diff --git a/docs/navigation-structure.md b/docs/navigation-structure.md
index e19112d9c6dcad117bff0425527728762278d738..0e09660e87227d827941be0be262a604593d1fdd 100644
--- a/docs/navigation-structure.md
+++ b/docs/navigation-structure.md
@@ -7,11 +7,14 @@ nav_order: 5
 # Navigation Structure
 {: .no_toc }
-## Table of contents
-{: .no_toc .text-delta }
+<details open markdown="block">
+  <summary>
+    Table of contents
+  </summary>
+  {: .text-delta }
 1. TOC
@@ -231,4 +234,19 @@ To generate a Table of Contents on your docs pages, you can use the `{:toc}` met
-This example skips the page name heading (`#`) from the TOC, as well as the heading for the Table of Contents itself (`##`) because it is redundant, followed by the table of contents itself.
+This example skips the page name heading (`#`) from the TOC, as well as the heading for the Table of Contents itself (`##`) because it is redundant, followed by the table of contents itself. To get an unordered list, replace  `1. TOC` above by `- TOC`.
+The table of contents can be made collapsible by adding HTML markup, as in the following example. The attribute `open` and the styling with `{: .text-delta }` are optional.
+<details open markdown="block">
+  <summary>
+    Table of contents
+  </summary>
+  {: .text-delta }
+1. TOC
+The result is shown at [the top of this page](#navigation-structure) (`{:toc}` can be used only once on each page).