import json SOURCE_FILE = '../data/sources.json' SEGMENTATION_FILE = '../data/segmentations.json' IMAGE_FILE = '../data/images.json' def get_sources(): """ Get names of the current data sources. See for the source naming conventions. """ with open(SOURCE_FILE) as f: sources = json.load(f) return sources def add_source(modality, stage, id=1, region='whole'): """ Add a new data source See for the source naming conventions. """ if not isinstance(modality, str): raise ValueError("Expected modality to be a string, not %s" % type(modality)) if not isinstance(stage, str): raise ValueError("Expected stage to be a string, not %s" % type(id)) if not isinstance(id, int): raise ValueError("Expected id to be an integer, not %s" % type(id)) if not isinstance(region, str): raise ValueError("Expected region to be a string, not %s" % type(id)) sources = get_sources() sources.append({'modality': modality, 'stage': stage, 'id': str(id), 'region': region}) with open(SOURCE_FILE, 'w') as f: json.dump(sources, f) def source_to_prefix(source): return '%s-%s-%s-%s' % (source['modality'], source['stage'], source['id'], source['region']) def get_name_prefixes(): """ Get the name prefixes corresponding to all sources. """ sources = get_sources() prefixes = [source_to_prefix(source) for source in sources] return prefixes def add_image(input_path): """ Add image volume to the platy browser data. """ pass def add_segmentation(): """ Add segmentation volume to the platy browser data. """ pass