diff --git a/lib/tasks/search.rake b/lib/tasks/search.rake
index 44ee417b68f6f86f1be55d60c456508054ce6098..82dcfb6ce9d63ad0927417c01c74efa8fab14d49 100644
--- a/lib/tasks/search.rake
+++ b/lib/tasks/search.rake
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ namespace :search do
     puts 'Creating search data json file...'
     mkdir_p 'assets/js'
     touch 'assets/js/search-data.json'
-    content = %Q[{{ page.content | markdownify | strip_html | escape_once | remove: 'Table of contents' | remove: '```'  | remove: '---' | replace: '\\', ' ' | normalize_whitespace }}]
+    content = %Q[{{ page.content | markdownify | replace: '</h', ' . </h' | replace: '<hr', ' . <hr' | replace: '</p', ' . </p' | replace: '</ul', ' . </ul' | replace: '</tr', ' . </tr' | replace: '</li', ' | </li' | replace: '</td', ' | </td' | strip_html | escape_once | remove: 'Table of contents' | remove: '```'  | remove: '---' | replace: '\', ' ' | replace: ' .  .  . ', ' . ' | replace: ' .  . ', ' . ' | normalize_whitespace }}]
     puts 'Done.'
     puts 'Generating content...'
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ namespace :search do
       f.puts '---
-  {% for page in site.html_pages %}{% if page.search_exclude != true %}"{{ forloop.index0 }}": {
-    "id": "{{ forloop.index0 }}",
-    "title": "{{ page.title | replace: \'&amp;\', \'&\' }}",
+  {% assign comma = false %}
+  {% for page in site.html_pages %}{% if page.search_exclude != true %}{% if comma == true%},{% endif %}"{{ forloop.index0 }}": {
+    "title": "{{ page.title | replace: '&amp;', '&' }}",
     "content": "'+content+'",
     "url": "{{ page.url | absolute_url }}",
     "relUrl": "{{ page.url }}"
-  }{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
+  }{% assign comma = true %}
   {% endif %}{% endfor %}