diff --git a/model_server/extensions/ilastik/models.py b/model_server/extensions/ilastik/models.py
index 90edcec53164158d6c3fe9f4e4be3e74e489600e..2dea13329513d0256baf7e9f2c698d4731301893 100644
--- a/model_server/extensions/ilastik/models.py
+++ b/model_server/extensions/ilastik/models.py
@@ -162,8 +162,15 @@ class IlastikObjectClassifierFromSegmentationModel(IlastikModel, InstanceSegment
         return ObjectClassificationWorkflowBinary
     def infer(self, input_img: GenericImageDataAccessor, segmentation_img: GenericImageDataAccessor) -> (np.ndarray, dict):
-        if self.model_chroma != input_img.chroma or self.model_3d != input_img.is_3d():
-            raise IlastikInputShapeError()
+        if self.model_chroma != input_img.chroma:
+            raise IlastikInputShapeError(
+                f'Model {self} expects {self.model_chroma} input channels but received only {input_img.chroma}'
+            )
+        if self.model_3d != input_img.is_3d():
+            if self.model_3d:
+                raise IlastikInputShapeError(f'Model is 3D but input image is 2D')
+            else:
+                raise IlastikInputShapeError(f'Model is 2D but input image is 3D')
         assert segmentation_img.is_mask()
         if isinstance(input_img, PatchStack):
@@ -225,8 +232,13 @@ class IlastikObjectClassifierFromPixelPredictionsModel(IlastikModel, ImageToImag
         if self.model_chroma != input_img.chroma or self.model_3d != input_img.is_3d():
             raise IlastikInputShapeError()
-        tagged_input_data = vigra.taggedView(input_img.data, 'yxcz')
-        tagged_pxmap_data = vigra.taggedView(pxmap_img.data, 'yxcz')
+        if isinstance(input_img, PatchStack):
+            assert isinstance(pxmap_img, PatchStack)
+            tagged_input_data = vigra.taggedView(input_img.pczyx, 'tczyx')
+            tagged_pxmap_data = vigra.taggedView(pxmap_img.pczyx, 'tczyx')
+        else:
+            tagged_input_data = vigra.taggedView(input_img.data, 'yxcz')
+            tagged_pxmap_data = vigra.taggedView(pxmap_img.data, 'yxcz')
         dsi = [
@@ -239,12 +251,20 @@ class IlastikObjectClassifierFromPixelPredictionsModel(IlastikModel, ImageToImag
         assert len(obmaps) == 1, 'ilastik generated more than one object map'
-        yxcz = np.moveaxis(
-            obmaps[0],
-            [1, 2, 3, 0],
-            [0, 1, 2, 3]
-        )
-        return InMemoryDataAccessor(data=yxcz), {'success': True}
+        if isinstance(input_img, PatchStack):
+            pyxcz = np.moveaxis(
+                obmaps[0],
+                [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
+                [0, 4, 1, 2, 3]
+            )
+            return PatchStack(data=pyxcz), {'success': True}
+        else:
+            yxcz = np.moveaxis(
+                obmaps[0],
+                [1, 2, 3, 0],
+                [0, 1, 2, 3]
+            )
+            return InMemoryDataAccessor(data=yxcz), {'success': True}
     def label_instance_class(self, img: GenericImageDataAccessor, pxmap: GenericImageDataAccessor, **kwargs):
@@ -262,10 +282,30 @@ class IlastikObjectClassifierFromPixelPredictionsModel(IlastikModel, ImageToImag
             raise InvalidInputImageError('Expecting input image and pixel probabilities to be the same shape')
         pxch = kwargs.get('pixel_classification_channel', 0)
         pxtr = kwargs.get('pixel_classification_threshold', 0.5)
-        mask = InMemoryDataAccessor(pxmap.get_one_channel_data(pxch).data > pxtr)
+        mask = img._derived_accessor(pxmap.get_one_channel_data(pxch).data > pxtr)
         obmap, _ = self.infer(img, mask)
         return obmap
+    def make_instance_segmentation_model(self, px_ch: int):
+        """
+        Generate an instance segmentation model, i.e. one that takes binary masks instead of pixel probabilities as a
+        second input.
+        :param px_ch: channel of pixel probability map to use
+        :return:
+            InstanceSegmentationModel object
+        """
+        class _Mod(self.__class__, InstanceSegmentationModel):
+            def label_instance_class(
+                    self, img: GenericImageDataAccessor, mask: GenericImageDataAccessor, **kwargs
+            ) -> GenericImageDataAccessor:
+                if mask.dtype == 'bool':
+                    norm_mask = 1.0 * mask.data
+                else:
+                    norm_mask = mask.data / np.iinfo(mask.dtype).max
+                norm_mask_acc = mask._derived_accessor(norm_mask.astype('float32'))
+                return super().label_instance_class(img, norm_mask_acc, pixel_classification_channel=px_ch)
+        return _Mod(params={'project_file': self.project_file})
 class Error(Exception):
diff --git a/model_server/extensions/ilastik/router.py b/model_server/extensions/ilastik/router.py
index 151e37915c16dd8a3943dc0b07e1e188d45606a3..c40679c02a95bb386aaad613c26cc29e28b48055 100644
--- a/model_server/extensions/ilastik/router.py
+++ b/model_server/extensions/ilastik/router.py
@@ -27,14 +27,8 @@ def load_ilastik_model(model_class: ilm.IlastikModel, project_file: str, duplica
         if existing_model_id is not None:
             session.log_info(f'An ilastik model from {project_file} already existing exists; did not load a duplicate')
             return {'model_id': existing_model_id}
-    try:
-        result = session.load_model(model_class, {'project_file': project_file})
-        session.log_info(f'Loaded ilastik model {result} from {project_file}')
-    except (FileNotFoundError, ParameterExpectedError):
-        raise HTTPException(
-            status_code=404,
-            detail=f'Could not load project file {project_file}',
-        )
+    result = session.load_model(model_class, {'project_file': project_file})
+    session.log_info(f'Loaded ilastik model {result} from {project_file}')
     return {'model_id': result}
diff --git a/model_server/extensions/ilastik/tests/test_ilastik.py b/model_server/extensions/ilastik/tests/test_ilastik.py
index 7a3a9c38bd495af6f146d63e6adb96f4215767c2..a1a4983efbded47e54804521c04394c55795439c 100644
--- a/model_server/extensions/ilastik/tests/test_ilastik.py
+++ b/model_server/extensions/ilastik/tests/test_ilastik.py
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class TestIlastikOverApi(TestServerBaseClass):
             query={'project_file': 'improper.ilp'},
-        self.assertEqual(resp_load.status_code, 404)
+        self.assertEqual(resp_load.status_code, 500)
     def test_load_ilastik_pixel_model(self):
@@ -319,6 +319,7 @@ class TestIlastikOverApi(TestServerBaseClass):
         self.assertEqual(resp_infer.status_code, 200, resp_infer.content.decode())
 class TestIlastikObjectClassification(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         stack = generate_file_accessor(roiset_test_data['multichannel_zstack']['path'])