From 0914f3ca48a538e49bd8b487d30ead7961c06e5d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Larralde <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2022 15:22:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix badges and text in Sphinx documentation [ci skip]

 docs/index.rst   | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 docs/install.rst | 28 ++++++++++++++--------------
 2 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 5363d43..de24c40 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ PyFastANI |Stars|
 .. |Stars| image::
-`Cython <>`_ *bindings and Python interface to* `trimAl <>`_,
-*a tool for automated alignment trimming.*
+`Cython <>`_ *bindings and Python interface to* `FastANI <ttps://>`_,
+*a method for fast whole-genome similarity estimation.*
 |Actions| |Coverage| |PyPI| |Bioconda| |AUR| |Wheel| |Versions| |Implementations| |License| |Source| |Mirror| |Issues| |Docs| |Changelog| |Downloads|
 .. |Actions| image::
-.. |Coverage| image::
+.. |Coverage| image::
 .. |PyPI| image::
@@ -58,22 +58,27 @@ PyFastANI |Stars|
-PytrimAl is a Python module that provides bindings to trimAl using
-`Cython <>`_. It directly interacts with the trimAl
-internals, which has the following advantages:
-- **single dependency**: PytrimAl is distributed as a Python package, so you
-  can add it as a dependency to your project, and stop worrying about the
-  trimAl binary being present on the end-user machine.
-- **no intermediate files**: Everything happens in memory, in a Python object
-  you control, so you don't have to invoke the trimAl CLI using a
-  sub-process and temporary files. `Alignment` objects can be created
-  directly from Python code.
-- **friendly interface**: The different trimming methods are implement as
-  Python classes that can be configured independently.
-- **error management**: Errors occuring in trimAl are converted
-  transparently into Python exceptions, including an informative
-  error message.
+FastANI is a method published in 2018 by Jain *et al.* for high-throughput
+computation of whole-genome `Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI) <>`_.
+It uses `MashMap <>`_ to compute orthologous mappings
+without the need for expensive alignments.
+``pyfastani`` is a Python module, implemented using the `Cython <>`_
+language, that provides bindings to FastANI. It directly interacts with the
+FastANI internals, which has the following advantages over CLI wrappers:
+- **simpler compilation**: FastANI requires several additional libraries,
+  which make compilation of the original binary non-trivial. In PyFastANI,
+  libraries that were needed for threading or I/O are provided as stubs,
+  and `Boost::math` headers are vendored so you can build the package without
+  hassle. Or even better, just install from one of the provided wheels!
+- **single dependency**: If your software or your analysis pipeline is
+  distributed as a Python package, you can add `pyfastani` as a dependency to
+  your project, and stop worrying about the FastANI binary being present on
+  the end-user machine.
+- **sans I/O**: Everything happens in memory, in Python objects you control,
+  making it easier to pass your sequences to FastANI
+  without needing to write them to a temporary file.
diff --git a/docs/install.rst b/docs/install.rst
index c7a651d..df5aacb 100644
--- a/docs/install.rst
+++ b/docs/install.rst
@@ -33,20 +33,20 @@ one is available, or from source after compiling the Cython code :
 ..    $ conda install -c bioconda pyfastani
-.. Arch User Repository
-.. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-.. A package recipe for Arch Linux can be found in the Arch User Repository
-.. under the name `python-pyfastani <>`_.
-.. It will always match the latest release from PyPI.
-.. Steps to install on ArchLinux depend on your `AUR helper <>`_
-.. (``yaourt``, ``aura``, ``yay``, etc.). For ``aura``, you'll need to run:
-.. .. code:: console
-..     $ aura -A python-pyfastani
+Arch User Repository
+A package recipe for Arch Linux can be found in the Arch User Repository
+under the name `python-pyfastani <>`_.
+It will always match the latest release from PyPI.
+Steps to install on ArchLinux depend on your `AUR helper <>`_
+(``yaourt``, ``aura``, ``yay``, etc.). For ``aura``, you'll need to run:
+.. code:: console
+    $ aura -A python-pyfastani
 GitHub + ``pip``