from pathlib import Path import shutil import h5py import numpy as np import vigra from extensions.chaeo.accessors import MonoPatchStack, MonoPatchStackFromFile from extensions.ilastik.models import IlastikObjectClassifierFromSegmentationModel class PatchStackObjectClassifier(IlastikObjectClassifierFromSegmentationModel): """ Wrap ilastik object classification for inputs comprising raw image and binary segmentation masks, both represented as time-series images where each frame contains only one object. """ def infer(self, input_acc: MonoPatchStack, segmentation_acc: MonoPatchStack) -> (np.ndarray, dict): assert segmentation_acc.is_mask() assert input_acc.chroma == 1 tagged_input_data = vigra.taggedView(input_acc.make_tczyx(), 'tczyx') tagged_seg_data = vigra.taggedView(segmentation_acc.make_tczyx(), 'tczyx') dsi = [ { 'Raw Data': self.PreloadedArrayDatasetInfo(preloaded_array=tagged_input_data), 'Segmentation Image': self.PreloadedArrayDatasetInfo(preloaded_array=tagged_seg_data), } ] obmaps =, export_to_array=True) # [z x h x w x n] assert len(obmaps) == 1, 'ilastik generated more than one object map' # for some reason ilastik scrambles these axes to Z(1)YX(1) assert obmaps[0].shape == (, 1, input_acc.hw[0], input_acc.hw[1], 1) yxz = np.moveaxis( obmaps[0][:, 0, :, :, 0], [1, 2, 0], [0, 1, 2] ) assert yxz.shape[0:2] == input_acc.hw assert yxz.shape[2] == return MonoPatchStack(data=yxz), {'success': True} def generate_ilastik_object_classifier( template_ilp: Path, target_ilp: Path, raw_stack: MonoPatchStackFromFile, mask_stack: MonoPatchStackFromFile, label_stack: MonoPatchStackFromFile, label_names: list, lane: int = 0, ) -> Path: """ Starting with a template project file, transfer input data and labels to a new project file. :param template_ilp: path to existing ilastik object classifier to use as a template :param target_ilp: path to new classifier :param raw_stack: stack of patches containing raw data :param mask_stack: stack of patches containing object masks :param label_stack: stack of patches containing object labels :param label_names: list of label names :param lane: ilastik lane identifier :return: path to generated object classifier """ assert mask_stack.shape == raw_stack.shape assert label_stack.shape == raw_stack.shape new_ilp = shutil.copy(template_ilp, target_ilp) accessors = { 'Raw Data': raw_stack, 'Segmentation Image': mask_stack, } # get labels from label image labels = [] for ii in range(0, label_stack.count): unique = np.unique(label_stack.iat(ii)) assert len(unique) >= 2, 'Label image contains more than one non-zero value' assert unique[0] == 0, 'Label image does not contain unlabeled background' assert unique[-1] < len(label_names) + 1, f'Label ID {unique[-1]} exceeds number of label names: {len(label_names)}' labels.append(unique[-1]) # write to new project file with h5py.File(new_ilp, 'r+') as h5: for gk in ['Raw Data', 'Segmentation Image']: group = f'Input Data/infos/lane{lane:04d}/{gk}' # set path to input image files del h5[f'{group}/filePath'] h5[f'{group}/filePath'] = accessors[gk] assert not Path(h5[f'{group}/filePath'][()].decode()).is_absolute() assert h5[f'{group}/filePath'][()] == accessors[gk] assert h5[f'{group}/location'][()] == 'FileSystem'.encode() # set input nickname del h5[f'{group}/nickname'] h5[f'{group}/nickname'] = accessors[gk].fpath.stem # set input shape del h5[f'{group}/shape'] shape_zyx = [accessors[gk].shape_dict[ax] for ax in ['Z', 'Y', 'X']] h5[f'{group}/shape'] = np.array(shape_zyx) # change key of label names if (k := 'ObjectClassification/LabelNames') in h5.keys(): del h5[k] ln = np.array(label_names) h5.create_dataset(k, data=ln.astype('O')) if (k := 'ObjectClassification/MaxNumObj') in h5.keys(): del h5[k] h5[k] = len(label_names) - 1 del h5['currentApplet'] h5['currentApplet'] = 1 # change object labels if (k := f'ObjectClassification/LabelInputs/{lane:04d}') in h5.keys(): del h5[k] lag = h5.create_group(k) for zi, la in enumerate(labels): lag[f'{zi}'] = np.array([0., float(la)]) # delete existing classification weights if (k := f'ObjectExtraction/RegionFeatures/{lane:04d}') in h5.keys(): del h5[k] if (k := 'ObjectClassification/ClassifierForests') in h5.keys(): del h5[k] return Path(new_ilp)