diff --git a/_includes/links.md b/_includes/links.md
index b12df9d931d9692b2b068b80faf1180737ce8e54..25c7322e3bd697c87c1284365d4800e675e31599 100644
--- a/_includes/links.md
+++ b/_includes/links.md
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
 [cryptpad]: https://cryptpad.fr/code/
 [cscce]: https://www.cscce.org/
 [cscce-resources]: https://www.cscce.org/resources/
+[cuckoo]: https://cuckoo.team/
 [drop-in]: https://bio-it.embl.de/drop-in/
 [elabjournal]: https://www.elabjournal.com/
 [embl-careers-calendar]: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r?cid=ZW1ibC5kZV9hOGUza2hiazVzbWJiMW92NzlqcTNqYjBzOEBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t
diff --git a/coordination/useful-links.md b/coordination/useful-links.md
index 68fc4468d5d95f5cb13ae5282d2828f5a6809af4..f445d4cea824b3b701f008054e9386e5cc49cfc9 100644
--- a/coordination/useful-links.md
+++ b/coordination/useful-links.md
@@ -44,5 +44,6 @@ These links point to various resources that we have found useful.
 - [CryptPad][cryptpad]: like [etherpad][etherpad], CryptPad allows collaborative note-taking, and includes an option to optimise the pad for code by including line numbers and a monospaced font.
 - [HackMD][hackmd]: another collaborative authoring tool, this time set up for [Markdown][markdown]. HackMD allows you to display the raw MD, the rendered version, or both in a split display, and to save documents in a collection to refer back to in the future.
 - [Time and Date][timeanddate]: convert meeting times between timezones; announce events across timezones; find out how likely it is that your collaboartors are awake right now; etc
+- [Cuckoo Remote Timer][cuckoo]: a shared countdown timer, useful for remote co-working sessions and meetings. Start a countdown timer and everyone connected to the page receives a notification when the countdown ends.
 {% include links.md %}