diff --git a/scripts/files/sources.py b/scripts/files/sources.py
index 55beb503d44ee77b8f1e021e55fc13cddc358f5b..2a2018cde65a15c5ca11fd49a141d2c3e0385c9b 100644
--- a/scripts/files/sources.py
+++ b/scripts/files/sources.py
@@ -136,7 +136,30 @@ def add_segmentation(source_name, name, segmentation_path=None,
                      resolution=None, table_update_function=None, copy_data=True):
     """ Add segmentation volume to the platy browser data.
-    TODO explain more
+    We distinguish between static and dynamic segmentations. A dynamic segmentation is generated from
+    a paintera project and can change due to corrections made in paintera, while a static segmentation
+    is just added once and does not change.
+    In addition, we can add tables associated with the data that contain derived data.
+    For static segmentations you need to pass a dict containing table names and paths,
+    for dynamic segmentations you need to register a function name that will compute the tables.
+    Adding a static segmentation:
+    ```
+    # if you add tables, one must have the name 'default'
+    add_segmentation(source_name, seg_name,
+                     segmentation_path='/path/to/input-segmentation.xml',
+                     table_path_dict={'default': '/path/to/default-table.csv',
+                                      'other': '/path/to/other-table.csv'})
+    ```
+    Adding a dynamic segmentation:
+    ```
+    # 'update_seg_table' must be importable from 'scripts.attributes'
+    add_segmentation(source_name, seg_name,
+                     paintera_project=('/path/to/paintera/root.n5', '/path/in/file'),
+                     resolution=(.025, .02, .02),  # resolution in microns, must be passed for dynamic seg
+                     table_update_function='update_seg_table')
+    ```
         source_name [str] - prefix of the primary data source.
diff --git a/update_patch.py b/update_patch.py
index 1fccef76bb8bc62b257ed6c49dedfb49acbe6f6e..b4929b2dee7f0ddd86dadd321e4ee8e8d8c58168 100755
--- a/update_patch.py
+++ b/update_patch.py
@@ -2,145 +2,67 @@
 import os
 import argparse
-from subprocess import check_output, call
+from copy import deepcopy
+from glob import glob
 from shutil import rmtree
+from subprocess import check_output, call
-from scripts.attributes import make_cell_tables, make_nucleus_tables, make_cilia_tables
+import scripts.attributes
+from scripts.files import get_segmentation_names, get_segmentations
+from scripts.files import (copy_image_data, copy_misc_data, copy_segmentation, copy_tables,
+                           make_bdv_server_file, make_folder_structure)
 from scripts.export import export_segmentation
-from scripts.files import copy_image_data, copy_misc_data, make_bdv_server_file
-from scripts.files import copy_tables, copy_segmentation, make_folder_structure
-# paths for paintera projects
-# in order to get the new segmentation, changes need to be committed,
-# s.t. they are stored in these files!
-PAINTERA_ROOT = '/g/kreshuk/data/arendt/platyneris_v1/data.n5'
-PROJECT_CELLS = 'volumes/paintera/proofread_cells'
-PROJECT_NUCLEI = 'volumes/paintera/nuclei'
-PROJECT_CILIA = 'volumes/paintera/cilia'
-# name for cell and nucleus segmentations
-NAME_CELLS = 'sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-cells-labels'
-NAME_NUCLEI = 'sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-nuclei-labels'
-NAME_CILIA = 'sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-cilia-labels'
-# resolutions of cell and nucleus segmentation
-RES_CELLS = [.025, .02, .02]
-RES_NUCLEI = [.1, .08, .08]
-RES_CILIA = [.025, .01, .01]
-def check_inputs(update_cell_segmentation,
-                 update_nucleus_segmentation,
-                 update_cilia_segmentation,
-                 update_cell_tables,
-                 update_nucleus_tables,
-                 update_cilia_tables):
-    inputs = (update_cell_segmentation, update_nucleus_segmentation,
-              update_cell_tables, update_nucleus_tables,
-              update_cilia_segmentation, update_cilia_tables)
-    have_changes = any(inputs)
-    if update_cell_segmentation:
-        update_cell_tables = True
-    if update_nucleus_segmentation:
-        update_nucleus_tables = True
-    if update_cilia_segmentation:
-        update_cilia_tables = True
-    return {'have_changes': have_changes,
-            'update_cell_tables': update_cell_tables,
-            'update_nucleus_tables': update_nucleus_tables,
-            'update_cilia_tables': update_cilia_tables}
-def get_tags(new_tag):
+def get_tags():
     tag = check_output(['git', 'describe', '--abbrev=0']).decode('utf-8').rstrip('\n')
-    if new_tag == '':
-        new_tag = tag.split('.')
-        new_tag[-1] = str(int(new_tag[-1]) + 1)
-        new_tag = '.'.join(new_tag)
+    new_tag = tag.split('.')
+    new_tag[-1] = str(int(new_tag[-1]) + 1)
+    new_tag = '.'.join(new_tag)
     return tag, new_tag
-def export_segmentations(folder, new_folder,
-                         update_cell_segmentation,
-                         update_nucleus_segmentation,
-                         update_cilia_segmentation,
-                         target, max_jobs):
-    # update or copy cell segmentation
-    if update_cell_segmentation:
-        tmp_cells_seg = 'tmp_export_cells'
-        export_segmentation(PAINTERA_ROOT, PROJECT_CELLS,
-                            folder, new_folder, NAME_CELLS,
-                            resolution=RES_CELLS,
-                            tmp_folder=tmp_cells_seg,
-                            target=target, max_jobs=max_jobs)
-    else:
-        copy_segmentation(folder, new_folder, NAME_CELLS)
-    # update or copy nucleus segmentation
-    if update_nucleus_segmentation:
-        tmp_nuc_seg = 'tmp_export_nuclei'
-        export_segmentation(PAINTERA_ROOT, PROJECT_NUCLEI,
-                            folder, new_folder, NAME_NUCLEI,
-                            resolution=RES_NUCLEI,
-                            tmp_folder=tmp_nuc_seg,
-                            target=target, max_jobs=max_jobs)
-    else:
-        copy_segmentation(folder, new_folder, NAME_NUCLEI)
-    # update or copy cilia segmentation
-    if update_cilia_segmentation:
-        tmp_cilia_seg = 'tmp_export_cilia'
-        export_segmentation(PAINTERA_ROOT, PROJECT_CILIA,
-                            folder, new_folder, NAME_CILIA,
-                            resolution=RES_CILIA,
-                            tmp_folder=tmp_cilia_seg,
-                            target=target, max_jobs=max_jobs)
-    else:
-        copy_segmentation(folder, new_folder, NAME_CILIA)
-    # copy static segmentations
-    # we also treat the chromatin segmentation as static for now,
-    # but might change this at some point
-    static_seg_names = ('sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-muscles',
-                        'sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-tissue-labels',
-                        'sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-chromatin-labels')
-    for seg_name in static_seg_names:
-        copy_segmentation(folder, new_folder, seg_name)
-def make_attributes(folder, new_folder,
-                    update_cell_tables,
-                    update_nucleus_tables,
-                    update_cilia_tables,
-                    target, max_jobs):
-    # update or copy cell tables
-    if update_cell_tables:
-        make_cell_tables(new_folder, NAME_CELLS, 'tmp_tables_cells', RES_CELLS,
-                         target=target, max_jobs=max_jobs)
-    else:
-        copy_tables(folder, new_folder, NAME_CELLS)
+def update_segmentation(name, seg_dict, folder, new_folder,
+                        target, max_jobs):
+    tmp_folder = 'tmp_export_%s' % name
+    paintera_root, paintera_key = seg_dict['paintera_project']
+    export_segmentation(paintera_root, paintera_key,
+                        folder, new_folder, name,
+                        resolution=seg_dict['resolution'],
+                        tmp_folder=tmp_folder,
+                        target=target, max_jobs=max_jobs)
-    # update or copy nucleus tables
-    if update_nucleus_tables:
-        make_nucleus_tables(new_folder, NAME_NUCLEI, 'tmp_tables_nuclei', RES_NUCLEI,
-                            target=target, max_jobs=max_jobs)
-    else:
-        copy_tables(folder, new_folder, NAME_NUCLEI)
-    if update_cilia_tables:
-        make_cilia_tables(new_folder, NAME_CILIA, 'tmp_tables_cilia', RES_CILIA,
-                          target=target, max_jobs=max_jobs)
-    else:
-        copy_tables(folder, new_folder, NAME_CILIA)
+def update_segmentations(folder, new_folder, names_to_update, target, max_jobs):
+    segmentations = get_segmentations()
+    segmentation_names = get_segmentation_names()
+    for name in segmentation_names:
+        if name in names_to_update:
+            update_segmentation(name, segmentations[name], folder, new_folder,
+                                target, max_jobs)
+        else:
+            copy_segmentation(folder, new_folder, name)
+def update_table(name, seg_dict, folder, new_folder,
+                 target, max_jobs):
+    tmp_folder = 'tmp_tables_%s' % name
+    update_function = getattr(scripts.attribute, seg_dict['table_update_function'])
+    update_function(new_folder, name, tmp_folder, seg_dict['resolution'],
+                    target=target, max_jobs=max_jobs)
-    # copy tables associated with static segmentations
-    static_seg_names = ('sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-tissue-labels',
-                        'sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-chromatin-labels')
-    for seg_name in static_seg_names:
-        copy_tables(folder, new_folder, seg_name)
+def update_tables(folder, new_folder, names_to_update, target, max_jobs):
+    segmentations = get_segmentations()
+    segmentation_names = get_segmentation_names()
+    for name in segmentation_names:
+        if name in names_to_update:
+            update_table(name, segmentations[name], folder, new_folder,
+                         target, max_jobs)
+        else:
+            copy_tables(folder, new_folder, name)
 # TODO check for errors
@@ -156,6 +78,8 @@ def make_release(tag, folder, description=''):
 def clean_up():
+    """ Clean up all tmp folders
+    """
     def remove_dir(dir_name):
@@ -163,58 +87,52 @@ def clean_up():
         except OSError:
-    # remove all tmp folders
-    remove_dir('tmp_export_cells')
-    remove_dir('tmp_export_nuclei')
-    remove_dir('tmp_tables_cells')
-    remove_dir('tmp_tables_nuclei')
+    tmp_folders = glob('tmp_*')
+    for tmp_folder in tmp_folders:
+        remove_dir(tmp_folder)
+def check_requested_updates(names_to_update):
+    segmentations = get_segmentations()
+    for name in names_to_update:
+        if name not in segmentations:
+            raise ValueError("Requested update for %s, which is not a registered segmentation" % name)
+        if segmentations[name]['is_static']:
+            raise ValueError("Requested update for %s, which is a static segmentation" % name)
 # TODO catch all exceptions and handle them properly
-def update_platy_browser(update_cell_segmentation=False,
-                         update_nucleus_segmentation=False,
-                         update_cilia_segmentation=False,
-                         update_cell_tables=False,
-                         update_nucleus_tables=False,
-                         update_cilia_tables=False,
-                         description='',
-                         new_tag=''):
-    """ Generate new version of platy-browser derived data.
+def update_patch(update_seg_names, update_table_names,
+                 description='', force_update=False,
+                 target='slurm', max_jobs=250):
+    """ Generate new patch version of platy-browser derived data.
+    The patch version is increased if derived data changes, e.g. by
+    incorporating corrections for a segmentation or updating tables.
-        update_cell_segmentation: Update the cell segmentation volume.
-        update_nucleus_segmentation: Update the nucleus segmentation volume.
-        update_cilia_segmentation: Update the cilia segmentation volume.
-        update_cell_tables: Update the cell tables. This needs to be specified if the cell
-            segmentation is not update, but the tables should be updated.
-        update_nucleus_tables: Update the nucleus tables. This needs to be specified if the nucleus
-            segmentation is not updated, but the tables should be updated.
-        update_cilia_tables: Update the cilia tables. This needs to be specified if the cilia
-            segmentation is not updated, but the tables should be updated.
-        description: Optional descrption for release message.
-        new_tag: Optional tag to override the default new tag.
+        update_seg_names [list[str]] - names of segmentations to be updated.
+        update_table_names [list[str]] - names of tables to be updated.
+            Not that these only need to be specified if the corresponding segmentation is not
+            updated, but the tables should be updated.
+        description [str] - Optional descrption for release message (default: '').
+        force_update [bool] - Force an update if no changes are specified (default: False).
+        target [str] -
+        max_jobs [int] -
-    # check inputs
-    update_dict = check_inputs(update_cell_segmentation,
-                               update_nucleus_segmentation,
-                               update_cilia_segmentation,
-                               update_cell_tables,
-                               update_nucleus_tables,
-                               update_cilia_tables)
-    # if an explicit tag was given, we force an update
-    force_update = new_tag != ''
-    if not update_dict['have_changes'] and not force_update:
-        print("Nothing needs to be update, skipping")
-        return
-    update_cell_tables, update_nucleus_tables, update_cilia_tables =\
-        update_dict['update_cell_tables'], update_dict['update_nucleus_tables'], update_dict['update_cilia_tables']
-    # we always increase the release tag (in the last digit)
-    # when making a new version of segmentation or attributes
-    tag, new_tag = get_tags(new_tag)
+    # check if we have anything to update
+    have_seg_updates = len(update_seg_names) > 0
+    have_table_updates = len(update_seg_names) > 0
+    if not have_seg_updates and not have_table_updates and not force_update:
+        raise ValueError("No updates where provdied and force_update was not set")
+    table_updates = deepcopy(update_seg_names)
+    table_updates.extend(update_table_names)
+    check_requested_updates(table_updates)
+    # increase the patch (last digit) release tag
+    tag, new_tag = get_tags()
     print("Updating platy browser from", tag, "to", new_tag)
     # make new folder structure
@@ -222,11 +140,6 @@ def update_platy_browser(update_cell_segmentation=False,
     new_folder = os.path.join('data', new_tag)
-    target = 'slurm'
-    max_jobs = 250
-    # target = 'local'
-    # max_jobs = 48
     # copy static image and misc data
     copy_image_data(os.path.join(folder, 'images'),
                     os.path.join(new_folder, 'images'))
@@ -234,18 +147,12 @@ def update_platy_browser(update_cell_segmentation=False,
                    os.path.join(new_folder, 'misc'))
     # export new segmentations
-    export_segmentations(folder, new_folder,
-                         update_cell_segmentation,
-                         update_nucleus_segmentation,
-                         update_cilia_segmentation,
+    update_segmentations(folder, new_folder, update_seg_names,
                          target=target, max_jobs=max_jobs)
     # generate new attribute tables
-    make_attributes(folder, new_folder,
-                    update_cell_tables,
-                    update_nucleus_tables,
-                    update_cilia_tables,
-                    target=target, max_jobs=max_jobs)
+    update_tables(folder, new_folder, table_updates,
+                  target=target, max_jobs=max_jobs)
     make_bdv_server_file([os.path.join(new_folder, 'images'),
                           os.path.join(new_folder, 'segmentations')],
@@ -275,40 +182,21 @@ def str2bool(v):
         raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Boolean value expected.')
-def table_help_str(name):
-    help_str = """Update the %s tables.
-                  Only needs to be specified if the %s segmentation is not updated,
-                  but the tables should be updated."""
-    return help_str % (name, name)
-# TODO instead of specifying all these things, pass list of stuff that should be changed
+# TODO expose target and max_jobs as well
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Update derived data for the platy browser')
-    parser.add_argument('--update_cell_segmentation', type=str2bool,
-                        default=False, help="Update the cell segmentation.")
-    parser.add_argument('--update_nucleus_segmentation', type=str2bool,
-                        default=False, help="Update the nucleus segmentation.")
-    parser.add_argument('--update_cilia_segmentation', type=str2bool,
-                        default=False, help="Update the cilia segmentation.")
-    parser.add_argument('--update_cell_tables', type=str2bool,
-                        default=False, help=table_help_str("cell"))
-    parser.add_argument('--update_nucleus_tables', type=str2bool,
-                        default=False, help=table_help_str("nucleus"))
-    parser.add_argument('--update_cilia_tables', type=str2bool,
-                        default=False, help=table_help_str("cilia"))
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Update patch version of platy-browser-data.')
+    parser.add_argument('--segmentation_names', type=str, nargs='+', default=[],
+                        help="Names of the segmentations to update.")
+    table_help_str = ("Names of the tables to update."
+                      "The tables for segmentations in 'segmentation_names' will be updated without being passed here.")
+    parser.add_argument('--table_names', type=str, nargs='+', default=[],
+                        help=table_help_str)
     parser.add_argument('--description', type=str, default='',
                         help="Optional description for release message")
-    parser.add_argument('--new_tag', type=str, default='',
-                        help="Specify a new tag that will override the default new tag")
+    parser.add_argument('--force_update', type=str2bool, default='no',
+                        help="Create new release even if nothing needs to be updated.")
     args = parser.parse_args()
-    update_platy_browser(args.update_cell_segmentation,
-                         args.update_nucleus_segmentation,
-                         args.update_cilia_segmentation,
-                         args.update_cell_tables,
-                         args.update_nucleus_tables,
-                         args.update_cilia_tables,
-                         args.description,
-                         args.new_tag)
+    update_patch(args.segmentation_names, args.table_names,
+                 args.description, args.force_update)