diff --git a/Snakefile b/Snakefile
index c05f2d8848260f486f43a2296cb8033cc72bc57f..64ad1c80e48095ba402ab3bc79e2a01eaeb7b66d 100644
--- a/Snakefile
+++ b/Snakefile
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ rule postprocessing_merge:
         calls = "postprocessing/merge/{sample}/{window}_fixed_norm.{bpdens,selected_j[0-9\\.]+_s[0-9\\.]+}/simpleCalls_llr{llr}_poppriors{pop_priors,(TRUE|FALSE)}_haplotags{use_haplotags,(TRUE|FALSE)}_gtcutoff{gtcutoff,[0-9\\.]+}_regfactor{regfactor,[0-9]+}.txt"
-        'utils/group_nearby_calls_of_same_AF.pl {input.calls}  > {output.calls}'
+        'utils/group_nearby_calls_of_same_AF_and_generate_output_table.pl {input.calls}  > {output.calls}'
diff --git a/utils/group_nearby_calls_of_same_AF.pl b/utils/group_nearby_calls_of_same_AF.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 57e8f972bf51b1cd611a88dc2fbd88ad378abae9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/utils/group_nearby_calls_of_same_AF.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-my $AF_simiarity_threshold = 0.25;
-my $input_file = $ARGV[0];
-if (!$ARGV[0]) {
-	print STDERR "inputfile missing\n";
-	print STDERR "-> cluster into groups by chromosome, if similar AF (relative threshold=$AF_simiarity_threshold), if same SV event, if SVs are directly adjacent, and if at least one cell shared\n";
-	die;
-#--- read input file
-my (%STARTs, %ENDs, %SV_TYPEs, %CELLs, %AFs, %SEEN, %averaged_AF, %MAIN_SV_TYPE);
-print STDERR "Reading $input_file...\n";
-open FH, "$input_file" or die;
-while (<FH>) {
-        chomp;
-        next if ($_ =~ /^chrom/); #ignore first line
-        my ($chrom, $start, $end, $sample, $cell, $strand_state_class, $scalar, $num_bins, $sv_call_name, $sv_call_haplotype, $sv_call_name_2nd, $sv_call_haplotype_2nd, $llr_to_ref, $llr_to_2nd, $af, $passfail) = split (/[\t ]+/, $_); #split by TAB/whitespace
-	#print STDERR "$chrom, $start, $end, $sample, $cell, $strand_state_class, $scalar, $num_bins, $sv_call_name, $sv_call_haplotype, $sv_call_name_2nd, $sv_call_haplotype_2nd, $llr_to_ref, $llr_to_2nd, $af, $passfail\n";
-	next unless ($passfail =~ /PASS/); #ignore FAIL
-	unless ($SEEN{$chrom}{$start}) {
-		push (@{$STARTs{$chrom}}, $start);
-        	push (@{$ENDs{$chrom}}, $end);
-		$SEEN{$chrom}{$start}=1;
-	}
-        push (@{$SV_TYPEs{$chrom}{$start}}, $sv_call_name);
-	push (@{$CELLs{$chrom}{$start}}, $cell);
-	push (@{$AFs{$chrom}{$start}}, $af);
-%SEEN=(); #reinitialize
-close FH;
-#-- compute average AF per event
-foreach my $chrom (sort keys %STARTs) {
-	#print STDERR "test\n";
-        for (my $i=0; $i<@{$STARTs{$chrom}}; $i++) {
-		$averaged_AF{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]} = &average (@{$AFs{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}});	
-	}
-#-- define majority SV type (haplotype-independent)
-foreach my $chrom (sort keys %STARTs) {
-	for (my $i=0; $i<@{$STARTs{$chrom}}; $i++) {
-		my (%count_abundance, $main_SV_type);
-		foreach my $callname (@{$SV_TYPEs{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}}) {
-			$callname =~ s/_h[12]//;
-			#print STDERR "$callname\n";
-			$count_abundance{$callname}++;
-		}
-		($main_SV_type) = sort {$count_abundance{$b}<=>$count_abundance{$a}} keys %count_abundance;
-		$MAIN_SV_TYPE{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]} = $main_SV_type;	
-	}
-#--- cluster into groups by chromosome, if similar averaged AF, same primary SV type, directly adjacent call, and at least one cell shared
-my $group_name = 0;
-foreach my $chrom (sort keys %STARTs) {
-	my $previous_shared = 0;
-        for (my $i=0; $i<@{$STARTs{$chrom}}-1; $i++) {
-		unless ($ENDs{$chrom}[$i] == $STARTs{$chrom}[$i+1]) { #only consider events that are directly adjacent
-			$previous_shared=0;#initialize
-			next;
-		}
-		unless (($averaged_AF{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}/$averaged_AF{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i+1]}>= (1-$AF_simiarity_threshold)) and ($averaged_AF{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i+1]}/$averaged_AF{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}>= (1-$AF_simiarity_threshold))) { #compare AFs
-			$previous_shared=0;#initialize
-			next;
-		}
-		unless ($MAIN_SV_TYPE{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]} eq $MAIN_SV_TYPE{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i+1]}) { #must be same primary SV type
-			$previous_shared=0;#initialize
-			next;
-		}
-		my $shared_cells=0;
-		foreach my $cell1 (@{$CELLs{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}}) {
-			last if ($shared_cells==1);
-			foreach my $cell2 (@{$CELLs{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i+1]}}) {
-				$shared_cells = 1 if ($cell1 eq $cell2);
-			}
-		}
-		if ($shared_cells == 0) {
-			$previous_shared=0;#initialize
-			next;
-		}
-		$group_name++ unless ($previous_shared);
-		print "SHARED: $chrom\t$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]-$ENDs{$chrom}[$i]|$STARTs{$chrom}[$i+1]-$ENDs{$chrom}[$i+1] (AF=$averaged_AF{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}|$averaged_AF{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i+1]}) (SV_type=$MAIN_SV_TYPE{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}) group_name=$group_name\n";	
-		$previous_shared = 1;
-	}
-#--- subroutines
-sub average {
-	my $av=0;
-	foreach my $cnt (@_) {
-		$av+=$cnt/scalar(@_);
-	}
-	return $av;
diff --git a/utils/group_nearby_calls_of_same_AF_and_generate_output_table.pl b/utils/group_nearby_calls_of_same_AF_and_generate_output_table.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b7951ac38842dac1fb67e462cd04b03f0b5e779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/group_nearby_calls_of_same_AF_and_generate_output_table.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+my $AF_simiarity_threshold = 0.25;
+my $input_file = $ARGV[0];
+if (!$ARGV[0]) {
+	print STDERR "inputfile missing\n";
+	print STDERR "-> cluster into groups by chromosome, if similar AF (relative threshold=$AF_simiarity_threshold), if same SV event, if SVs are directly adjacent, and if at least one cell shared\n";
+	die;
+#--- read input file
+my (%MAIN_HAP, %Sv_call_haplotype, %Num_bins, %Group_ID, %STARTs, %ENDs, %SV_TYPEs, %CELLs, %AFs, %SEEN, %averaged_AF, %MAIN_SV_TYPE, %Llr_to_2nds, %Llr_to_refs);
+print STDERR "Reading $input_file...\n";
+open FH, "$input_file" or die;
+while (<FH>) {
+        chomp;
+        next if ($_ =~ /^chrom/); #ignore first line
+        my ($chrom, $start, $end, $sample, $cell, $strand_state_class, $scalar, $num_bins, $sv_call_name, $sv_call_haplotype, $sv_call_name_2nd, $sv_call_haplotype_2nd, $llr_to_ref, $llr_to_2nd, $af, $passfail) = split (/[\t ]+/, $_); #split by TAB/whitespace
+	#print STDERR "$chrom, $start, $end, $sample, $cell, $strand_state_class, $scalar, $num_bins, $sv_call_name, $sv_call_haplotype, $sv_call_name_2nd, $sv_call_haplotype_2nd, $llr_to_ref, $llr_to_2nd, $af, $passfail\n";
+	next unless ($passfail =~ /PASS/); #ignore FAIL
+	unless ($SEEN{$chrom}{$start}) {
+		push (@{$STARTs{$chrom}}, $start);
+        	push (@{$ENDs{$chrom}}, $end);
+		$SEEN{$chrom}{$start}=1;
+	}
+        push (@{$SV_TYPEs{$chrom}{$start}}, $sv_call_name);
+	push (@{$CELLs{$chrom}{$start}}, $cell);
+	push (@{$AFs{$chrom}{$start}}, $af);
+	push (@{$Llr_to_refs{$chrom}{$start}}, $llr_to_ref);
+	push (@{$Llr_to_2nds{$chrom}{$start}}, $llr_to_2nd);
+	push (@{$Num_bins{$chrom}{$start}}, $num_bins);
+	push (@{$Sv_call_haplotype{$chrom}{$start}}, $sv_call_haplotype);
+%SEEN=(); #reinitialize
+close FH;
+#-- compute average AF per event
+foreach my $chrom (sort keys %STARTs) {
+	#print STDERR "test\n";
+        for (my $i=0; $i<@{$STARTs{$chrom}}; $i++) {
+		$averaged_AF{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]} = &average (@{$AFs{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}});	
+	}
+#-- define majority SV type (haplotype-independent)
+foreach my $chrom (sort keys %STARTs) {
+	for (my $i=0; $i<@{$STARTs{$chrom}}; $i++) {
+		my (%count_abundance, $main_SV_type);
+		foreach my $callname (@{$SV_TYPEs{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}}) {
+			$callname =~ s/_h[12]//;
+			#print STDERR "$callname\n";
+			$count_abundance{$callname}++;
+		}
+		($main_SV_type) = sort {$count_abundance{$b}<=>$count_abundance{$a}} keys %count_abundance;
+		$MAIN_SV_TYPE{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]} = $main_SV_type;	
+	}
+#-- define majority haplotype
+foreach my $chrom (sort keys %STARTs) {
+        for (my $i=0; $i<@{$STARTs{$chrom}}; $i++) {
+                my (%count_abundance, $main_hap);
+                foreach my $hapname (@{$Sv_call_haplotype{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}}) {
+                        $count_abundance{$hapname}++;
+                }
+                ($main_hap) = sort {$count_abundance{$b}<=>$count_abundance{$a}} keys %count_abundance;
+                $MAIN_HAP{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]} = $main_hap;
+        }
+#--- cluster into groups by chromosome, if similar averaged AF, same primary SV type, directly adjacent call, and at least one cell shared
+my $group_name = 0;
+foreach my $chrom (sort keys %STARTs) {
+	my $previous_shared = 0;
+        for (my $i=0; $i<@{$STARTs{$chrom}}-1; $i++) {
+		unless ($ENDs{$chrom}[$i] == $STARTs{$chrom}[$i+1]) { #only consider events that are directly adjacent
+			$previous_shared=0;#initialize
+			next;
+		}
+		unless (($averaged_AF{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}/$averaged_AF{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i+1]}>= (1-$AF_simiarity_threshold)) and ($averaged_AF{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i+1]}/$averaged_AF{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}>= (1-$AF_simiarity_threshold))) { #compare AFs
+			$previous_shared=0;#initialize
+			next;
+		}
+		unless ($MAIN_SV_TYPE{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]} eq $MAIN_SV_TYPE{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i+1]}) { #must be same primary SV type
+			$previous_shared=0;#initialize
+			next;
+		}
+		my $shared_cells=0;
+		foreach my $cell1 (@{$CELLs{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}}) {
+			last if ($shared_cells==1);
+			foreach my $cell2 (@{$CELLs{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i+1]}}) {
+				$shared_cells = 1 if ($cell1 eq $cell2);
+			}
+		}
+		if ($shared_cells == 0) {
+			$previous_shared=0;#initialize
+			next;
+		}
+		$group_name++ unless ($previous_shared);
+		print STDERR "Grouping/merging $chrom\t$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]-$ENDs{$chrom}[$i]|$STARTs{$chrom}[$i+1]-$ENDs{$chrom}[$i+1] (AF=$averaged_AF{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}|$averaged_AF{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i+1]}) (SV_type=$MAIN_SV_TYPE{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}) group_name=$group_name ...\n";	
+		$previous_shared = 1;
+		$Group_ID{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}{$ENDs{$chrom}[$i]}=$group_name;
+		$Group_ID{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i+1]}{$ENDs{$chrom}[$i+1]}=$group_name;
+	}
+#--------- Generating output
+print STDERR "--\nGenerating Results_Output_Table\n";
+print "chrom, start, end, num_bins, consensus_sv, consensus_sv_call_haplotype, llr_to_ref_max, llr_to_2nd_max, af, segments\n";
+foreach my $chrom (sort keys %STARTs) {
+        my $previous_shared = 0;
+	my $last_group_ID;
+        for (my $i=0; $i<@{$STARTs{$chrom}}; $i++) {
+		if (exists ($Group_ID{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}{$ENDs{$chrom}[$i]})) {
+			#next if ($seen{$Group_ID{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}{$ENDs{$chrom}[$i]}});
+			$last_group_ID = $Group_ID{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}{$ENDs{$chrom}[$i]};
+			my (@myStarts, @myEnds);
+			my $segments = "$chrom:$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]-$ENDs{$chrom}[$i]";
+			push (@myStarts, $STARTs{$chrom}[$i]); 
+			push (@myEnds, $ENDs{$chrom}[$i]);
+			my $end =0;
+			my $y=$i;
+				#-- prepare consensus report for merged calls
+			my ($af) = sort {$b <=> $a} @{$AFs{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}}; #use maximum in this consensus report
+                        my ($llr_to_ref) = sort {$b <=> $a} @{$Llr_to_refs{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}}; #use max in this consensus report
+                        my ($llr_to_2nd) = sort {$b <=> $a} @{$Llr_to_2nds{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}}; #use max in this consensus report
+                        my ($num_bins) = sort {$b <=> $a} @{$Num_bins{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}}; #use max in this consensus report
+			while (!$end) { #get other events falling onto same group ID
+				$y++; #increment
+				if ($y==@{$STARTs{$chrom}}) {
+					$y--;
+					$i=$y;
+					last;
+				}
+				#print "($y)|", scalar (@{$STARTs{$chrom}}), " $chrom|$Group_ID{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$y]}{$ENDs{$chrom}[$y]}|--->";
+				if (exists ($Group_ID{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$y]}{$ENDs{$chrom}[$y]})) {
+					if ($last_group_ID ne $Group_ID{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$y]}{$ENDs{$chrom}[$y]}) { #new group starts
+						$y--;
+                                        	$i=$y;
+                                        	last;
+					}
+					push (@myStarts, $STARTs{$chrom}[$y]);                                         
+                        		push (@myEnds, $ENDs{$chrom}[$y]);
+					$segments .= "|$chrom:$STARTs{$chrom}[$y]-$ENDs{$chrom}[$y]";
+					($af) = sort {$b <=> $a} ($af, @{$AFs{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}}); #use maximum in this consensus report
+		                        ($llr_to_ref) = sort {$b <=> $a} ($llr_to_ref, @{$Llr_to_refs{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}}); #use max in this consensus report
+               		                ($llr_to_2nd) = sort {$b <=> $a} ($llr_to_2nd, @{$Llr_to_2nds{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}}); #use max in this consensus report
+                                        ($num_bins) = sort {$b <=> $a} ($num_bins, @{$Num_bins{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}}); #use max in this consensus report
+				} else {
+					$y--;
+					$i=$y; #jump forward
+					$end=1;
+				}
+			}
+			print "$chrom, $myStarts[0], $myEnds[-1], $num_bins, $MAIN_SV_TYPE{$chrom}{$myStarts[0]}, $MAIN_HAP{$chrom}{$myStarts[0]}, $llr_to_ref, $llr_to_2nd, $af, \[Group\_$Group_ID{$chrom}{$myStarts[0]}{$myEnds[0]}\/$segments\]\n";
+			#print "$chrom, $myStarts[0], $myEnds[-1], $num_bins, $MAIN_SV_TYPE{$chrom}{$myStarts[0]]}\n";	
+		} else {
+			#-- prepare consensus report for singlish calls (calls not falling into a merge-group)
+			my ($af) = sort {$b <=> $a} @{$AFs{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}}; #use maximum in this consensus report
+			my ($llr_to_ref) = sort {$b <=> $a} @{$Llr_to_refs{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}}; #use max in this consensus report
+			my ($llr_to_2nd) = sort {$b <=> $a} @{$Llr_to_2nds{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}}; #use max in this consensus report
+			my ($num_bins) = sort {$b <=> $a} @{$Num_bins{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}}; #use max in this consensus report
+			print "$chrom, $STARTs{$chrom}[$i], $ENDs{$chrom}[$i], $num_bins, $MAIN_SV_TYPE{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}, $MAIN_HAP{$chrom}{$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]}, $llr_to_ref, $llr_to_2nd, $af, [$chrom:$STARTs{$chrom}[$i]-$ENDs{$chrom}[$i]]\n";
+		}
+	}
+#--- subroutines
+sub average {
+	my $av=0;
+	foreach my $cnt (@_) {
+		$av+=$cnt/scalar(@_);
+	}
+	return $av;