from math import floor, sqrt from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.stats import moment from skimage.filters import sobel from import imsave from skimage.measure import find_contours, shannon_entropy from tifffile import imwrite from extensions.chaeo.accessors import MonoPatchStack, Multichannel3dPatchStack from extensions.chaeo.annotators import draw_box_on_patch, draw_contours_on_patch from model_server.accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor, InMemoryDataAccessor from model_server.process import pad, rescale, resample_to_8bit def _make_rgb(zs): h, w, c, nz = zs.shape assert c <= 3 outdata = np.zeros((h, w, 3, nz), dtype=zs.dtype) outdata[:, :, 0:c, :] = zs[:, :, :, :] return outdata def _focus_metrics(): return { 'max_intensity': lambda x: np.max(x), 'stdev': lambda x: np.std(x), 'max_sobel': lambda x: np.max(sobel(x)), 'rms_sobel': lambda x: sqrt(np.mean(sobel(x) ** 2)), 'entropy': lambda x: shannon_entropy(x), 'moment': lambda x: moment(x.flatten(), moment=2), } def _write_patch_to_file(where, fname, yxcz): ext = fname.split('.')[-1].upper() where.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if ext == 'PNG': assert yxcz.dtype == 'uint8', f'Invalid data type {yxcz.dtype}' assert yxcz.shape[2] <= 3, f'Cannot export images with more than 3 channels as PNGs' assert yxcz.shape[3] == 1, f'Cannot export z-stacks as PNGs' if yxcz.shape[2] == 1: outdata = yxcz[:, :, 0, 0] elif yxcz.shape[2] == 2: # add a blank blue channel outdata = _make_rgb(yxcz) else: # preserve RGB order outdata = yxcz[:, :, :, 0] imsave(where / fname, outdata, check_contrast=False) return True elif ext in ['TIF', 'TIFF']: zcyx = np.moveaxis(yxcz, [3, 2, 0, 1], [0, 1, 2, 3]) imwrite(where / fname, zcyx, imagej=True) return True else: raise Exception(f'Unsupported file extension: {ext}') def get_patch_masks_from_zmask_meta( stack: GenericImageDataAccessor, zmask_meta: list, pad_to: int = 256, ) -> MonoPatchStack: patches = [] for mi in zmask_meta: sl = mi['slice'] rbb = mi['relative_bounding_box'] x0 = rbb['x0'] y0 = rbb['y0'] x1 = rbb['x1'] y1 = rbb['y1'] sp_sl = np.s_[y0: y1, x0: x1, :, :] h, w =[sl].shape[0:2] patch = np.zeros((h, w, 1, 1), dtype='uint8') patch[sp_sl][:, :, 0, 0] = mi['mask'] * 255 if pad_to: patch = pad(patch, pad_to) patches.append(patch) return MonoPatchStack(patches) def export_patch_masks_from_zstack( where: Path, stack: GenericImageDataAccessor, zmask_meta: list, pad_to: int = 256, prefix='mask', **kwargs ): patches_acc = get_patch_masks_from_zmask_meta( stack, zmask_meta, pad_to=pad_to, **kwargs ) assert len(zmask_meta) == patches_acc.count exported = [] for i in range(0, len(zmask_meta)): mi = zmask_meta[i] obj = mi['info'] patch = patches_acc.iat_yxcz(i) ext = 'png' fname = f'{prefix}-la{obj.label:04d}-zi{obj.zi:04d}.{ext}' _write_patch_to_file(where, fname, patch) exported.append(fname) return exported def get_patches_from_zmask_meta( stack: GenericImageDataAccessor, zmask_meta: list, rescale_clip: float = 0.0, pad_to: int = 256, make_3d: bool = False, focus_metric: str = None, **kwargs ) -> MonoPatchStack: patches = [] for mi in zmask_meta: sl = mi['slice'] rbb = mi['relative_bounding_box'] idx = mi['df_index'] x0 = rbb['x0'] y0 = rbb['y0'] x1 = rbb['x1'] y1 = rbb['y1'] sp_sl = np.s_[y0: y1, x0: x1, :, :] patch3d =[sl] ph, pw, pc, pz = patch3d.shape subpatch = patch3d[sp_sl] # make a 3d patch if make_3d: patch = patch3d # make a 2d patch, find optimal z-position determined by focus_metric function elif focus_metric is not None: foc = _focus_metrics()[focus_metric] patch = np.zeros([ph, pw, pc, 1], dtype=patch3d.dtype) for ci in range(0, pc): me = [foc(subpatch[:, :, ci, zi]) for zi in range(0, pz)] zif = np.argmax(me) patch[:, :, ci, 0] = patch3d[:, :, ci, zif] # make a 2d patch from middle of z-stack else: zim = floor(pz / 2) patch = patch3d[:, :, :, [zim]] assert len(patch.shape) == 4 assert patch.shape[2] == stack.chroma if rescale_clip is not None: patch = rescale(patch, rescale_clip) if kwargs.get('draw_bounding_box') is True: bci = kwargs.get('bounding_box_channel', 0) assert bci < 3 if bci > 0: patch = _make_rgb(patch) for zi in range(0, patch.shape[3]): patch[:, :, bci, zi] = draw_box_on_patch( patch[:, :, bci, zi], ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)), linewidth=kwargs.get('bounding_box_linewidth', 1) ) if kwargs.get('draw_mask'): mci = kwargs.get('mask_channel', 0) mask = np.zeros(patch.shape[0:2], dtype=bool) mask[sp_sl[0:2]] = mi['mask'] for zi in range(0, patch.shape[3]): patch[:, :, mci, zi] = np.invert(mask) * patch[:, :, mci, zi] if kwargs.get('draw_contour'): mci = kwargs.get('contour_channel', 0) mask = np.zeros(patch.shape[0:2], dtype=bool) mask[sp_sl[0:2]] = mi['mask'] for zi in range(0, patch.shape[3]): patch[:, :, mci, zi] = draw_contours_on_patch( patch[:, :, mci, zi], find_contours(mask) ) if pad_to: patch = pad(patch, pad_to) patches.append(patch) if not make_3d and pc == 1: return MonoPatchStack(patches) else: return Multichannel3dPatchStack(patches) def export_patches_from_zstack( where: Path, stack: GenericImageDataAccessor, zmask_meta: list, rescale_clip: float = 0.0, pad_to: int = 256, make_3d: bool = False, prefix='patch', focus_metric: str = None, **kwargs ): patches_acc = get_patches_from_zmask_meta( stack, zmask_meta, rescale_clip=rescale_clip, pad_to=pad_to, make_3d=make_3d, focus_metric=focus_metric, **kwargs ) assert len(zmask_meta) == patches_acc.count exported = [] for i in range(0, len(zmask_meta)): mi = zmask_meta[i] patch = patches_acc.iat_yxcz(i) obj = mi['info'] idx = mi['df_index'] ext = 'tif' if make_3d else 'png' fname = f'{prefix}-la{obj.label:04d}-zi{obj.zi:04d}.{ext}' if patch.dtype is np.dtype('uint16'): _write_patch_to_file(where, fname, resample_to_8bit(patch)) else: _write_patch_to_file(where, fname, patch) exported.append({ 'df_index': idx, 'patch_filename': fname, }) return exported def export_3d_patches_with_focus_metrics( where: Path, stack: GenericImageDataAccessor, zmask_meta: list, rescale_clip: float = 0.0, pad_to: int = 256, prefix='patch', **kwargs ): """ Export 3D patches as multi-level z-stacks, along with CSV of various focus methods for each z-position :param kwargs: annotate_focus_metric: name focus metric to use when drawing bounding box at optimal focus z-position :return: list of exported files """ assert stack.chroma == 1, 'Expecting monochromatic image data' assert > 1, 'Expecting z-stack' def get_zstack_focus_metrics(zs): nz = zs.shape[3] me = _focus_metrics() dd = {} for zi in range(0, nz): spf = zs[:, :, :, zi] dd[zi] = {k: me[k](spf) for k in me.keys()} return dd exported = [] patch_meta = [] for mi in zmask_meta: obj = mi['info'] sl = mi['slice'] rbb = mi['relative_bounding_box'] idx = mi['df_index'] patch =[sl] assert len(patch.shape) == 4 assert patch.shape[2] == stack.chroma if rescale_clip is not None: patch = rescale(patch, rescale_clip) # unpack relative bounding box and define subset of patch data x0 = rbb['x0'] y0 = rbb['y0'] x1 = rbb['x1'] y1 = rbb['y1'] sp_sl = np.s_[y0: y1, x0: x1, :, :] subpatch = patch[sp_sl] # compute focus metrics for all z-levels me_dict = get_zstack_focus_metrics(subpatch) patch_meta.append({'label': obj.label, 'zi': obj.zi, 'metrics': me_dict}) me_df = pd.DataFrame(me_dict).T # drawing bounding box only on focused slice ak = kwargs.get('annotate_focus_metric') if ak and ak in me_df.columns: zi_foc = me_df.idxmax().to_dict()[ak] patch[:, :, 0, zi_foc] = draw_box_on_patch( patch[:, :, 0, zi_foc], ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)), ) if pad_to: patch = pad(patch, pad_to) fstem = f'{prefix}-la{obj.label:04d}-zi{obj.zi:04d}' _write_patch_to_file(where, fstem + '.tif', resample_to_8bit(patch)) me_df.to_csv(where / (fstem + '.csv')) exported.append({ 'df_index': idx, 'patch_filename': fstem + '.tif', 'focus_metrics_filename': fstem + '.csv', }) return exported def export_multichannel_patches_from_zstack( where: Path, stack: GenericImageDataAccessor, zmask_meta: list, ch_rgb_overlay: tuple = None, overlay_gain: tuple = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), ch_white: int = None, **kwargs ): """ Export RGB patches where each patch is assignable to a channel of the input stack :param ch_rgb_overlay: tuple of integers (R, G, B) that assign a stack channel index to an RGB channel :param overlay_gain: optional, tuple of float (R, G, B) multipliers that can be used to balance relative brightness :param ch_white: int, index of stack channel that becomes grayscale signal in export patches """ def _safe_add(a, g, b): assert a.dtype == b.dtype assert a.shape == b.shape assert g >= 0.0 return np.clip( a.astype('uint32') + g * b.astype('uint32'), 0, np.iinfo(a.dtype).max ).astype(a.dtype) idata = if ch_white: assert ch_white < stack.chroma mdata = idata[:, :, [ch_white, ch_white, ch_white], :] else: mdata = idata if ch_rgb_overlay: assert len(ch_rgb_overlay) == 3 assert len(overlay_gain) == 3 for ii, ci in enumerate(ch_rgb_overlay): if ci is None: continue assert isinstance(ci, int) assert ci < stack.chroma mdata[:, :, ii, :] = _safe_add( mdata[:, :, ii, :], overlay_gain[ii], idata[:, :, ci, :] ) mstack = InMemoryDataAccessor(mdata) return export_patches_from_zstack( where, mstack, zmask_meta, **kwargs )