#' @export Well <- R6Class( classname = "Well", lock_class = TRUE, public = list( dbConnection = NULL, plate_ID = NULL, position = NULL, label = NULL, temperature = NULL, initialize = function(dbConnection = NA, plate_ID = NA, position = NA, label = NA, temperature = NA) { if(!("DBConnection" %in% class(dbConnection))) { stop("DB connection object required to create Well object") } if(is.na(plate_ID) || is.na(position)) { stop("Plate ID and well position required to create Well object") } if(is.na(label)) { warning("Consider giving a label to new Well object") } self$dbConnection <- dbConnection if("Plate" %in% class(plate_ID)) { plate_ID <- plate_ID$ID } self$plate_ID <- plate_ID self$position <- position self$label <- label self$temperature <- temperature }, print = function() { cat(paste0(paste0("Plate ID: ", self$plate_ID), "\n", paste0("Well position: ", self$position), "\n", paste0("Label: ", self$label), "\n", paste0("Samples: ", length(self$samples)), "\n", paste0("Compounds: ", length(self$compounds)), "\n", paste0("Temperature: ", self$temperature), "\n", paste0("Quality control: ", length(self$qc)), "\n", paste0("Phenotypes: ", length(self$phenotypes)), "\n", paste0("Data files: ", length(self$datafiles)), "\n")) }, store = function() { wh <- WellHandle$new(self$dbConnection) status <- wh$store(list(self)) } ), private = list( sample_list = NULL, compound_list = NULL, qc_list = NULL, datafile_list = NULL, phenotype_list = NULL ), active = list( samples = function(s) { if(missing(s)) { if(length(private$sample_list) == 0) { sh <- SampleHandle$new(self$dbConnection) private$sample_list <- sh$get_all_by_well(self) } return(private$sample_list) } else { for(item in s) { if(!("Sample" %in% class(item))) { stop("Well samples must be Sample objects.") } } private$sample_list <- s } }, compounds = function(c) { if(missing(c)) { if(length(private$compound_list) == 0) { ch <- CompoundHandle$new(self$dbConnection) private$compound_list <- ch$get_all_by_well(self) } return(private$compound_list) } else { for(item in c) { if(!("Compound" %in% class(item))) { stop("Well compounds must be Compound objects.") } } private$compound_list <- c } }, qc = function(qctrl) { qh <- QCHandle$new(self$dbConnection) if(missing(qctrl)) { if(length(private$qc_list) == 0) { private$qc_list <- qh$get_all_by_well(self) } return(private$qc_list) } else { for(item in qctrl) { if(!("QC" %in% class(item))) { stop("Well qc must be QC objects.") } } private$qc_list <- qctrl } }, datafiles = function(d) { if(missing(d)) { if(length(private$datafile_list) == 0) { dh <- DatafileHandle$new(self$dbConnection) private$datafile_list <- dh$get_all_by_well(self) } return(private$datafile_list) } else { for(item in d) { if(!("Datafile" %in% class(item))) { stop("Well datafiles must be Datafile objects.") } } private$datafile_list <- d } }, phenotypes = function(p) { if(missing(p)) { if(length(private$phenotype_list) == 0) { ph <- PhenotypeHandle$new(self$dbConnection) private$phenotype_list <- ph$get_all_by_well(self) } return(private$phenotype_list) } else { for(item in p) { if(!("Phenotype" %in% class(item))) { stop("Well phenotypes must be Phenotype objects.") } } private$phenotype_list <- p } } ) )