+        :param where: path of directory in which to write all export products
+        :param prefix: prefix of the name of each product's file or subfolder
+        :param params: RoiSetExportParams object describing which products to export and with which parameters
+        :return: nested dict of Path objects describing the location of export products
+        """
+        record = super().run_exports(where, prefix, params)
+        k = 'derived_channels'
+        if k in params.dict().keys():
+            record[k] = []
+            for di, dacc in enumerate(self.accs_derived):
+                fp = where / k / f'dc{di:01d}.tif'
+                fp.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+                dacc.export_pyxcz(fp)
+                record[k].append(str(fp))
+        return record
diff --git a/model_server/rois/df.py b/model_server/rois/df.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5f953a5714403f4bebb890232422d9d60ca2c2b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model_server/rois/df.py
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+import itertools
+from math import sqrt
+from pathlib import Path
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+def filter_df(df: pd.DataFrame, filters: dict = {}) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    query_str = 'label > 0'  # always true
+    if filters is not None:  # parse filters
+        for k, val in filters.items():
+            assert k in ('area', 'diag', 'min_hw')
+            if val is None:
+                continue
+            vmin = val['min']
+            vmax = val['max']
+            assert vmin >= 0
+            query_str = query_str + f' & {k} > {vmin} & {k} < {vmax}'
+    return df.loc[df.bounding_box.query(query_str).index, :]
+def filter_df_overlap_bbox(df1: pd.DataFrame, df2: pd.DataFrame = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    If passed a single DataFrame, return the subset whose bounding boxes overlap in 3D space.  If passed two DataFrames,
+    return the subset where a ROI in the first overlaps a ROI in the second.  May return duplicates entries where a ROI
+    overlaps with multiple neighbors.
+    :param df1: DataFrame with potentially overlapping bounding boxes
+    :param df2: (optional) second DataFrame
+    :return DataFrame describing subset of overlapping ROIs
+        bbox_overlaps_with: index of ROI that overlaps
+        bbox_intersec: pixel area of intersecting region
+    """
+    def _compare(r0, r1):
+        olx = (r0.x0 < r1.x1) and (r0.x1 > r1.x0)
+        oly = (r0.y0 < r1.y1) and (r0.y1 > r1.y0)
+        olz = (r0.zi == r1.zi)
+        return olx and oly and olz
+    def _intersec(r0, r1):
+        return (r0.x1 - r1.x0) * (r0.y1 - r1.y0)
+    first = []
+    second = []
+    intersec = []
+    if df2 is not None:
+        for pair in itertools.product(df1.index, df2.index):
+            if _compare(
+                    df1.bounding_box.loc[pair[0]],
+                    df2.bounding_box.loc[pair[1]]
+            ):
+                first.append(pair[0])
+                second.append(pair[1])
+                intersec.append(
+                    _intersec(
+                        df1.bounding_box.loc[pair[0]],
+                        df2.bounding_box.loc[pair[1]]
+                    )
+                )
+    else:
+        for pair in itertools.combinations(df1.index, 2):
+            if _compare(
+                    df1.bounding_box.loc[pair[0]],
+                    df1.bounding_box.loc[pair[1]]
+            ):
+                first.append(pair[0])
+                second.append(pair[1])
+                first.append(pair[1])
+                second.append(pair[0])
+                isc = _intersec(
+                    df1.bounding_box.loc[pair[0]],
+                    df1.bounding_box.loc[pair[1]]
+                )
+                intersec.append(isc)
+                intersec.append(isc)
+    sdf = df1.bounding_box.loc[first]
+    sdf.loc[:, 'overlaps_with'] = second
+    sdf.loc[:, 'bbox_intersec'] = intersec
+    return sdf
+def filter_df_overlap_seg(df1: pd.DataFrame, df2: pd.DataFrame = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    If passed a single DataFrame, return the subset whose segmentations overlap in 3D space.  If passed two DataFrames,
+    return the subset where a ROI in the first overlaps a ROI in the second.  May return duplicates entries where a ROI
+    overlaps with multiple neighbors.
+    :param df1: DataFrame with potentially overlapping bounding boxes
+    :param df2: (optional) second DataFrame
+    :return DataFrame describing subset of overlapping ROIs
+        seg_overlaps_with: index of ROI that overlaps
+        seg_intersec: pixel area of intersecting region
+        seg_iou: intersection over union
+    """
+    dfbb = filter_df_overlap_bbox(df1, df2)
+    def _overlap_seg(r):
+        roi1 = df1.loc[r.name]
+        if df2 is not None:
+            roi2 = df2.loc[r.overlaps_with]
+        else:
+            roi2 = df1.loc[r.overlaps_with]
+        bb1 = roi1.bounding_box
+        bb2 = roi2.bounding_box
+        ex0 = min(bb1.x0, bb2.x0, bb1.x1, bb2.x1)
+        ew = max(bb1.x0, bb2.x0, bb1.x1, bb2.x1) - ex0
+        ey0 = min(bb1.y0, bb2.y0, bb1.y1, bb2.y1)
+        eh = max(bb1.y0, bb2.y0, bb1.y1, bb2.y1) - ey0
+        emask = np.zeros((eh, ew), dtype='uint8')
+        sl1 = np.s_[(bb1.y0 - ey0): (bb1.y1 - ey0), (bb1.x0 - ex0): (bb1.x1 - ex0)]
+        sl2 = np.s_[(bb2.y0 - ey0): (bb2.y1 - ey0), (bb2.x0 - ex0): (bb2.x1 - ex0)]
+        emask[sl1] = roi1.masks.binary_mask
+        emask[sl2] = emask[sl2] + roi2.masks.binary_mask
+        return emask
+    emasks = dfbb.apply(_overlap_seg, axis=1)
+    dfbb['seg_overlaps'] = emasks.apply(lambda x: np.any(x > 1))
+    dfbb['seg_intersec'] = emasks.apply(lambda x: (x == 2).sum())
+    dfbb['seg_iou'] = emasks.apply(lambda x: (x == 2).sum() / (x > 0).sum())
+    return dfbb
+def is_df_3d(df: pd.DataFrame) -> bool:
+    return 'z0' in df.bounding_box.columns and 'z1' in df.bounding_box.columns
+def insert_level(df: pd.DataFrame, name: str):
+    df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
+        [
+            [name],
+            list(df.columns.values),
+        ],
+    )
+def read_roiset_df(csv_path: Path) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    return pd.read_csv(csv_path, header=[0, 1], index_col=0)
+def df_insert_slices(df: pd.DataFrame, sd: dict, expand_box_by) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    h = sd['Y']
+    w = sd['X']
+    nz = sd['Z']
+    bb = 'bounding_box'
+    df[bb, 'h'] = df[bb, 'y1'] - df[bb, 'y0']
+    df[bb, 'w'] = df[bb, 'x1'] - df[bb, 'x0']
+    df[bb, 'diag'] = (df[bb, 'w'] ** 2 + df[bb, 'h'] ** 2).apply(sqrt)
+    df[bb, 'min_hw'] = df[[[bb, 'w'], [bb, 'h']]].min(axis=1)
+    ebxy, ebz = expand_box_by
+    ebb = 'expanded_bounding_box'
+    df[ebb, 'ebb_y0'] = (df[bb, 'y0'] - ebxy).apply(lambda x: max(x, 0))
+    df[ebb, 'ebb_y1'] = (df[bb, 'y1'] + ebxy).apply(lambda x: min(x, h))
+    df[ebb, 'ebb_x0'] = (df[bb, 'x0'] - ebxy).apply(lambda x: max(x, 0))
+    df[ebb, 'ebb_x1'] = (df[bb, 'x1'] + ebxy).apply(lambda x: min(x, w))
+    # handle based on whether bounding box coordinates are 2d or 3d
+    if is_df_3d(df):
+        df[ebb, 'ebb_z0'] = (df[bb, 'z0'] - ebz).apply(lambda x: max(x, 0))
+        df[ebb, 'ebb_z1'] = (df[bb, 'z1'] + ebz).apply(lambda x: max(x, nz))
+    else:
+        if 'zi' not in df.bounding_box.columns:
+            df[bb, 'zi'] = 0
+        df[ebb, 'ebb_z0'] = (df[bb, 'zi'] - ebz).apply(lambda x: max(x, 0))
+        df[ebb, 'ebb_z1'] = (df[bb, 'zi'] + ebz).apply(lambda x: min(x, nz))
+    df[ebb, 'ebb_h'] = df[ebb, 'ebb_y1'] - df[ebb, 'ebb_y0']
+    df[ebb, 'ebb_w'] = df[ebb, 'ebb_x1'] - df[ebb, 'ebb_x0']
+    df[ebb, 'ebb_nz'] = df[ebb, 'ebb_z1'] - df[ebb, 'ebb_z0'] + 1
+    # compute relative bounding boxes
+    rbb = 'relative_bounding_box'
+    df[rbb, 'rel_y0'] = df[bb, 'y0'] - df[bb, 'y0']
+    df[rbb, 'rel_y1'] = df[bb, 'y1'] - df[bb, 'y0']
+    df[rbb, 'rel_x0'] = df[bb, 'x0'] - df[bb, 'x0']
+    df[rbb, 'rel_x1'] = df[bb, 'x1'] - df[bb, 'x0']
+    assert np.all(df[rbb, 'rel_x1'] <= (df[ebb, 'ebb_x1'] - df[ebb, 'ebb_x0']))
+    assert np.all(df[rbb, 'rel_y1'] <= (df[ebb, 'ebb_y1'] - df[ebb, 'ebb_y0']))
+    if is_df_3d(df):
+        df['slices', 'slice'] = df['bounding_box'].apply(
+            lambda r:
+            np.s_[int(r.y0): int(r.y1), int(r.x0): int(r.x1), :, int(r.z0): int(r.z1)],
+            axis=1,
+            result_type='reduce',
+        )
+    else:
+        df['slices', 'slice'] = df['bounding_box'].apply(
+            lambda r:
+            np.s_[int(r.y0): int(r.y1), int(r.x0): int(r.x1), :, int(r.zi): int(r.zi + 1)],
+            axis=1,
+            result_type='reduce',
+        )
+    df['slices', 'expanded_slice'] = df['expanded_bounding_box'].apply(
+        lambda r:
+        np.s_[int(r.ebb_y0): int(r.ebb_y1), int(r.ebb_x0): int(r.ebb_x1), :, int(r.ebb_z0): int(r.ebb_z1) + 1],
+        axis=1,
+        result_type='reduce',
+    )
+    df['slices', 'relative_slice'] = df['relative_bounding_box'].apply(
+        lambda r:
+        np.s_[int(r.rel_y0): int(r.rel_y1), int(r.rel_x0): int(r.rel_x1), :, :],
+        axis=1,
+        result_type='reduce',
+    )
+    return df
diff --git a/model_server/rois/features.py b/model_server/rois/features.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..491764dd3060fb639ca17031505e98d4044040a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model_server/rois/features.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import pandas as pd
+from skimage.measure import regionprops_table
+from .roiset import RoiSet
+def regionprops(rois: RoiSet, make_3d: bool = False, channel: int = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    props = [
+        'area',
+        'area_bbox',
+        'area_convex',
+        'area_filled',
+        'axis_major_length',
+        'axis_minor_length',
+        'equivalent_diameter_area',
+        'euler_number',
+        'extent',
+        'feret_diameter_max',
+        'intensity_max',
+        'intensity_mean',
+        'intensity_min',
+        'intensity_std',
+        'num_pixels',
+        'solidity',
+    ]
+    if not make_3d:
+        props = props + [
+            'eccentricity',
+            'orientation',
+            'perimeter',
+            'perimeter_crofton',
+        ]
+    acc_la = rois.get_patch_obmap_acc(make_3d=make_3d)
+    acc_in = rois.get_patches_acc(make_3d=make_3d, channels=[channel])
+    for i in range(0, acc_la.count):
+        def _extract_features(roi):
+            i = roi['patches', 'index']
+            if make_3d:
+                la_i = acc_la.iat(i).data_yxz
+                im_i = acc_in.iat(i).data_yxzc
+            else:
+                la_i = acc_la.iat(i).data_yx
+                im_i = acc_in.iat(i).data_yxzc[:, :, 0, :]
+            return pd.Series(
+                {k: v[0] for k, v in regionprops_table(la_i, im_i, properties=props).items()}
+            )
+    dff = rois.df().apply(_extract_features, axis=1)
+    if channel is not None:
+        dff.rename(
+            columns={
+                f'intensity_{k}-0': f'intensity_{k}-{channel}' for k in ['max', 'min', 'mean', 'std']
+            },
+            inplace=True
+        )
+    return dff
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/model_server/rois/labels.py b/model_server/rois/labels.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2444231c8fca99d06e0bbf83df034a5e255769d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model_server/rois/labels.py
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+from math import sqrt
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from scipy.stats import moment
+from skimage.filters import sobel
+from skimage.measure import label, shannon_entropy, regionprops_table
+from model_server.base.accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor, InMemoryDataAccessor
+from model_server.rois.df import filter_df, insert_level, is_df_3d, df_insert_slices
+def get_label_ids(acc_seg_mask: GenericImageDataAccessor, allow_3d=False, connect_3d=True) -> InMemoryDataAccessor:
+    """
+    Convert binary segmentation mask into either a 2D or 3D object identities map
+    :param acc_seg_mask: binary segmentation mask (mono) of either two or three dimensions
+    :param allow_3d: return a 3D map if True; return a 2D map of the mask's maximum intensity project if False
+    :param connect_3d: objects can span multiple z-positions if True; objects are unique to a single z if False
+    :return: object identities map
+    """
+    if allow_3d and connect_3d:
+        nda_la = label(
+            acc_seg_mask.data_yxz,
+            connectivity=3,
+        ).astype('uint16')
+        return InMemoryDataAccessor(np.expand_dims(nda_la, 2))
+    elif allow_3d and not connect_3d:
+        nla = 0
+        la_3d = np.zeros((*acc_seg_mask.hw, 1, acc_seg_mask.nz), dtype='uint16')
+        for zi in range(0, acc_seg_mask.nz):
+            la_2d = label(
+                acc_seg_mask.data_yxz[:, :, zi],
+                connectivity=2,
+            ).astype('uint16')
+            la_2d[la_2d > 0] = la_2d[la_2d > 0] + nla
+            nla = la_2d.max()
+            la_3d[:, :, 0, zi] = la_2d
+        return InMemoryDataAccessor(la_3d)
+    else:
+        return InMemoryDataAccessor(
+            label(
+                acc_seg_mask.get_mip().data_yx,
+                connectivity=1,
+            ).astype('uint16')
+        )
+def focus_metrics():
+    return {
+        'max_intensity': lambda x: np.max(x),
+        'stdev': lambda x: np.std(x),
+        'max_sobel': lambda x: np.max(sobel(x)),
+        'rms_sobel': lambda x: sqrt(np.mean(sobel(x) ** 2)),
+        'entropy': lambda x: shannon_entropy(x),
+        'moment': lambda x: moment(x.flatten(), moment=2),
+    }
+def make_df_from_object_ids(
+        acc_raw,
+        acc_obj_ids,
+        expand_box_by,
+        deproject_channel=None,
+        filters=None,
+        deproject_intensity_threshold=0.0
+) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    Build dataframe that associate object IDs with summary stats;
+    :param acc_raw: accessor to raw image data
+    :param acc_obj_ids: accessor to map of object IDs
+    :param expand_box_by: number of pixels to expand bounding box in all directions (without exceeding image boundary)
+    :param deproject_channel: if objects' z-coordinates are not specified, compute them based on argmax of this channel
+    :param deproject_intensity_threshold: when deprojecting, round MIP deprojection_channel to zero if below this
+        threshold (as fraction of full range, 0.0 to 1.0)
+    :return: pd.DataFrame
+    """
+    # build dataframe of objects, assign z index to each object
+    if acc_obj_ids.nz == 1 and acc_raw.nz > 1:  # apply deprojection
+        if deproject_channel is None or deproject_channel >= acc_raw.chroma or deproject_channel < 0:
+            if acc_raw.chroma == 1:
+                deproject_channel = 0
+            else:
+                raise NoDeprojectChannelSpecifiedError(
+                    f'When labeling objects, either their z-coordinates or a valid deprojection channel are required.'
+                )
+        mono = acc_raw.get_mono(deproject_channel)
+        intensity_weight = mono.get_mip().data_yx.astype('uint16')
+        intensity_weight[intensity_weight < (deproject_intensity_threshold * mono.dtype_max)] = 0
+        argmax = mono.get_z_argmax().data_yx.astype('uint16')
+        zi_map = np.stack([
+            intensity_weight,
+            argmax * intensity_weight,
+        ], axis=-1)
+        assert len(zi_map.shape) == 3
+        df = pd.DataFrame(regionprops_table(
+            acc_obj_ids.data_yx,
+            intensity_image=zi_map,
+            properties=('label', 'area', 'intensity_mean', 'bbox')
+        )).rename(columns={'bbox-0': 'y0', 'bbox-1': 'x0', 'bbox-2': 'y1', 'bbox-3': 'x1'})
+        df['zi'] = (df['intensity_mean-1'] / df['intensity_mean-0']).fillna(0).round().astype('int16')
+        df = df.drop(['intensity_mean-0', 'intensity_mean-1'], axis=1)
+        def _make_binary_mask(r):
+            acc = InMemoryDataAccessor(acc_obj_ids.data == r.name)
+            cropped = acc.get_mono(0, mip=True).crop_hw(
+                (int(r.y0), int(r.x0), int(r.y1 - r.y0), int(r.x1 - r.x0))
+            ).data_yx
+            return cropped
+    elif acc_obj_ids.nz == 1 and acc_raw.nz == 1:  # purely 2d, no z information in dataframe
+        df = pd.DataFrame(regionprops_table(
+            acc_obj_ids.data_yx,
+            properties=('label', 'area', 'bbox')
+        )).rename(columns={
+            'bbox-0': 'y0', 'bbox-1': 'x0', 'bbox-2': 'y1', 'bbox-3': 'x1'
+        })
+        def _make_binary_mask(r):
+            acc = InMemoryDataAccessor(acc_obj_ids.data == r.name)
+            cropped = acc.get_mono(0).crop_hw(
+                (int(r.y0), int(r.x0), int(r.y1 - r.y0), int(r.x1 - r.x0))
+            ).data_yx
+            return cropped
+    else:  # purely 3d: objects' median z-coordinates come from arg of max count in object identities map
+        df = pd.DataFrame(regionprops_table(
+            acc_obj_ids.data_yxz,
+            properties=('label', 'area', 'bbox')
+        )).rename(columns={
+            'bbox-0': 'y0', 'bbox-1': 'x0', 'bbox-2': 'z0', 'bbox-3': 'y1', 'bbox-4': 'x1', 'bbox-5': 'z1'
+        })
+        def _get_zi_from_label(r):
+            r = r.convert_dtypes()
+            la = r.name
+            crop = acc_obj_ids.crop_hwd((r.y0, r.x0, r.z0, r.y1 - r.y0, r.x1 - r.x0, r.z1 - r.z0))
+            rel_argzmax = crop.apply(lambda x: x == la).get_focus_vector().argmax()
+            return rel_argzmax + r.z0
+        df['zi'] = df.apply(_get_zi_from_label, axis=1, result_type='reduce')
+        df['nz'] = df['z1'] - df['z0']
+        def _make_binary_mask(r):
+            r = r.convert_dtypes()
+            la = r.name
+            crop = acc_obj_ids.crop_hwd(
+                (int(r.y0), int(r.x0), int(r.z0), int(r.y1 - r.y0), int(r.x1 - r.x0), int(r.z1 - r.z0))
+            )
+            return crop.apply(lambda x: x == la).data_yxz
+    df = df.set_index('label')
+    insert_level(df, 'bounding_box')
+    df = df_insert_slices(df, acc_raw.shape_dict, expand_box_by)
+    filters_dict = {} if filters is None else filters.dict(exclude_unset=True)
+    df_fil = filter_df(df, filters_dict)
+    df_fil['masks', 'binary_mask'] = df_fil.bounding_box.apply(
+        _make_binary_mask,
+        axis=1,
+        result_type='reduce',
+    )
+    return df_fil
+def make_object_ids_from_df(df: pd.DataFrame, sd: dict) -> InMemoryDataAccessor:
+    id_mask = np.zeros((sd['Y'], sd['X'], 1, sd['Z']), dtype='uint16')
+    if 'binary_mask' not in df.masks.columns:
+        raise MissingSegmentationError('RoiSet dataframe does not contain segmentation')
+    if is_df_3d(df):  # use 3d coordinates
+        def _label_obj(r):
+            bb = r.bounding_box
+            sl = np.s_[bb.y0:bb.y1, bb.x0:bb.x1, :, bb.z0:bb.z1]
+            mask = np.expand_dims(r.masks.binary_mask, 2)
+            id_mask[sl] = id_mask[sl] + r.name * mask
+    elif 'zi' in df.bounding_box.columns:
+        def _label_obj(r):
+            bb = r.bounding_box
+            sl = np.s_[bb.y0:bb.y1, bb.x0:bb.x1, :, bb.zi: (bb.zi + 1)]
+            mask = np.expand_dims(r.masks.binary_mask, (2, 3))
+            id_mask[sl] = id_mask[sl] + r.name * mask
+    else:
+        def _label_obj(r):
+            bb = r.bounding_box
+            sl = np.s_[bb.y0:bb.y1, bb.x0:bb.x1, :]
+            mask = np.expand_dims(r.masks.binary_mask, (2, 3))
+            id_mask[sl] = id_mask[sl] + r.name * mask
+    df.apply(_label_obj, axis=1)
+    return InMemoryDataAccessor(id_mask)
+class Error(Exception):
+    pass
+class NoDeprojectChannelSpecifiedError(Error):
+    pass
+class MissingSegmentationError(Error):
+    pass
diff --git a/model_server/rois/models.py b/model_server/rois/models.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51cfe598978066dcf28fdff27993366e0180c5d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model_server/rois/models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from skimage.measure import regionprops_table
+from model_server.base.accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor, PatchStack, InMemoryDataAccessor
+from model_server.base.models import InstanceMaskSegmentationModel
+from model_server.rois.labels import get_label_ids
+class IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentationModel(InstanceMaskSegmentationModel):
+    def __init__(self, tr: float = 0.5):
+        """
+        Model that labels all objects as class 1 if the intensity in specified channel exceeds a threshold; labels all
+        objects as class 1 if threshold = 0.0
+        :param tr: threshold in range of 0.0 to 1.0; model handles normalization to full pixel intensity range
+        :param channel: channel to use for thresholding
+        """
+        self.tr = tr
+        self.loaded = self.load()
+        super().__init__(info={'tr': tr})
+    def load(self):
+        return True
+    def infer(
+            self,
+            img: GenericImageDataAccessor,
+            mask: GenericImageDataAccessor,
+            allow_3d: bool = False,
+            connect_3d: bool = True,
+    ) -> GenericImageDataAccessor:
+        if img.chroma != 1:
+            raise ShapeMismatchError(
+                f'IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentationModel expects 1 channel but received {img.chroma}'
+            )
+        if isinstance(img, PatchStack):  # assume one object per patch
+            df = img.get_object_df(mask)
+            om = np.zeros(mask.shape, 'uint16')
+            def _label_patch_class(la):
+                om[la] = (mask.iat(la).data > 0) * 1
+            df.loc[df['intensity_mean'] > (self.tr * img.dtype_max), 'label'].apply(_label_patch_class)
+            return PatchStack(om)
+        else:
+            labels = get_label_ids(mask)
+            df = pd.DataFrame(regionprops_table(
+                labels.data_yxz,
+                intensity_image=img.data_yxz,
+                properties=('label', 'area', 'intensity_mean')
+            ))
+            om = np.zeros(labels.shape, labels.dtype)
+            def _label_object_class(la):
+                om[labels.data == la] = 1
+            df.loc[df['intensity_mean'] > (self.tr * img.dtype_max), 'label'].apply(_label_object_class)
+            return InMemoryDataAccessor(om)
+    def label_instance_class(
+            self, img: GenericImageDataAccessor, mask: GenericImageDataAccessor, **kwargs
+    ) -> GenericImageDataAccessor:
+        super().label_instance_class(img, mask, **kwargs)
+        return self.infer(img, mask)
+class Error(Exception):
+    pass
+class ShapeMismatchError(Error):
+    pass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/model_server/rois/phenobase.py b/model_server/rois/phenobase.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b4c2f2e91ce24febbe1bca773409f0ecad909e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model_server/rois/phenobase.py
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+import re
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Dict, Union
+import pandas as pd
+from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
+from model_server.base.accessors import PatchStack, GenericImageFileAccessor
+from model_server.rois.roiset import PatchParams, RoiSet, RoiSetExportParams
+class RoiSetIndex(dict):
+    """
+    Dictionary that identifies each unique RoiSet in the PhenoBase.
+    """
+    pass
+class PhenoBase(object):
+    def __init__(
+            self,
+            dataframe: pd.DataFrame,
+            root: Path,
+            info: Dict[str, str],
+            roiset_subdir='phenobase',
+            roiset_df_paths: list[Path] = None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Create a database containing one or more RoiSets and their associated data
+        :param dataframe: DataFrame object containing RoiSet information indexed by a unique RoiSet identifier
+        :param root: top-level directory containing a directory with RoiSets
+        :param info: about patch subdirectories, filters, etc.; passed to methods that create derivative PhenoBases
+        :param roiset_subdir: name of subdirectory that contains serialized RoiSets
+        :param roiset_df_paths: list of CSV files that individually define an Roiset
+        """
+        self.df = dataframe
+        self.root = root
+        self.info = info
+        self.roiset_root_path = root / roiset_subdir
+        self.roiset_df_paths = roiset_df_paths
+        assert len(self.list_patch_series()) > 0, f'No patch collections found in {self.roiset_root_path}'
+        for patch_series in self.list_patch_series():
+            patches_path = self.roiset_root_path / patch_series
+            self.verify_patches(
+                self.df,
+                patches_path.name,
+                self.info['mask_patch_series'],
+                self.roiset_root_path
+            )
+    def update(self):
+        """
+        Scan the target directory specified in .read() for additional entries and update accordingly.
+        """
+        list_df_paths = []
+        for pa in (self.roiset_root_path / 'dataframe').iterdir():
+            if pa.suffix.upper() == '.CSV' and pa not in self.roiset_df_paths:
+                list_df_paths.append(pa)
+                self.roiset_df_paths.append(pa)
+        new_roisets = self._read_roiset_dfs(list_df_paths, max_stack_count=None, df_stacks=None)
+        if len(new_roisets) == 0:
+            return
+        for patch_series in self.list_patch_series():
+            patches_path = self.roiset_root_path / patch_series
+            self.verify_patches(
+                pd.concat(new_roisets),
+                patches_path.name,
+                self.info['mask_patch_series'],
+                self.roiset_root_path
+            )
+        self.df = pd.concat([
+            self.df,
+            *new_roisets,
+        ])
+    def push(
+            self,
+            roiset: RoiSet,
+            index_dict: RoiSetIndex,
+            csv_prefix: str = None,
+            export_params: RoiSetExportParams = None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Push an RoiSet onto a PhenoBase based on a unique key
+        :param roiset: RoiSet object to be added to PhenoBase
+        :param index_dict: dict that uniquely identifies the RoiSet; keys must match existing ones
+        :param csv_prefix:  (optional) prefix of newly created CSV file
+        :param export_params: (optional) parameters for exporting RoiSet patch series and other products
+        """
+        # validate that index of RoiSet matches PhenoBase's schema and is unique
+        index_str_parts = [f'{k}{v:04d}' for k, v in index_dict.items()]
+        if csv_prefix is not None:
+            index_str_parts.insert(0, csv_prefix)
+        index_str = '-'.join(index_str_parts)
+        for k in self.roiset_index:
+            if k not in self.roiset_index:
+                raise RoiSetIndexError(f'RoiSet index {k} not recognized in existing PhenoBase')
+        if all([v in self.df.index.to_frame()[f'coord_{k}'] for k, v in index_dict.items()]):
+            raise RoiSetIndexError(f'RoiSet index {index_dict} already exists in PhenoBase')
+        # validate that patch sets are specified in RoiSet export parameters before attempting to export them
+        if (export_params is None or len(export_params.patches) == 0) and self.list_patch_series() is not None:
+            raise MissingPatchSeriesError(f'RoiSet needs to specify patch export parameters: {self.list_patch_series()}')
+        missing_patch_series = [
+            psk for psk in self.list_patch_series() if psk.split('patches_')[-1] not in export_params.patches.keys()
+        ]
+        if any(missing_patch_series):
+            raise MissingPatchSeriesError(f'Could not find patch series: {missing_patch_series}')
+        # export RoiSet products and then re-scan target directory to update PhenoBase
+        roiset.run_exports(
+            self.roiset_root_path,
+            prefix=index_str,
+            params=export_params,
+        )
+        self.update()
+    @staticmethod
+    def _read_roiset_dfs(paths, max_stack_count, df_stacks=None):
+        list_df = []
+        for pa in paths[0: max_stack_count]:
+            df_i = pd.read_csv(pa, header=[0, 1], index_col=0)
+            df_i.index.name = 'label'
+            roiset_index = {m[0]: int(m[1]) for m in re.findall(r'-*([a-zA-Z]+)(\d+)', pa.stem)}
+            if len(roiset_index) == 0:
+                raise RoiSetIndexError(f'No unique RoiSet identifier found in {pa.name}')
+            for k, v in roiset_index.items():
+                df_i.insert(0, f'coord_{k}', v)
+            # transfer metadata from table of stack, if this is specified
+            if df_stacks is not None:
+                df_i['paths', 'input_file'] = df_stacks['remote_path'].loc[roiset_index]
+                # if ROIs are labeled the same in their input stacks, transfer this to ROI table
+                if 'category_label' in df_stacks.columns:
+                    df_i['annotations', 'category_label'] = df_stacks['category_label'].loc[roiset_index]
+                    df_i['annotations', 'category_id'] = df_stacks['category_id'].loc[roiset_index]
+            # transfer in object classification results, if relevant
+            if 'classifications' in df_i.columns:
+                classifications = df_i.classifications.columns
+                if len(classifications) > 1 or ('annotations', 'category_label') in df_i.columns:
+                    raise AnnotationColumnsError('PhenoBase can only contain one annotation or classification column')
+                if len(classifications) == 1:
+                    df_i.rename(columns={classifications[0]: 'category_id'}, inplace=True)
+                    df_i['classifications', 'category_label'] = df_i['classifications', 'category_id']
+            df_i.set_index([f'coord_{k}' for k in roiset_index.keys()] + [df_i.index], inplace=True)
+            list_df.append(df_i)
+        return list_df
+    @classmethod
+    def from_roiset(
+            cls,
+            root: Path,
+            roiset: RoiSet,
+            index_dict: RoiSetIndex,
+            roiset_subdir='phenobase',
+            export_params: RoiSetExportParams = None,
+    ):
+        # serialize RoiSet
+        index_str = '-'.join([f'{k}{v:04d}' for k, v in index_dict.items()])
+        roiset.run_exports(
+            root / roiset_subdir,
+            prefix=index_str,
+            params=export_params
+        )
+        return cls.read(root, roiset_subdir)
+    @classmethod
+    def read(
+            cls,
+            root: Path,
+            roiset_subdir='phenobase',
+            mask_patch_series: str = 'tight_patch_masks',
+            max_stack_count: Union[int, None] = None,
+            input_files_csv: str = None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Automatically read serialized RoiSet from the specified directory and create a PhenoBase.  The resulting table
+        parses its (generally multicolumn) index from RoiSet CSV filenames in the /dataframe subdirectory:
+            roiset-x000-y001-t002 results in the index {x=0, y=1, t=2}
+        and so on.
+        :param root: top-level directory containing a directory with RoiSets
+        :param roiset_subdir: name of subdirectory that contains serialized RoiSets
+        :param mask_patch_series: name of subdirectory containing patch masks needed to deserialize each RoiSet
+        :param max_stack_count: read only the specified number of RoiSets, or read all if None
+        :param input_files_csv: (optional) the name of a file with supplementary information about RoiSets' input files
+        :return: PhenoBase object
+        """
+        # concat single-stack dfs
+        where_dfs = root / roiset_subdir / 'dataframe'
+        roiset_df_paths = [pa for pa in where_dfs.iterdir() if pa.suffix.upper() == '.CSV']
+        n_df = len(roiset_df_paths)
+        assert n_df > 0, f'No patch dataframes found in {where_dfs}'
+        if max_stack_count is None:
+            max_stack_count = n_df
+        if input_files_csv is not None:
+            df_stacks = pd.read_csv(root / input_files_csv)
+        else:
+            df_stacks = None
+        df_concat = pd.concat(
+                cls._read_roiset_dfs(
+                    roiset_df_paths,
+                    max_stack_count=max_stack_count,
+                    df_stacks=df_stacks,
+                )
+        )
+        return cls(
+            df_concat,
+            root,
+            {'mask_patch_series': mask_patch_series},
+            roiset_df_paths=roiset_df_paths,
+        )
+    def list_patch_series(self):
+        return [x.name for x in self.roiset_root_path.iterdir() if x.is_dir() and x.name.startswith('patches_')]
+    @property
+    def count(self):
+        return len(self.df)
+    def chroma(self, patch_series: str):
+        return self.sample(1).get_raw_patchstack(patch_series).chroma
+    def filter(self, filters) -> pd.DataFrame:
+        if filters is None:
+            self.info['filters'] = None
+            return self
+        else: # parse filters
+            query_str = 'label > 0'
+            for k, val in filters.items():
+                assert k in ('area', 'diag', 'min_hw', 'diag')
+                if val is None:
+                    continue
+                vmin = val['min']
+                vmax = val['max']
+                assert vmin >= 0
+                query_str = query_str + f' & {k} > {vmin} & {k} < {vmax}'
+                info = {'filters': query_str, **self.info}
+            return self.__class__(self.df.query(query_str), self.root, info)
+    def sample(self, n_max: int):
+        if n_max is None or n_max >= self.count:
+            return self
+        else:
+            return self.__class__(self.df.sample(int(n_max)), self.root, self.info)
+    def get_rows(self, rows: pd.Index) -> pd.DataFrame:
+        return self.__class__(self.df.loc[rows], self.root, self.info)
+    def write_df(self):
+        return self.df.reset_index(
+            col_level=1
+        ).to_csv(
+            self.root / 'phenobase.csv',
+            index=False
+        )
+    def get_raw_patchstack(self, patch_series: str) -> PatchStack:
+        def _get_patch(roi):
+            pa = getattr(roi.patches, f'{patch_series}_path')
+            fp = self.roiset_root_path / pa
+            acc = GenericImageFileAccessor.read(fp)
+            return acc.data
+        return PatchStack(self.df.apply(_get_patch, axis=1).to_list(), force_ydim_longest=True)
+    def get_patch_masks(self) -> PatchStack:
+        patch_mask_column = self.info['mask_patch_series'] + '_path'
+        def _get_mask(roi):
+            fp = self.roiset_root_path / getattr(roi.patches, patch_mask_column)
+            return GenericImageFileAccessor.read(fp).data
+        return PatchStack(self.df.apply(_get_mask, axis=1).to_list(), force_ydim_longest=True)
+    def get_patch_obmaps(self) -> PatchStack:
+        if ('classifications', 'category_id') not in self.df.columns:
+            raise AnnotationColumnsError(
+                'PhenoBase does not have an annotation column with which to generate object maps'
+            )
+        patch_mask_column = self.info['mask_patch_series'] + '_path'
+        def _get_obmap(roi):
+            fp = self.roiset_root_path / getattr(roi.patches, patch_mask_column)
+            nda = GenericImageFileAccessor.read(fp).data
+            return ((nda > 0) * roi.classifications.category_id).astype('uint8')
+        return PatchStack(self.df.apply(_get_obmap, axis=1).to_list(), force_ydim_longest=True)
+    @staticmethod
+    def verify_patches(df, patch_series: str, mask_patch_series: str, root: PatchStack):
+        # verify patch files and put paths in column
+        all_exist = {}
+        for k in [f'{patch_series}_path', f'{mask_patch_series}_path']:
+            df['patches', f'{k}_exists'] = df.patches[k].apply(lambda x: (root / x).exists())
+            all_exist[k] = df['patches', f'{k}_exists'].all()
+        assert all(all_exist), f'Could not verify that all patches in {patch_series} exist'
+    @property
+    def labels(self):
+        if 'classifications' not in self.df.columns:
+            return None
+        dfcl = self.df.classifications
+        if 'category_id' not in dfcl.columns and 'category_label' not in dfcl.columns:
+            return None
+        labels_dict = {g[0][0]: g[0][1] for g in dfcl.groupby(['category_id', 'category_label'])}
+        return [labels_dict.get(i, 'undefined') for i in range(1, 1 + max(labels_dict.keys()))]
+    def split(self, test_size=0.3) -> Dict[str, pd.Series]:
+        tr_rows, te_rows = train_test_split(self.df.index, test_size=test_size)
+        return {
+            'train': self.__class__(self.df.loc[tr_rows], self.root, {'split': 'train', **self.info}),
+            'test': self.__class__(self.df.loc[te_rows], self.root, {'split': 'test', **self.info})
+        }
+    @property
+    def roiset_index(self) -> list:
+        return [n for n in self.df.index.names if n != 'label']
+    def list_bounding_boxes(self):
+        return self.df.bounding_box.reset_index().to_dict(orient='records')
+class Error(Exception):
+    pass
+class InvalidPatchStackError(Error):
+    pass
+class RoiSetIndexError(Error):
+    pass
+class AnnotationColumnsError(Error):
+    pass
+class MissingPatchSeriesError(Error):
+    pass
diff --git a/model_server/rois/pipelines/__init__.py b/model_server/rois/pipelines/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/model_server/rois/pipelines/add_roiset.py b/model_server/rois/pipelines/add_roiset.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b0ce415adc974d1d4fa2a5f0fb62aa3d650aa2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model_server/rois/pipelines/add_roiset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+from typing import Dict, Union
+from fastapi import APIRouter
+from pydantic import Field
+from model_server.base.accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor
+from model_server.base.models import Model
+from model_server.base.pipelines.shared import call_roiset_pipeline, RoiSetPipelineParams, PipelineQueueRecord, PipelineRecord, PipelineTrace
+from model_server.rois.roiset import RoiSet, RoiSetMetaParams
+class AddRoiSetParams(RoiSetPipelineParams):
+    accessor_id: str = Field(
+        description='ID of raw data to use in RoiSet'
+    )
+    labels_accessor_id: str = Field(
+        description='ID of label mask to use in RoiSet'
+    )
+    roi_params: RoiSetMetaParams = RoiSetMetaParams(**{
+        'mask_type': 'boxes',
+        'filters': {
+            'area': {'min': 1e3, 'max': 1e8}
+        },
+        'expand_box_by': [0, 0],
+        'deproject_channel': None,
+    })
+class SegToRoiSetRecord(PipelineRecord):
+    pass
+router = APIRouter()
+def seg_to_roiset(p: AddRoiSetParams) -> Union[SegToRoiSetRecord, PipelineQueueRecord]:
+    """
+    Compute a RoiSet from 2d segmentation, apply to z-stack, and optionally apply object classification.
+    """
+    return call_roiset_pipeline(add_roiset_pipeline, p)
+def add_roiset_pipeline(
+        accessors: Dict[str, GenericImageDataAccessor],
+        models: Dict[str, Model],
+        **k
+) -> PipelineTrace:
+    d = PipelineTrace(accessors[''])
+    d['labels'] = accessors['labels_']
+    rois = RoiSet.from_object_ids(
+        d['input'],
+        d['labels'],
+        RoiSetMetaParams(**k['roi_params'])
+    )
+    for patch_series, patch_params in k['patches'].items():
+        d[patch_series] = rois.get_patches_acc(**patch_params)
+    d['patch_masks'] = rois.get_patch_masks_acc()
+    return d, rois
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/model_server/base/pipelines/roiset_obmap.py b/model_server/rois/pipelines/roiset_obmap.py
similarity index 84%
rename from model_server/base/pipelines/roiset_obmap.py
rename to model_server/rois/pipelines/roiset_obmap.py
index 57e7f6d8679acef37756d1b81029af42f5993d43..2f69cf3434db7d2cf1a0d1f97740be07952e190c 100644
--- a/model_server/base/pipelines/roiset_obmap.py
+++ b/model_server/rois/pipelines/roiset_obmap.py
@@ -3,14 +3,15 @@ from typing import Dict, Union
 from fastapi import APIRouter
 from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
-from ..accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor
-from .segment_zproj import segment_zproj_pipeline
-from .shared import call_pipeline
-from ..roiset import get_label_ids, RoiSet, RoiSetMetaParams, RoiSetExportParams
+from model_server.base.accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor
+from model_server.base.pipelines.segment_zproj import segment_zproj_pipeline
+from model_server.base.pipelines.shared import call_pipeline
+from model_server.rois.roiset import RoiSet, RoiSetMetaParams, RoiSetExportParams
+from model_server.rois.labels import get_label_ids
-from ..pipelines.shared import PipelineQueueRecord, PipelineTrace, PipelineParams, PipelineRecord
+from model_server.base.pipelines.shared import PipelineQueueRecord, PipelineTrace, PipelineParams, PipelineRecord
-from ..models import Model, InstanceMaskSegmentationModel
+from model_server.base.models import Model, InstanceMaskSegmentationModel
 class RoiSetObjectMapParams(PipelineParams):
     class _SegmentationParams(BaseModel):
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ class RoiSetToObjectMapRecord(PipelineRecord):
 router = APIRouter()
 def roiset_object_map(p: RoiSetObjectMapParams) -> Union[RoiSetToObjectMapRecord, PipelineQueueRecord]:
     Compute a RoiSet from 2d segmentation, apply to z-stack, and optionally apply object classification.
diff --git a/model_server/base/roiset.py b/model_server/rois/roiset.py
similarity index 57%
rename from model_server/base/roiset.py
rename to model_server/rois/roiset.py
index 9961de249cf5ecf990325fec366c9c1944072cb7..1d833dfa8ccb63b8a876867dd6d4a3d5112dfe43 100644
--- a/model_server/base/roiset.py
+++ b/model_server/rois/roiset.py
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 from collections import OrderedDict
-import itertools
-from math import sqrt, floor
+from math import floor
 from pathlib import Path
 from typing import Dict, List, Union
 from typing_extensions import Self
@@ -10,19 +9,20 @@ import glasbey
 import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
 from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
-from scipy.stats import moment
-from skimage.filters import sobel
 from skimage import draw
-from skimage.measure import approximate_polygon, find_contours, label, points_in_poly, regionprops, regionprops_table, shannon_entropy
+from skimage.measure import approximate_polygon, find_contours, label, points_in_poly, regionprops
 from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation, disk
-from .accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor, InMemoryDataAccessor, write_accessor_data_to_file
-from .models import InstanceMaskSegmentationModel
-from .process import get_safe_contours, pad, rescale, make_rgb
-from .annotators import draw_box_on_patch, draw_contours_on_patch, draw_boxes_on_3d_image
-from .accessors import generate_file_accessor, PatchStack
-from .process import mask_largest_object
+from model_server.base.accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor, InMemoryDataAccessor, write_accessor_data_to_file
+from model_server.base.models import InstanceMaskSegmentationModel
+from model_server.base.process import get_safe_contours, pad, rescale, make_rgb, safe_add
+from model_server.base.annotators import draw_box_on_patch, draw_contours_on_patch, draw_boxes_on_3d_image
+from model_server.base.accessors import generate_file_accessor, PatchStack
+from model_server.base.process import mask_largest_object
+from model_server.rois.df import filter_df_overlap_seg, is_df_3d, insert_level, read_roiset_df, df_insert_slices
+from model_server.rois.labels import get_label_ids, focus_metrics, make_df_from_object_ids, make_object_ids_from_df, \
+    NoDeprojectChannelSpecifiedError
 class PatchParams(BaseModel):
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class RoiFilter(BaseModel):
 class RoiSetMetaParams(BaseModel):
     filters: Union[RoiFilter, None] = None
-    expand_box_by: List[int] = [128, 0]
+    expand_box_by: List[int] = [0, 0]
     deproject_channel: Union[int, None] = None
     deproject_intensity_threshold: float = 0.0
@@ -89,371 +89,10 @@ class RoiSetExportParams(BaseModel):
     labels_overlay: Union[RoiSetLabelsOverlayParams, None] = None
     derived_channels: bool = False
     write_patches_to_subdirectory: bool = Field(
-        False,
+        True,
         description='Write all patches to a subdirectory with prefix as name'
-def get_label_ids(acc_seg_mask: GenericImageDataAccessor, allow_3d=False, connect_3d=True) -> InMemoryDataAccessor:
-    """
-    Convert binary segmentation mask into either a 2D or 3D object identities map
-    :param acc_seg_mask: binary segmentation mask (mono) of either two or three dimensions
-    :param allow_3d: return a 3D map if True; return a 2D map of the mask's maximum intensity project if False
-    :param connect_3d: objects can span multiple z-positions if True; objects are unique to a single z if False
-    :return: object identities map
-    """
-    if allow_3d and connect_3d:
-        nda_la = label(
-            acc_seg_mask.data_yxz,
-            connectivity=3,
-        ).astype('uint16')
-        return InMemoryDataAccessor(np.expand_dims(nda_la, 2))
-    elif allow_3d and not connect_3d:
-        nla = 0
-        la_3d = np.zeros((*acc_seg_mask.hw, 1, acc_seg_mask.nz), dtype='uint16')
-        for zi in range(0, acc_seg_mask.nz):
-            la_2d = label(
-                acc_seg_mask.data_yxz[:, :, zi],
-                connectivity=2,
-            ).astype('uint16')
-            la_2d[la_2d > 0] = la_2d[la_2d > 0] + nla
-            nla = la_2d.max()
-            la_3d[:, :, 0, zi] = la_2d
-        return InMemoryDataAccessor(la_3d)
-    else:
-        return InMemoryDataAccessor(
-            label(
-                acc_seg_mask.get_mip().data_yx,
-                connectivity=1,
-            ).astype('uint16')
-        )
-def focus_metrics():
-    return {
-        'max_intensity': lambda x: np.max(x),
-        'stdev': lambda x: np.std(x),
-        'max_sobel': lambda x: np.max(sobel(x)),
-        'rms_sobel': lambda x: sqrt(np.mean(sobel(x) ** 2)),
-        'entropy': lambda x: shannon_entropy(x),
-        'moment': lambda x: moment(x.flatten(), moment=2),
-    }
-def filter_df(df: pd.DataFrame, filters: RoiFilter = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
-    query_str = 'label > 0'  # always true
-    if filters is not None:  # parse filters
-        for k, val in filters.dict(exclude_unset=True).items():
-            assert k in ('area', 'diag', 'min_hw')
-            if val is None:
-                continue
-            vmin = val['min']
-            vmax = val['max']
-            assert vmin >= 0
-            query_str = query_str + f' & {k} > {vmin} & {k} < {vmax}'
-    return df.loc[df.query(query_str).index, :]
-def filter_df_overlap_bbox(df1: pd.DataFrame, df2: pd.DataFrame = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
-    """
-    If passed a single DataFrame, return the subset whose bounding boxes overlap in 3D space.  If passed two DataFrames,
-    return the subset where a ROI in the first overlaps a ROI in the second.  May return duplicates entries where a ROI
-    overlaps with multiple neighbors.
-    :param df1: DataFrame with potentially overlapping bounding boxes
-    :param df2: (optional) second DataFrame
-    :return DataFrame describing subset of overlapping ROIs
-        bbox_overlaps_with: index of ROI that overlaps
-        bbox_intersec: pixel area of intersecting region
-    """
-    def _compare(r0, r1):
-        olx = (r0.x0 < r1.x1) and (r0.x1 > r1.x0)
-        oly = (r0.y0 < r1.y1) and (r0.y1 > r1.y0)
-        olz = (r0.zi == r1.zi)
-        return olx and oly and olz
-    def _intersec(r0, r1):
-        return (r0.x1 - r1.x0) * (r0.y1 - r1.y0)
-    first = []
-    second = []
-    intersec = []
-    if df2 is not None:
-        for pair in itertools.product(df1.index, df2.index):
-            if _compare(df1.loc[pair[0]], df2.loc[pair[1]]):
-                first.append(pair[0])
-                second.append(pair[1])
-                intersec.append(
-                    _intersec(df1.loc[pair[0]], df2.loc[pair[1]])
-                )
-    else:
-        for pair in itertools.combinations(df1.index, 2):
-            if _compare(df1.loc[pair[0]], df1.loc[pair[1]]):
-                first.append(pair[0])
-                second.append(pair[1])
-                first.append(pair[1])
-                second.append(pair[0])
-                isc = _intersec(df1.loc[pair[0]], df1.loc[pair[1]])
-                intersec.append(isc)
-                intersec.append(isc)
-    sdf = df1.loc[first]
-    sdf.loc[:, 'overlaps_with'] = second
-    sdf.loc[:, 'bbox_intersec'] = intersec
-    return sdf
-def filter_df_overlap_seg(df1: pd.DataFrame, df2: pd.DataFrame = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
-    """
-    If passed a single DataFrame, return the subset whose segmentations overlap in 3D space.  If passed two DataFrames,
-    return the subset where a ROI in the first overlaps a ROI in the second.  May return duplicates entries where a ROI
-    overlaps with multiple neighbors.
-    :param df1: DataFrame with potentially overlapping bounding boxes
-    :param df2: (optional) second DataFrame
-    :return DataFrame describing subset of overlapping ROIs
-        seg_overlaps_with: index of ROI that overlaps
-        seg_intersec: pixel area of intersecting region
-        seg_iou: intersection over union
-    """
-    dfbb = filter_df_overlap_bbox(df1, df2)
-    def _overlap_seg(r):
-        roi1 = df1.loc[r.name]
-        if df2 is not None:
-            roi2 = df2.loc[r.overlaps_with]
-        else:
-            roi2 = df1.loc[r.overlaps_with]
-        ex0 = min(roi1.x0, roi2.x0, roi1.x1, roi2.x1)
-        ew = max(roi1.x0, roi2.x0, roi1.x1, roi2.x1) - ex0
-        ey0 = min(roi1.y0, roi2.y0, roi1.y1, roi2.y1)
-        eh = max(roi1.y0, roi2.y0, roi1.y1, roi2.y1) - ey0
-        emask = np.zeros((eh, ew), dtype='uint8')
-        sl1 = np.s_[(roi1.y0 - ey0): (roi1.y1 - ey0), (roi1.x0 - ex0): (roi1.x1 - ex0)]
-        sl2 = np.s_[(roi2.y0 - ey0): (roi2.y1 - ey0), (roi2.x0 - ex0): (roi2.x1 - ex0)]
-        emask[sl1] = roi1.binary_mask
-        emask[sl2] = emask[sl2] + roi2.binary_mask
-        return emask
-    emasks = dfbb.apply(_overlap_seg, axis=1)
-    dfbb['seg_overlaps'] = emasks.apply(lambda x: np.any(x > 1))
-    dfbb['seg_intersec'] = emasks.apply(lambda x: (x == 2).sum())
-    dfbb['seg_iou'] = emasks.apply(lambda x: (x == 2).sum() / (x > 0).sum())
-    return dfbb
-def is_df_3d(df: pd.DataFrame) -> bool:
-    return 'z0' in df.columns and 'z1' in df.columns
-def make_df_from_object_ids(
-        acc_raw,
-        acc_obj_ids,
-        expand_box_by,
-        deproject_channel=None,
-        filters=None,
-        deproject_intensity_threshold=0.0
-) -> pd.DataFrame:
-    """
-    Build dataframe that associate object IDs with summary stats;
-    :param acc_raw: accessor to raw image data
-    :param acc_obj_ids: accessor to map of object IDs
-    :param expand_box_by: number of pixels to expand bounding box in all directions (without exceeding image boundary)
-    :param deproject_channel: if objects' z-coordinates are not specified, compute them based on argmax of this channel
-    :param deproject_intensity_threshold: when deprojecting, round MIP deprojection_channel to zero if below this
-        threshold (as fraction of full range, 0.0 to 1.0)
-    :return: pd.DataFrame
-    """
-    # build dataframe of objects, assign z index to each object
-    if acc_obj_ids.nz == 1 and acc_raw.nz > 1:  # apply deprojection
-        if deproject_channel is None or deproject_channel >= acc_raw.chroma or deproject_channel < 0:
-            if acc_raw.chroma == 1:
-                deproject_channel = 0
-            else:
-                raise NoDeprojectChannelSpecifiedError(
-                    f'When labeling objects, either their z-coordinates or a valid deprojection channel are required.'
-                )
-        mono = acc_raw.get_mono(deproject_channel)
-        intensity_weight = mono.get_mip().data_yx.astype('uint16')
-        intensity_weight[intensity_weight < (deproject_intensity_threshold * mono.dtype_max)] = 0
-        argmax = mono.get_z_argmax().data_yx.astype('uint16')
-        zi_map = np.stack([
-            intensity_weight,
-            argmax * intensity_weight,
-        ], axis=-1)
-        assert len(zi_map.shape) == 3
-        df = pd.DataFrame(regionprops_table(
-            acc_obj_ids.data_yx,
-            intensity_image=zi_map,
-            properties=('label', 'area', 'intensity_mean', 'bbox')
-        )).rename(columns={'bbox-0': 'y0', 'bbox-1': 'x0', 'bbox-2': 'y1', 'bbox-3': 'x1'})
-        df['zi'] = (df['intensity_mean-1'] / df['intensity_mean-0']).fillna(0).round().astype('int16')
-        df = df.drop(['intensity_mean-0', 'intensity_mean-1'], axis=1)
-        def _make_binary_mask(r):
-            acc = InMemoryDataAccessor(acc_obj_ids.data == r.label)
-            cropped = acc.get_mono(0, mip=True).crop_hw((r.y0, r.x0, (r.y1 - r.y0), (r.x1 - r.x0))).data_yx
-            return cropped
-    elif acc_obj_ids.nz == 1 and acc_raw.nz == 1:  # purely 2d, no z information in dataframe
-        df = pd.DataFrame(regionprops_table(
-            acc_obj_ids.data_yx,
-            properties=('label', 'area', 'bbox')
-        )).rename(columns={
-            'bbox-0': 'y0', 'bbox-1': 'x0', 'bbox-2': 'y1', 'bbox-3': 'x1'
-        })
-        def _make_binary_mask(r):
-            acc = InMemoryDataAccessor(acc_obj_ids.data == r.label)
-            cropped = acc.get_mono(0).crop_hw((r.y0, r.x0, (r.y1 - r.y0), (r.x1 - r.x0))).data_yx
-            return cropped
-    else:  # purely 3d: objects' median z-coordinates come from arg of max count in object identities map
-        df = pd.DataFrame(regionprops_table(
-            acc_obj_ids.data_yxz,
-            properties=('label', 'area', 'bbox')
-        )).rename(columns={
-            'bbox-0': 'y0', 'bbox-1': 'x0', 'bbox-2': 'z0', 'bbox-3': 'y1', 'bbox-4': 'x1', 'bbox-5': 'z1'
-        })
-        def _get_zi_from_label(r):
-            r = r.convert_dtypes()
-            la = r.label
-            crop = acc_obj_ids.crop_hwd((r.y0, r.x0, r.z0, r.y1 - r.y0, r.x1 - r.x0, r.z1 - r.z0))
-            rel_argzmax = crop.apply(lambda x: x == la).get_focus_vector().argmax()
-            return rel_argzmax + r.z0
-        df['zi'] = df.apply(_get_zi_from_label, axis=1, result_type='reduce')
-        df['nz'] = df['z1'] - df['z0']
-        def _make_binary_mask(r):
-            r = r.convert_dtypes()
-            la = r.label
-            crop = acc_obj_ids.crop_hwd((r.y0, r.x0, r.z0, r.y1 - r.y0, r.x1 - r.x0, r.z1 - r.z0))
-            return crop.apply(lambda x: x == la).data_yxz
-    df = df_insert_slices(df, acc_raw.shape_dict, expand_box_by)
-    df_fil = filter_df(df, filters)
-    df_fil['binary_mask'] = df_fil.apply(
-        _make_binary_mask,
-        axis=1,
-        result_type='reduce',
-    )
-    return df_fil
-def df_insert_slices(df: pd.DataFrame, sd: dict, expand_box_by) -> pd.DataFrame:
-    h = sd['Y']
-    w = sd['X']
-    nz = sd['Z']
-    df['h'] = df['y1'] - df['y0']
-    df['w'] = df['x1'] - df['x0']
-    df['diag'] = (df['w']**2 + df['h']**2).apply(sqrt)
-    df['min_hw'] = df[['w', 'h']].min(axis=1)
-    ebxy, ebz = expand_box_by
-    df['ebb_y0'] = (df.y0 - ebxy).apply(lambda x: max(x, 0))
-    df['ebb_y1'] = (df.y1 + ebxy).apply(lambda x: min(x, h))
-    df['ebb_x0'] = (df.x0 - ebxy).apply(lambda x: max(x, 0))
-    df['ebb_x1'] = (df.x1 + ebxy).apply(lambda x: min(x, w))
-    # handle based on whether bounding box coordinates are 2d or 3d
-    if is_df_3d(df):
-        df['ebb_z0'] = (df.z0 - ebz).apply(lambda x: max(x, 0))
-        df['ebb_z1'] = (df.z1 + ebz).apply(lambda x: max(x, nz))
-    else:
-        if 'zi' not in df.columns:
-            df['zi'] = 0
-        df['ebb_z0'] = (df.zi - ebz).apply(lambda x: max(x, 0))
-        df['ebb_z1'] = (df.zi + ebz).apply(lambda x: min(x, nz))
-    df['ebb_h'] = df['ebb_y1'] - df['ebb_y0']
-    df['ebb_w'] = df['ebb_x1'] - df['ebb_x0']
-    df['ebb_nz'] = df['ebb_z1'] - df['ebb_z0'] + 1
-    # compute relative bounding boxes
-    df['rel_y0'] = df.y0 - df.ebb_y0
-    df['rel_y1'] = df.y1 - df.ebb_y0
-    df['rel_x0'] = df.x0 - df.ebb_x0
-    df['rel_x1'] = df.x1 - df.ebb_x0
-    assert np.all(df['rel_x1'] <= (df['ebb_x1'] - df['ebb_x0']))
-    assert np.all(df['rel_y1'] <= (df['ebb_y1'] - df['ebb_y0']))
-    if is_df_3d(df):
-        df['slice'] = df.apply(
-            lambda r:
-            np.s_[int(r.y0): int(r.y1), int(r.x0): int(r.x1), :, int(r.z0): int(r.z1)],
-            axis=1,
-            result_type='reduce',
-        )
-    else:
-        df['slice'] = df.apply(
-            lambda r:
-            np.s_[int(r.y0): int(r.y1), int(r.x0): int(r.x1), :, int(r.zi): int(r.zi + 1)],
-            axis=1,
-            result_type='reduce',
-        )
-    df['expanded_slice'] = df.apply(
-        lambda r:
-        np.s_[int(r.ebb_y0): int(r.ebb_y1), int(r.ebb_x0): int(r.ebb_x1), :, int(r.ebb_z0): int(r.ebb_z1) + 1],
-        axis=1,
-        result_type='reduce',
-    )
-    df['relative_slice'] = df.apply(
-        lambda r:
-        np.s_[int(r.rel_y0): int(r.rel_y1), int(r.rel_x0): int(r.rel_x1), :, :],
-        axis=1,
-        result_type='reduce',
-    )
-    return df
-def safe_add(a, g, b):
-    assert a.dtype == b.dtype
-    assert a.shape == b.shape
-    assert g >= 0.0
-    return np.clip(
-        a.astype('uint32') + g * b.astype('uint32'),
-        0,
-        np.iinfo(a.dtype).max
-    ).astype(a.dtype)
-def make_object_ids_from_df(df: pd.DataFrame, sd: dict) -> InMemoryDataAccessor:
-    id_mask = np.zeros((sd['Y'], sd['X'], 1, sd['Z']), dtype='uint16')
-    if 'binary_mask' not in df.columns:
-        raise MissingSegmentationError('RoiSet dataframe does not contain segmentation')
-    if is_df_3d(df):  # use 3d coordinates
-        def _label_obj(r):
-            sl = np.s_[r.y0:r.y1, r.x0:r.x1, :, r.z0:r.z1]
-            mask = np.expand_dims(r.binary_mask, 2)
-            id_mask[sl] = id_mask[sl] + r.label * mask
-    elif 'zi' in df.columns:
-        def _label_obj(r):
-            sl = np.s_[r.y0:r.y1, r.x0:r.x1, :, r.zi: (r.zi + 1)]
-            mask = np.expand_dims(r.binary_mask, (2, 3))
-            id_mask[sl] = id_mask[sl] + r.label * mask
-    else:
-        def _label_obj(r):
-            sl = np.s_[r.y0:r.y1, r.x0:r.x1, :]
-            mask = np.expand_dims(r.binary_mask, (2, 3))
-            id_mask[sl] = id_mask[sl] + r.label * mask
-    df.apply(_label_obj, axis=1)
-    return InMemoryDataAccessor(id_mask)
 class RoiSet(object):
     def __init__(
@@ -473,12 +112,10 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         self.accs_derived = []
         self.params = params
+        df['patches', 'index'] = df.reset_index().index
         self._df = df
-        self.count = len(self._df)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        """Expose ROI meta information via the Pandas.DataFrame API"""
-        return self._df.itertuples(name='Roi')
+        self.count = len(self._df)
     def from_object_ids(
@@ -547,17 +184,19 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         bbox_df['x1'] = bbox_df['x0'] + bbox_df['w']
         bbox_df['label'] = bbox_df.index
+        bbox_df.set_index('label', inplace=True)
+        bbox_df = bbox_df.drop(['x', 'y', 'w', 'h'], axis=1)
+        insert_level(bbox_df, 'bounding_box')
         df = df_insert_slices(
-            bbox_df[['y0', 'x0', 'y1', 'x1', 'zi', 'label']],
+            bbox_df,
         def _make_binary_mask(r):
-            return np.ones((r.h, r.w), dtype=bool)
+            return np.ones((int(r.h), int(r.w)), dtype=bool)
-        df['binary_mask'] = df.apply(
+        df['masks', 'binary_mask'] = df.bounding_box.apply(
@@ -623,14 +262,17 @@ class RoiSet(object):
             'raw_shape_dict': self.acc_raw.shape_dict,
             'count': self.count,
             'classify_by': self.classification_columns,
-            'df_memory_usage': int(self.get_df().memory_usage(deep=True).sum())
+            'df_memory_usage': int(self.df().memory_usage(deep=True).sum())
-    def get_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
-        return self._df
+    def df(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
+        return self._df.copy()
+    def list_bounding_boxes(self):
+        return self.df.bounding_box.reset_index().to_dict(orient='records')
     def get_slices(self) -> pd.Series:
-        return self.get_df()['slice']
+        return self.df()['slices', 'slice']
     def add_df_col(self, name, se: pd.Series) -> None:
         self._df[name] = se
@@ -663,8 +305,8 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         # make an object map where label is replaced by focus position in stack and background is -1
         lut = np.zeros(lamap.max() + 1) - 1
-        df = self.get_df()
-        lut[df.label] = df.zi
+        df = self.df()
+        lut[df.index] = df.bounding_box.zi
         if mask_type == 'contours':
             zi_map = (lut[lamap] + 1.0).astype('int')
@@ -680,14 +322,14 @@ class RoiSet(object):
             zi_st[:, :, :, -1][lamap == 0] = 0
         elif mask_type == 'boxes':
-            for roi in self:
-                zi_st[roi.slice] = True
+            def _set_box(sl):
+                zi_st[sl] = True
+            self._df.slices.slice.apply(_set_box)
         return zi_st
     def is_3d(self) -> bool:
-        return is_df_3d(self.get_df())
+        return is_df_3d(self.df())
     def classify_by(
             self, name: str, channels: list[int],
@@ -703,7 +345,7 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         :return: None
         if self.count == 0:
-            self._df['classify_by_' + name] = None
+            self._df['classifications', name] = None
             return True
         input_acc = self.get_patches_acc(channels=channels, expanded=False, pad_to=None)  # all channels
@@ -716,14 +358,14 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         se = pd.Series(dtype='Int64', index=self._df.index)
-        for i, roi in enumerate(self):
+        for i, la in enumerate(self._df.index):
             oc = np.unique(
-            se[roi.Index] = oc
-        self.set_classification(f'classify_by_{name}', se)
+            se[la] = oc
+        self.set_classification(name, se)
     def get_instance_classification(self, roiset_from: Self, iou_min: float = 0.5) -> pd.DataFrame:
@@ -736,18 +378,18 @@ class RoiSet(object):
             raise ShapeMismatchError(
                 f'Expecting two RoiSets of same shape: {self.acc_raw.shape} != {roiset_from.acc_raw.shape}')
-        columns = [f'classify_by_{c}' for c in roiset_from.classification_columns]
+        columns = roiset_from.classification_columns
         if len(columns) == 0:
             raise MissingInstanceLabelsError('Expecting at least on instance classification channel but none found')
         df_overlaps = filter_df_overlap_seg(
-            roiset_from.get_df(),
-            self.get_df()
+            roiset_from.df(),
+            self.df()
         df_overlaps['transfer'] = df_overlaps.seg_iou > iou_min
         df_merge = pd.merge(
-            roiset_from.get_df()[columns],
+            roiset_from.df().classifications[columns],
             df_overlaps.loc[df_overlaps.transfer, ['overlaps_with']],
@@ -758,25 +400,24 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         return df_overlaps
-    def get_object_class_map(self, name: str, filter_by: Union[List, None] = None) -> InMemoryDataAccessor:
+    def get_object_class_map(self, class_name: str, filter_by: Union[List, None] = None) -> InMemoryDataAccessor:
         For a given classification result, return a map where object IDs are replaced by each object's class
         :param name: name of the classification result, same as passed to RoiSet.classify_by()
         :param filter_by: only include ROIs if the intersection of all specified classifications is True
         :return: accessor of object class map
-        colname = ('classify_by_' + name)
-        assert colname in self._df.columns
+        assert class_name in self._df.classifications.columns
         obj_ids = self.acc_obj_ids
         om = np.zeros(obj_ids.shape, obj_ids.dtype)
         def _label_object_class(roi):
-            om[self.acc_obj_ids.data == roi.label] = roi[colname]
+            om[self.acc_obj_ids.data == roi.name] = roi[class_name]
         if filter_by is None:
-            self._df.apply(_label_object_class, axis=1)
+            self._df.classifications.apply(_label_object_class, axis=1)
-            pd_fil = self._df[[f'classify_by_{fb}' for fb in filter_by]]
-            self._df.loc[pd_fil.all(axis=1), :].apply(_label_object_class, axis=1)
+            pd_fil = self._df.classifications[filter_by]
+            self._df.classifications.loc[pd_fil.all(axis=1), :].apply(_label_object_class, axis=1)
         return InMemoryDataAccessor(om)
     def get_object_identities_overlay_map(
@@ -790,7 +431,7 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         if rescale_clip is not None:
             mono = mono.apply(lambda x: rescale(x, clip=rescale_clip))
         mono = mono.to_8bit().data_yxz
-        max_label = self.get_df()['label'].max()
+        max_label = self.df().index.max()
         palette = np.array([[0, 0, 0]] + glasbey.create_palette(max_label, as_hex=False))
         rgb_8bit_palette = (255 * palette).round().astype('uint8')
         id_map_yxzc = rgb_8bit_palette[self.acc_obj_ids.data_yxz]
@@ -814,23 +455,35 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         return acc.write(fp, composite=True).name
     def get_serializable_dataframe(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
-        return self._df.drop(['expanded_slice', 'slice', 'relative_slice', 'binary_mask'], axis=1)
+        return self._df.drop([
+            ('slices', 'expanded_slice'),
+            ('slices', 'slice'),
+            ('slices', 'relative_slice'),
+            ('masks', 'binary_mask')
+        ],
+            axis=1
+        )
     def export_dataframe(self, csv_path: Path) -> str:
         csv_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-        self.get_serializable_dataframe().to_csv(csv_path, index=False)
+        self.get_serializable_dataframe().reset_index(
+            col_level=1,
+        ).to_csv(
+            csv_path,
+            index=False,
+        )
         return csv_path.name
     def export_patch_masks(self, where: Path, prefix='mask', expanded=False, make_3d=True, mask_mip=False, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
         patches_df = self.get_patch_masks(pad_to=None, expanded=expanded, make_3d=make_3d, mask_mip=mask_mip).copy()
-        if 'nz' in patches_df.columns and any(patches_df['nz'] > 1):
+        if 'nz' in patches_df.bounding_box.columns and any(patches_df.bounding_box['nz'] > 1):
             ext = 'tif'
             ext = 'png'
         def _export_patch_mask(roi):
-            patch = InMemoryDataAccessor.from_mono(roi.patch_mask)
-            fname = f'{prefix}-la{roi.label:04d}-zi{roi.zi:04d}.{ext}'
+            patch = InMemoryDataAccessor.from_mono(roi.masks.patch_mask)
+            fname = f'{prefix}-la{roi.name:04d}-zi{roi.bounding_box.zi:04d}.{ext}'
             write_accessor_data_to_file(where / fname, patch)
             return fname
@@ -845,14 +498,13 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         :return: pd.Series of patch paths
         make_3d = kwargs.get('make_3d', False)
-        patches_df = self._df.join(
-            self.get_patches(**kwargs).rename('patch')
-        )
+        patches_df = self._df.copy()
+        patches_df['patches', 'patch'] = self.get_patches(**kwargs)
         def _export_patch(roi):
-            patch = InMemoryDataAccessor(roi.patch)
+            patch = InMemoryDataAccessor(roi.patches.patch)
             ext = 'tif' if make_3d or patch.chroma > 3 or kwargs.get('force_tif') else 'png'
-            fname = f'{prefix}-la{roi.label:04d}-zi{roi.zi:04d}.{ext}'
+            fname = f'{prefix}-la{roi.name:04d}-zi{roi.bounding_box.zi:04d}.{ext}'
             if patch.dtype == 'uint16':
                 resampled = patch.to_8bit()
@@ -870,10 +522,10 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         def _make_patch_mask(roi):
             if expanded:
-                patch = np.zeros((roi.ebb_h, roi.ebb_w, 1, 1), dtype='uint8')
-                patch[roi.relative_slice][:, :, 0, 0] = roi.binary_mask * 255
+                patch = np.zeros((roi.expanded_bounding_box.ebb_h, roi.expanded_bounding_box.ebb_w, 1, 1), dtype='uint8')
+                patch[roi.slices.relative_slice][:, :, 0, 0] = roi.masks.binary_mask * 255
-                patch = (roi.binary_mask * 255).astype('uint8')
+                patch = (roi.masks.binary_mask * 255).astype('uint8')
             if pad_to:
                 patch = pad(patch, pad_to)
             if self.is_3d and make_3d:
@@ -881,22 +533,29 @@ class RoiSet(object):
             elif self.is_3d and mask_mip:
                 return np.max(patch, axis=-1)
             elif self.is_3d:
-                rzi = roi.zi - roi.z0
+                rzi = roi.bounding_box.zi - roi.bounding_box.z0
                 return patch[:, :, rzi: rzi + 1]
                 return np.expand_dims(patch, 2)
         dfe = self._df.copy()
-        dfe['patch_mask'] = dfe.apply(_make_patch_mask, axis=1)
+        dfe['masks', 'patch_mask'] = dfe.apply(_make_patch_mask, axis=1)
         return dfe
     def get_patch_masks_acc(self, **kwargs) -> Union[PatchStack, None]:
         if self.count == 0:
             return None
-        se_pm = self.get_patch_masks(**kwargs).patch_mask
+        se_pm = self.get_patch_masks(**kwargs).masks.patch_mask
         se_ext = se_pm.apply(lambda x: np.expand_dims(x, 2))
         return PatchStack(list(se_ext))
+    def get_patch_obmap_acc(self, **kwargs) -> Union[PatchStack, None]:
+        if self.count == 0:
+            return None
+        labels = self.df().index.sort_values().to_list()
+        acc_masks = self.get_patch_masks_acc(**kwargs)
+        return PatchStack([(acc_masks.iat(i).data > 0) * labels[i] for i in range(0, len(labels))])
     def get_patches(
             rescale_clip: float = 0.0,
@@ -962,10 +621,10 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         def _make_patch(roi):  # extract, focus, and annotate a patch
             if expanded:
-                patch3d = stack[roi.expanded_slice]
-                subpatch = patch3d[roi.relative_slice]
+                patch3d = stack[roi.slices.expanded_slice]
+                subpatch = patch3d[roi.slices.relative_slice]
-                patch3d = stack[roi.slice]
+                patch3d = stack[roi.slices.slice]
                 subpatch = patch3d
             ph, pw, pc, pz = patch3d.shape
@@ -973,7 +632,7 @@ class RoiSet(object):
             # make a 3d patch, focus stays where it is
             if make_3d:
                 patch = patch3d.copy()
-                zif = roi.zi
+                zif = roi.bounding_box.zi
             # make a 2d patch, find optimal z-position determined by focus_metric function on each channel separately
             elif focus_metric is not None:
@@ -995,9 +654,9 @@ class RoiSet(object):
             mask = np.zeros(patch3d.shape[0:2], dtype=bool)
             if expanded:
-                mask[roi.relative_slice[0:2]] = roi.binary_mask
+                mask[roi.slices.relative_slice[0:2]] = roi.masks.binary_mask
-                mask = roi.binary_mask
+                mask = roi.masks.binary_mask
             if rescale_clip is not None:
                 if rgb_overlay_channels:  # rescale all equally to preserve white balance
@@ -1014,7 +673,10 @@ class RoiSet(object):
                 for zi in range(0, patch.shape[3]):
                     patch[:, :, bci, zi] = draw_box_on_patch(
                         patch[:, :, bci, zi],
-                        ((roi.rel_x0, roi.rel_y0), (roi.rel_x1, roi.rel_y1)),
+                        (
+                            (roi.relative_bounding_box.rel_x0, roi.relative_bounding_box.rel_y0),
+                            (roi.relative_bounding_box.rel_x1, roi.relative_bounding_box.rel_y1)
+                        ),
                         linewidth=kwargs.get('bounding_box_linewidth', 1)
@@ -1037,29 +699,30 @@ class RoiSet(object):
                 patch = pad(patch, pad_to)
             return {
                 'patch': patch,
-                'zif': (roi.z0 + zif) if hasattr(roi, 'z0') else roi.zi,
+                'zif': (roi.bounding_box.z0 + zif) if hasattr(roi.bounding_box, 'z0') else roi.bounding_box.zi,
         df_processed_patches = self._df.apply(lambda r: _make_patch(r), axis=1, result_type='expand')
         if update_focus_zi:
-            self._df['zi'] = df_processed_patches['zif']
+            self._df.loc[:, ('bounding_box', 'zi')] = df_processed_patches['zif']
         return df_processed_patches['patch']
-    def classification_columns(self):
+    def classification_columns(self) -> List[str]:
         Return list of columns that describe instance classification results
-        pr = 'classify_by_'
-        return [c.split(pr)[1] for c in self._df.columns if c.startswith(pr)]
+        if (dfc := self._df.get('classifications')) is None:
+            return []
+        return dfc.columns.to_list()
-    def set_classification(self, colname: str, se: pd.Series):
+    def set_classification(self, classification_class: str, se: pd.Series):
         Set instance classification result as a column addition on dataframe
-        :param colname: name of classification result
+        :param classification_class: name of classification result
         :param se: series containing class information
-        self._df[colname] = se
+        self._df['classifications', classification_class] = se
     def run_exports(self, where: Path, prefix, params: RoiSetExportParams) -> dict:
@@ -1092,7 +755,9 @@ class RoiSet(object):
                         f'{product_name}_path': se_paths,
                         f'{product_name}_id': se_paths.apply(lambda _: uuid4()),
+                    insert_level(df_patch_info, 'patches')
                     self._df = self._df.join(df_patch_info)
+                    assert isinstance(self._df.columns, pd.MultiIndex)
                     record[product_name] = list(se_paths)
             if k == 'annotated_zstacks':
                 record[k] = str(Path(k) / self.export_annotated_zstack(where / k, prefix=prefix, **kp))
@@ -1146,9 +811,9 @@ class RoiSet(object):
             if k == 'annotated_zstacks':
                 interm[k] = InMemoryDataAccessor(draw_boxes_on_3d_image(self, **kp))
             if k == 'object_classes':
-                pr = 'classify_by_'
-                cnames = [c.split(pr)[1] for c in self._df.columns if c.startswith(pr)]
-                for n in cnames:
+                # pr = 'classify_by_'
+                # cnames = [c.split(pr)[1] for c in self._df.columns if c.startswith(pr)]
+                for n in self.classification_columns:
                     interm[f'{k}_{n}'] = self.get_object_class_map(n)
             if k == 'labels_overlay':
                 interm[k] = self.get_object_identities_overlay_map(**kp)
@@ -1165,7 +830,7 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         :return: nested dict of Path objects describing the locations of export products
         record = {}
-        if not self._df.binary_mask.apply(lambda x: np.all(x)).all():  # binary masks aren't just all True
+        if not self._df.masks.binary_mask.apply(lambda x: np.all(x)).all():  # binary masks aren't just all True
             subdir = Path('tight_patch_masks')
             if write_patches_to_subdirectory:
                 subdir = subdir / prefix
@@ -1179,7 +844,7 @@ class RoiSet(object):
             se_pa = se_exp.apply(
                 lambda x: str(subdir / x)
-            self._df = self._df.join(se_pa)
+            self._df['patches', 'tight_patch_masks_path'] = se_exp.apply(lambda x: str(subdir / x))
             record['tight_patch_masks'] = list(se_pa)
         csv_path = where / 'dataframe' / (prefix + '.csv')
@@ -1205,7 +870,7 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         pad_to = 1
         def _poly_from_mask(roi):
-            mask = roi.binary_mask
+            mask = roi.masks.binary_mask
             if len(mask.shape) != 2:
                 raise PatchShapeError(f'Patch mask needs to be two dimensions to fit a polygon')
@@ -1225,7 +890,7 @@ class RoiSet(object):
             rel_polygon = approximate_polygon(contour[:, [1, 0]], poly_threshold) - [pad_to, pad_to]
-            return rel_polygon + [roi.x0, roi.y0]
+            return rel_polygon + [roi.bounding_box.x0, roi.bounding_box.y0]
         return self._df.apply(_poly_from_mask, axis=1)
@@ -1234,6 +899,28 @@ class RoiSet(object):
     def acc_obj_ids(self):
         return make_object_ids_from_df(self._df, self.acc_raw.shape_dict)
+    def extract_features(
+            self,
+            extractor: callable,
+            **kwargs,
+    ):
+        """
+        Join a grouping of each Roi's features
+        :param extractor: function that takes an RoiSet object and returns a DataFrame of features
+        :param kwargs: variable-length keyword arguments that are passed to feature extractor
+        """
+        if self.count == 0:
+            return
+        df_features = extractor(self, **kwargs)
+        insert_level(df_features, 'features')
+        self._df = self._df.join(df_features)
+    def get_features(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
+        return self.df().get('features')
     def deserialize(cls, acc_raw: GenericImageDataAccessor, where: Path, prefix='roiset') -> Self:
@@ -1244,14 +931,15 @@ class RoiSet(object):
         :param prefix: starting prefix of patch mask filenames
         :return: RoiSet object
-        df = pd.read_csv(where / 'dataframe' / (prefix + '.csv'))
+        df = read_roiset_df(where / 'dataframe' / (prefix + '.csv'))
+        df.index.name = 'label'
         pa_masks = where / 'tight_patch_masks'
         is_3d = is_df_3d(df)
         ext = 'tif' if is_3d else 'png'
         if pa_masks.exists():  # import segmentation masks
             def _read_binary_mask(r):
-                fname = f'{prefix}-la{r.label:04d}-zi{r.zi:04d}.{ext}'
+                fname = f'{prefix}-la{r.name:04d}-zi{r.bounding_box.zi:04d}.{ext}'
                     ma_acc = generate_file_accessor(pa_masks / fname)
                     if is_3d:
@@ -1262,155 +950,22 @@ class RoiSet(object):
                 except Exception as e:
                     raise DeserializeRoiSetError(e)
-            df['binary_mask'] = df.apply(_read_binary_mask, axis=1)
+            df['masks', 'binary_mask'] = df.apply(_read_binary_mask, axis=1)
             id_mask = make_object_ids_from_df(df, acc_raw.shape_dict)
             return cls.from_object_ids(acc_raw, id_mask)
         else:  # assume bounding boxes, exclusively 2d objects
-            df['y'] = df['y0']
-            df['x'] = df['x0']
-            df['h'] = df['y1'] - df['y0']
-            df['w'] = df['x1'] - df['x0']
+            df['bounding_box', 'y'] = df.bounding_box['y0']
+            df['bounding_box', 'x'] = df.bounding_box['x0']
+            df['bounding_box', 'h'] = df.bounding_box['y1'] - df.bounding_box['y0']
+            df['bounding_box', 'w'] = df.bounding_box['x1'] - df.bounding_box['x0']
             return cls.from_bounding_boxes(
-                df[['y', 'x', 'h', 'w']].to_dict(orient='records'),
-                list(df['zi'])
+                df.bounding_box[['y', 'x', 'h', 'w']].to_dict(orient='records'),
+                list(df.bounding_box['zi'])
-class RoiSetWithDerivedChannelsExportParams(RoiSetExportParams):
-    derived_channels: bool = False
-class RoiSetWithDerivedChannels(RoiSet):
-    def __init__(self, *a, **k):
-        self.accs_derived = []
-        super().__init__(*a, **k)
-    def classify_by(
-            self, name: str, channels: list[int],
-            object_classification_model: InstanceMaskSegmentationModel,
-            derived_channel_functions: list[callable] = None
-    ):
-        """
-        Insert a column in RoiSet data table that associates each ROI with an integer class, determined by passing
-        specified inputs through an instance segmentation classifier.  Derive additional inputs for object
-        classification by passing a raw input channel through one or more functions.
-        :param name: name of column to insert
-        :param channels: list of nc raw input channels to send to classifier
-        :param object_classification_model: InstanceSegmentation model object
-        :param derived_channel_functions: list of functions that each receive a PatchStack accessor with nc channels and
-            that return a single-channel PatchStack accessor of the same shape
-        :return: None
-        """
-        acc_in = self.get_patches_acc(channels=channels, expanded=False, pad_to=None)
-        if derived_channel_functions is not None:
-            for fcn in derived_channel_functions:
-                der = fcn(acc_in) # returns patch stack
-                self.accs_derived.append(der)
-            # combine channels
-            acc_app = acc_in
-            for acc_der in self.accs_derived:
-                acc_app = acc_app.append_channels(acc_der)
-        else:
-            acc_app = acc_in
-        # do this on a patch basis, i.e. only one object per frame
-        obmap_patches = object_classification_model.label_patch_stack(
-            acc_app,
-            self.get_patch_masks_acc(expanded=False, pad_to=None)
-        )
-        self._df['classify_by_' + name] = pd.Series(dtype='Int16')
-        for i, roi in enumerate(self):
-            oc = np.unique(
-                mask_largest_object(
-                    obmap_patches.iat(i).data
-                )
-            )[-1]
-            self._df.loc[roi.Index, 'classify_by_' + name] = oc
-    def run_exports(self, where: Path, prefix, params: RoiSetWithDerivedChannelsExportParams) -> dict:
-        """
-        Export various representations of ROIs, e.g. patches, annotated stacks, and object maps.
-        :param where: path of directory in which to write all export products
-        :param prefix: prefix of the name of each product's file or subfolder
-        :param params: RoiSetExportParams object describing which products to export and with which parameters
-        :return: nested dict of Path objects describing the location of export products
-        """
-        record = super().run_exports(where, prefix, params)
-        k = 'derived_channels'
-        if k in params.dict().keys():
-            record[k] = []
-            for di, dacc in enumerate(self.accs_derived):
-                fp = where / k / f'dc{di:01d}.tif'
-                fp.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
-                dacc.export_pyxcz(fp)
-                record[k].append(str(fp))
-        return record
-class IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentationModel(InstanceMaskSegmentationModel):
-    def __init__(self, tr: float = 0.5):
-        """
-        Model that labels all objects as class 1 if the intensity in specified channel exceeds a threshold; labels all
-        objects as class 1 if threshold = 0.0
-        :param tr: threshold in range of 0.0 to 1.0; model handles normalization to full pixel intensity range
-        :param channel: channel to use for thresholding
-        """
-        self.tr = tr
-        self.loaded = self.load()
-        super().__init__(info={'tr': tr})
-    def load(self):
-        return True
-    def infer(
-            self,
-            img: GenericImageDataAccessor,
-            mask: GenericImageDataAccessor,
-            allow_3d: bool = False,
-            connect_3d: bool = True,
-    ) -> GenericImageDataAccessor:
-        if img.chroma != 1:
-            raise ShapeMismatchError(
-                f'IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentationModel expects 1 channel but received {img.chroma}'
-            )
-        if isinstance(img, PatchStack):  # assume one object per patch
-            df = img.get_object_df(mask)
-            om = np.zeros(mask.shape, 'uint16')
-            def _label_patch_class(la):
-                om[la] = (mask.iat(la).data > 0) * 1
-            df.loc[df['intensity_mean'] > (self.tr * img.dtype_max), 'label'].apply(_label_patch_class)
-            return PatchStack(om)
-        else:
-            labels = get_label_ids(mask)
-            df = pd.DataFrame(regionprops_table(
-                labels.data_yxz,
-                intensity_image=img.data_yxz,
-                properties=('label', 'area', 'intensity_mean')
-            ))
-            om = np.zeros(labels.shape, labels.dtype)
-            def _label_object_class(la):
-                om[labels.data == la] = 1
-            df.loc[df['intensity_mean'] > (self.tr * img.dtype_max), 'label'].apply(_label_object_class)
-            return InMemoryDataAccessor(om)
-    def label_instance_class(
-            self, img: GenericImageDataAccessor, mask: GenericImageDataAccessor, **kwargs
-    ) -> GenericImageDataAccessor:
-        super().label_instance_class(img, mask, **kwargs)
-        return self.infer(img, mask)
 class Error(Exception):
@@ -1431,18 +986,10 @@ class SerializeRoiSetError(Error):
-class NoDeprojectChannelSpecifiedError(Error):
-    pass
 class DerivedChannelError(Error):
-class MissingSegmentationError(Error):
-    pass
 class PatchShapeError(Error):
diff --git a/model_server/rois/router.py b/model_server/rois/router.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a28e2ffb11bd2724c2806d24f09eda358e7bf91c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model_server/rois/router.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import importlib
+from fastapi import APIRouter
+router = APIRouter(
+    prefix='/rois/pipelines',
+    tags=['pipelines'],
+for m in ['roiset_obmap', 'add_roiset']:
+    router.include_router(
+        importlib.import_module(
+            f'{__package__}.pipelines.{m}'
+        ).router
+    )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index cc720ff8e064dc2ade4137f5b3c7aa554a686034..d2741541a66bcf061898d7163ef5f52cec311bf9 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
 name = "model_server"
 license = {file = "LICENSE"}
-version = "2024.11.01"
+version = "2025.02.01"
 authors = [
   { name="Christopher Rhodes", email="christopher.rhodes@embl.de" },
diff --git a/tests/base/test_accessors.py b/tests/base/test_accessors.py
index 93c80046fe357bb9a55c561225f60e2f9fd17f07..2fe1eedf2d1e4e1a1a80a78ed21fa66045fd96d7 100644
--- a/tests/base/test_accessors.py
+++ b/tests/base/test_accessors.py
@@ -155,6 +155,15 @@ class TestCziImageFileAccess(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(sc3d.shape_dict['C'], nc)
         self.assertEqual(sc3d.hw, yxhw[2:])
+    def test_yxzc(self):
+        w = 256
+        h = 512
+        nc = 4
+        nz = 11
+        cf = InMemoryDataAccessor(_random_int(h, w, nc, nz))
+        self.assertEqual(cf.data_yxzc.shape, (h, w, nz, nc))
     def test_write_single_channel_tif(self):
         ch = 4
@@ -279,6 +288,21 @@ class TestCziImageFileAccess(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertIsInstance(acc_cf._data, np.ndarray)
         self.assertIsInstance(acc_cf._metadata, dict)
+    def test_apply_function_with_params(self):
+        acc = InMemoryDataAccessor(np.ones((16, 16, 1, 3), dtype='uint8'))
+        def _multiply(nda, by):
+            return nda * by
+        res = acc.apply(_multiply, {'by': 2})
+        self.assertTrue(np.all(res.data == 2))
+    def test_apply_mono_function(self):
+        acc = InMemoryDataAccessor(np.ones((16, 16, 2, 3), dtype='uint8'))
+        with self.assertRaises(DataShapeError):
+            res = acc.apply(lambda x: 2 * x, mono=True)
+        res = acc.get_mono(channel=0).apply(lambda x: 2 * x, mono=True)
+        self.assertTrue(np.all(res.data == 2))
+        self.assertEqual(res.nz, acc.nz)
 class TestPatchStackAccessor(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self) -> None:
diff --git a/tests/base/test_pipelines.py b/tests/base/test_pipelines.py
index d2bc6bc87025d1ba48b6c14459794008b8988a52..df8bae6733173dc3f5d776d4e38e8037ac85901e 100644
--- a/tests/base/test_pipelines.py
+++ b/tests/base/test_pipelines.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import unittest
 import numpy as np
 from model_server.base.accessors import generate_file_accessor, InMemoryDataAccessor, write_accessor_data_to_file
-from model_server.base.pipelines import router, segment, segment_zproj
+from model_server.base.pipelines import segment, segment_zproj
 from model_server.base.pipelines.shared import PipelineParams, PipelineRecord, PipelineTrace
 from model_server.base.session import RunTaskError, session
@@ -73,15 +73,23 @@ class TestSegmentationPipelines(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_append_traces(self):
         acc = generate_file_accessor(zstack['path']).apply(lambda x: x * 0.5)
         trace1 = PipelineTrace(acc)
-        trace1['double'] = trace1.last.apply(lambda x: 2 * x)
+        from time import sleep
+        def _slowly_multiply(arr, by):
+            sleep(0.1 * by)
+            return arr * by
+        trace1['double'] = trace1.last.apply(_slowly_multiply, params={'by': 2})
         trace2 = PipelineTrace(trace1.last)
-        trace2['halve'] = trace2.last.apply(lambda x: 0.5 * x)
+        trace2['halve'] = trace2.last.apply(_slowly_multiply, params={'by': 0.5})
         trace3 = trace1.append(trace2, skip_first=False)
         self.assertEqual(len(trace3), len(trace1) + len(trace2))
         self.assertEqual(trace3['double'], trace3['appended_input'])
         self.assertTrue(np.all(trace3['input'].data == trace3['halve'].data))
+        self.assertGreater(trace3.timer['double'], 0.2)
+        self.assertGreater(trace3.timer['halve'], 0.05)
         trace4 = trace1.append(trace2, skip_first=True)
         self.assertEqual(len(trace4), len(trace1) + len(trace2) - 1)
diff --git a/tests/base/test_session.py b/tests/base/test_session.py
index a8cad804ea5c03559f7080772f0ae186e8844348..568fa7014f726e15164f90794b2a25f960de9648 100644
--- a/tests/base/test_session.py
+++ b/tests/base/test_session.py
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import unittest
 import numpy as np
 from model_server.base.accessors import generate_file_accessor, InMemoryDataAccessor
-from model_server.base.roiset import RoiSet, RoiSetMetaParams
 from model_server.base.session import session
 import model_server.conf.testing as conf
@@ -76,40 +75,12 @@ class TestGetSessionObject(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(self.sesh.paths['inbound_images'], self.sesh.paths['outbound_images'])
         self.assertIsInstance(self.sesh.paths['outbound_images'], pathlib.Path)
-    def test_make_table(self):
-        import pandas as pd
-        data = [{'modulo': i % 2, 'times one hundred': i * 100} for i in range(0, 8)]
-        self.sesh.write_to_table(
-            'test_numbers', {'X': 0, 'Y': 0}, pd.DataFrame(data[0:4])
-        )
-        self.assertTrue(self.sesh.tables['test_numbers'].path.exists())
-        self.sesh.write_to_table(
-            'test_numbers', {'X': 1, 'Y': 1}, pd.DataFrame(data[4:8])
-        )
-        dfv = pd.read_csv(self.sesh.tables['test_numbers'].path)
-        self.assertEqual(len(dfv), len(data))
-        self.assertEqual(dfv.columns[0], 'X')
-        self.assertEqual(dfv.columns[1], 'Y')
 class TestSessionPersistentData(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_add_and_remove_accessor(self):
         data = conf.meta['image_files']
         acc_in = generate_file_accessor(data['multichannel_zstack_raw']['path'])
-        mask = generate_file_accessor(data['multichannel_zstack_mask2d']['path'])
-        self.roiset = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(
-            acc_in,
-            mask,
-            params=RoiSetMetaParams(
-                filters={'area': {'min': 1e3, 'max': 1e4}},
-                expand_box_by=(128, 2),
-                deproject_channel=0,
-            )
-        )
         shd = acc_in.shape_dict
         # add accessor to session registry
diff --git a/tests/rois/__init__.py b/tests/rois/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/tests/rois/test_features.py b/tests/rois/test_features.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dceb59f5533920d8e9e101aaaa961b1d8b483356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rois/test_features.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+import unittest
+from model_server.base.accessors import generate_file_accessor
+import model_server.conf.testing as conf
+from model_server.rois.features import regionprops
+from model_server.rois.roiset import RoiSet, RoiSetMetaParams
+data = conf.meta['image_files']
+output_path = conf.meta['output_path']
+params = conf.meta['roiset']
+stack = generate_file_accessor(data['multichannel_zstack_raw']['path'])
+seg_mask = generate_file_accessor(data['multichannel_zstack_mask3d']['path'])
+class TestRoiSetMonoProducts(unittest.TestCase):
+    def _make_roi_set(self, mask_type='boxes', **kwargs):
+        roiset = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(
+            stack,
+            seg_mask,
+            params=RoiSetMetaParams(
+                mask_type=mask_type,
+                filters=kwargs.get('filters', {'area': {'min': 1e3, 'max': 1e4}}),
+                expand_box_by=(128, 2)
+            ),
+            allow_3d=True,
+        )
+        return roiset
+    def test_multichannel_regionprops_features(self):
+        roiset = self._make_roi_set()
+        self.assertGreater(roiset.acc_raw.chroma, 1)
+        self.assertGreater(roiset.acc_obj_ids.nz, 1)
+        features_2d = regionprops(roiset, make_3d=False)
+        features_3d = regionprops(roiset, make_3d=True)
+        self.assertTrue(all(features_3d.area == roiset.df().bounding_box.area))
+        # test channel-specific
+        for s in ['max', 'min', 'mean', 'std']:
+            self.assertTrue(
+                all([f'intensity_{s}-{c}' in features_2d.columns for c in range(0, roiset.acc_raw.chroma)])
+            )
+            self.assertTrue(
+                all([f'intensity_{s}-{c}' in features_3d.columns for c in range(0, roiset.acc_raw.chroma)])
+            )
+    def test_mono_regionprops_features(self):
+        ch = 2
+        roiset = self._make_roi_set()
+        self.assertGreater(roiset.acc_raw.chroma, 1)
+        self.assertGreater(roiset.acc_obj_ids.nz, 1)
+        features_2d = regionprops(roiset, make_3d=False, channel=ch)
+        features_3d = regionprops(roiset, make_3d=True, channel=ch)
+        self.assertTrue(all(features_3d.area == roiset.df().bounding_box.area))
+        # test channel-specific
+        for s in ['max', 'min', 'mean', 'std']:
+            self.assertTrue(f'intensity_{s}-{ch}' in features_2d.columns)
+            self.assertTrue(all(
+                [f'intensity_{s}-{c}' not in features_2d.columns for c in range(0, roiset.acc_raw.chroma) if c != ch]
+            ))
+            self.assertTrue(f'intensity_{s}-{ch}' in features_3d.columns)
+            self.assertTrue(all(
+                [f'intensity_{s}-{c}' not in features_3d.columns for c in range(0, roiset.acc_raw.chroma) if c != ch]
+            ))
+    def test_roiset_extract_features(self):
+        roiset = self._make_roi_set()
+        roiset.extract_features(regionprops, make_3d=True, channel=2)
+        self.assertTrue(('features', 'intensity_std-2') in roiset.df().columns)
+        self.assertTrue('intensity_std-2' in roiset.get_features())
+    def test_empty_roiset_extract_features(self):
+        import numpy as np
+        from model_server.base.accessors import InMemoryDataAccessor
+        arr_mask = InMemoryDataAccessor(np.zeros([*stack.hw, 1, stack.nz], dtype='uint8'))
+        roiset = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(
+            stack,
+            arr_mask,
+            params=RoiSetMetaParams(
+                filters={'area': {'min': 1e3, 'max': 1e4}},
+                expand_box_by=(128, 2)
+            ),
+            allow_3d=True,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(roiset.count, 0)
+        roiset.extract_features(regionprops, make_3d=True, channel=2)
+        self.assertTrue(('features', 'intensity_std-2') not in roiset.df().columns)
+        self.assertIsNone(roiset.get_features())
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/rois/test_phenobase.py b/tests/rois/test_phenobase.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..77828146b5c535c5c96a44a820ff51283e1bf373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rois/test_phenobase.py
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+import math
+import shutil
+import unittest
+import numpy as np
+from model_server.base.accessors import generate_file_accessor, InMemoryDataAccessor
+from model_server.base.session import session
+from model_server.conf import testing as conf
+from model_server.rois.models import IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentationModel
+from model_server.rois.phenobase import MissingPatchSeriesError, PhenoBase, RoiSetIndexError
+from model_server.rois.roiset import RoiSet, PatchParams, RoiSetExportParams, RoiSetMetaParams
+data = conf.meta['image_files']
+output_path = conf.meta['output_path']
+params = conf.meta['roiset']
+class TestPhenoBase(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self, **kwargs):
+        def _split_in_quarters(acc):
+            sd = acc.shape_dict
+            self.assertEqual(list(sd.keys()), ['Y', 'X', 'C', 'Z'])
+            h = math.floor(0.5 * sd['Y'])
+            w = math.floor(0.5 * sd['X'])
+            nda = acc.data
+            return [
+                InMemoryDataAccessor(a) for a in [
+                    nda[0: h, 0:w, :, :],
+                    nda[0:h, w: 2 * w, :, :],
+                    nda[h: 2*h, 0:w, :, :],
+                    nda[h: 2 * h, w: 2 * w, :, :],
+                ]
+            ]
+        data = conf.meta['image_files']
+        zstacks = _split_in_quarters(
+            generate_file_accessor(
+                data['multichannel_zstack_raw']['path']
+            ).get_mono(
+                conf.meta['roiset']['patches_channel']
+            )
+        )
+        masks = _split_in_quarters(
+            generate_file_accessor(
+                data['multichannel_zstack_mask2d']['path']
+            )
+        )
+        self.roisets = [
+            RoiSet.from_binary_mask(
+                zstacks[i],
+                masks[i],
+                params=RoiSetMetaParams(
+                    filters={'area': {'min': 1e2, 'max': 1e4}},
+                    expand_box_by=(128, 2)
+                )
+            ) for i in range(0, 4)
+        ]
+    def test_roisets_contain_mix_of_rois(self):
+        counts = [r.count for r in self.roisets]
+        self.assertTrue(0 in counts)
+        self.assertGreater(sum([c > 0 for c in counts]), 2)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _serialize_roisets(roisets, where):
+        write_to = where / 'phenobase'
+        if write_to.exists():
+            shutil.rmtree(write_to)
+        write_to.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+        for ri, roiset in enumerate(roisets):
+            roiset.run_exports(
+                write_to,
+                prefix=f'acq{ri:02d}',
+                params=RoiSetExportParams(
+                    patches={'channel_zero': PatchParams(white_channel=0)},
+                    write_patches_to_subdirectory=True,
+                )
+            )
+        return where
+    def test_from_serialized_roisets(self):
+        count = sum([r.count for r in self.roisets])
+        series = 'patches_channel_zero'
+        where = self._serialize_roisets(self.roisets, output_path / 'phenobase_unlabeled')
+        phenobase = PhenoBase.read(where)
+        self.assertEqual(phenobase.count, count)
+        self.assertIsNone(phenobase.labels)
+        # test size of patch stack products
+        self.assertEqual(phenobase.list_patch_series(), [series])
+        self.assertEqual(phenobase.get_raw_patchstack(series).count, count)
+        self.assertEqual(phenobase.get_patch_masks().count, count)
+        phenobase.write_df()
+        self.assertTrue(
+            (output_path / 'phenobase_unlabeled' / 'phenobase.csv').exists()
+        )
+        return phenobase
+    def test_classified_rois(self):
+        for roiset in self.roisets:
+            roiset.classify_by(
+                'permissive_model',
+                [0],
+                IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentationModel(tr=0.0)
+            )
+        phenobase = PhenoBase.read(
+            self._serialize_roisets(self.roisets, output_path / 'phenobase_labeled')
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(phenobase.count, sum([r.count for r in self.roisets]))
+        self.assertEqual(phenobase.labels, [1])
+        obmaps = phenobase.get_patch_obmaps()
+        self.assertTrue(all(obmaps.unique()[0] == [0, 1]))
+        phenobase.write_df()
+        self.assertTrue(
+            (output_path / 'phenobase_labeled' / 'phenobase.csv').exists()
+        )
+    def test_split_phenobase(self):
+        phenobase = self.test_from_serialized_roisets()
+        split = phenobase.split(0.5)
+        self.assertEqual(split['train'].count, split['test'].count)
+    def test_sample_phenobase(self):
+        phenobase = self.test_from_serialized_roisets()
+        sample = phenobase.sample(10)
+        self.assertEqual(sample.count, 10)
+    def test_update_with_new_roiset(self):
+        where = self._serialize_roisets(self.roisets, output_path / 'phenobase_update')
+        phenobase = PhenoBase.read(where)
+        count = sum([r.count for r in self.roisets])
+        self.assertEqual(phenobase.count, count)
+        # export new RoiSet
+        new_roiset = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(
+            self.roisets[0].acc_raw,
+            self.roisets[0].acc_obj_ids,
+            params=RoiSetMetaParams(
+                filters={'area': {'min': 1e2, 'max': 1e4}},
+                expand_box_by=(128, 2)
+            )
+        )
+        ri = len(self.roisets)
+        new_roiset.run_exports(
+            output_path / 'phenobase_update' / 'phenobase',
+            prefix=f'phenobase_acq{ri:02d}',
+            params=RoiSetExportParams(
+                patches={'channel_zero': PatchParams(white_channel=0)},
+                write_patches_to_subdirectory=True,
+            )
+        )
+        phenobase.update()
+        self.assertEqual(phenobase.count, count + new_roiset.count)
+    def test_init_from_roiset(self):
+        # export new RoiSet
+        roiset = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(
+            self.roisets[0].acc_raw,
+            self.roisets[0].acc_obj_ids,
+            params=RoiSetMetaParams(
+                filters={'area': {'min': 1e2, 'max': 1e4}},
+                expand_box_by=(128, 2)
+            )
+        )
+        phenobase = PhenoBase.from_roiset(
+            root=output_path / 'phenobase_init_from_roiset',
+            roiset=roiset,
+            index_dict={'acq': 1},
+            export_params=RoiSetExportParams(patches={'channel_zero': PatchParams(white_channel=0)}),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(phenobase.count, roiset.count)
+        self.assertEqual(phenobase.roiset_index, ['coord_acq'])
+    def test_push_roiset(self):
+        where = self._serialize_roisets(self.roisets, output_path / 'phenobase_push')
+        phenobase = PhenoBase.read(where)
+        count = sum([r.count for r in self.roisets])
+        self.assertEqual(phenobase.count, count)
+        # export new RoiSet
+        new_roiset = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(
+            self.roisets[0].acc_raw,
+            self.roisets[0].acc_obj_ids,
+            params=RoiSetMetaParams(
+                filters={'area': {'min': 1e2, 'max': 1e4}},
+                expand_box_by=(128, 2)
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(phenobase.roiset_index, ['coord_acq'])
+        # without specifying patch exports
+        with self.assertRaises(MissingPatchSeriesError):
+            phenobase.push(new_roiset, {'acq': 99})
+        # clashes with existing index
+        with self.assertRaises(RoiSetIndexError):
+            phenobase.push(new_roiset, {'acq': 3})
+        # delegate patch exports to phenobase
+        phenobase.push(
+            new_roiset,
+            {'acq': 99},
+            export_params=RoiSetExportParams(patches={'channel_zero': PatchParams(white_channel=0)}),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(phenobase.count, count + new_roiset.count)
+    def test_push_empty_roiset(self):
+        where = self._serialize_roisets(self.roisets, output_path / 'phenobase_push')
+        phenobase = PhenoBase.read(where)
+        count = phenobase.count
+        # export new RoiSet
+        acc_in = self.roisets[0].acc_raw
+        mask = InMemoryDataAccessor(np.zeros(acc_in.shape, dtype=acc_in.dtype))
+        empty_roiset = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(
+            acc_in,
+            mask,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(empty_roiset.count, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(phenobase.roiset_index, ['coord_acq'])
+        phenobase.push(
+            roiset=empty_roiset,
+            index_dict={'acq': 10},
+            export_params=RoiSetExportParams(patches={'channel_zero': PatchParams(white_channel=0)}),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(phenobase.count - count, 0)
+class TestPhenoBaseApi(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_initiate_phenobase_with_roiset(self):
+        data = conf.meta['image_files']
+        acc_in = generate_file_accessor(data['multichannel_zstack_raw']['path'])
+        mask = generate_file_accessor(data['multichannel_zstack_mask2d']['path'])
+        # make test roiset
+        roiset1 = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(
+            acc_in,
+            mask,
+            params=RoiSetMetaParams(
+                filters={'area': {'min': 1e3, 'max': 1e4}},
+                expand_box_by=(128, 2),
+                deproject_channel=0,
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertGreater(roiset1.count, 2)
+        # initiate phenobase in session scope
+        self.assertIsNone(session.phenobase)
+        session.add_roiset(
+            roiset1,
+            index_dict={'X': 0, 'T': 0},
+            export_params=RoiSetExportParams(patches={'ch0': PatchParams(white_channel=0)}),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(session.phenobase.count, roiset1.count)
+        # add to phenobase in session scope
+        roiset2 = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(
+            acc_in.apply(lambda x: x + 1),
+            mask,
+            params=RoiSetMetaParams(
+                filters={'area': {'min': 1e3, 'max': 1e4}},
+                expand_box_by=(128, 2),
+                deproject_channel=0,
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertGreater(roiset2.count, 2)
+        session.add_roiset(
+            roiset2,
+            index_dict={'X': 1, 'T': 1},
+            export_params=RoiSetExportParams(patches={'ch0': PatchParams(white_channel=0)}),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(session.phenobase.count, roiset1.count + roiset2.count)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/base/test_roiset.py b/tests/rois/test_roiset.py
similarity index 83%
rename from tests/base/test_roiset.py
rename to tests/rois/test_roiset.py
index a95358817e3803593d6d8c0be0cae6b01a60dc25..fa6654e0e29e1a9e2b46e2799983fc8e2a4595f0 100644
--- a/tests/base/test_roiset.py
+++ b/tests/rois/test_roiset.py
@@ -6,12 +6,17 @@ from pathlib import Path
 import pandas as pd
+from model_server.base.accessors import generate_file_accessor, InMemoryDataAccessor, write_accessor_data_to_file
 from model_server.base.process import smooth
-from model_server.base.roiset import filter_df_overlap_bbox, filter_df_overlap_seg, IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentationModel, RoiSet, RoiSetExportParams, RoiSetMetaParams
-from model_server.base.accessors import generate_file_accessor, InMemoryDataAccessor, PatchStack, write_accessor_data_to_file
 import model_server.conf.testing as conf
 from model_server.conf.testing import DummyInstanceMaskSegmentationModel
+from model_server.rois.labels import get_label_ids
+from model_server.rois.roiset import RoiSet, RoiSetExportParams, RoiSetMetaParams
+from model_server.rois.models import IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentationModel
+from model_server.rois.df import filter_df_overlap_bbox, filter_df_overlap_seg, read_roiset_df
 data = conf.meta['image_files']
 output_path = conf.meta['output_path']
 params = conf.meta['roiset']
@@ -45,11 +50,15 @@ class TestRoiSetMonoProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
         roiset = self._make_roi_set(**kwargs)
         # all masks' bounding boxes are at least as big as ROI area
-        for roi in roiset.get_df().itertuples():
-            self.assertEqual(roi.binary_mask.dtype, 'bool')
-            sh = roi.binary_mask.shape
-            self.assertEqual(sh, (roi.h, roi.w))
-            self.assertGreaterEqual(sh[0] * sh[1], roi.area)
+        def _validate_roi(roi):
+            self.assertEqual(roi.masks.binary_mask.dtype, 'bool')
+            sh = roi.masks.binary_mask.shape
+            h = roi.bounding_box.h
+            w = roi.bounding_box.w
+            area = roi.bounding_box.area
+            self.assertEqual(sh, (h, w))
+            self.assertGreaterEqual(sh[0] * sh[1], area)
+        roiset.df().apply(_validate_roi, axis=1)
     def test_roi_zmask(self, **kwargs):
         roiset = self._make_roi_set(**kwargs)
@@ -81,16 +90,18 @@ class TestRoiSetMonoProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
         zero_obmap = InMemoryDataAccessor(np.zeros(self.seg_mask.shape, self.seg_mask.dtype))
         roiset = RoiSet.from_object_ids(self.stack_ch_pa, zero_obmap)
         self.assertEqual(roiset.count, 0)
-        roiset.classify_by('dummy_class', [0], DummyInstanceMaskSegmentationModel())
-        self.assertTrue('classify_by_dummy_class' in roiset.get_df().columns)
+        cl = 'dummy_class'
+        roiset.classify_by(cl, [0], DummyInstanceMaskSegmentationModel())
+        self.assertTrue(cl in roiset.df().classifications.columns)
     def test_create_roiset_with_no_3d_objects(self):
         seg_mask_3d = generate_file_accessor(data['multichannel_zstack_mask3d']['path'])
         zero_obmap = InMemoryDataAccessor(np.zeros(seg_mask_3d.shape, seg_mask_3d.dtype))
         roiset = RoiSet.from_object_ids(self.stack_ch_pa, zero_obmap)
         self.assertEqual(roiset.count, 0)
-        roiset.classify_by('dummy_class', [0], DummyInstanceMaskSegmentationModel())
-        self.assertTrue('classify_by_dummy_class' in roiset.get_df().columns)
+        cl = 'dummy_class'
+        roiset.classify_by(cl, [0], DummyInstanceMaskSegmentationModel())
+        self.assertTrue(cl in roiset.df().classifications.columns)
     def test_slices_are_valid(self):
         roiset = self._make_roi_set()
@@ -101,20 +112,23 @@ class TestRoiSetMonoProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
     def test_dataframe_and_mask_array_in_iterator(self):
         roiset = self._make_roi_set()
-        for roi in roiset:
-            ma = roi.binary_mask
+        def _validate_mask_shape(roi):
+            ma = roi.masks.binary_mask
+            bb = roi.bounding_box
             self.assertEqual(ma.dtype, 'bool')
-            self.assertEqual(ma.shape, (roi.h, roi.w))
+            self.assertEqual(ma.shape, (bb.h, bb.w))
+        roiset.df().apply(_validate_mask_shape, axis=1)
     def test_rel_slices_are_valid(self):
         roiset = self._make_roi_set()
-        for roi in roiset:
-            ebb = roiset.acc_raw.data[roi.expanded_slice]
+        def _validate_rel_slices(roi):
+            ebb = roiset.acc_raw.data[roi.slices.expanded_slice]
             self.assertEqual(len(ebb.shape), 4)
             self.assertTrue(np.all([si >= 1 for si in ebb.shape]))
-            rbb = ebb[roi.relative_slice]
+            rbb = ebb[roi.slices.relative_slice]
             self.assertEqual(len(rbb.shape), 4)
             self.assertTrue(np.all([si >= 1 for si in rbb.shape]))
+        roiset.df().apply(_validate_rel_slices, axis=1)
     def test_make_expanded_2d_patches(self):
@@ -127,11 +141,11 @@ class TestRoiSetMonoProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
-        df = roiset.get_df()
+        df = roiset.df()
         for f in se_res:
             acc = generate_file_accessor(where / f)
             la = int(re.search(r'la([\d]+)', str(f)).group(1))
-            roi_q = df.loc[df.label == la, :]
+            roi_q = df.loc[df.index == la, :]
             self.assertEqual(len(roi_q), 1)
             self.assertEqual((256, 256), acc.hw)
             self.assertEqual(1, acc.nz)
@@ -144,14 +158,14 @@ class TestRoiSetMonoProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
-        df = roiset.get_df()
+        df = roiset.df()
         for f in se_res:  # all exported files are same shape as bounding boxes in RoiSet's datatable
             acc = generate_file_accessor(where / f)
             la = int(re.search(r'la([\d]+)', str(f)).group(1))
-            roi_q = df.loc[df.label == la, :]
+            roi_q = df.loc[df.index == la, :]
             self.assertEqual(len(roi_q), 1)
-            roi = roi_q.iloc[0]
-            self.assertEqual((roi.h, roi.w), acc.hw)
+            bbox = roi_q.iloc[0].bounding_box
+            self.assertEqual((bbox.h, bbox.w), acc.hw)
             self.assertEqual(1, acc.nz)
     def test_make_expanded_3d_patches(self):
@@ -182,26 +196,28 @@ class TestRoiSetMonoProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
         roiset = self._make_roi_set()
         se_res = roiset.export_patch_masks(output_path / '2d_mask_patches', )
-        df = roiset.get_df()
+        df = roiset.df()
         for f in se_res:  # all exported files are same shape as bounding boxes in RoiSet's datatable
             acc = generate_file_accessor(output_path / '2d_mask_patches' / f)
             la = int(re.search(r'la([\d]+)', str(f)).group(1))
-            roi_q = df.loc[df.label == la, :]
+            roi_q = df.loc[df.index == la, :]
             self.assertEqual(len(roi_q), 1)
-            roi = roi_q.iloc[0]
-            self.assertEqual((roi.h, roi.w), acc.hw)
+            bbox = roi_q.iloc[0].bounding_box
+            self.assertEqual((bbox.h, bbox.w), acc.hw)
     def test_classify_by(self):
         roiset = self._make_roi_set()
-        roiset.classify_by('dummy_class', [0], DummyInstanceMaskSegmentationModel())
-        self.assertTrue(all(roiset.get_df()['classify_by_dummy_class'].unique() == [1]))
-        self.assertTrue(all(np.unique(roiset.get_object_class_map('dummy_class').data) == [0, 1]))
+        cl = 'dummy_class'
+        roiset.classify_by(cl, [0], DummyInstanceMaskSegmentationModel())
+        self.assertTrue(all(roiset.df()['classifications', cl].unique() == [1]))
+        self.assertTrue(all(np.unique(roiset.get_object_class_map(cl).data) == [0, 1]))
         return roiset
     def test_classify_by_multiple_channels(self):
         roiset = RoiSet.from_binary_mask(self.stack, self.seg_mask, params=RoiSetMetaParams(deproject_channel=0))
-        roiset.classify_by('dummy_class', [0, 1], DummyInstanceMaskSegmentationModel())
-        self.assertTrue(all(roiset.get_df()['classify_by_dummy_class'].unique() == [1]))
+        cl = 'dummy_class'
+        roiset.classify_by(cl, [0, 1], DummyInstanceMaskSegmentationModel())
+        self.assertTrue(all(roiset.df().classifications[cl].unique() == [1]))
         self.assertTrue(all(np.unique(roiset.get_object_class_map('dummy_class').data) == [0, 1]))
         return roiset
@@ -217,15 +233,16 @@ class TestRoiSetMonoProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertGreater(total_iou, 0.5)
         # classify first RoiSet
-        roiset1.classify_by('dummy_class', [0, 1], DummyInstanceMaskSegmentationModel())
+        cl = 'dummy_class'
+        roiset1.classify_by(cl, [0, 1], DummyInstanceMaskSegmentationModel())
-        self.assertTrue('dummy_class' in roiset1.classification_columns)
-        self.assertFalse('dummy_class' in roiset2.classification_columns)
+        self.assertTrue(cl in roiset1.classification_columns)
+        self.assertFalse(cl in roiset2.classification_columns)
         res = roiset2.get_instance_classification(roiset1)
-        self.assertTrue('dummy_class' in roiset2.classification_columns)
+        self.assertTrue(cl in roiset2.classification_columns)
-            roiset2.get_df().classify_by_dummy_class.count(),
-            roiset1.get_df().classify_by_dummy_class.count(),
+            roiset2.df().classifications[cl].count(),
+            roiset1.df().classifications[cl].count(),
@@ -252,11 +269,29 @@ class TestRoiSetMonoProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
     def test_patch_masks_are_correct_shape(self):
         roiset = self._make_roi_set()
         df_patch_masks = roiset.get_patch_masks()
-        for roi in df_patch_masks.itertuples():
-            h, w, nz = roi.patch_mask.shape
+        self.assertIsInstance(df_patch_masks.columns, pd.MultiIndex)
+        def _validate_roi(roi):
+            h, w, nz = roi.masks.patch_mask.shape
             self.assertEqual(nz, 1)
-            self.assertEqual(h, roi.h)
-            self.assertEqual(w, roi.w)
+            self.assertEqual(h, roi.bounding_box.h)
+            self.assertEqual(w, roi.bounding_box.w)
+        df_patch_masks.apply(_validate_roi, axis=1)
+    def test_patch_obmaps_match_df_labels(self):
+        roiset = self._make_roi_set()
+        acc_patch_obmaps = roiset.get_patch_obmap_acc()
+        acc_la = [la for la in acc_patch_obmaps.unique()[0] if la > 0]
+        acc_la.sort()
+        df_la = roiset.df().index.values
+        df_la.sort()
+        self.assertEqual(len(acc_la), len(df_la))
+        self.assertTrue(all([acc_la[i] == df_la[i] for i in range(0, len(acc_la))]))
+        def _check_label(roi):
+            i = roi['patches', 'index']
+            la = roi.name
+            return acc_patch_obmaps.iat(i).unique()[0][-1] == la
+        self.assertTrue(roiset.df()[[('patches', 'index')]].apply(_check_label, axis=1).all())
 class TestRoiSet3dProducts(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -277,11 +312,12 @@ class TestRoiSet3dProducts(unittest.TestCase):
             params=RoiSetMetaParams(filters={'area': {'min': 1e2, 'max': 1e8}})
-        df = roiset.get_df()
+        df = roiset.df()
         df.to_csv(self.where / 'df.csv')
-        self.assertGreater(len(roiset.get_df()['zi'].unique()), 1)
-        self.assertTrue((df['z1'] - df['z0'] > 1).any())
+        bbdf = roiset.df().bounding_box
+        self.assertGreater(len(bbdf['zi'].unique()), 1)
+        self.assertTrue((bbdf['z1'] - bbdf['z0'] > 1).any())
         roiset.acc_obj_ids.write(self.where / 'labels.tif')
         return roiset
@@ -341,14 +377,15 @@ class TestRoiSet3dProducts(unittest.TestCase):
         roiset = self.test_create_roiset_from_3d_obj_ids()
-        starting_zi = roiset.get_df()['zi']
+        starting_zi = roiset.df().bounding_box['zi']
         res = roiset.run_exports(
-        updated_zi = roiset.get_df()['zi']
+        self.assertIsInstance(roiset.df().columns, pd.MultiIndex)
+        updated_zi = roiset.df().bounding_box['zi']
         self.assertTrue((starting_zi != updated_zi).any())
     def test_mip_patch_masks(self):
@@ -366,7 +403,9 @@ class TestRoiSet3dProducts(unittest.TestCase):
-        res = self.test_create_roiset_from_3d_obj_ids().run_exports(
+        rois = self.test_create_roiset_from_3d_obj_ids()
+        self.assertIsInstance(rois._df.columns, pd.MultiIndex)
+        res = rois.run_exports(
@@ -416,7 +455,7 @@ class TestRoiSet3dProducts(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertTrue((ref_roiset.get_zmask() == test_roiset.get_zmask()).all())
-                test_roiset.get_df().label.unique() == ref_roiset.get_df().label.unique()
+                test_roiset.df().index.unique() == ref_roiset.df().index.unique()
@@ -643,10 +682,10 @@ class TestRoiSetMultichannelProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCa
                 self.assertTrue((where / v).exists())
         # test on paths in CSV
-        test_df = pd.read_csv(where / res['dataframe'])
+        test_df = read_roiset_df(where / res['dataframe'])
         for c in ['tight_patch_masks_path', 'patches_2d_path', 'patches_2d_annotated_path']:
-            self.assertTrue(c in test_df.columns)
-            for f in test_df[c]:
+            self.assertTrue(c in test_df.patches.columns)
+            for f in test_df.patches[c]:
                 self.assertTrue((where / f).exists(), where / f)
     def test_get_interm_prods(self):
@@ -673,13 +712,14 @@ class TestRoiSetMultichannelProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCa
         self.assertNotIn('patches_3d', interm.keys())
+        bbox = self.roiset.df().bounding_box
-            (self.roiset.get_df().h.max(), self.roiset.get_df().w.max())
+            (bbox.h.max(), bbox.w.max())
-            (self.roiset.get_df().h.max(), self.roiset.get_df().w.max())
+            (bbox.h.max(), bbox.w.max())
@@ -751,7 +791,6 @@ class TestRoiSetMultichannelProducts(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCa
             self.assertEqual(pacc.chroma, 1)
-from model_server.base.roiset import get_label_ids
 class TestRoiSetSerialization(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self) -> None:
@@ -790,7 +829,7 @@ class TestRoiSetSerialization(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(roiset.count, id_map.data.max())
-        self.assertGreater(len(roiset.get_df()['zi'].unique()), 1)
+        self.assertGreater(len(roiset.df()['bounding_box', 'zi'].unique()), 1)
         return roiset
     def test_create_roiset_from_df_and_patch_masks(self):
@@ -799,7 +838,7 @@ class TestRoiSetSerialization(unittest.TestCase):
         ref_roiset.serialize(where_ser, prefix='ref')
         where_df = where_ser / 'dataframe' / 'ref.csv'
-        df_test = pd.read_csv(where_df)
+        df_test = read_roiset_df(where_df)
         # check that patches are correct size
         where_patch_masks = where_ser / 'tight_patch_masks'
@@ -807,21 +846,30 @@ class TestRoiSetSerialization(unittest.TestCase):
         for pmf in where_patch_masks.iterdir():
             self.assertTrue(pmf.suffix.upper() == '.PNG')
             la = int(re.search(r'la([\d]+)', str(pmf)).group(1))
-            roi_q = df_test.loc[df_test.label == la, :]
+            roi_q = df_test.loc[df_test.index == la, :]
             self.assertEqual(len(roi_q), 1)
-            roi = roi_q.iloc[0]
+            bb = roi_q.iloc[0].bounding_box
             m_acc = generate_file_accessor(pmf)
-            self.assertEqual((roi.h, roi.w), m_acc.hw)
+            self.assertEqual((bb.h, bb.w), m_acc.hw)
             self.assertEqual(m_acc.nz, 1)
         # make another RoiSet from just the data table, raw images, and (tight) patch masks
         test_roiset = RoiSet.deserialize(self.stack_ch_pa, where_ser, prefix='ref')
-        self.assertEqual(ref_roiset.get_zmask().shape, test_roiset.get_zmask().shape,)
-        self.assertTrue((ref_roiset.get_zmask() == test_roiset.get_zmask()).all())
-        self.assertTrue(np.all(test_roiset.get_df().label == ref_roiset.get_df().label))
-        cols = ['label', 'y1', 'y0', 'x1', 'x0', 'zi']
-        self.assertTrue((test_roiset.get_df()[cols] == ref_roiset.get_df()[cols]).all().all())
+        self.assertEqual(
+            ref_roiset.get_zmask().shape,
+            test_roiset.get_zmask().shape
+        )
+        self.assertTrue(
+            (ref_roiset.get_zmask() == test_roiset.get_zmask()).all()
+        )
+        self.assertTrue(
+            np.all(test_roiset.df().index == ref_roiset.df().index)
+        )
+        cols = ['y1', 'y0', 'x1', 'x0', 'zi']
+        self.assertTrue(
+            (test_roiset.df().bounding_box[cols] == ref_roiset.df().bounding_box[cols]).all().all()
+        )
         # re-serialize and check that patch masks are the same
         where_dser = output_path / 'deserialize'
@@ -862,11 +910,17 @@ class TestEmptyRoiSet(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_get_patch_masks(self):
         roiset = self.empty_roiset
         self.assertEqual(roiset.count, 0)
-        se_patches = roiset.get_patch_masks(make_3d=True)
-        self.assertIsInstance(se_patches, pd.DataFrame)
-        self.assertEqual(len(se_patches), 0)
+        df_patches = roiset.get_patch_masks(make_3d=True)
+        self.assertIsInstance(df_patches, pd.DataFrame)
+        self.assertEqual(len(df_patches), 0)
+    def test_get_obmaps(self):
+        roiset = self.empty_roiset
+        self.assertEqual(roiset.count, 0)
+        acc_obmap = roiset.get_patch_obmap_acc(make_3d=True)
+        self.assertIsNone(acc_obmap)
     def test_run_exports(self):
         roiset = self.empty_roiset
         export_params = RoiSetExportParams(**{
@@ -910,12 +964,12 @@ class TestEmptyRoiSet(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_classify_by(self):
         roiset = self.empty_roiset
-        self.assertFalse('classify_by_permissive_model' in roiset.get_df().columns)
+        self.assertFalse('permissive_model' in roiset.classification_columns)
             roiset.classify_by('permissive_model', [0], IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentationModel(tr=0.0))
         self.assertEqual(roiset.count, 0)
-        self.assertTrue('classify_by_permissive_model' in roiset.get_df().columns)
+        self.assertTrue('permissive_model' in roiset.classification_columns)
 class TestRoiSetObjectDetection(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -942,7 +996,6 @@ class TestRoiSetObjectDetection(unittest.TestCase):
         bboxes = table[['y', 'x', 'h', 'w']].to_dict(orient='records')
         roiset_bbox = RoiSet.from_bounding_boxes(self.stack_ch_pa, bboxes)
-        self.assertTrue('label' in roiset_bbox.get_df().columns)
         patches_bbox = roiset_bbox.get_patches_acc()
         self.assertEqual(len(table), patches_bbox.count)
@@ -1010,11 +1063,11 @@ class TestRoiSetPolygons(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
     def test_overlap_bbox(self):
         df = pd.DataFrame({
-            'x0': [0, 1, 2, 1, 1],
-            'x1': [2, 3, 4, 3, 3],
-            'y0': [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
-            'y1': [2, 2, 2, 3, 2],
-            'zi': [0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
+            ('bounding_box', 'x0'): [0, 1, 2, 1, 1],
+            ('bounding_box', 'x1'): [2, 3, 4, 3, 3],
+            ('bounding_box', 'y0'): [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
+            ('bounding_box', 'y1'): [2, 2, 2, 3, 2],
+            ('bounding_box', 'zi'): [0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
         df.set_index(pd.Index(range(100, 105)), inplace=True)
         res = filter_df_overlap_bbox(df)
@@ -1027,19 +1080,19 @@ class TestRoiSetPolygons(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
     def test_overlap_bbox_multiple(self):
         df1 = pd.DataFrame({
-            'x0': [0, 1],
-            'x1': [2, 3],
-            'y0': [0, 0],
-            'y1': [2, 2],
-            'zi': [0, 0],
+            ('bounding_box', 'x0'): [0, 1],
+            ('bounding_box', 'x1'): [2, 3],
+            ('bounding_box', 'y0'): [0, 0],
+            ('bounding_box', 'y1'): [2, 2],
+            ('bounding_box', 'zi'): [0, 0],
         df1.set_index(pd.Index(range(100, 102)), inplace=True)
         df2 = pd.DataFrame({
-            'x0': [2],
-            'x1': [4],
-            'y0': [0],
-            'y1': [2],
-            'zi': [0],
+            ('bounding_box', 'x0'): [2],
+            ('bounding_box', 'x1'): [4],
+            ('bounding_box', 'y0'): [0],
+            ('bounding_box', 'y1'): [2],
+            ('bounding_box', 'zi'): [0],
         df2.set_index(pd.Index(range(200, 201)), inplace=True)
         res = filter_df_overlap_bbox(df1, df2)
@@ -1050,12 +1103,12 @@ class TestRoiSetPolygons(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
     def test_overlap_seg(self):
         df = pd.DataFrame({
-            'x0': [0, 1, 2],
-            'x1': [2, 3, 4],
-            'y0': [0, 0, 0],
-            'y1': [2, 2, 2],
-            'zi': [0, 0, 0],
-            'binary_mask': [
+            ('bounding_box', 'x0'): [0, 1, 2],
+            ('bounding_box', 'x1'): [2, 3, 4],
+            ('bounding_box', 'y0'): [0, 0, 0],
+            ('bounding_box', 'y1'): [2, 2, 2],
+            ('bounding_box', 'zi'): [0, 0, 0],
+            ('masks', 'binary_mask'): [
                     [1, 1],
                     [1, 0]
@@ -1077,12 +1130,12 @@ class TestRoiSetPolygons(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
     def test_overlap_seg_multiple(self):
         df1 = pd.DataFrame({
-            'x0': [0, 1],
-            'x1': [2, 3],
-            'y0': [0, 0],
-            'y1': [2, 2],
-            'zi': [0, 0],
-            'binary_mask': [
+            ('bounding_box', 'x0'): [0, 1],
+            ('bounding_box', 'x1'): [2, 3],
+            ('bounding_box', 'y0'): [0, 0],
+            ('bounding_box', 'y1'): [2, 2],
+            ('bounding_box', 'zi'): [0, 0],
+            ('masks', 'binary_mask'): [
                     [1, 1],
                     [1, 0]
@@ -1095,12 +1148,12 @@ class TestRoiSetPolygons(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
         df1.set_index(pd.Index(range(100, 102)), inplace=True)
         df2 = pd.DataFrame({
-            'x0': [2],
-            'x1': [4],
-            'y0': [0],
-            'y1': [2],
-            'zi': [0],
-            'binary_mask': [
+            ('bounding_box', 'x0'): [2],
+            ('bounding_box', 'x1'): [4],
+            ('bounding_box', 'y0'): [0],
+            ('bounding_box', 'y1'): [2],
+            ('bounding_box', 'zi'): [0],
+            ('masks', 'binary_mask'): [
                     [1, 1],
                     [1, 1]
@@ -1141,10 +1194,13 @@ class TestIntensityThresholdObjectModel(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.Tes
-        roiset.classify_by('permissive_model', [0], IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentationModel(tr=0.0))
-        self.assertEqual(roiset.get_df()['classify_by_permissive_model'].sum(), roiset.count)
-        roiset.classify_by('avg_intensity', [0], IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentationModel(tr=0.2))
-        self.assertLess(roiset.get_df()['classify_by_avg_intensity'].sum(), roiset.count)
+        cl1 = 'permissive_model'
+        roiset.classify_by(cl1, [0], IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentationModel(tr=0.0))
+        self.assertEqual(roiset.df().classifications[cl1].sum(), roiset.count)
+        cl2 = 'avg_intensity'
+        roiset.classify_by(cl2, [0], IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentationModel(tr=0.2))
+        self.assertLess(roiset.df().classifications[cl2].sum(), roiset.count)
         return roiset
     def test_aggregate_classification_results(self):
diff --git a/tests/base/test_roiset_derived.py b/tests/rois/test_roiset_derived.py
similarity index 90%
rename from tests/base/test_roiset_derived.py
rename to tests/rois/test_roiset_derived.py
index cea9e904362cf39c1709966d5509702737576fa0..025eda5760f6cd6feb00e485b8c1abbee7298128 100644
--- a/tests/base/test_roiset_derived.py
+++ b/tests/rois/test_roiset_derived.py
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ import unittest
 import numpy as np
-from model_server.base.roiset import RoiSetWithDerivedChannelsExportParams, RoiSetMetaParams
-from model_server.base.roiset import RoiSetWithDerivedChannels
+from model_server.rois.roiset import RoiSetMetaParams
+from model_server.rois.derived import RoiSetWithDerivedChannelsExportParams, RoiSetWithDerivedChannels
 from model_server.base.accessors import generate_file_accessor, PatchStack
 import model_server.conf.testing as conf
 from model_server.conf.testing import DummyInstanceMaskSegmentationModel
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class TestDerivedChannels(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertGreater(roiset.accs_derived[0].chroma, 1)
-        self.assertTrue(all(roiset.get_df()['classify_by_multiple_input_model'].unique() == [5]))
+        self.assertTrue(all(roiset.df()['classifications', 'multiple_input_model'].unique() == [5]))
         self.assertTrue(all(np.unique(roiset.get_object_class_map('multiple_input_model').data) == [0, 5]))
         self.assertEqual(len(roiset.accs_derived), 2)
diff --git a/tests/base/test_roiset_pipeline.py b/tests/rois/test_roiset_pipeline.py
similarity index 68%
rename from tests/base/test_roiset_pipeline.py
rename to tests/rois/test_roiset_pipeline.py
index a0a903e89200b7faaa54702b9c3661cb2ea4e854..1ce96223681f500a0d1cbf3787e6fb8887998469 100644
--- a/tests/base/test_roiset_pipeline.py
+++ b/tests/rois/test_roiset_pipeline.py
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-import json
 from pathlib import Path
+from shutil import copyfile
 import unittest
 import numpy as np
 from model_server.base.accessors import generate_file_accessor
 import model_server.conf.testing as conf
-from model_server.base.pipelines.roiset_obmap import RoiSetObjectMapParams, roiset_object_map_pipeline
+from model_server.rois.pipelines.roiset_obmap import RoiSetObjectMapParams, roiset_object_map_pipeline
 data = conf.meta['image_files']
 output_path = conf.meta['output_path']
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts(object):
     def _get_models(self):
         from model_server.base.models import BinaryThresholdSegmentationModel
-        from model_server.base.roiset import IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentationModel
+        from model_server.rois.models import IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentationModel
         return {
             'pixel_classifier_segmentation': {
                 'name': 'min_px_mod',
@@ -109,82 +109,6 @@ class TestRoiSetWorkflow(BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts, unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertTrue('ob_id' in trace.keys())
         self.assertEqual(len(trace['ob_id'].unique()[0]), 2)
-class TestRoiSetWorkflowOverApi(conf.TestServerBaseClass, BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts):
-    input_data = data['multichannel_zstack_raw']
-    def setUp(self) -> None:
-        self.where_out = output_path / 'roiset'
-        self.where_out.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-        return conf.TestServerBaseClass.setUp(self)
-    def test_trivial_api_response(self):
-        self.assertGetSuccess('')
-    def test_load_input_accessor(self):
-        fname = self.copy_input_file_to_server()
-        return self.assertPutSuccess(f'accessors/read_from_file/{fname}')
-    def test_load_pixel_classifier(self):
-        mid = self.assertPutSuccess(
-            'models/seg/threshold/load/',
-            query={'tr': 0.2},
-        )['model_id']
-        self.assertTrue(mid.startswith('BinaryThresholdSegmentationModel'))
-        return mid
-    def test_load_object_classifier(self):
-        mid = self.assertPutSuccess(
-            'models/classify/threshold/load/',
-            body={'tr': 0}
-        )['model_id']
-        self.assertTrue(mid.startswith('IntensityThresholdInstanceMaskSegmentation'))
-        return mid
-    def _object_map_workflow(self, ob_classifer_id):
-        res = self.assertPutSuccess(
-            'pipelines/roiset_to_obmap/infer',
-            body={
-                'accessor_id': self.test_load_input_accessor(),
-                'pixel_classifier_segmentation_model_id': self.test_load_pixel_classifier(),
-                'object_classifier_model_id': ob_classifer_id,
-                'segmentation': {'channel': 0},
-                'patches_channel': 1,
-                'roi_params': self._get_roi_params(),
-                'export_params': self._get_export_params(),
-            },
-        )
-        # check on automatically written RoiSet
-        roiset_id = res['roiset_id']
-        roiset_info = self.assertGetSuccess(f'rois/{roiset_id}')
-        self.assertGreater(roiset_info['count'], 0)
-        return res
-    def test_workflow_with_object_classifier(self):
-        obmod_id = self.test_load_object_classifier()
-        res = self._object_map_workflow(obmod_id)
-        acc_obmap = self.get_accessor(res['output_accessor_id'])
-        self.assertTrue(np.all(acc_obmap.unique()[0] == [0, 1]))
-        # get object map via RoiSet API
-        roiset_id = res['roiset_id']
-        obmap_id = self.assertPutSuccess(f'rois/obmap/{roiset_id}/{obmod_id}', query={'object_classes': True})
-        acc_obmap_roiset = self.get_accessor(obmap_id)
-        self.assertTrue(np.all(acc_obmap_roiset.data == acc_obmap.data))
-        # check serialize RoiSet
-        self.assertPutSuccess(f'rois/write/{roiset_id}')
-        self.assertFalse(
-            self.assertGetSuccess(f'rois/{roiset_id}')['loaded']
-        )
-    def test_workflow_without_object_classifier(self):
-        res = self._object_map_workflow(None)
-        acc_obmap = self.get_accessor(res['output_accessor_id'])
-        self.assertTrue(np.all(acc_obmap.unique()[0] == [0, 1]))
 class TestRoiSetWorkflowOverApi(conf.TestServerBaseClass, BaseTestRoiSetMonoProducts):
@@ -218,7 +142,7 @@ class TestRoiSetWorkflowOverApi(conf.TestServerBaseClass, BaseTestRoiSetMonoProd
     def _object_map_workflow(self, ob_classifer_id):
         return self.assertPutSuccess(
-            'pipelines/roiset_to_obmap/infer',
+            'rois/pipelines/roiset_to_obmap',
                 'accessor_id': self.test_load_input_accessor(),
                 'pixel_classifier_segmentation_model_id': self.test_load_pixel_classifier(),
@@ -247,7 +171,7 @@ class TestTaskQueuedRoiSetWorkflowOverApi(TestRoiSetWorkflowOverApi):
     def _object_map_workflow(self, ob_classifer_id):
         res_queue = self.assertPutSuccess(
-            'pipelines/roiset_to_obmap/infer',
+            'rois/pipelines/roiset_to_obmap',
                 'schedule': True,
                 'accessor_id': self.test_load_input_accessor(),
@@ -272,4 +196,35 @@ class TestTaskQueuedRoiSetWorkflowOverApi(TestRoiSetWorkflowOverApi):
         self.assertEqual(self.assertGetSuccess(f'tasks/get/{task_id}')['status'], 'FINISHED')
-        return res_run
\ No newline at end of file
+        return res_run
+class TestAddRoiSetOverApi(conf.TestServerBaseClass):
+    def test_add_roiset(self):
+        pa_stack = data['multichannel_zstack_raw']['path']
+        pa_mask = data['multichannel_zstack_mask2d']['path']
+        where_in = Path(self.assertGetSuccess('paths')['inbound_images'])
+        copyfile(pa_stack, where_in / pa_stack.name)
+        copyfile(pa_mask, where_in / pa_mask.name)
+        acc_id_stack = self.assertPutSuccess(f'accessors/read_from_file/{pa_stack.name}')
+        acc_id_mask = self.assertPutSuccess(f'accessors/read_from_file/{pa_mask.name}')
+        res = self.assertPutSuccess(
+            'rois/pipelines/add_roiset',
+            body={
+                'accessor_id': acc_id_stack,
+                'labels_accessor_id': acc_id_mask,  # binary mask, not labels, so there's only on ROI
+                'roiset_index': {'X': 0, 'T': 0},
+                'exports': {'patches': {'channel_zero': {'white_channel': 0}}},
+                'roi_params': {'deproject_channel': 0}
+            }
+        )
+        # mask patch stack has one position
+        acc_id_out = res['output_accessor_id']
+        sd = self.assertGetSuccess(f'accessors/get/{acc_id_out}')['shape_dict']
+        self.assertEqual(sd['P'], 1)
+        # RoiSet has one entry
+        phenobase = self.assertGetSuccess('phenobase/bounding_box')
+        self.assertEqual(len(phenobase), 1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test_ilastik/test_ilastik.py b/tests/test_ilastik/test_ilastik.py
index 81f9b0126837db7169a75f61d6142ea6bc5b7d92..9fe0356f36e8040b46ea7c0ba077ca482eccfeb0 100644
--- a/tests/test_ilastik/test_ilastik.py
+++ b/tests/test_ilastik/test_ilastik.py
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ import numpy as np
 from model_server.base.accessors import CziImageFileAccessor, generate_file_accessor, InMemoryDataAccessor, PatchStack, write_accessor_data_to_file
 from model_server.base.api import app
-from model_server.extensions.ilastik import models as ilm
-from model_server.extensions.ilastik.pipelines import px_then_ob
-from model_server.extensions.ilastik.router import router
-from model_server.base.roiset import RoiSet, RoiSetMetaParams
+from model_server.ilastik import models as ilm
+from model_server.ilastik.pipelines import px_then_ob
+from model_server.ilastik.router import router
+from model_server.rois.roiset import RoiSet, RoiSetMetaParams
 from model_server.base.pipelines import segment
 import model_server.conf.testing as conf