diff --git a/scripts/attributes/morphology.py b/scripts/attributes/morphology.py
index dba5bacf0490993c0133b6e81ccf83865280f9f5..9bbc33ea3a4335b673d99c909d0a3e5d2ed474ac 100644
--- a/scripts/attributes/morphology.py
+++ b/scripts/attributes/morphology.py
@@ -1,94 +1,95 @@
-#calculate morphology stats for cells / nuclei
+# calculate morphology stats for cells / nuclei
 import pandas as pd
 import h5py
 import numpy as np
 from skimage.measure import regionprops, marching_cubes_lewiner, mesh_surface_area
 from skimage.transform import resize
-from skimage.io import imsave
 from skimage.util import pad
-def calculate_slice (scale, minmax):
+def calculate_slice(scale, minmax):
-    Takes a scale (get this from xml file of object), and list of min and 
+    Takes a scale (get this from xml file of object), and list of min and
     max coordinates in microns [min_coord_x_microns, min_coord_y_microns,
-    min_coord_z_microns, max_coord_x_microns, max_coord_y_microns, 
+    min_coord_z_microns, max_coord_x_microns, max_coord_y_microns,
     Return a slice to use to extract
     that bounding box from the original image.
-    #Get mins and flip order - so now z, y, x
+    # Get mins and flip order - so now z, y, x
     mins = minmax[0:3][::-1]
-    #Get maxes and flip order - so now z, y, x
+    # Get maxes and flip order - so now z, y, x
     maxs = minmax[3:][::-1]
-    #flip order of the scale
+    # flip order of the scale
     scale = scale[::-1]
-    #convert min and max in microns to pixel ranges
+    # convert min and max in microns to pixel ranges
     mins = [int(mi / sca) for mi, sca in zip(mins, scale)]
     maxs = [int(ma / sca) + 1 for ma, sca in zip(maxs, scale)]
-    return( tuple(slice(mi, ma) for mi, ma in zip(mins, maxs)) )
-def calculate_stats_binary (mask, scale):
+    return tuple(slice(mi, ma) for mi, ma in zip(mins, maxs))
+def calculate_stats_binary(mask, scale):
     Calculate morphology statistics from the binary mask of an object
-    1 in object, 0 outside. 
+    1 in object, 0 outside.
     mask - numpy array for image, should be binary, 1 in object, 0 outside
     scale - list of form [x, y, z] stating scale in microns of image
-    #Calculate stats from skimage
+    # Calculate stats from skimage
     ski_morph = regionprops(mask)
-    #volume in pixels
+    # volume in pixels
     volume_in_pix = ski_morph[0]['area']
-    #extent
+    # extent
     extent = ski_morph[0]['extent']
-    #The mesh calculation below fails if an edge of the segmentation is right up against the
-    #edge of the volume - gives an open, rather than a closed surface
-    #Pad by a few pixels to avoid this
-    mask = pad(mask, 10, mode = 'constant')
-    #surface area of mesh around object (other ways to calculate better?)
-    #spacing z, y , x to match mask dimensions
-    verts, faces, normals, values = marching_cubes_lewiner(mask, spacing = (scale[2], scale[1] , scale[0]))
+    # The mesh calculation below fails if an edge of the segmentation is right up against the
+    # edge of the volume - gives an open, rather than a closed surface
+    # Pad by a few pixels to avoid this
+    mask = pad(mask, 10, mode='constant')
+    # surface area of mesh around object (other ways to calculate better?)
+    # spacing z, y , x to match mask dimensions
+    verts, faces, normals, values = marching_cubes_lewiner(mask, spacing=(scale[2], scale[1], scale[0]))
     surface_area = mesh_surface_area(verts, faces)
-    #volume in microns
+    # volume in microns
     volume_in_microns = scale[0]*scale[1]*scale[2]*volume_in_pix
-    #sphericity (as in morpholibj)
-    #Should run from zero to one
+    # sphericity (as in morpholibj)
+    # Should run from zero to one
     sphericity = (36*np.pi*(float(volume_in_microns)**2))/(float(surface_area)**3)
-    return (volume_in_microns, extent, surface_area, sphericity)
+    return volume_in_microns, extent, surface_area, sphericity
-def calculate_stats_intensity (raw, mask):
+def calculate_stats_intensity(raw, mask):
     Calculate intensity stats on the raw EM data for the region covered by the
     provided binary mask. Mask and raw must have the same dimensions!
     raw - numpy array of raw image data
     mask - numpy array of binary mask, 1 in object, 0 outside
     intensity_vals_in_mask = raw[mask == 1]
-    #mean and stdev - use float64 to avoid silent overflow errors
-    mean_intensity = np.mean(intensity_vals_in_mask, dtype = np.float64)
-    st_dev = np.std(intensity_vals_in_mask, dtype = np.float64)
-    return (mean_intensity, st_dev)
+    # mean and stdev - use float64 to avoid silent overflow errors
+    mean_intensity = np.mean(intensity_vals_in_mask, dtype=np.float64)
+    st_dev = np.std(intensity_vals_in_mask, dtype=np.float64)
+    return mean_intensity, st_dev
-#TODO - possibility that downscaled version of cell segmentation may not include some of the smallest cells in the table -
-#will fail if this happens. 
-def calculate_row_stats (row, seg_path, input_type, morphology, intensity):
+# TODO - possibility that downscaled version
+# of cell segmentation may not include some of the smallest cells in the table -
+# will fail if this happens.
+def calculate_row_stats(row, seg_path, input_type, morphology, intensity):
     Calculate all morphology stats for one row of the table
     row - named tuple of values from that row
@@ -98,172 +99,165 @@ def calculate_row_stats (row, seg_path, input_type, morphology, intensity):
     if row.label_id % 100 == 0:
         print('Processing ' + str(row.label_id))
-    #tuple to hold result
+    # tuple to hold result
     result = (row.label_id,)
     if input_type == 'nucleus':
         full_seg_scale = [0.08, 0.08, 0.1]
-        #use full res of segmentation - 0.08, 0.08, 0.1
+        # use full res of segmentation - 0.08, 0.08, 0.1
         seg_level = 0
-        #Use the /t00000/s00/3/cells for raw data - gives pixel size similar to the nuclear segmentation
+        # Use the /t00000/s00/3/cells for raw data - gives pixel size similar to the nuclear segmentation
         raw_level = 3
     elif input_type == 'cell':
         full_seg_scale = [0.02, 0.02, 0.025]
-        #look at 4x downsampled segmentation - close to 0.08, 0.08, 0.1
+        # look at 4x downsampled segmentation - close to 0.08, 0.08, 0.1
         seg_level = 2
-    #min max bounding box in microns for segmentation
+    # min max bounding box in microns for segmentation
     minmax_seg = [row.bb_min_x, row.bb_min_y, row.bb_min_z, row.bb_max_x, row.bb_max_y, row.bb_max_z]
     with h5py.File(seg_path, 'r') as f:
-        #get shape of full data & downsampled
+        # get shape of full data & downsampled
         full_data_shape = f['t00000/s00/0/cells'].shape
         down_data_shape = f['t00000/s00/' + str(seg_level) + '/cells'].shape
-        #scale for downsampled
+        # scale for downsampled
         down_scale = [full_seg_scale[0]*(full_data_shape[2]/down_data_shape[2]),
-        #slice for seg file
+        # slice for seg file
         seg_slice = calculate_slice(down_scale, minmax_seg)
-        #get specified layer in bdv file
+        # get specified layer in bdv file
         data = f['t00000/s00/' + str(seg_level) + '/cells']
         img_array = data[seg_slice]
-    #make into a binary mask
+    # make into a binary mask
     binary = img_array == int(row.label_id)
     binary = binary.astype('uint8')
     img_array = None
-    #calculate morphology stats straight from segmentation
-    if morphology == True:
+    # calculate morphology stats straight from segmentation
+    if morphology:
         result = result + calculate_stats_binary(binary, down_scale)
-    #calculate intensity statistics
-    if intensity == True:
-        #scale for full resolution raw data
+    # calculate intensity statistics
+    if intensity:
+        # scale for full resolution raw data
         full_raw_scale = [0.01, 0.01, 0.025]
         with h5py.File('/g/arendt/EM_6dpf_segmentation/EM-Prospr/em-raw-full-res.h5', 'r') as f:
-            #get shape of full data & downsampled
+            # get shape of full data & downsampled
             full_data_shape = f['t00000/s00/0/cells'].shape
             down_data_shape = f['t00000/s00/' + str(raw_level) + '/cells'].shape
-            #scale for donwampled
+            # scale for donwampled
             down_scale = [full_raw_scale[0]*(full_data_shape[2]/down_data_shape[2]),
-            #slice for raw file
+            # slice for raw file
             raw_slice = calculate_slice(down_scale, minmax_seg)
-            #get specified layer in bdv file
+            # get specified layer in bdv file
             data = f['t00000/s00/' + str(raw_level) + '/cells']
             img_array = data[raw_slice]
         if img_array.shape != binary.shape:
-            #rescale the binary to match the raw, using nearest neighbour interpolation (order = 0)
-            binary = resize(binary, img_array.shape, order = 0, mode = 'reflect', anti_aliasing = True, preserve_range = True)
+            # rescale the binary to match the raw, using nearest neighbour interpolation (order = 0)
+            binary = resize(binary, img_array.shape, order=0, mode='reflect', anti_aliasing=True, preserve_range=True)
             binary = binary.astype('uint8')
-        #Calculate statistics on raw data
+        # Calculate statistics on raw data
         result = result + calculate_stats_intensity(img_array, binary)
-    return (result)
-def calculate_morphology_stats(table, seg_path, input_type, morphology = True, intensity = True):
+    return result
+def calculate_morphology_stats(table, seg_path, input_type, morphology=True, intensity=True):
     Calculate statistics based on EM & segmentation.
-    table - input table (pandas dataframe) 
+    table - input table (pandas dataframe)
     input_type - 'nucleus' or 'cell'
-    morphology - whether to calculate stats based on shape of segmentation: volume_in_microns, extent, surface area, sphericity
+    morphology - whether to calculate stats based on shape of segmentation:
+        volume_in_microns, extent, surface area, sphericity
     intensity - whether to calculate stats based on raw data covered by segmentation: mean_intensity, st_dev_intensity
-    #size cutoffs (at the moment just browsed through segmentation and chose sensible values)
-    #not very stringent, still some rather large / small things included
+    # size cutoffs (at the moment just browsed through segmentation and chose sensible values)
+    # not very stringent, still some rather large / small things included
     if input_type == 'nucleus':
         table = table.loc[table['shape_pixelsize'] >= 18313.0, :]
     elif input_type == 'cell':
         criteria = np.logical_and(table['shape_pixelsize'] > 88741.0, table['shape_pixelsize'] < 600000000.0)
         table = table.loc[criteria, :]
-    stats = [calculate_row_stats(row, seg_path, input_type, morphology, intensity) for row in table.itertuples(index=False)]
-    #convert back to pandas dataframe
+    stats = [calculate_row_stats(row, seg_path, input_type, morphology, intensity)
+             for row in table.itertuples(index=False)]
+    # convert back to pandas dataframe
     stats = pd.DataFrame(stats)
-    #names for columns
+    # names for columns
     columns = ['label_id']
-    if morphology == True:
+    if morphology:
         columns = columns + ['shape_volume_in_microns', 'shape_extent', 'shape_surface_area', 'shape_sphericity']
-    if intensity == True:
+    if intensity:
         columns = columns + ['intensity_mean', 'intensity_st_dev']
-    #set column names
+    # set column names
     stats.columns = columns
-    return (stats)
+    return stats
-def write_morphology_table (cell_seg_path, nucleus_seg_path, cell_table_path, nucleus_table_path, cell_nuc_mapping_path, nucleus_out_path, cell_out_path):
+def write_morphology_table(cell_seg_path, nucleus_seg_path, cell_table_path, nucleus_table_path,
+                           cell_nuc_mapping_path, nucleus_out_path, cell_out_path):
     Write csv files of morphology stats for both the nucleus and cell segmentation
     cell_seg_path - string, file path to cell segmentation
     nucleus_seg_path - string, file path to nucleus segmentation
     cell_table_path - string, file path to cell table
     nucleus_table_path - string, file path to nucleus table
-    cell_nuc_mapping_path - string, file path to numpy array mapping cells to nuclei (first column cell id, second nucleus id)
+    cell_nuc_mapping_path - string, file path to numpy array mapping cells to nuclei
+        (first column cell id, second nucleus id)
     nucleus_out_path - string, file path to save new nucleus table
     cell_out_path - string, file path to save new cell table
-    cell_table = pd.read_csv(cell_table_path, sep = '\t')
-    nuclei_table = pd.read_csv(nucleus_table_path, sep = '\t')
-    #remove zero label form both tables if it exists
+    cell_table = pd.read_csv(cell_table_path, sep='\t')
+    nuclei_table = pd.read_csv(nucleus_table_path, sep='\t')
+    # remove zero label form both tables if it exists
     nuclei_table = nuclei_table.loc[nuclei_table['label_id'] != 0, :]
     cell_table = cell_table.loc[cell_table['label_id'] != 0, :]
-    #read in numpy array of mapping of cells to nuclei - first column cell id, second nucleus id
+    # read in numpy array of mapping of cells to nuclei - first column cell id, second nucleus id
     cell_nucleus_mapping = np.load(cell_nuc_mapping_path)
-    #remove zero labels from this table too, if exist
-    cell_nucleus_mapping = cell_nucleus_mapping[np.logical_and(cell_nucleus_mapping[:,0] != 0, cell_nucleus_mapping[:, 1] != 0)]
-    #only keep cells in the cell_nuc_mapping (i.e those that have assigned nuclei)
+    # remove zero labels from this table too, if exist
+    cell_nucleus_mapping = cell_nucleus_mapping[np.logical_and(cell_nucleus_mapping[:, 0] != 0,
+                                                               cell_nucleus_mapping[:, 1] != 0)]
+    # only keep cells in the cell_nuc_mapping (i.e those that have assigned nuclei)
     cell_table = cell_table.loc[np.isin(cell_table['label_id'], cell_nucleus_mapping[:, 0]), :]
-    #calculate stats for both tables and save results to csv
-    result_nuclei = calculate_morphology_stats(nuclei_table, nucleus_seg_path, 'nucleus', morphology = True, intensity = True)
-    result_nuclei.to_csv(nucleus_out_path, index = False, sep = '\t')
-    result_cells = calculate_morphology_stats(cell_table, cell_seg_path, 'cell', morphology = True, intensity = False)
-    result_cells.to_csv(cell_out_path, index = False, sep = '\t')
+    # calculate stats for both tables and save results to csv
+    result_nuclei = calculate_morphology_stats(nuclei_table, nucleus_seg_path, 'nucleus',
+                                               morphology=True, intensity=True)
+    result_nuclei.to_csv(nucleus_out_path, index=False, sep='\t')
+    result_cells = calculate_morphology_stats(cell_table, cell_seg_path, 'cell', morphology=True, intensity=False)
+    result_cells.to_csv(cell_out_path, index=False, sep='\t')