From 66bdc9bbbff432feb67c507cfc37633b84be5873 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Constantin Pape <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2019 14:56:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Use proper scale factors in export_segmentation

 .gitignore                            |  1 +
 scripts/export/ | 36 +++++++++++++++++----------
 scripts/export/              |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index a42e734..7a15357 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ tmp*
diff --git a/scripts/export/ b/scripts/export/
index d7756df..e9a1d8f 100644
--- a/scripts/export/
+++ b/scripts/export/
@@ -5,23 +5,30 @@ import z5py
 from cluster_tools.downscaling import DownscalingWorkflow
 from paintera_tools import serialize_from_commit, postprocess
+from paintera_tools import set_default_shebang as set_ptools_shebang
 from .to_bdv import to_bdv
 from .map_segmentation_ids import map_segmentation_ids
-from ..default_config import write_default_global_config
+from ..default_config import write_default_global_config, get_default_shebang
 from ..files import get_postprocess_dict
-def get_n_scales(paintera_path, paintera_key):
+def get_scale_factors(paintera_path, paintera_key):
     f = z5py.File(paintera_path)
     g = f[paintera_key]['data']
-    keys = list(g.keys())
-    scales = [key for key in keys
-              if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(g.path, key)) and key.startswith('s')]
-    return len(scales)
+    keys = [int(k[1:]) for k in g.keys()]
+    keys = sorted(keys)
+    scale_factors = [[1, 1, 1]]
+    rel_scales = [[1, 1, 1]]
+    for k in keys[1:]:
+        factor = g['s%i' % k].attrs['downsamplingFactors']
+        rel_factor = [int(sf // prev) for sf, prev in zip(factor, scale_factors[-1])]
+        scale_factors.append(factor)
+        rel_scales.append(rel_factor[::-1])
+    return rel_scales
 def downscale(path, in_key, out_key,
-              n_scales, tmp_folder, max_jobs, target):
+              scale_factors, tmp_folder, max_jobs, target):
     task = DownscalingWorkflow
     config_folder = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'configs')
@@ -34,15 +41,14 @@ def downscale(path, in_key, out_key,
     with open(os.path.join(config_folder, 'downscaling.config'), 'w') as f:
         json.dump(config, f)
-    # for now we hard-code scale factors to 2, but it would be cleaner to infer this from the data
-    scales = [[2, 2, 2]] * n_scales
+    n_scales = len(scale_factors)
     halos = [[0, 0, 0]] * n_scales
     t = task(tmp_folder=tmp_folder, config_dir=config_folder,
              target=target, max_jobs=max_jobs,
              input_path=path, input_key=in_key,
-             scale_factors=scales, halos=halos)
+             scale_factors=scale_factors, halos=halos)
     ret =[t], local_scheduler=True)
     if not ret:
         raise RuntimeError("Downscaling the segmentation failed")
@@ -85,13 +91,17 @@ def export_segmentation(paintera_path, paintera_key, folder, new_folder, name, r
                     n_threads=16, size_threshold=min_segment_size,
+    # set correct shebang for paintera tools
+    set_ptools_shebang(get_default_shebang())
+    # NOTE map_to_background is needed for cilia, nee some way to enable it automatically
     # export segmentation from paintera commit for all scales
     serialize_from_commit(paintera_path, paintera_key, tmp_path, tmp_key0, tmp_folder,
-                          max_jobs, target, relabel_output=True)
+                          max_jobs, target, relabel_output=True)  # ,  map_to_background=[1])
     # downscale the segemntation
-    n_scales = get_n_scales(paintera_path, paintera_key)
-    downscale(tmp_path, tmp_key0, tmp_key, n_scales, tmp_folder, max_jobs, target)
+    scale_factors = get_scale_factors(paintera_path, paintera_key)
+    downscale(tmp_path, tmp_key0, tmp_key, scale_factors, tmp_folder, max_jobs, target)
     # convert to bdv
     out_path = os.path.join(new_folder, 'segmentations', '%s.h5' % name)
diff --git a/scripts/export/ b/scripts/export/
index e31b659..479b1c3 100644
--- a/scripts/export/
+++ b/scripts/export/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def to_bdv(in_path, in_key, out_path, resolution, tmp_folder, target='slurm'):
     configs = PainteraToBdvWorkflow.get_config()
     config = configs['copy_volume']
-    config.update({'threads_per_job': 8, 'mem_limit': 32, 'time_limit': 1600,
+    config.update({'threads_per_job': 32, 'mem_limit': 64, 'time_limit': 2400,
                    'chunks': [32, 256, 256]})
     with open(os.path.join(config_folder, 'copy_volume.config'), 'w') as f:
         json.dump(config, f)