diff --git a/analysis/validation/check_validation.py b/analysis/validation/check_validation.py
index 7e59d724fd1c3c231301abd4cc52a50642de158d..3007aa6ee9578a4114fd6c57fb66c9562c4950a4 100644
--- a/analysis/validation/check_validation.py
+++ b/analysis/validation/check_validation.py
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
 import h5py
 from heimdall import view, to_source
+from scripts.segmentation.validation import eval_cells, eval_nuclei, get_ignore_seg_ids
 def check_cell_evaluation():
     from scripts.segmentation.validation.eval_cells import (eval_slice,
-                                                            get_ignore_seg_ids,
-    praw = '../../data'
-    pseg = '../../data'
-    pann = '../../data'
+    praw = '../../data/rawdata/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-raw.h5'
+    pseg = '../../data/0.5.5/segmentations/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-cells-labels.h5'
+    pann = '../../data/rawdata/evaluation/validation_annotations.h5'
-    table_path = '../../data'
+    table_path = '../../data/0.5.5/tables/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-cells-labels/regions.csv'
     ignore_seg_ids = get_ignore_seg_ids(table_path)
     with h5py.File(pseg, 'r') as fseg, h5py.File(pann, 'r') as fann:
         ds_seg = fseg['t00000/s00/0/cells']
-        ds_ann = fann['xy/']
+        ds_ann = fann['xy/1000']
         print("Run evaluation ...")
         res, masks = eval_slice(ds_seg, ds_ann, ignore_seg_ids, min_radius=16,
-                                return_maksks=True)
-        fm, fs = masks['false_merges'], masks['false_splits']
+                                return_masks=True)
+        fm, fs = masks['merges'], masks['splits']
         print("Eval result")
@@ -30,18 +30,38 @@ def check_cell_evaluation():
         print("Load raw data ...")
         bb = get_bounding_box(ds_ann)
         with h5py.File(praw, 'r') as f:
-            raw = f['t00000/s00/1/cells'][bb]
+            raw = f['t00000/s00/1/cells'][bb].squeeze()
         print("Load seg data ...")
-        seg = ds_seg[bb].squeeze()
+        seg = ds_seg[bb].squeeze().astype('uint32')
         view(to_source(raw, name='raw'), to_source(seg, name='seg'),
              to_source(fm, name='merges'), to_source(fs, name='splits'))
-# def check_nucleus_evaluation():
-#     eval_nuclei()
+def eval_all_cells():
+    pseg = '../../data/0.5.5/segmentations/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-cells-labels.h5'
+    pann = '../../data/rawdata/evaluation/validation_annotations.h5'
+    table_path = '../../data/0.5.5/tables/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-cells-labels/regions.csv'
+    ignore_seg_ids = get_ignore_seg_ids(table_path)
+    res = eval_cells(pseg, 't00000/s00/0/cells', pann,
+                     ignore_seg_ids=ignore_seg_ids)
+    print("Eval result:")
+    print(res)
+def check_nucleus_evaluation():
+    pass
+def eval_all_nulcei():
+    eval_nuclei()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    check_cell_evaluation()
+    # check_cell_evaluation()
+    eval_all_cells()
diff --git a/scripts/segmentation/validation/__init__.py b/scripts/segmentation/validation/__init__.py
index 5d26b4c9b59d49a28a6cead0bfa3a46b40960ab6..5907a9b21db135ea2e45a270e1e770213542bccb 100644
--- a/scripts/segmentation/validation/__init__.py
+++ b/scripts/segmentation/validation/__init__.py
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-from .eval_cells import eval_cells
+from .eval_cells import eval_cells, get_ignore_seg_ids
 from .eval_nuclei import eval_nuclei
diff --git a/scripts/segmentation/validation/eval_cells.py b/scripts/segmentation/validation/eval_cells.py
index 7560650dc9e8a2dce93615536466726392c3ae6f..908d4074920531a548c6c8cedac716f2c2d0e6a3 100644
--- a/scripts/segmentation/validation/eval_cells.py
+++ b/scripts/segmentation/validation/eval_cells.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def eval_slice(ds_seg, ds_ann, ignore_seg_ids, min_radius,
     bb = get_bounding_box(ds_ann)
     annotations = ds_ann[:]
-    seg = ds_seg[bb].squeeze()
+    seg = ds_seg[bb].squeeze().astype('uint32')
     assert annotations.shape == seg.shape
     seg_eval = vigra.analysis.labelImageWithBackground(seg)
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def eval_slice(ds_seg, ds_ann, ignore_seg_ids, min_radius,
 def get_ignore_seg_ids(table_path, ignore_names=['cuticle', 'neuropil', 'yolk']):
-    table = pd.read_csv(table_path)
+    table = pd.read_csv(table_path, sep='\t')
     ignore_seg_ids = []
     for name in ignore_names:
         col = table[name].values.astype('uint8')
@@ -48,16 +48,25 @@ def get_ignore_seg_ids(table_path, ignore_names=['cuticle', 'neuropil', 'yolk'])
     return ignore_seg_ids
+def to_scores(eval_res):
+    n = float(eval_res['n_annotations'] - eval_res['n_unmatched'])
+    n_splits = eval_res['n_splits']
+    n_merges = eval_res['n_merged_annotations']
+    return n_merges / n, n_splits / n
 def eval_cells(seg_path, seg_key,
-               annotation_path, annotation_key,
+               annotation_path, annotation_key=None,
                ignore_seg_ids=None, min_radius=16):
-    """ Evaluate the cell segmentation.
+    """ Evaluate the cell segmentation by computing
+    the percentage of falsely merged and split cell annotations
+    in manually annotated validation slices.
     eval_res = {}
-    with open_file(seg_path, 'r') as f_seg, open_file(annotation_path) as f_ann:
+    with open_file(seg_path, 'r') as f_seg, open_file(annotation_path, 'r') as f_ann:
         ds_seg = f_seg[seg_key]
-        g = f_ann[annotation_key]
+        g = f_ann if annotation_key is None else f_ann[annotation_key]
         def visit_annotation(name, node):
             nonlocal eval_res
@@ -65,9 +74,11 @@ def eval_cells(seg_path, seg_key,
                 print("Evaluating:", name)
                 res = eval_slice(ds_seg, node, ignore_seg_ids, min_radius)
                 eval_res = merge_evaluations(res, eval_res)
+                # for debugging
+                # print("current eval:", eval_res)
                 print("Group:", name)
-    return eval_res
+    return to_scores(eval_res)
diff --git a/scripts/segmentation/validation/evaluate_annotations.py b/scripts/segmentation/validation/evaluate_annotations.py
index 73aaf8b3daa30cafebcb47c6552068490e7944e5..4fda8351ef506a65e8748ad5562421d7fbe7e75c 100644
--- a/scripts/segmentation/validation/evaluate_annotations.py
+++ b/scripts/segmentation/validation/evaluate_annotations.py
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def evaluate_annotations(seg, fg_annotations, bg_annotations,
         # unless we have overlap with a background annotation
         # or are in the filter ids
         if this_labels.size == 0:
-            if not has_bg_label and radii > min_radius:
+            if not has_bg_label and radii[seg_id] > min_radius:
         # one label -> this seg-id seems to be well matched
@@ -80,17 +80,26 @@ def evaluate_annotations(seg, fg_annotations, bg_annotations,
         # increase the segment count
         n_segments += 1
-    # false splits = unmatched seg-ids and seg-ids corresponding to annotations that were matched
-    # more than once
+    # false splits = unmatched seg-ids and seg-ids corresponding to annotations
+    # that were matched more than once
+    # first, turn matched ids and labels into numpy arrays
     matched_labels = list(matched_ids.values())
     matched_ids = np.array(list(matched_ids.keys()), dtype='uint32')
-    matched_labels, matched_counts = np.unique(matched_labels, return_counts=True)
+    # find the unique matched labels, their counts and the mapping to the original array
+    matched_labels, inv_mapping, matched_counts = np.unique(matched_labels, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)
+    matched_counts = matched_counts[inv_mapping]
+    assert len(matched_counts) == len(matched_ids)
+    # combine unmatched ids and ids matched more than once
+    unmatched_ids = np.array(unmatched_ids, dtype='uint32')
     false_split_ids = np.concatenate([unmatched_ids, matched_ids[matched_counts > 1]])
     # false merge annotations = overmatched ids
     false_merge_ids = list(overmatched_ids.keys())
-    false_merge_labels = np.array([lab for overmatched in overmatched_ids
-                                   for lab in overmatched.values()], dtype='uint32')
+    false_merge_labels = np.array([lab for overmatched in overmatched_ids.values()
+                                   for lab in overmatched], dtype='uint32')
     # find label ids that were not matched
     all_matched = np.concatenate([matched_labels, false_merge_labels])
@@ -106,8 +115,10 @@ def evaluate_annotations(seg, fg_annotations, bg_annotations,
                'n_merged_ids': len(false_merge_ids),
                'n_unmatched': len(unmatched_labels)}
-    ret = (metrics,)
+    if not return_masks and not return_ids:
+        return metrics
+    ret = (metrics,)
     if return_masks:
         fs_mask = np.isin(seg, false_split_ids).astype('uint32')
         fm_mask = np.isin(seg, false_merge_ids).astype('uint32')