############################################ # Libraries, versions, authors and license # ############################################ from snakemake.utils import min_version import subprocess import os import pandas import numpy import socket import time start = time.time() # Enforce a minimum Snakemake version because of various features min_version("4.7") __author__ = "Christian Arnold & Ivan Berest" __license__ = "MIT" ############# # FUNCTIONS # ############# # The onsuccess handler is executed if the workflow finished without error. onsuccess: print("\n\n#################################\n# Workflow finished, no error #") print( "# Check the FINAL_OUTPUT folder #\n#################################\n\n") print("\nRunning time in minutes: %s\n" % round((time.time() - start)/60,1)) # Else, the onerror handler is executed. onerror: print("\n\n#####################\n# An error occurred #\n#####################\n\n") print("\nRunning time in minutes: %s\n" % round((time.time() - start)/60,1)) #shell("mail -s "an error occurred" carnold@embl.de < {log}") # onstart handler will be executed before the workflow starts. Note that dry-runs do not trigger any of the handlers onstart: print("Reading samples and metadata....\n") print ("Running workflow for the following " + str(len(allTF)) + " TF:\n " + ' \n '.join(map(str, allTF))) print ("Running workflow for the following BAM files:\n " + ' \n '.join(map(str, allBamFiles))) def read_samplesTable(samplesSummaryFile, consensusPeaks): """text""" data = pandas.read_table(samplesSummaryFile) # Expect a particular number of columns, do a sanity check here if not consensusPeaks: if not {'SampleID', 'bamReads', 'conditionSummary', 'Peaks'}.issubset(data.columns.values): raise KeyError("The samples file must contain at least the following named columns (TAB separated!): 'SampleID', 'bamReads', 'conditionSummary', 'Peaks'") else: if not {'SampleID', 'bamReads', 'conditionSummary'}.issubset(data.columns.values): raise KeyError("The samples file must contain at least the following named columns (TAB separated!): 'SampleID', 'bamReads', 'conditionSummary'") return data # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26560726/python-binomial-coefficient def fcomb0(n, k): ''' Compute the number of ways to choose k elements out of a pile of n. Use an iterative approach with the multiplicative formula: \frac{n!}{k!(n - k)!} = \frac{n(n - 1)\dots(n - k + 1)}{k(k-1)\dots(1)} = \prod{i = 1}{k}\frac{n + 1 - i}{i} Also rely on the symmetry: C_n^k = C_n^{n - k}, so the product can be calculated up to min(k, n - k) :param n: the size of the pile of elements :param k: the number of elements to take from the pile :return: the number of ways to choose k elements out of a pile of n ''' # When k out of sensible range, should probably throw an exception. # For compatibility with scipy.special.{comb, binom} returns 0 instead. if k < 0 or k > n: return 0 if k == 0 or k == n: return 1 total_ways = 1 for i in range(min(k, n - k)): total_ways = total_ways * (n - i) // (i + 1) return total_ways ############################################### # Check if all parameters have been specified # ############################################### configDict = { "par_general": ["outdir", "regionExtension", "comparisonType", "designContrast", "designVariableTypes", "conditionComparison", "nPermutations", "nCGBins", "TFs", "dir_scripts", "RNASeqIntegration", "nBootstraps"], "samples": ["summaryFile", "pairedEnd"], "peaks": ["consensusPeaks", "peakType", "minOverlap"], "additionalInputFiles": ["refGenome_fasta","dir_TFBS", "RNASeqCounts", "HOCOMOCO_mapping"] } for sectionCur in configDict: # 1. Section is defined at all? if not sectionCur in config: raise KeyError("Could not find section \"" + sectionCur + "\" in the config file or no config file has been specified.") # 2. All section parameters are defined? requiredPar = configDict[sectionCur] missingParameters = [] for parCur in requiredPar: if not parCur in config[sectionCur]: missingParameters.append(parCur) if len(missingParameters) > 0: missingParStr = ",".join(missingParameters) raise KeyError("Could not find parameter(s) \"" + missingParStr + "\" in section \"" + sectionCur + "\" in the config file.") ############################# # DIRECTORIES AND VARIABLES # ############################# # Maximum number of cores per rule. # For local computation, the minimum of this value and the --cores parameter will define the number of CPUs per rule, # while in a cluster setting, the minimum of this value and the number of cores onn the node the jobs runs is usedself. try: threadsMax = config["par_general"]["maxCoresPerRule"] except KeyError: print("The parameter \"coresPerRule\" in section \"par_general\" has not been defined. Jobs/rules with multithreading support will use the default of 16 cores.") threadsMax = 16 try: TFBSSorted = config["par_general"]["dir_TFBS_sorted"] except KeyError: print("The parameter \"dir_TFBS_sorted\" in section \"par_general\" has not been defined. Presorted BED files will be assumed.") TFBSSorted = True # Increase ulimit -n for analysis with high number of TF and/or input files. The standard value of 1024 may not be enough. ulimitMax = 4096 # Suffix name for the TFBS lists suffixTFBS = '_TFBS.bed' # Make the output nicer and easier to follow ruleDisplayMessage = "\n# START EXECUTING RULE #\n" # Input files samplesSummaryFile = config["samples"]["summaryFile"] regionExt = config["par_general"]["regionExtension"] nCGBins = config["par_general"]["nCGBins"] extDir = "extension" + str(config["par_general"]["regionExtension"]) pairedEndOptions = "-p -B -P -d 0 -D 2000 -C" if not config["samples"]["pairedEnd"]: pairedEndOptions = "" ROOT_DIR = config["par_general"]["outdir"] FINAL_DIR = ROOT_DIR + "/FINAL_OUTPUT/" + extDir TF_DIR = ROOT_DIR + "/TF-SPECIFIC" PEAKS_DIR = ROOT_DIR + "/PEAKS" LOG_BENCHMARK_DIR = ROOT_DIR + "/LOGS_AND_BENCHMARKS" TEMP_DIR = ROOT_DIR + "/TEMP" TEMP_EXTENSION_DIR = ROOT_DIR + "/TEMP/" + extDir TEMP_BAM_DIR = ROOT_DIR + "/TEMP/" + "sortedBAM" global samplesData samplesData = read_samplesTable(config["samples"]["summaryFile"], config["peaks"]["consensusPeaks"]) allBamFiles = samplesData.loc[:,"bamReads"] if config["par_general"]["comparisonType"] != "": compType = config["par_general"]["comparisonType"] + "." else: compType = "" ############################ # CHECK EXISTANCE OF FILES # ############################ allBamFilesBasename = [] for fileCur in allBamFiles: if not os.path.isfile(fileCur): raise IOError("File \"" + fileCur + "\" (defined in " + config["samples"]["summaryFile"] + ") not found.") # Index is not needed for featureCounts basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fileCur))[0] allBamFilesBasename.append(basename) # Add new column samplesData = samplesData.assign(basename = allBamFilesBasename) # Check existance of all specified peak files if not config["peaks"]["consensusPeaks"]: allPeakFiles = samplesData.loc[:,"Peaks"] for fileCur in allPeakFiles: if not os.path.isfile(fileCur): raise IOError("File \"" + fileCur + "\" (defined in " + config["samples"]["summaryFile"] + ") not found.") else: allPeakFiles = [] allTF = [] if config["par_general"]["TFs"] == "all": TFBS_FILES = os.popen("ls " + config["additionalInputFiles"]["dir_TFBS"]).readlines() for TFCur in TFBS_FILES: if not os.path.basename(TFCur.replace('\n', '')).endswith(suffixTFBS): continue TFCurBasename = os.path.basename(TFCur.replace('\n', '').replace(suffixTFBS, '')) allTF.append(TFCurBasename) else: TFArray = config["par_general"]["TFs"].replace(" ", "").split(',') for TFCur in TFArray: fileCur = config["additionalInputFiles"]["dir_TFBS"] + "/" + TFCur + suffixTFBS if not os.path.isfile(fileCur): raise IOError("The TF " + TFCur + " is in the list of TFs to process, but the file \"" + fileCur + "\" is missing. Check the folder " + config["additionalInputFiles"]["dir_TFBS"] + " and \"par_general\": \"TFs\")") allTF.append(TFCur) if len(allTF) == 0: raise WorkflowError("The list of TFs is empty. Adjust the parameter \"par_general\": \"TFs\" and verify that in the specified folder \"" + config["additionalInputFiles"]["dir_TFBS"] + "\", files with the pattern \"{TF}_TFBS.bed\" are present") if not os.path.isfile(config["additionalInputFiles"]["refGenome_fasta"]): raise IOError("File \"" + config["additionalInputFiles"]["refGenome_fasta"] + "\" not found (parameter additionalInputFiles:refGenome_fasta).") if config["par_general"]["RNASeqIntegration"]: filenameCur = config["additionalInputFiles"]["HOCOMOCO_mapping"] if not os.path.isfile(filenameCur): raise IOError("File \"" + filenameCur + "\" not found (parameter additionalInputFiles:HOCOMOCO_mapping).") filenameCur = config["additionalInputFiles"]["RNASeqCounts"] if not os.path.isfile(filenameCur): raise IOError("File \"" + filenameCur + "\" not found (parameter additionalInputFiles:RNASeqCounts).") if config["peaks"]["consensusPeaks"]: filenameCur = config["peaks"]["consensusPeaks"] if not os.path.isfile(filenameCur): raise IOError("File \"" + filenameCur + "\" not found.") # Check if it contains scientific notification # the || true in the end ensures the exit status of grep is 0, because this would raise an error otherwise nHits = int(subprocess.check_output('grep -c "e+" ' + config["peaks"]["consensusPeaks"] + " || true", shell=True)) if nHits > 0: raise AssertionError("File " + config["peaks"]["consensusPeaks"] + " contains at least one line with the scientific notation (e+). This will cause errors in subsequent steps. Check the file and transform all \"e+\" coordinates.") ################ # PERMUTATIONS # ################ # Adjust the number of permutations if set to high nSamples = len(samplesData.index) nSamplesCondition1 = len(samplesData[(samplesData['conditionSummary'] == samplesData['conditionSummary'][0])]) nPermutationsTotal = fcomb0(nSamples, nSamplesCondition1) if nPermutationsTotal < config["par_general"]["nPermutations"]: nPermutationsAdjusted = nPermutationsTotal else: nPermutationsAdjusted = config["par_general"]["nPermutations"] if config["par_general"]["nPermutations"] == 0 and config["par_general"]["nBootstraps"] == 0: raise AssertionError("Both nPermutations and nBootstraps are set to 0 in the config file. Either of the two has to have a value > 0. We recommend running diffTF with as many permutations as possible. See the documentation for details.") ########### # SCRIPTS # ########### # Default directory for R scripts, specified relative to the Snakefile # Not to be confused with the dir_scripts directory, which is only used to load the correct functions.R file in all R scripts dir_scripts = "R/" script_checkParValidity = "checkParameterValidity.R" script_createConsensusPeaks = "createConsensusPeaks.R" script_DiffPeaks = "diffPeaks.R" script_analyzeTF = "analyzeTF.R" script_summary1 = "summary1.R" script_binningTF = "binningTF.R" script_summaryFinal = "summaryFinal.R" ######################################### ######################################### # RULES # ######################################### ######################################### # For cluster usage: The keyword localrules allows to mark a rule as local, so that it is not submitted to the cluster and instead executed on the host node localrules: all rule all: input: plots = expand("{dir}/{compType}summary.{plotType}.pdf", dir = FINAL_DIR, compType = compType, plotType = ["circular", "volcano"]), summaryLogs = LOG_BENCHMARK_DIR + "/" + compType + "all.warnings.log" rule checkParameterValidity: input: output: flag = touch(TEMP_DIR + "/" + compType + "checkParameterValidity.done"), consPeaks = TEMP_DIR + "/" + compType + "consensusPeaks.clean.bed", log: expand('{dir}/checkParameterValidity.R.log', dir = LOG_BENCHMARK_DIR) message: "{ruleDisplayMessage}Check parameter validity {script_checkParValidity}..." threads: 1 priority: 1 params: script: dir_scripts + script_checkParValidity rule produceConsensusPeaks: input: checkFlag = ancient(rules.checkParameterValidity.output.flag), peaks = allPeakFiles, sampleFile= config["samples"]["summaryFile"] output: consensusPeaks_bed = TEMP_DIR + "/" + compType + "consensusPeaks.bed", summaryPlot = TEMP_DIR + "/" + compType + "consensusPeaks_lengthDistribution.pdf" log: expand('{dir}/produceConsensusPeaks.R.log', dir = LOG_BENCHMARK_DIR) message: "{ruleDisplayMessage}Calculate consensus peaks for all peak files with the script {script_createConsensusPeaks}..." threads: 1 params: script: dir_scripts + script_createConsensusPeaks # Forces the execution of the rule above just when the user did not provide a consensus peak file def retrieveConsensusPeakFile (par_consensusPeaks): if not par_consensusPeaks: return rules.produceConsensusPeaks.output.consensusPeaks_bed else: return rules.checkParameterValidity.output.consPeaks rule filterSexChromosomesAndSortPeaks: input: consensusPeaks = retrieveConsensusPeakFile(config["peaks"]["consensusPeaks"]) output: consensusPeaks_sorted = PEAKS_DIR + "/" + compType + "consensusPeaks.filtered.sorted.bed" message: "{ruleDisplayMessage}Filter sex and unassembled chromosomes..." threads: 1 shell: """ grep -v "^chrX\|^chrY\|^chrM\|^chrUn\|random\|hap\|_gl" {input.consensusPeaks} | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n > {output.consensusPeaks_sorted} """ overlapPattern = "overlaps.bed.gz" # This rule is only run when parameter TFBSSorted = False rule sortTFBSParallel: input: flag = ancient(rules.checkParameterValidity.output.flag), allBed = expand('{dir}/{TF}{suffix}', dir = config["additionalInputFiles"]["dir_TFBS"], TF = allTF, suffix = suffixTFBS) output: allBedSorted = expand('{dir}/{compType}{TF}_TFBS.sorted.bed', dir = TEMP_DIR, compType = compType, TF = allTF) message: "{ruleDisplayMessage} Sort TFBS files for all TF..." threads: 1 run: for fi,fo in zip(input.allBed, output.allBedSorted): shell("sort -k1,1 -k2,2n {fi} > {fo}") def getBamFileFromBasename(basename): """text""" hit = numpy.asarray(samplesData.loc[samplesData["basename"] == basename, "bamReads"]) if len(hit) != 1: raise KeyError("Could not uniquely retrieve the BAM file for the basename \"" + basename + "\" from the file " + config["samples"]["summaryFile"]) return hit # Not run for single-end data rule resortBAM: input: flag = ancient(rules.checkParameterValidity.output.flag), BAM = lambda wildcards: getBamFileFromBasename(wildcards.BAM) output: BAMSorted = TEMP_BAM_DIR + "/" + "{BAM}.bam" message: "{ruleDisplayMessage} Sort BAM file {input.BAM}..." threads: 1 params: compression = "-c", noSeqInf = "-t" shell: """sh -c 'repair {params.compression} {params.noSeqInf} -i {input.BAM} -o {output.BAMSorted} '""" def getBamFilesBasedOnPairedEnd(wildcards): """text""" if config["samples"]["pairedEnd"]: return expand('{dir}/{allBasenamesBAM}.bam', dir = TEMP_BAM_DIR, allBasenamesBAM = allBamFilesBasename) else: return allBamFiles # Use anonymous named pipe to speed-up execution times rule intersectPeaksAndBAM: input: consensusPeaks = rules.filterSexChromosomesAndSortPeaks.output.consensusPeaks_sorted, allBAMs = getBamFilesBasedOnPairedEnd, sampleFile = config["samples"]["summaryFile"] output: peaksBamOverlapRaw = temp(PEAKS_DIR + '/' + compType + 'allBams.peaks.overlaps.bed'), peaksBamOverlap = PEAKS_DIR + '/' + compType + 'allBams.peaks.overlaps.bed.gz', consensusPeaksSAF = temp(TEMP_DIR + "/" + compType + "consensusPeaks.filtered.sorted.saf"), log: message: "{ruleDisplayMessage} Intersect for file {input.consensusPeaks} with all BAM files..." threads: threadsMax params: pairedEnd = pairedEndOptions, readFiltering = "-Q 10", multiOverlap = "-O", ulimitMax = ulimitMax shell: """ ulimit -n {params.ulimitMax} && awk 'BEGIN {{ OFS = "\\t" }} {{print $4,$1,$2,$3,"+"}}' {input.consensusPeaks} >{output.consensusPeaksSAF} && featureCounts \ -F SAF \ -T {threads} \ {params.readFiltering} \ {params.pairedEnd} \ -s 0 \ {params.multiOverlap} \ -a {output.consensusPeaksSAF} \ -o {output.peaksBamOverlapRaw} \ {input.allBAMs} && gzip -f < {output.peaksBamOverlapRaw} > {output.peaksBamOverlap} """ # TF-specific part: def retrieveInputFilesTFBS (TFBSSorted): if not TFBSSorted: return rules.sortTFBSParallel.output.allBedSorted else: return expand('{dir}/{TF}{suffix}', dir = config["additionalInputFiles"]["dir_TFBS"], TF = allTF, suffix = suffixTFBS) rule intersectPeaksAndTFBS: input: consensusPeaks = rules.filterSexChromosomesAndSortPeaks.output.consensusPeaks_sorted, allTFBS = retrieveInputFilesTFBS(TFBSSorted) output: TFBSinPeaks_bed = expand('{dir}/{compType}allTFBS.peaks.bed.gz', dir = TEMP_DIR, compType = compType), TFBSinPeaksMod_bed = expand('{dir}/{compType}allTFBS.peaks.extension.bed.gz', dir = TEMP_EXTENSION_DIR, compType = compType) message: "{ruleDisplayMessage} Obtain binding sites from peaks: Intersect all TFBS files and {input.consensusPeaks}..." threads: 1 params: extension = config["par_general"]["regionExtension"], ulimitMax = ulimitMax shell: """ ulimit -n {params.ulimitMax} && bedtools intersect \ -a {input.consensusPeaks} \ -b {input.allTFBS} \ -wa -wb \ -sorted \ -filenames \ | gzip -f > {output.TFBSinPeaks_bed} && gunzip -c {output.TFBSinPeaks_bed} | cut -f4,5,6,7,8,9,12 | uniq | awk '{{OFS="\\t"}};{{ print $4, $5-{params.extension}, $6+{params.extension},$1,$2,$7,$3}}' | gzip -f > {output.TFBSinPeaksMod_bed} """ rule intersectTFBSAndBAM: input: bed = rules.intersectPeaksAndTFBS.output.TFBSinPeaksMod_bed, allBAMs = getBamFilesBasedOnPairedEnd, sampleFile = config["samples"]["summaryFile"] output: BAMOverlapRaw = temp(TF_DIR + "/{TF}/" + extDir + "/" + compType + "{TF}.allBAMs.overlaps.bed"), BAMOverlap = TF_DIR + "/{TF}/" + extDir + "/" + compType + "{TF}.allBAMs.overlaps.bed.gz", saf = temp(expand('{dir}/{compType}{{TF}}.allTFBS.peaks.extension.saf', dir = TEMP_EXTENSION_DIR, compType = compType)) log: message: "{ruleDisplayMessage} Intersect file {input.bed} against all BAM files for TF {wildcards.TF}..." threads: 4 params: pairedEnd = pairedEndOptions, readFiltering = "-Q 10", multiOverlap = "-O", ulimitMax = ulimitMax shell: """ ulimit -n {params.ulimitMax} && zgrep "{wildcards.TF}_TFBS\." {input.bed} | awk 'BEGIN {{ OFS = "\\t" }} {{print $4"_"$2"-"$3,$1,$2,$3,$6}}' | sort -u -k1,1 >{output.saf} || true && if [[ $(wc -l <{output.saf}) -eq "0" ]]; then touch {output.BAMOverlapRaw} echo "No TFBS found, skip featureCounts..." else featureCounts \ -F SAF \ -T {threads} \ {params.readFiltering} \ {params.pairedEnd} \ -a {output.saf} \ -s 0 \ {params.multiOverlap} \ -o {output.BAMOverlapRaw} \ {input.allBAMs} fi && gzip -f < {output.BAMOverlapRaw} > {output.BAMOverlap} """ name_plots = PEAKS_DIR + "/" + compType + "diagnosticPlots.peaks.pdf" rule DiffPeaks: input: sampleData = config["samples"]["summaryFile"], BAMPeakoverlaps = rules.intersectPeaksAndBAM.output.peaksBamOverlap output: sampleDataR = PEAKS_DIR + "/" + compType + "sampleMetadata.rds", peakFile = PEAKS_DIR + "/" + compType + "peaks.rds", peaks_tsv = PEAKS_DIR + "/" + compType + "peaks.tsv.gz", condComp = TEMP_EXTENSION_DIR + "/" + compType + "conditionComparison.rds", normFacs = PEAKS_DIR + "/" + compType + "normFacs.rds", normCounts = PEAKS_DIR + "/" + compType + "countsNormalized.tsv.gz", plots = name_plots, DESeqObj = PEAKS_DIR + "/" + compType + "DESeq.object.rds" log: expand('{dir}/DiffPeaks.R.log', dir = LOG_BENCHMARK_DIR) message: "{ruleDisplayMessage}Run R script {script_DiffPeaks}" threads: 1 params: doCyclicLoess = "true" script: dir_scripts + script_DiffPeaks name_plotsDiag = TF_DIR + "/{TF}/" + extDir + "/" + compType + "{TF}" + ".diagnosticPlots.pdf" rule analyzeTF: input: overlapFile = rules.intersectTFBSAndBAM.output.BAMOverlap, sampleDataR = rules.DiffPeaks.output.sampleDataR, peakFile = rules.DiffPeaks.output.peakFile, peakFile2 = rules.DiffPeaks.output.peaks_tsv, normFacs = rules.DiffPeaks.output.normFacs, condComp = rules.DiffPeaks.output.condComp output: outputTSV = TF_DIR + "/{TF}/" + extDir + "/" + compType + "{TF}.output.tsv.gz", outputPermTSV = TF_DIR + "/{TF}/" + extDir + "/" + compType + "{TF}.outputPerm.tsv.gz", outputRDS = TF_DIR + "/{TF}/" + extDir + "/" + compType + "{TF}.summary.rds", plot_diagnostic = name_plotsDiag log: expand('{dir}/analyzeTF.{{TF}}.R.log', dir = LOG_BENCHMARK_DIR) message: "{ruleDisplayMessage}Run R script {script_analyzeTF} for TF {wildcards.TF}..." threads: 1 params: doCyclicLoess = "true", allBAMS = list(allBamFiles) script: dir_scripts + script_analyzeTF rule summary1: input: peaks = rules.DiffPeaks.output.peaks_tsv, TF = expand('{dir}/{TF}/{ext}/{compType}{TF}.summary.rds', dir = TF_DIR, TF = allTF, ext = extDir, compType = compType) output: outputTable = FINAL_DIR + "/" + compType + "TF_vs_peak_distribution.tsv.gz" log: expand('{dir}/summary1.R.log', dir = LOG_BENCHMARK_DIR) message: "{ruleDisplayMessage}Run R script {script_summary1} ..." threads: 1 script: dir_scripts + script_summary1 # Python: Read in 640 files one by one, and for each loop through all 1000 permutations and output to the correpsonding output file. rule concatenateMotifsPerm: input: diagnosticPlots = rules.summary1.output, TFMotifesPerm = expand('{dir}/{TF}/{extension}/{compType}{TF}.outputPerm.tsv.gz', dir = TF_DIR, TF = allTF, extension = extDir, compType = compType) output: allMotifsLog2FC = temp(TEMP_EXTENSION_DIR + "/" + compType + "allMotifs_log2FC_perm{perm}.tsv.gz") log: message: "{ruleDisplayMessage}Concatenate all motifs for permutation {wildcards.perm}..." threads: 1 benchmark: LOG_BENCHMARK_DIR + "/concatenateMotifsPerm.{perm}.benchmark" params: motifsShortPerm = TF_DIR + "/*/" + extDir + "/" + compType + "*.outputPerm.tsv.gz", colToExtract= lambda wc: str(int(wc.perm) + 3) shell: """ zcat {params.motifsShortPerm} | cut -f1,2,{params.colToExtract} | gzip >{output.allMotifsLog2FC} """ # set +o pipefail has to be used here because head closes the pipe after reading the specified number of lines, causing a 141 (127+14) error that Snakemake captures) # Use anonymous named pipe to speed-up execution times rule calcNucleotideContent: input: diagnosticPlots = rules.summary1.output, TFMotifes = expand('{dir}/{TF}/{extension}/{compType}{TF}.output.tsv.gz', dir = TF_DIR, TF = allTF, extension = extDir, compType = compType) output: allMotifsDetails = FINAL_DIR + "/" + compType + "allMotifs.tsv.gz", bed = TEMP_EXTENSION_DIR + "/" + compType + "motifs.coord.nucContent.bed.gz" log: message: "{ruleDisplayMessage}Calculate nucleotide content via bedtools nuc for all TFBS..." threads: 1 params: motifsShort = TF_DIR + "/*/" + extDir + "/" + compType + "*.output.tsv.gz", # TFMotifes = construct a string that resembles the call to tail, refGenome = config["additionalInputFiles"]["refGenome_fasta"] shell: """ set +o pipefail; cat <(gunzip -c {input.TFMotifes[1]} | head -1) <(zgrep "$(printf '^0\\t')" {params.motifsShort}) | gzip -f > {output.allMotifsDetails} && bedtools nuc -fi {params.refGenome} -bed <(gunzip -c {output.allMotifsDetails} | awk '{{OFS="\\t"}}; NR > 1 {{print $3,$4,$5,$6,$2}}') | gzip -f > {output.bed} """ rule binningTF: input: nucContent = rules.calcNucleotideContent.output.bed, sampleDataR = rules.DiffPeaks.output.sampleDataR, motifes = expand("{dir}/{compType}allMotifs_log2FC_perm{perm}.tsv.gz", dir = TEMP_EXTENSION_DIR, compType = compType, perm = list(range(0, nPermutationsAdjusted + 1))) output: permResults = expand('{dir}/{{TF}}/{extension}/{compType}{{TF}}.permutationResults.rds', dir = TF_DIR, extension = extDir, compType = compType), summary = expand('{dir}/{{TF}}/{extension}/{compType}{{TF}}.permutationSummary.tsv.gz', dir = TF_DIR, extension = extDir, compType = compType) log: expand('{dir}/binningTF.{{TF}}.R.log', dir = LOG_BENCHMARK_DIR) message: "{ruleDisplayMessage}Run R script {script_binningTF} for TF {wildcards.TF}..." threads: 1 script: dir_scripts + script_binningTF # Determine which files are produced by the rule depending on whether the classifiation should be run allDiagnosticFiles = [] allDiagnosticFiles.append(FINAL_DIR + "/" + compType + "diagnosticPlots.pdf") if config["par_general"]["RNASeqIntegration"]: classificationFiles = expand("{dir}/{compType}diagnosticPlotsClassification{no}.pdf", dir = FINAL_DIR, compType = compType, no = [1,2]) allDiagnosticFiles.append(classificationFiles) rule summaryFinal: input: allPermutationResults = expand('{dir}/{TF}/{extension}/{compType}{TF}.permutationSummary.tsv.gz', dir = TF_DIR, TF = allTF, extension = extDir, compType = compType), condComp = rules.DiffPeaks.output.condComp, normCounts = rules.DiffPeaks.output.normCounts, sampleDataR = rules.DiffPeaks.output.sampleDataR, output: summary = FINAL_DIR + "/" + compType + "summary.tsv.gz", circularPlot = FINAL_DIR + "/" + compType + "summary.circular.pdf", volcanoPlot = FINAL_DIR + "/" + compType + "summary.volcano.pdf", diagnosticPlots = allDiagnosticFiles, plotsRDS = FINAL_DIR + "/" + compType + "summary.circular.rds", log: expand('{dir}/summaryFinal.R.log', dir = LOG_BENCHMARK_DIR) message: "{ruleDisplayMessage}Run R script {script_summaryFinal} ..." threads: 1 params: TFs = ",".join(allTF) script: dir_scripts + script_summaryFinal rule cleanUpLogFiles: input: rules.summaryFinal.output output: warnLog = LOG_BENCHMARK_DIR + "/" + compType + "all.warnings.log", errorLog = LOG_BENCHMARK_DIR + "/" + compType + "all.errors.log" message: "{ruleDisplayMessage}Clean and summarize Logs_and_Benchmark directory..." threads: 1 params: dir = LOG_BENCHMARK_DIR shell: """ grep -i "^WARN" {params.dir}/*.log > {output.warnLog} || true && grep -i "^FATAL" {params.dir}/*.log > {output.errorLog} || true && rm {params.dir}/*.out {params.dir}/*.err || true """