import math from collections import defaultdict configfile: "Snake.config_embl.yaml" import os, sys from pprint import pprint # print(os.listdir(os.getcwd())) # print(os.listdir("bam")) # TODO I/O : Function to define inputs ; simplify list/dict system # TODO Use remote file system to download example files SAMPLE,BAM = glob_wildcards(config["input_bam_location"] + "{sample}/selected/{bam}.bam") pprint(SAMPLE) pprint(BAM) SAMPLES = sorted(set(SAMPLE)) CELL_PER_SAMPLE= defaultdict(list) BAM_PER_SAMPLE = defaultdict(list) for sample,bam in zip(SAMPLE,BAM): BAM_PER_SAMPLE[sample].append(bam) CELL_PER_SAMPLE[sample].append(bam.replace(".sort.mdup","")) ALLBAMS_PER_SAMPLE = defaultdict(list) for sample in SAMPLES: ALLBAMS_PER_SAMPLE[sample] = glob_wildcards(config["input_bam_location"] + "{}/all/{{bam}}.bam".format(sample)).bam print("Detected {} samples:".format(len(SAMPLES))) for s in SAMPLES: print(" {}:\t{} cells\t {} selected cells".format(s, len(ALLBAMS_PER_SAMPLE[s]), len(BAM_PER_SAMPLE[s]))) pprint(BAM_PER_SAMPLE) pprint(CELL_PER_SAMPLE) # FIXME : tmp solution to remove bad cells => need to fix this with combination of ASHLEYS ? exclude_list = ['BM510x3PE20490'] BAM_PER_SAMPLE = {k:sorted([e for e in v if e.split('.')[0] not in exclude_list]) for k,v in BAM_PER_SAMPLE.items()} CELL_PER_SAMPLE = {k:sorted([e for e in v if e not in exclude_list]) for k,v in CELL_PER_SAMPLE.items()} pprint(BAM_PER_SAMPLE) pprint(CELL_PER_SAMPLE) # Current state of the pipeline: # ============================== # * count reads in the BAM files (in fixed and variable-width bins of various sizes) # * determine strand states of each chromosome in each single cell, including SCEs # * plot all single cell libraries in different window sizes # * calculate a segmentation into potential SVs using Mosaicatcher METHODS = [ "simpleCalls_llr4_poppriorsTRUE_haplotagsTRUE_gtcutoff0_regfactor6_filterFALSE", "simpleCalls_llr4_poppriorsTRUE_haplotagsFALSE_gtcutoff0.05_regfactor6_filterTRUE", ] # FIXME : move to yaml/json settings or to something else BPDENS = [ "selected_j{}_s{}_scedist{}".format(joint, single, scedist) for joint in [0.1] for single in [0.5] for scedist in [20] ] print(BPDENS) # Todo: specify an exact version of the singularity file! print(SAMPLES) print(CELL_PER_SAMPLE) print(CELL_PER_SAMPLE.values()) print([sub_e for e in list(CELL_PER_SAMPLE.values()) for sub_e in e]) # print(expand([SAMPLES, [sub_e for e in list(CELL_PER_SAMPLE.values()) for sub_e in e]])) print(expand(["{sample}/{cell}"], zip, sample=SAMPLES, cell=[sub_e for e in list(CELL_PER_SAMPLE.values()) for sub_e in e])) # exit() print(expand([config["output_location"] + "counts-per-cell/{sample}/{cell}/{window}.txt.gz"], zip, sample=SAMPLES, cell=[sub_e for e in list(CELL_PER_SAMPLE.values()) for sub_e in e], window=[100000], )) rule all: input: # expand(config["output_location"] + "counts/{sample}/{window}.txt.gz", sample=SAMPLES, window=[100000]) # expand(config["output_location"] + "plots/{sample}/{window}.pdf", sample=SAMPLES, window=[100000]) # expand(config["output_location"] + "norm_counts/{sample}/{window}.txt.gz", sample=SAMPLES, window=[100000]), # expand(config["output_location"] + "norm_counts/{sample}/{window}.info", sample=SAMPLES, window=[100000]) # expand(config["output_location"] + "segmentation/{sample}/{window}.txt", sample=SAMPLES, window=[100000]), # expand(config["output_location"] + "snv_calls/{sample}/merged.bam", sample=SAMPLES) expand(config["output_location"] + "snv_genotyping/{sample}/{chrom}.vcf", sample=SAMPLES, window=[100000], chrom=config["chromosomes"]), # expand(config["output_location"] + "counts-per-cell/{sample}/{cell}/{window}.txt.gz", sample=SAMPLES, cell=[sub_e for e in list(CELL_PER_SAMPLE.values()) for sub_e in e], window=[100000], ), # expand(config["output_location"] + "counts-per-cell/{sample}/{cell}/{window}.txt.gz", sample=SAMPLES, cell=[sub_e for e in list(CELL_PER_SAMPLE.values()) for sub_e in e], window=[100000], ), expand(config["output_location"] + "strand_states/{sample}/{window}.{bpdens}/StrandPhaseR_analysis.{chrom}/Phased/phased_haps.txt", sample=SAMPLES, window=[100000], bpdens=BPDENS, chrom=config["chromosomes"]), # FIXME : To solve : cell wildcard (dict type) comparatively to others that are list type ################################################################################ # Read counting # ################################################################################ # CHECKME : exclude file rule useful ? # rule generate_exclude_file_1: # output: # temp("log/exclude_file.temp") # input: # bam = expand("bam/{sample}/selected/{bam}.bam", sample = SAMPLES[0], bam = BAM_PER_SAMPLE[SAMPLES[0]][0]) # log: # "log/generate_exclude_file_1.log" # params: # samtools = config["samtools"] # shell: # """ # {params.samtools} view -H {input.bam} | awk "/^@SQ/" > {output} # """ # rule generate_exclude_file_2: # output: # "log/exclude_file" # input: # "log/exclude_file.temp" # params: # chroms = config["chromosomes"] # run: # with open(input[0]) as f: # with open(output[0],"w") as out: # for line in f: # contig = line.strip().split()[1] # contig = contig[3:] # # if contig not in params.chroms: # # print(contig, file = out) # CHECKME : same as above for input ??? # TODO : Simplify expand command # DOCME : mosaic count read orientation ? rule mosaic_count: """ rule fct: Call mosaic count C++ function to count reads in each BAM file according defined window input: For the moment, individual BAM file in the selected folder of the associated sample output: counts: read counts for the BAM file according defined window ; info file : summary statistics """ input: bam = lambda wc: expand(config["input_bam_location"] + wc.sample + "/selected/{bam}.bam", bam = BAM_PER_SAMPLE[wc.sample]) if wc.sample in BAM_PER_SAMPLE else "FOOBAR", # excl = "log/exclude_file" output: counts = config["output_location"] + "counts/{sample}/{window}.txt.gz", info = config["output_location"] + "counts/{sample}/{window}.info" log: config["output_location"] + "log/{sample}/mosaic_count.{window}.log" params: mc_command = config["mosaicatcher"] shell: """ {params.mc_command} count \ --verbose \ --do-not-blacklist-hmm \ -o {output.counts} \ -i {} \ -w {wildcards.window} \ {input.bam} > {log} 2>&1 """ # FIXME : Missing plots in final PDF ; R script + inputs to check rule plot_mosaic_counts: """ rule fct: Plot function of read counts for each bam file input: mosaic count outputs (counts & info) output: Generate figure based on couting results """ input: counts = config["output_location"] + "counts/{sample}/{window}.txt.gz", info = config["output_location"] + "counts/{sample}/{window}.info" output: config["output_location"] + "plots/{sample}/{window}.pdf" log: config["output_location"] + "log/plot_mosaic_counts/{sample}/{window}.log" params: plot_command = "Rscript " + config["plot_script"] shell: """ {params.plot_command} {input.counts} {} {output} > {log} 2>&1 """ ################################################################################ # Normalize counts # ################################################################################ # TODO : Reference blacklist BED file to retrieve easily on Git/Zenodo/remote system # TODO : check if inversion file is corresponded to previously published rule merge_blacklist_bins: """ rule fct: Call Python script to merge HGVSC normalization defined file & inversion whitelist file input: norm: HGSVC predefined BED file by the group ; whitelist: whitelist inversion file predefined by the group """ input: norm = "utils/normalization/HGSVC.{window}.txt", whitelist = "utils/normalization/inversion-whitelist.tsv", output: merged = config["output_location"] + "normalizations/HGSVC.{window}.merged.tsv" log: config["output_location"] + "log/merge_blacklist_bins/{window}.log" shell: """ PYTHONPATH="" # Issue #1031 ( utils/ --merge_distance 500000 {input.norm} --whitelist {input.whitelist} --min_whitelist_interval_size 100000 > {output.merged} 2>> {log} """ # FIXME : snakemake ambiguity with I/O paths # CHECKME : Check R code for normalization rule normalize_counts: """ rule fct: Normalization of mosaic counts based on merged normalization file produced with a linear relation (count * scaling_factor) input: counts: counts file coming from `rule mosaic_count` ; norm: merged normalization file produced by `rule merge_blacklist_bins` output: normalized counts based predefined factors for each window """ input: counts = config["output_location"] + "counts/{sample}/{window}.txt.gz", norm = config["output_location"] + "normalizations/HGSVC.{window}.merged.tsv", output: config["output_location"] + "norm_counts/{sample}/{window}.txt.gz" log: config["output_location"] + "log/normalize_counts/{sample}/{window}.log" shell: """ Rscript utils/normalize.R {input.counts} {input.norm} {output} 2>&1 > {log} """ # FIXME : cleaner way to symlink info files rule link_normalized_info_file: """ rule fct: Symlink info file ouput mosaic count to normalization count directory input: Global summary statistics produced by mosaic count output: symlink in norm_counts output directory """ input: info = config["output_location"] + "counts/{sample}/{window}.info" output: info = config["output_location"] + "norm_counts/{sample}/{window}.info" run: d = os.path.dirname( file = os.path.basename( shell("cd {d} && ln -s {} {file}") ################################################################################ # Joint Segmentation # ################################################################################ # CHECKME : @Marco mention on Gitlab # CHECKME : parameters # DOCME : check segmentation results to better understand rule segmentation: """ rule fct: Identify breakpoints of futur SV based on normalized read counts input: mosaic [normalized] counts output: Segmentation tab file """ input: config["output_location"] + "counts/{sample}/{window}.txt.gz" output: config["output_location"] + "segmentation/{sample}/{window,\d+}.txt.fixme" log: config["output_location"] + "log/segmentation/{sample}/{window}.log" params: mc_command = config["mosaicatcher"], min_num_segs = lambda wc: math.ceil(200000 / float(wc.window)) # bins to represent 200 kb shell: """ {params.mc_command} segment \ --remove-none \ --forbid-small-segments {params.min_num_segs} \ -M 50000000 \ -o {output} \ {input} > {log} 2>&1 """ # FIXME: This is a workaround because latest versions of "mosaic segment" don't compute the "bps" column properly. Remove once fixed in the C++ code. # FIXME: no difference observed before/after awk command rule fix_segmentation: """ rule fct: input: output: """ input: config["output_location"] + "segmentation/{sample}/{window}.txt.fixme" output: config["output_location"] + "segmentation/{sample}/{window,\d+}.txt" shell: """ # Issue #1022 ( awk -v name={wildcards.sample} -v window={wildcards.window} -f utils/command2.awk {input} > {output} """ # Pick a few segmentations and prepare the input files for SV classification # TODO : replace R script by integrating directly pandas in the pipeline # CHECKME : used ??? # DOCME : check if doc is correct rule prepare_segments: """ rule fct: selection of appropriate segmentation according breakpoint density (k) selected by the user : many : 60%, medium : 40%, few : 20% input: mosaic segment output segmentation file output: lite file with appropriate k according the quartile defined by the user """ input: config["output_location"] + "segmentation/{sample}/{window}.txt" output: config["output_location"] + "segmentation2/{sample}/{window}.{bpdens,(many|medium|few)}.txt" log: config["output_location"] + "log/prepare_segments/{sample}/{window}.{bpdens}.log" params: quantile = lambda wc: config["bp_density"][wc.bpdens] script: "utils/helper.prepare_segments.R" ################################################################################ # Single-Cell Segmentation # ################################################################################ # TODO : replace awk external file command with something else rule extract_single_cell_counts: """ rule fct: extract from count the rows coming from the given cell input: mosaic count output file for the sample according a given window output: count per cell file for the sample according a given window """ input: config["output_location"] + "counts/{sample}/{window}.txt.gz" output: config["output_location"] + "counts-per-cell/{sample}/{cell}/{window,[0-9]+}.txt.gz" shell: """ # Issue #1022 ( zcat {input} | awk -v name={wildcards.cell} -f utils/command1.awk | gzip > {output} """ rule segment_one_cell: """ rule fct: Same as `rule segmentation` : mosaic segment function but for individual cell input: mosaic count splitted by cell produced by `rule extract_single_cell_counts` output: Segmentation file for an individual cell """ input: config["output_location"] + "counts-per-cell/{sample}/{cell}/{window}.txt.gz" output: config["output_location"] + "segmentation-per-cell/{sample}/{cell}/{window,\d+}.txt" log: config["output_location"] + "log/segmentation-per-cell/{sample}/{cell}/{window}.log" params: mc_command = config["mosaicatcher"], min_num_segs = lambda wc: math.ceil(200000 / float(wc.window)) # bins to represent 200 kb shell: """ {params.mc_command} segment \ --remove-none \ --forbid-small-segments {params.min_num_segs} \ -M 50000000 \ -o {output} \ {input} > {log} 2>&1 """ # URGENT : If one bad cell is detected => pipeline stop => need to fix this ################################################################################ # StrandPhaseR things # ################################################################################ # DOCME : how to handle when multiple chrom orientation """ RPE1-WT RPE1WTPE20492 chr10 0 27300000 WW RPE1-WT RPE1WTPE20492 chr10 27300000 110600000 WC RPE1-WT RPE1WTPE20492 chr10 110600000 127100000 CC RPE1-WT RPE1WTPE20492 chr10 127100000 133797422 WC """ rule segmentation_selection: """ rule fct: Based on counts and segmentation (both joint & single-cell), give the orientation of each chromosome sequenced (WC, WW, CC) for each cell & sample input: mosaic read counts (txt.gz) & stats info (.info) + joint & sc segmentation output: initial_strand_state used for the following by strandphaser """ input: counts=config["output_location"] + "counts/{sample}/{window}.txt.gz", jointseg=config["output_location"] + "segmentation/{sample}/{window}.txt", singleseg=lambda wc: [config["output_location"] + "segmentation-per-cell/{}/{}/{}.txt".format(wc.sample, cell, wc.window) for cell in CELL_PER_SAMPLE[wc.sample]], info=config["output_location"] + "counts/{sample}/{window}.info", output: jointseg=config["output_location"] + "segmentation2/{sample}/{window,[0-9]+}.selected_j{min_diff_jointseg}_s{min_diff_singleseg}_scedist{additional_sce_cutoff}.txt", singleseg=config["output_location"] + "segmentation-singlecell/{sample}/{window,[0-9]+}.selected_j{min_diff_jointseg}_s{min_diff_singleseg}_scedist{additional_sce_cutoff}.txt", strand_states=config["output_location"] + "strand_states/{sample}/{window,[0-9]+}.selected_j{min_diff_jointseg}_s{min_diff_singleseg}_scedist{additional_sce_cutoff}/initial_strand_state", log: config["output_location"] + "log/segmentation_selection/{sample}/{window}.selected_j{min_diff_jointseg}_s{min_diff_singleseg}_scedist{additional_sce_cutoff}.log" params: cellnames = lambda wc: ",".join(cell for cell in CELL_PER_SAMPLE[wc.sample]), sce_min_distance = 500000, shell: """ PYTHONPATH="" # Issue #1031 ( ./utils/ \ --sce_min_distance {params.sce_min_distance} \ --sce_add_cutoff {wildcards.additional_sce_cutoff}000000 \ --min_diff_jointseg {wildcards.min_diff_jointseg} \ --min_diff_singleseg {wildcards.min_diff_singleseg} \ --output_jointseg {output.jointseg} \ --output_singleseg {output.singleseg} \ --output_strand_states {output.strand_states} \ --samplename {wildcards.sample} \ --cellnames {params.cellnames} \ {} \ {input.counts} \ {input.jointseg} \ {input.singleseg} > {log} 2>&1 """ # TODO : replace R script by integrating directly pandas in the pipeline / potentialy use piped output to following rule ? rule convert_strandphaser_input: """ rule fct: extract only segmentation with WC orientation input: initial_strand_state file coming from rule segmentation_selection & info file from mosaic count output output: filtered TSV file with start/end coordinates of WC-orientated segment to be used by strandphaser """ input: states = config["output_location"] + "strand_states/{sample}/{window}.{bpdens}/initial_strand_state", # URGENT : hard coded 500000 file name ??? # info = config["output_location"] + "counts/{sample}/" # FIXME : quick workaround with {window} wc info = config["output_location"] + "counts/{sample}/{window}.info" output: config["output_location"] + "strand_states/{sample}/{window}.{bpdens,selected_j[0-9\\.]+_s[0-9\\.]+_scedist[0-9\\.]+}/strandphaser_input.txt" log: config["output_location"] + "log/convert_strandphaser_input/{sample}/{window}.{bpdens}.log" script: "utils/helper.convert_strandphaser_input.R" # TODO : make something similar to mosaic with C++ dep # CHECKME : check if possible to write something more snakemak"ic" & compliant with conda/singularity running env # WARNING : I/O path definition # WARNING : Try to find a solution to install stranphaser in a conda environment => contact david porubsky to move on the bioconductor ? # rule install_StrandPhaseR: # output: # "utils/R-packages/StrandPhaseR/R/StrandPhaseR" # log: # "log/install_StrandPhaseR.log" # shell: # """ # TAR=$(which tar) Rscript utils/install_strandphaser.R > {log} 2>&1 # """ # TODO : replace by clean config file if possible or by temporary removed file rule prepare_strandphaser_config_per_chrom: """ rule fct: prepare config file used by strandphaser input: input used only for wildcards : sample, window & bpdens output: config file used by strandphaser """ input: config["output_location"] + "strand_states/{sample}/{window}.{bpdens}/initial_strand_state" output: config["output_location"] + "strand_states/{sample}/{window}.{bpdens,selected_j[0-9\\.]+_s[0-9\\.]+_scedist[0-9\\.]+}/StrandPhaseR.{chrom}.config" run: with open(output[0], "w") as f: print("[General]", file = f) print("numCPU = 1", file = f) print("chromosomes = '" + wildcards.chrom + "'", file = f) if (config["paired_end"]): print("pairedEndReads = TRUE", file = f) else: print("pairedEndReads = FALSE", file = f) print("min.mapq = 10", file = f) print("", file = f) print("[StrandPhaseR]", file = f) print("positions = NULL", file = f) print("WCregions = NULL", file = f) print("min.baseq = 20", file = f) print("num.iterations = 2", file = f) print("translateBases = TRUE", file = f) print("fillMissAllele = NULL", file = f) print("splitPhasedReads = TRUE", file = f) print("compareSingleCells = TRUE", file = f) print("callBreaks = FALSE", file = f) print("exportVCF = '", wildcards.sample, "'", sep = "", file = f) print("bsGenome = '", config["R_reference"], "'", sep = "", file = f) # # TODO : TMP solution # # CHECKME : need to check with people if SNP genotyping file is mandatory => will simplify things # def locate_snv_vcf(wildcards): # if "snv_calls" not in config or wildcards.sample not in config["snv_calls"] or config["snv_calls"][wildcards.sample] == "": # if "snv_sites_to_genotype" in config and config["snv_sites_to_genotype"] != "" : # if os.path.isfile(config["snv_sites_to_genotype"]): # return "snv_genotyping/{}/{}.vcf".format(wildcards.sample, wildcards.chrom) # else: # return "snv_calls/{}/{}.vcf".format(wildcards.sample, wildcards.chrom) # else: # return "snv_calls/{}/{}.vcf".format(wildcards.sample, wildcards.chrom) # else: # return "external_snv_calls/{}/{}.vcf".format(wildcards.sample, wildcards.chrom) rule run_strandphaser_per_chrom: """ rule fct: run strandphaser for each chromosome input: strandphaser_input.txt from rule convert_strandphaser_input ; genotyped snv for each chrom by freebayes ; configfile created by rule prepare_strandphaser_config_per_chrom ; bam folder output: """ input: wcregions = config["output_location"] + "strand_states/{sample}/{window}.{bpdens}/strandphaser_input.txt", snppositions = config["output_location"] + "snv_genotyping/{sample}/{chrom}.vcf", configfile = config["output_location"] + "strand_states/{sample}/{window}.{bpdens}/StrandPhaseR.{chrom}.config", # DOCME : used as an input to call the installation # strandphaser = "utils/R-packages/StrandPhaseR/R/StrandPhaseR", # strandphaser = config["strandphaser"], bamfolder = config["input_bam_location"] + "{sample}/selected" output: config["output_location"] + "strand_states/{sample}/{window}.{bpdens,selected_j[0-9\\.]+_s[0-9\\.]+_scedist[0-9\\.]+}/StrandPhaseR_analysis.{chrom}/Phased/phased_haps.txt", config["output_location"] + "strand_states/{sample}/{window}.{bpdens,selected_j[0-9\\.]+_s[0-9\\.]+_scedist[0-9\\.]+}/StrandPhaseR_analysis.{chrom}/VCFfiles/{chrom}_phased.vcf" log: "log/run_strandphaser_per_chrom/{sample}/{window}.{bpdens}/{chrom}.log" shell: """ {config[Rscript]} utils/StrandPhaseR_pipeline.R \ {input.bamfolder} \ {config[output_location]}strand_states/{wildcards.sample}/{wildcards.window}.{wildcards.bpdens}/StrandPhaseR_analysis.{wildcards.chrom} \ {input.configfile} \ {input.wcregions} \ {input.snppositions} \ $(pwd)/utils/R-packages/ \ """ ################################################################################ # Call SNVs # ################################################################################ # TODO : to move in utils category rule mergeBams: """ rule fct: input: output: """ input: lambda wc: expand(config["input_bam_location"] + wc.sample + "/all/{bam}.bam", bam = ALLBAMS_PER_SAMPLE[wc.sample]) if wc.sample in ALLBAMS_PER_SAMPLE else "FOOBAR", output: config["output_location"] + "snv_calls/{sample}/merged.bam" log: config["output_location"] + "log/mergeBams/{sample}.log" threads: 4 shell: # FIXME : Samtools 1.10 from Conda env not working ; 1.9 from Seneca working > change it into conda env yml file config["samtools"] + " merge -@ {threads} {output} {input} 2>&1 > {log}" # "samtools" + " merge -@ {threads} {output} {input} 2>&1 > {log}" # TODO : to move in utils category rule index_bam: """ rule fct: input: output: """ input: "{file}.bam" output: "{file}.bam.bai" log: "{file}.bam.log" shell: config["samtools"] + " index {input} 2> {log}" # "samtools" + " index {input} 2> {log}" rule regenotype_SNVs: """ rule fct: input: output: """ input: bam = config["output_location"] + "snv_calls/{sample}/merged.bam", bai = config["output_location"] + "snv_calls/{sample}/merged.bam.bai", sites = config["snv_sites_to_genotype"], output: vcf = config["output_location"] + "snv_genotyping/{sample}/{chrom,chr[0-9A-Z]+}.vcf" log: config["output_location"] + "log/snv_genotyping/{sample}/{chrom}.log" params: fa = config["reference"], # bcftools = config["bcftools"] shell: # CHECKME : Samtools / BCFtools / freebayes path definition through conda env # CHECKME : interest of using -r parameters for freebayes => split by chroms """ (freebayes \ -f {params.fa} \ -r {wildcards.chrom} \ -@ {input.sites} \ --only-use-input-alleles {input.bam} \ --genotype-qualities \ | bcftools view \ --exclude-uncalled \ --genotype het \ --types snps \ --include "QUAL>=10" \ > {output.vcf}) 2> {log} """