diff --git a/api.py b/api.py
index d130b0632cdd30733b548b9390d167d80ba635a2..e62758b072db59306aeb149e4392343b0cca1bdd 100644
--- a/api.py
+++ b/api.py
@@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ def read_root():
 def read_root(par1=None, par2=None):
     return {'success': True, 'params': {'par1': par1, 'par2': par2}}
+def restart_session() -> dict:
+    session.restart()
+    return session.describe_loaded_models()
 def list_active_models():
     return session.describe_loaded_models()
diff --git a/imagej/infer_ilastik_by_api.py b/imagej/infer_ilastik_by_api.py
index f974f8a517e88e743226f60a9c5fb7f16a432d07..c4f0dda32b2929495835a93f64ec57e18f009c2e 100644
--- a/imagej/infer_ilastik_by_api.py
+++ b/imagej/infer_ilastik_by_api.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 import httplib
-import urllib2
 import json
 import urllib
@@ -18,33 +17,32 @@ input_filename = os.path.split(abspath)[-1]
 outpath = 'C:\\Users\\rhodes\\projects\\proj0015-model-server\\resources\\testdata'
-global connection
-connection = httplib.HTTPConnection('', 8001)
-def hit_endpoint(method, endpoint, params=None):
-	if not method in ['GET', 'PUT']:
-		raise Exception('Can only handle GET and PUT requests')
-	if params:
-		url = endpoint + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
-	else:
-		url = endpoint
-	connection.request(method, url)
-	resp = connection.getresponse()
-	print(method + ' ' + url + ', status ' + str(resp.status) + ':\n' + str(json.loads(resp.read())))
-	return resp
-hit_endpoint('GET', '/')
-hit_endpoint('GET', '/models')
-hit_endpoint('PUT', '/bounce_back', {'par1': 'ghij'})
-hit_endpoint('PUT', '/models/ilastik/pixel_classification/load/', {'project_file': 'demo_px.ilp'})
-resp = hit_endpoint('GET', '/models')
-#print(json.loads(resp.read())) # trying to extract model_id, but json.loads throws an error
-#infer_params = {
-#	'model_id': model_id,
-#	'input_filename': input_filename,
-#	'channel': 0
-#	}
-#hit_endpoint('PUT', '/infer/from_image_file', infer_params)
\ No newline at end of file
+def hit_endpoint(method, endpoint, params=None, verbose=False):
+    connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port)
+    if not method in ['GET', 'PUT']:
+        raise Exception('Can only handle GET and PUT requests')
+    if params:
+        url = endpoint + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
+    else:
+        url = endpoint
+    connection.request(method, url)
+    resp = connection.getresponse()
+    resp_str = resp.read()
+    if verbose:
+    	print(method + ' ' + url + ', status ' + str(resp.status) + ':\n' + resp_str)
+    return json.loads(resp_str)
+#hit_endpoint('GET', '/')
+#hit_endpoint('GET', '/models')
+#hit_endpoint('PUT', '/bounce_back', {'par1': 'ghij'})
+resp = hit_endpoint('PUT', '/models/ilastik/pixel_classification/load/', {'project_file': 'demo_px.ilp'})
+pxmid = resp['model_id']
+resp = hit_endpoint('GET', '/models', verbose=True)
+infer_params = {
+	'model_id': pxmid,
+	'input_filename': input_filename,
+	'channel': 0
+	}
+hit_endpoint('PUT', '/infer/from_image_file', infer_params)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run_server.py b/run_server.py
index 1e90251c6650cac3be7b2383cf32fa61a4bdb41f..c76d91ff93aec8b881b89a43856e3356ef414432 100644
--- a/run_server.py
+++ b/run_server.py
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ host = ''
 port = 8001
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    uvicorn.run('api:app', **{'host': host, 'port': port, 'log_level': 'debug'}, reload=True)
\ No newline at end of file
+    uvicorn.run('api:app', **{'host': host, 'port': port, 'log_level': 'debug'}, reload=False)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test_api.py b/tests/test_api.py
index ae2529f8455d741c8e544d4665d4db0da5fc7640..b7835ffd2e5b7f4e24834d690c6223d9f21b1791 100644
--- a/tests/test_api.py
+++ b/tests/test_api.py
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ class TestApiFromAutomatedClient(TestServerBaseClass):
         self.assertEqual(rj[model_id]['class'], 'DummyImageToImageModel')
         return model_id
     def test_respond_with_error_when_invalid_filepath_requested(self):
         model_id = self.test_load_dummy_model()
@@ -102,3 +101,16 @@ class TestApiFromAutomatedClient(TestServerBaseClass):
         self.assertEqual(resp_infer.status_code, 200, resp_infer.content.decode())
+    def test_restarting_session_clears_loaded_models(self):
+        resp_load = requests.put(
+            self.uri + f'models/dummy/load',
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(resp_load.status_code, 200, resp_load.json())
+        resp_list_0 = requests.get(self.uri + 'models')
+        self.assertEqual(resp_list_0.status_code, 200)
+        rj0 = resp_list_0.json()
+        self.assertEqual(len(rj0), 1, f'Unexpected models in response: {rj0}')
+        resp_restart = requests.get(self.uri + 'restart')
+        resp_list_1 = requests.get(self.uri + 'models')
+        rj1 = resp_list_1.json()
+        self.assertEqual(len(rj1), 0, f'Unexpected models in response: {rj1}')
\ No newline at end of file