diff --git a/data/jsonexamples_andrew/1-pipedream_summary.json b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/1-pipedream_summary.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca7eb24eef6b30b21480470ff7230ea330304020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/1-pipedream_summary.json
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+   "refinement" : {
+      "Cycles" : [
+         {
+            "Rfree" : 0.445719,
+            "step" : "initial",
+            "cycle_number" : 0,
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.0103018,
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "RMSangles" : 1.09501,
+            "R" : 0.454558,
+            "WatersPresent" : null,
+            "MeanB" : null,
+            "WilsonB" : null
+         },
+         {
+            "WilsonB" : 28.35,
+            "R" : 0.270707,
+            "MeanB" : 29.22,
+            "WatersPresent" : null,
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.00790915,
+            "cycle_number" : 1,
+            "RMSangles" : 0.872085,
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "Rfree" : 0.292751,
+            "step" : "refinement"
+         },
+         {
+            "transcis" : 0,
+            "hbondflip" : 19,
+            "pepflip" : "N/A",
+            "cistrans" : 0,
+            "cycle_number" : 2,
+            "type" : "pdb-redo",
+            "changedrot" : 46,
+            "watersremoved" : 0,
+            "step" : "remediation"
+         },
+         {
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.00830937,
+            "cycle_number" : 3,
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "RMSangles" : 0.905608,
+            "Rfree" : 0.235121,
+            "step" : "final",
+            "WilsonB" : 28.35,
+            "R" : 0.204029,
+            "MeanB" : 32.38,
+            "WatersPresent" : 691
+         },
+         {
+            "RMSangles" : 0.900876,
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "cycle_number" : 4,
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.00822846,
+            "step" : "ligand-detection",
+            "Rfree" : 0.242613,
+            "WilsonB" : 28.35,
+            "WatersPresent" : 710,
+            "MeanB" : 32.38,
+            "R" : 0.211697
+         }
+      ],
+      "models" : [
+         {
+            "modelname" : "6cby-input",
+            "number" : 1,
+            "LMRscore" : 44.8
+         }
+      ],
+      "refinementprotocol" : "Default",
+      "selectedmodel" : "6cby-input.pdb"
+   },
+   "GPhL_pipedream" : {
+      "runfrom" : "/.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial4",
+      "output" : "/.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial4/results/20210705",
+      "command" : "pipedream  -imagedir SMYD2_6cbx/data -nofreeref -useaniso -apcommands \"ReversePhi=yes IgnoreImageZero=yes\" -xyzin 6cby-input.pdb -chains \"A B\" -remediate -sidechainrebuild -rhofit grade-LIG.cif -xclusters 2 -d results/20210705",
+      "runby" : "asharff : escher : 08:27:12 on Mon Jul  5 2021",
+      "version" : "__VERSION__  <__DATE__>",
+      "jsonversion" : "0.0.3",
+      "terminationstatus" : "COMPLETED",
+      "jobid" : "d9429ffe-50a1-4330-879a-65d39338f358"
+   },
+   "dataprocessing" : {
+      "processingdata" : {
+         "AutoProcscaling" : {
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis11" : ".97475",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidValue1" : "1.68100",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis13" : ".22319",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis23" : ".00000",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis22" : "1.00000",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis33" : ".97475",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis12" : ".00000",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis32" : ".00000",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis31" : "-.22319",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidValue3" : "1.87200",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis21" : ".00000",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidValue2" : "1.81000",
+            "recordTimeStamp" : "2021-07-05 08:46:02"
+         },
+         "AutoProcScalingStatistics" : {
+            "outerShell" : {
+               "DanoOverSigDano" : ".793",
+               "anomalousCompletenessSpherical" : "16.3",
+               "meanIOverSigI" : "1.6",
+               "rPimWithinIPlusIMinus" : ".758",
+               "multiplicity" : "5.6",
+               "rMerge" : "1.175",
+               "resolutionLimitLow" : "1.830",
+               "completenessEllipsoidal" : "53.6",
+               "nTotalUniqueObservations" : "3642",
+               "anomalousMultiplicity" : "2.8",
+               "ccAnomalous" : "-0.000",
+               "anomalousCompletenessEllipsoidal" : "52.7",
+               "rMeasWithinIPlusIMinus" : "1.320",
+               "nTotalObservations" : "20258",
+               "anomalousCompleteness" : "52.7",
+               "rPimAllIPlusIMinus" : ".540",
+               "rMeasAllIPlusIMinus" : "1.296",
+               "completeness" : "53.6",
+               "ccHalf" : "0.480",
+               "completenessSpherical" : "16.7",
+               "resolutionLimitHigh" : "1.681"
+            },
+            "overall" : {
+               "DanoOverSigDano" : ".848",
+               "anomalousCompletenessSpherical" : "76.7",
+               "meanIOverSigI" : "12.6",
+               "rPimWithinIPlusIMinus" : ".057",
+               "multiplicity" : "5.2",
+               "rMerge" : ".087",
+               "completenessEllipsoidal" : "93.2",
+               "resolutionLimitLow" : "64.325",
+               "nTotalUniqueObservations" : "75926",
+               "anomalousMultiplicity" : "2.7",
+               "rMeasWithinIPlusIMinus" : ".097",
+               "ccAnomalous" : "0.033",
+               "anomalousCompletenessEllipsoidal" : "91.7",
+               "nTotalObservations" : "393991",
+               "anomalousCompleteness" : "91.7",
+               "rPimAllIPlusIMinus" : ".042",
+               "rMeasAllIPlusIMinus" : ".097",
+               "completeness" : "93.2",
+               "ccHalf" : "0.999",
+               "completenessSpherical" : "78.1",
+               "resolutionLimitHigh" : "1.681"
+            },
+            "innerShell" : {
+               "completeness" : "98.3",
+               "rMeasAllIPlusIMinus" : ".035",
+               "rPimAllIPlusIMinus" : ".015",
+               "completenessSpherical" : "98.3",
+               "resolutionLimitHigh" : "4.853",
+               "ccHalf" : "0.999",
+               "nTotalUniqueObservations" : "4050",
+               "anomalousMultiplicity" : "2.7",
+               "completenessEllipsoidal" : "98.3",
+               "resolutionLimitLow" : "64.325",
+               "nTotalObservations" : "20598",
+               "anomalousCompleteness" : "96.4",
+               "rMeasWithinIPlusIMinus" : ".033",
+               "ccAnomalous" : "0.206",
+               "anomalousCompletenessEllipsoidal" : "96.4",
+               "rMerge" : ".032",
+               "rPimWithinIPlusIMinus" : ".019",
+               "meanIOverSigI" : "38.7",
+               "DanoOverSigDano" : "1.021",
+               "anomalousCompletenessSpherical" : "96.4",
+               "multiplicity" : "5.1"
+            }
+         },
+         "AutoProc" : {
+            "wavelength" : ".97926",
+            "spaceGroup" : "P 1 21 1",
+            "refinedCell_beta" : "92.547",
+            "refinedCell_b" : "116.975",
+            "refinedCell_c" : "64.389",
+            "refinedCell_gamma" : "90.000",
+            "refinedCell_alpha" : "90.000",
+            "refinedCell_a" : "57.988"
+         }
+      },
+      "processingtype" : "autoPROC",
+      "datatype" : "images",
+      "referencedata" : {
+         "cell" : {
+            "alpha" : "90.000",
+            "b" : "117.031",
+            "beta" : "92.540",
+            "c" : "64.444",
+            "gamma" : "90.000",
+            "a" : "58.020"
+         },
+         "symmetry" : "4"
+      }
+   },
+   "ligandfitting" : {
+      "type" : "Rhofit",
+      "ligands" : [
+         {
+            "solutions" : [
+               {
+                  "correlationcoefficient" : 0.8977,
+                  "output" : "Hit_00_00_000.pdb",
+                  "rhofitscore" : -1771.6,
+                  "ligandstrain" : -2.4,
+                  "chain" : "B",
+                  "closecontacts" : "",
+                  "solution_number" : 1,
+                  "poorfit" : "0/36",
+                  "contactscore" : 0
+               },
+               {
+                  "ligandstrain" : -5.2,
+                  "rhofitscore" : -1555.8,
+                  "chain" : "A",
+                  "closecontacts" : "",
+                  "correlationcoefficient" : 0.8759,
+                  "output" : "Hit_01_00_000.pdb",
+                  "solution_number" : 2,
+                  "poorfit" : "0/36",
+                  "contactscore" : 0
+               }
+            ],
+            "ligandname" : "grade-LIG",
+            "validationstatistics" : {
+               "ligandstatistics" : [
+                  {
+                     "ligandomax" : 1,
+                     "mogulzangl" : 1.401,
+                     "ligandomin" : 1,
+                     "mogulbond" : "0/38",
+                     "ligandcc" : 0.961,
+                     "moguldihe" : "0/1",
+                     "ligandbmin" : 18.34,
+                     "mogulzbond" : 1.135,
+                     "mogulring" : "0/2",
+                     "ligandbmax" : 25.17,
+                     "ligandid" : "LIG A4000",
+                     "mogulangl" : "1/32",
+                     "ligandbavg" : 20.73
+                  },
+                  {
+                     "ligandbavg" : 21.34,
+                     "mogulangl" : "1/32",
+                     "ligandid" : "LIG B4000",
+                     "mogulzbond" : 1.082,
+                     "mogulring" : "0/2",
+                     "ligandbmax" : 23.8,
+                     "ligandbmin" : 19.91,
+                     "mogulbond" : "0/38",
+                     "ligandcc" : 0.963,
+                     "moguldihe" : "0/1",
+                     "ligandomin" : 1,
+                     "mogulzangl" : 1.49,
+                     "ligandomax" : 1
+                  }
+               ],
+               "molprobity" : {
+                  "poorrotamers" : 15,
+                  "ramafavoredpercent" : 98.22,
+                  "cbetadeviations" : 0,
+                  "rmsbonds" : 0.0117,
+                  "clashpercentile" : "(percentile: 88.9 N=41210, 1.68A+/-0.25A) ",
+                  "poorrotamerspercent" : 2,
+                  "molprobitypercentile" : "(percentile: 80.1 N=40590, 1.68A+/-0.25A) ",
+                  "ramaoutlierpercent" : 0,
+                  "molprobityscore" : 1.13,
+                  "rmsangles" : 1.48,
+                  "ramaoutliers" : 0,
+                  "clashscore" : 1.57,
+                  "ramafavored" : 829
+               }
+            },
+            "postrefinement" : [
+               {
+                  "WatersPresent" : null,
+                  "MeanB" : 32.38,
+                  "R" : 0.201342,
+                  "WilsonB" : 28.35,
+                  "step" : "initial",
+                  "Rfree" : 0.228701,
+                  "type" : "BUSTER",
+                  "RMSangles" : 0.896618,
+                  "RMSbonds" : 0.00818761,
+                  "cycle_number" : 0
+               },
+               {
+                  "Rfree" : 0.223919,
+                  "step" : "final",
+                  "RMSbonds" : 0.00815796,
+                  "cycle_number" : 1,
+                  "RMSangles" : 0.898311,
+                  "type" : "BUSTER",
+                  "R" : 0.194171,
+                  "WatersPresent" : 796,
+                  "MeanB" : 32.43,
+                  "WilsonB" : 28.35
+               }
+            ]
+         }
+      ]
+   }
diff --git a/data/jsonexamples_andrew/1-summary.out b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/1-summary.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..50029298d013c825ee950af1d9d6033c86e74c50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/1-summary.out
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+##   [pipedream] Automatic data processing and structure refinement         ##
+      Copyright (C) 2011-__YEAR__ by Global Phasing Limited
+                All rights reserved.
+                This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential
+                technology of Global Phasing Limited (GPhL). Possession, use,
+                duplication or dissemination of the software is authorised
+                only pursuant to a valid written licence from GPhL.
+      Version:  __VERSION__  <__DATE__>
+      Authors:  Sharff A, Keller P, Vonrhein C, Smart O, Womack T, 
+                Flensburg C, Paciorek W, Bricogne G (__YEAR__). 
+                Pipedream version __VERSION__. Global Phasing Ltd.,
+                Cambridge, United Kingdom.
+      Partial support by EU project: SILVER (FP7-HEALTH-F3-2010-260644)
+      Contact:  buster-develop@globalphasing.com
+ Program citations:
+ autoPROC : Vonrhein, C., Flensburg, C., Keller, P., Sharff, A., Smart, O., Paciorek, W.,
+            Womack, T. and Bricogne, G. (2011). Data processing and analysis with
+            the autoPROC toolbox. Acta Cryst. D67, 293-302.
+ Phaser   : McCoy, A.J., Grosse-Kunstleve, R.W., Adams, P.D., Winn, M.D., Storoni, L.C.
+            and Read, R.J. (2007). Phaser Crystallographic Software. J. Appl. Cryst., 40, 658-674.
+ BUSTER   : Bricogne G., Blanc E., Brandl M., Flensburg C., Keller P., Paciorek W.,
+            Roversi, P., Sharff A., Smart O.S., Vonrhein C. and Womack T.O. (__YEAR__).
+            BUSTER version 2.13.0. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Global Phasing Ltd.
+ PDB_REDO : Joosten, R.P., Joosten, K., Cohen, S.X., Vriend, G. and Perrakis, A. (2011),
+            Automatic rebuilding and optimization of crystallographic structures in the
+            Protein Data Bank. Bioinformatics, 27, 3392-3398.
+ =======================================
+    Processing and Refinement Summary 
+ =======================================
+ Pipedream version: __VERSION__  <__DATE__>
+ Run by asharff on escher at 08:27:12 on Mon Jul  5 2021
+ Run from /.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial4
+ Job ID: d9429ffe-50a1-4330-879a-65d39338f358
+ Command run: pipedream  -imagedir SMYD2_6cbx/data -nofreeref -useaniso \
+              -apcommands "ReversePhi=yes IgnoreImageZero=yes" -xyzin \
+              6cby-input.pdb -chains "A B" -remediate -sidechainrebuild -rhofit \
+              grade-LIG.cif -xclusters 2 -d results/20210705
+ All output in /.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial4/results/20210705
+ WARNING : Reference structure factors
+           (results/20210705/6cby-input_nowater.mtz) have been back-calculated
+           from reference model with sfall!
+ NOTE :  You are running Pipedream without a common Free R set. This is not
+         adviseable as it may compromise cross-validation!
+ ==================================================
+ *********** autoPROC (Data Processing) ***********
+ ==================================================
+ Data successfully processed by autoPROC.
+ Summary of anisotropic data analysis: 
+ Reference model cell     58.0200 117.0310 64.4440 90.0 92.5 90.0
+ Spacegroup name          P21
+ Unit cell parameters     57.988 116.975 64.389 90.000 92.547 90.000
+ Wavelength               0.97926 A
+ Diffraction limits & principal axes of ellipsoid fitted to diffraction cut-off surface:
+   1.681         0.9748   0.0000   0.2232       0.980 _a_* + 0.200 _c_*
+   1.810         0.0000   1.0000   0.0000       _b_*
+   1.872        -0.2232   0.0000   0.9748      -0.200 _a_* + 0.980 _c_*
+ Number of RUNs (sweeps) contributing to this dataset =   2
+ Criteria used in determination of diffraction limits:
+ -----------------------------------------------------
+    local(I/sigI)  >=    1.20
+ Per-reflection cut-off      Operational Resolution                
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
+    I/sigma(I) >= 2.0    :   2.0392 A   for      54550 reflections
+    I/sigma(I) >= 1.0    :   1.9447 A   for      62967 reflections
+    I/sigma(I) >= 0.0    :   1.8694 A   for      70711 reflections
+    all                  :   1.8261 A   for      75926 reflections
+                                             Overall  InnerShell  OuterShell
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Low resolution limit                      64.325      64.325       1.830
+    High resolution limit                      1.681       4.853       1.681
+    Rmeas                                      0.097       0.035       1.296
+    Rpim                                       0.042       0.015       0.540
+    Total number of observations              393991       20598       20258
+    Total number unique                        75926        4050        3642
+    Mean(I)/sd(I)                               12.6        38.7         1.6
+    Completeness (spherical)                    78.1        98.3        16.7
+    Completeness (ellipsoidal)                  93.2        98.3        53.6
+    Multiplicity                                 5.2         5.1         5.6
+    CC(1/2)                                    0.999       0.999       0.480
+    Anomalous completeness (spherical)          76.7        96.4        16.3
+    Anomalous completeness (ellipsoidal)        91.7        96.4        52.7
+    Anomalous multiplicity                       2.7         2.7         2.8
+    CC(ano)                                    0.033       0.206      -0.000
+    |DANO|/sd(DANO)                            0.848       1.021       0.793
+ For full details please see results/20210705/process.out
+ and results/20210705/process/summary.html.
+ Output file (used in all subsequent steps): results/20210705/process/staraniso_alldata-unique.mtz
+ Full reflection data and data quality metrics:
+ results/20210705/process/Data_1_autoPROC_STARANISO_all.cif (deposition-ready)
+ ==================================================
+ ******************* limited MR *******************
+ ==================================================
+ Limited MR procedure run with 2 independently defined units.
+ MR solution found with score (TFZ) 44.8
+        For further details please see MR/*{rotation or translation}.out
+        Output pdb file: MR/phaser.3.pdb
+ =================================================================================================
+ ****** BUSTER refinement and unmodelled density elicitation (default protocol - version 2) ******
+ =================================================================================================
+ BUSTER refinement
+ =================
+ Run_1: Standard refinement, including Rigid Body at big cycle 1
+ Run_2: adding TLS, 1st and 2nd shell water placement
+        See Pipedream manual for full details
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Step                            | R      | Rfree  | RMS (bonds) | RMS (angles) | Mean B   | Wilson B |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Initial                         | 0.4546 | 0.4457 | 0.01030     | 1.09501      |          |          |
+| After 1st refinement (Run_1)    | 0.2707 | 0.2928 | 0.00791     | 0.87208      | 29.22    | 28.35    |
+| Final*               (Run_2)    | 0.2040 | 0.2351 | 0.00831     | 0.90561      | 32.38    | 28.35    |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Waters in final model = 691
+ * Input model remediated by SideAide, correcting sidechain rotamers.
+ -------------------------------------------
+ Summary of outcome of PDB_REDO remediation:
+ Number of residues with changed rotamers               = 46
+ Number of residues with H-bond flips                   = 19
+ Number of residues with cis-trans isomerisation        = 0
+ Number of residues with trans-cis isomerisation        = 0
+ Number of peptide bonds flipped                        = N/A
+ Number of waters removed                               = 0
+ For full details of affected residues, please see coot scripts results/20210705/pdbredo_coot_tour.{scm/py}.
+ To view outcome in coot use command:
+ "coot -p results/20210705/sideaide.pdb -p results/20210705/refine1/refine.pdb \
+ --auto results/20210705/refine1/refine.mtz -script results/20210705/pdbredo_coot_tour.{scm/py}"
+ -------------------------------------------
+ For further details please see refine.out
+ Output files:
+ model:
+              refine/refine.pdb
+              refine/BUSTER_model.cif (deposition-ready)
+ reflection data and map coefficients:
+              refine/refine.mtz
+              refine/BUSTER_refln.cif (deposition-ready)
+ Unmodelled density elicitation:
+ ===============================
+ Run_3: TLS, -L, calculation of map coefficients limited to 1.9A resolution
+ Potential ligand sites identified = 3
+ Site 1   with (estimated) volume of       153.51 A^3   and contacts  <=2.5A: B137(HIS) B181(CYS) B182(ASN) B183(GLY) B206(ASN) B207(HIS) B258(TYR) B260(PHE) B263(GLU)
+ Site 3   with (estimated) volume of       144.61 A^3   and contacts  <=2.5A: A16(GLY) A137(HIS) A183(GLY) A206(ASN) A207(HIS) A258(TYR) A260(PHE) A263(GLU)
+ Site 5   with (estimated) volume of        51.60 A^3   and contacts  <=2.5A: A283(SER) B5(GLY) B10(GLU) B11(ARG)
+ For further details please see refine-L.out
+ Output files:
+              refine-L/refine.mtz
+ ==================================================
+ *********** Ligand Fitting with Rhofit ***********
+ ==================================================
+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ | Running rhofit with ligand *grade-LIG* |
+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ For output and further details please see rhofit-grade-LIG/
+                             rhofit           ligand LigProt  Poorly
+                              total   Correl  strain contact fitting   LigProt contact to residues
+  File               Chain    score   coeff    score   score   atoms   (% means zero weighted in score)
+  =================================================================================================
+   Hit_00_00_000.pdb   B    -1771.6   0.8977    -2.4     0.0    0/36     W|13:HOH% W|14:HOH% W|18:HOH% W|26:HOH% W|367:HOH% W|373:HOH% W|545:HOH% W|546:HOH% W|6:HOH% W|8:HOH%
+   Hit_01_00_000.pdb   A    -1555.8   0.8759    -5.2     0.0    0/36     W|12:HOH% W|2:HOH% W|363:HOH% W|365:HOH% W|370:HOH% W|41:HOH% W|459:HOH% W|4:HOH% W|78:HOH% W|80:HOH%
+ To view the output solutions from Rhofit in coot use the command:
+ visualise-rhofit-coot results/20210705/rhofit-grade-LIG
+ Post refinement of "best" solution will be carried out.
+ Hydrogen atoms will be added to the fit ligand(s) with full occupancy
+ Output file: rhofit-grade-LIG/merged-hydrogenated.pdb
+ BUSTER post-refinement
+ ======================
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Step                            | R      | Rfree  | RMS (bonds) | RMS (angles) | Mean B   | Wilson B |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Initial                         | 0.2013 | 0.2287 | 0.00819     | 0.89662      | 32.38    | 28.35    |
+| Final                           | 0.1942 | 0.2239 | 0.00816     | 0.89831      | 32.43    | 28.35    |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Waters in final model = 796
+ For further details please see postrefine-grade-LIG.out
+ Output files:
+ model:
+              postrefine-grade-LIG/refine.pdb
+              postrefine-grade-LIG/BUSTER_model.cif (deposition-ready)
+ reflection data and map coefficients:
+              postrefine-grade-LIG/refine.mtz
+              postrefine-grade-LIG/BUSTER_refln.cif (deposition-ready)
+ ==================================================
+ ************* Validation statistics **************
+ ==================================================
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Quality metric            | Value  | Percent | Remark                                     |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Clashscore, all atoms     | 1.5700 |         | (percentile: 88.9 N=41210, 1.68A+/-0.25A)  |
+| Poor rotamers             | 15     | 2.00  % | Goal: < 0.3%                               |
+| Ramachandran outliers     | 0      | 0.00  % | Goal: < 0.2%                               |
+| Ramachandran favored      | 829    | 98.22 % | Goal: > 98%                                |
+| Cbeta deviations > 0.25A  | 0      |         | Goal: 0                                    |
+| Molprobity score          | 1.13   |         | (percentile: 80.1 N=40590, 1.68A+/-0.25A)  |
+| RMS (bonds)               | 0.0117 |         |                                            |
+| RMS (angles)              | 1.4800 |         |                                            |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Ligand Refinement Statistics
+ ----------------------------
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Ligand       | CC(2mFo-DFc) | min(B)            | avg(B)              | max(B)          | min(occupancy)  | max(occupancy)  |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| LIG A4000    | 0.961        |  18.34            | 20.73               |  25.17          | 1.00            | 1.00            |
+| LIG B4000    | 0.963        |  19.91            | 21.34               |  23.80          | 1.00            | 1.00            |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Ligand Mogul Statistics
+ -----------------------
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Ligand       | 'bad' bonds  | 'bad' bond angles | 'unusual' dihedrals | 'bad' rings     | bonds rms Z     | angles rms Z    |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| LIG A4000    | 0/38         | 1/32              | 0/1                 | 0/2             | 1.135           | 1.401           |
+| LIG B4000    | 0/38         | 1/32              | 0/1                 | 0/2             | 1.082           | 1.490           |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ For buster-report output see:
+              report-grade-LIG/index.html
+ =======================================
+ Successful termination!
+ Run took 02:01:44 h:m:s to complete
diff --git a/data/jsonexamples_andrew/2-pipedream_summary.json b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/2-pipedream_summary.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..19565674e169b1fdec555b9533e0b77193698387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/2-pipedream_summary.json
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+   "ligandfitting" : {
+      "type" : "Rhofit",
+      "ligands" : [
+         {
+            "validationstatistics" : {
+               "molprobity" : {
+                  "clashpercentile" : "(percentile: 92.1 N=47431, 2.10A+/-0.25A) ",
+                  "cbetadeviations" : 5,
+                  "molprobityscore" : 1.45,
+                  "rmsangles" : 1.58,
+                  "poorrotamers" : 34,
+                  "ramafavored" : 1077,
+                  "ramafavoredpercent" : 97.38,
+                  "ramaoutlierpercent" : 0,
+                  "poorrotamerspercent" : 3.55,
+                  "rmsbonds" : 0.0117,
+                  "clashscore" : 1.63,
+                  "molprobitypercentile" : "(percentile: 70.5 N=46877, 2.10A+/-0.25A) ",
+                  "ramaoutliers" : 0
+               },
+               "ligandstatistics" : [
+                  {
+                     "ligandomin" : 0.9,
+                     "ligandbavg" : 38.16,
+                     "ligandbmax" : 55.44,
+                     "mogulring" : "0/4",
+                     "mogulzbond" : 0.397,
+                     "ligandomax" : 0.9,
+                     "mogulzangl" : 0.816,
+                     "mogulangl" : "0/90",
+                     "mogulbond" : "0/66",
+                     "ligandid" : "LIG A4000",
+                     "ligandbmin" : 32.37,
+                     "ligandcc" : 0.886,
+                     "moguldihe" : "1/25"
+                  },
+                  {
+                     "ligandbavg" : 37.58,
+                     "ligandomin" : 0.88,
+                     "ligandbmax" : 53.33,
+                     "mogulring" : "0/4",
+                     "ligandomax" : 0.88,
+                     "mogulzbond" : 0.507,
+                     "mogulzangl" : 0.698,
+                     "mogulangl" : "0/90",
+                     "ligandid" : "LIG B4000",
+                     "ligandbmin" : 31.64,
+                     "mogulbond" : "0/66",
+                     "ligandcc" : 0.933,
+                     "moguldihe" : "3/25"
+                  },
+                  {
+                     "ligandomax" : 1,
+                     "mogulzbond" : 0.464,
+                     "mogulring" : "0/4",
+                     "ligandbmax" : 48.16,
+                     "ligandomin" : 1,
+                     "ligandbavg" : 34.93,
+                     "moguldihe" : "2/25",
+                     "ligandcc" : 0.958,
+                     "ligandid" : "LIG C4000",
+                     "ligandbmin" : 30.08,
+                     "mogulbond" : "0/66",
+                     "mogulzangl" : 0.831,
+                     "mogulangl" : "0/90"
+                  }
+               ]
+            },
+            "postrefinement" : [
+               {
+                  "cycle_number" : 0,
+                  "type" : "BUSTER",
+                  "R" : 0.194535,
+                  "RMSangles" : 0.965228,
+                  "WatersPresent" : null,
+                  "MeanB" : 45.03,
+                  "step" : "initial",
+                  "RMSbonds" : 0.00801741,
+                  "WilsonB" : 41.16,
+                  "Rfree" : 0.225594
+               },
+               {
+                  "cycle_number" : 1,
+                  "type" : "BUSTER",
+                  "R" : 0.180338,
+                  "RMSangles" : 0.976673,
+                  "WatersPresent" : 833,
+                  "MeanB" : 45.73,
+                  "step" : "final",
+                  "RMSbonds" : 0.00805862,
+                  "WilsonB" : 41.16,
+                  "Rfree" : 0.20928
+               }
+            ],
+            "solutions" : [
+               {
+                  "chain" : "C",
+                  "correlationcoefficient" : 0.8343,
+                  "output" : "Hit_00_00_000.pdb",
+                  "contactscore" : 11.4,
+                  "poorfit" : "0/63",
+                  "rhofitscore" : -3098.9,
+                  "ligandstrain" : 54.3,
+                  "closecontacts" : "",
+                  "solution_number" : 1
+               },
+               {
+                  "correlationcoefficient" : 0.7688,
+                  "contactscore" : 3.7,
+                  "output" : "Hit_01_00_000.pdb",
+                  "poorfit" : "0/63",
+                  "chain" : "A",
+                  "closecontacts" : "",
+                  "solution_number" : 2,
+                  "rhofitscore" : -2724.8,
+                  "ligandstrain" : 26
+               },
+               {
+                  "chain" : "B",
+                  "poorfit" : "6/63",
+                  "output" : "Hit_02_00_000.pdb",
+                  "contactscore" : 26.5,
+                  "correlationcoefficient" : 0.8235,
+                  "ligandstrain" : 32.5,
+                  "rhofitscore" : -2621.4,
+                  "solution_number" : 3,
+                  "closecontacts" : ""
+               }
+            ],
+            "ligandname" : "grade-LIG"
+         }
+      ]
+   },
+   "dataprocessing" : {
+      "inputdata" : {
+         "cell" : {
+            "b" : 102.483,
+            "c" : 100.186,
+            "alpha" : 90,
+            "a" : 81.417,
+            "gamma" : 90,
+            "beta" : 103.529
+         },
+         "symmetry" : 4,
+         "reshigh" : 2.1,
+         "reslo" : 79.1579
+      },
+      "datatype" : "mtz",
+      "processingtype" : "unknown",
+      "referencedata" : {
+         "symmetry" : 4,
+         "cell" : {
+            "beta" : 104.502,
+            "gamma" : 90,
+            "b" : 104.592,
+            "c" : 100.155,
+            "alpha" : 90,
+            "a" : 82.155
+         }
+      }
+   },
+   "GPhL_pipedream" : {
+      "runfrom" : "/.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial2",
+      "jobid" : "fba34f24-e0a1-4837-be09-88e2d3280cd1",
+      "jsonversion" : "0.0.3",
+      "runby" : "asharff : escher : 10:08:26 on Sun Jul  4 2021",
+      "output" : "/.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial2/results/20210704",
+      "command" : "pipedream  -hklin 3i25.mtz -xyzin input.pdb -hklref 3nsh.mtz -chains \"A B C\" -rhofit grade-LIG.cif -xclusters 3 -rhothorough -d results/20210704",
+      "terminationstatus" : "COMPLETED",
+      "version" : "__VERSION__  <__DATE__>"
+   },
+   "refinement" : {
+      "refinementprotocol" : "Default",
+      "Cycles" : [
+         {
+            "RMSangles" : 1.63036,
+            "cycle_number" : 0,
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "R" : 0.322444,
+            "MeanB" : null,
+            "step" : "initial",
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.0212043,
+            "Rfree" : 0.334853,
+            "WilsonB" : null,
+            "WatersPresent" : null
+         },
+         {
+            "cycle_number" : 1,
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "R" : 0.259261,
+            "RMSangles" : 0.96992,
+            "WatersPresent" : null,
+            "MeanB" : 40.5,
+            "step" : "refinement",
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.00790166,
+            "WilsonB" : 41.16,
+            "Rfree" : 0.28433
+         },
+         {
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.00826953,
+            "Rfree" : 0.22939,
+            "WilsonB" : 41.16,
+            "MeanB" : 45.03,
+            "step" : "final",
+            "WatersPresent" : 738,
+            "RMSangles" : 0.981052,
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "R" : 0.197924,
+            "cycle_number" : 2
+         },
+         {
+            "WilsonB" : 41.16,
+            "Rfree" : 0.24219,
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.00788766,
+            "step" : "ligand-detection",
+            "MeanB" : 45.03,
+            "WatersPresent" : 677,
+            "RMSangles" : 0.96824,
+            "R" : 0.214191,
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "cycle_number" : 3
+         }
+      ],
+      "selectedmodel" : "input.pdb",
+      "models" : [
+         {
+            "modelname" : "input",
+            "number" : 1,
+            "LMRscore" : 81.5
+         }
+      ]
+   }
diff --git a/data/jsonexamples_andrew/2-summary.out b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/2-summary.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..67494726959d1de9621a135bfd14732bb5fe83f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/2-summary.out
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+##   [pipedream] Automatic data processing and structure refinement         ##
+      Copyright (C) 2011-__YEAR__ by Global Phasing Limited
+                All rights reserved.
+                This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential
+                technology of Global Phasing Limited (GPhL). Possession, use,
+                duplication or dissemination of the software is authorised
+                only pursuant to a valid written licence from GPhL.
+      Version:  __VERSION__  <__DATE__>
+      Authors:  Sharff A, Keller P, Vonrhein C, Smart O, Womack T, 
+                Flensburg C, Paciorek W, Bricogne G (__YEAR__). 
+                Pipedream version __VERSION__. Global Phasing Ltd.,
+                Cambridge, United Kingdom.
+      Partial support by EU project: SILVER (FP7-HEALTH-F3-2010-260644)
+      Contact:  buster-develop@globalphasing.com
+ Program citations:
+ Phaser   : McCoy, A.J., Grosse-Kunstleve, R.W., Adams, P.D., Winn, M.D., Storoni, L.C.
+            and Read, R.J. (2007). Phaser Crystallographic Software. J. Appl. Cryst., 40, 658-674.
+ BUSTER   : Bricogne G., Blanc E., Brandl M., Flensburg C., Keller P., Paciorek W.,
+            Roversi, P., Sharff A., Smart O.S., Vonrhein C. and Womack T.O. (__YEAR__).
+            BUSTER version 2.13.0. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Global Phasing Ltd.
+ =======================================
+    Processing and Refinement Summary 
+ =======================================
+ Pipedream version: __VERSION__  <__DATE__>
+ Run by asharff on escher at 10:08:26 on Sun Jul  4 2021
+ Run from /.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial2
+ Job ID: fba34f24-e0a1-4837-be09-88e2d3280cd1
+ Command run: pipedream  -hklin 3i25.mtz -xyzin input.pdb -hklref 3nsh.mtz \
+              -chains "A B C" -rhofit grade-LIG.cif -xclusters 3 -rhothorough \
+              -d results/20210704
+ All output in /.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial2/results/20210704
+ ==================================================
+ ************* Input data is MTZ file *************
+ ==================================================
+ Checking indexing consistency against reference mtz file 3nsh.mtz.
+ No need to reindex input data.
+ Copying Freer column from the reference file 3nsh.mtz to the input mtz file.
+ Any pre-existing Freer set in the input file will be discarded.
+ Consistently indexed mtz file with reference Freer is in consistent-input.mtz
+ Cell dimensions and space group information:
+ Reference data          = 82.155 104.592 100.155 90.000 104.502 90.000 'P 1 21 1' (  4) 
+ Experimental data       = 81.417 102.483 100.186 90.000 103.529 90.000 'P 1 21 1' (  4) 
+ NOTE :  Due to a significant difference in cell dimensions between the input
+        data and the reference mtz file (at least one of the cell axes differ
+        in length by more than 0.5 x resolution limit), the independence of the
+        Free R set cannot be guaranteed.
+ Resolution limits of input data are 79.16A  - 2.10A.
+ ==================================================
+ ******************* limited MR *******************
+ ==================================================
+ Limited MR procedure run with 3 independently defined units.
+ MR solution found with score (TFZ) 81.5
+        For further details please see MR/*{rotation or translation}.out
+        Output pdb file: MR/phaser.3.pdb
+ =================================================================================================
+ ****** BUSTER refinement and unmodelled density elicitation (default protocol - version 2) ******
+ =================================================================================================
+ BUSTER refinement
+ =================
+ Run_1: Standard refinement, including Rigid Body at big cycle 1
+ Run_2: adding TLS, 1st and 2nd shell water placement
+        See Pipedream manual for full details
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Step                            | R      | Rfree  | RMS (bonds) | RMS (angles) | Mean B   | Wilson B |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Initial                         | 0.3224 | 0.3349 | 0.02120     | 1.63036      |          |          |
+| After 1st refinement (Run_1)    | 0.2593 | 0.2843 | 0.00790     | 0.96992      | 40.5     | 41.16    |
+| Final                (Run_2)    | 0.1979 | 0.2294 | 0.00827     | 0.98105      | 45.03    | 41.16    |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Waters in final model = 738
+ For further details please see refine.out
+ Output files:
+ model:
+              refine/refine.pdb
+              refine/BUSTER_model.cif (deposition-ready)
+ reflection data and map coefficients:
+              refine/refine.mtz
+              refine/BUSTER_refln.cif (deposition-ready)
+ Unmodelled density elicitation:
+ ===============================
+ Run_3: TLS, -L, calculation of map coefficients limited to 1.9A resolution
+ Potential ligand sites identified = 6
+ Site 1   with (estimated) volume of       292.30 A^3   and contacts  <=1.5A: C38(ASP) C234(ASP)
+ Site 3   with (estimated) volume of       276.76 A^3   and contacts  <=1.5A: A17(GLY) A114(PHE)
+ Site 5   with (estimated) volume of       249.74 A^3   and contacts  <=1.5A: B40(GLY) B204(TYR) B234(ASP) C168(ASN)
+ Site 7   with (estimated) volume of        64.20 A^3   and contacts  <=1.5A: B196(TYR) B296(GLU)
+ Site 9   with (estimated) volume of        62.05 A^3   and contacts  <=1.5A: A211(ARG) A378(GLY) A379(PRO) A381(VAL) C211(ARG) C381(VAL)
+ Site 11  with (estimated) volume of        59.30 A^3   and contacts  <=1.5A: A196(TYR) A296(GLU) A352(ASP)
+ For further details please see refine-L.out
+ Output files:
+              refine-L/refine.mtz
+ ==================================================
+ *********** Ligand Fitting with Rhofit ***********
+ ==================================================
+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ | Running rhofit with ligand *grade-LIG* |
+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ For output and further details please see rhofit-grade-LIG/
+                             rhofit           ligand LigProt  Poorly
+                              total   Correl  strain contact fitting   LigProt contact to residues
+  File               Chain    score   coeff    score   score   atoms   (% means zero weighted in score)
+  =================================================================================================
+   Hit_00_00_000.pdb   C    -3098.9   0.8343    54.3    11.4    0/63     C|239:ASN C|241:ARG C|335:THR C|80:GLY W|14:HOH% W|2:HOH% W|402:HOH% W|403:HOH% W|43:HOH% W|4:HOH% W|575:HOH% W|660:HOH% W|7:HOH% W|85:HOH%
+   Hit_01_00_000.pdb   A    -2724.8   0.7688    26.0     3.7    0/63     A|241:ARG A|335:THR A|338:VAL A|41:SER B|167:LEU W|10:HOH% W|159:HOH% W|38:HOH% W|405:HOH% W|407:HOH% W|41:HOH% W|573:HOH% W|574:HOH% W|63:HOH% W|661:HOH% W|79:HOH% W|80:HOH%
+   Hit_02_00_000.pdb   B    -2621.4   0.8235    32.5    26.5    6/63     B|204:TYR B|234:ASP B|335:THR B|338:VAL B|40:GLY B|80:GLY C|168:ASN W|104:HOH% W|151:HOH% W|177:HOH% W|18:HOH% W|1:HOH% W|409:HOH% W|40:HOH% W|44:HOH% W|455:HOH% W|57:HOH% W|659:HOH W|659:HOH%
+ To view the output solutions from Rhofit in coot use the command:
+ visualise-rhofit-coot results/20210704/rhofit-grade-LIG
+ Post refinement of "best" solution will be carried out.
+ Hydrogen atoms will be added to the fit ligand(s) with full occupancy
+ Output file: rhofit-grade-LIG/merged-hydrogenated.pdb
+ BUSTER post-refinement
+ ======================
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Step                            | R      | Rfree  | RMS (bonds) | RMS (angles) | Mean B   | Wilson B |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Initial                         | 0.1945 | 0.2256 | 0.00802     | 0.96523      | 45.03    | 41.16    |
+| Final                           | 0.1803 | 0.2093 | 0.00806     | 0.97667      | 45.73    | 41.16    |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Waters in final model = 833
+ For further details please see postrefine-grade-LIG.out
+ Output files:
+ model:
+              postrefine-grade-LIG/refine.pdb
+              postrefine-grade-LIG/BUSTER_model.cif (deposition-ready)
+ reflection data and map coefficients:
+              postrefine-grade-LIG/refine.mtz
+              postrefine-grade-LIG/BUSTER_refln.cif (deposition-ready)
+ ==================================================
+ ************* Validation statistics **************
+ ==================================================
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Quality metric            | Value  | Percent | Remark                                     |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Clashscore, all atoms     | 1.6300 |         | (percentile: 92.1 N=47431, 2.10A+/-0.25A)  |
+| Poor rotamers             | 34     | 3.55  % | Goal: < 0.3%                               |
+| Ramachandran outliers     | 0      | 0.00  % | Goal: < 0.2%                               |
+| Ramachandran favored      | 1077   | 97.38 % | Goal: > 98%                                |
+| Cbeta deviations > 0.25A  | 5      |         | Goal: 0                                    |
+| Molprobity score          | 1.45   |         | (percentile: 70.5 N=46877, 2.10A+/-0.25A)  |
+| RMS (bonds)               | 0.0117 |         |                                            |
+| RMS (angles)              | 1.5800 |         |                                            |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Ligand Refinement Statistics
+ ----------------------------
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Ligand       | CC(2mFo-DFc) | min(B)            | avg(B)              | max(B)          | min(occupancy)  | max(occupancy)  |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| LIG A4000    | 0.886        |  32.37            | 38.16               |  55.44          | 0.90            | 0.90            |
+| LIG B4000    | 0.933        |  31.64            | 37.58               |  53.33          | 0.88            | 0.88            |
+| LIG C4000    | 0.958        |  30.08            | 34.93               |  48.16          | 1.00            | 1.00            |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Ligand Mogul Statistics
+ -----------------------
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Ligand       | 'bad' bonds  | 'bad' bond angles | 'unusual' dihedrals | 'bad' rings     | bonds rms Z     | angles rms Z    |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| LIG A4000    | 0/66         | 0/90              | 1/25                | 0/4             | 0.397           | 0.816           |
+| LIG B4000    | 0/66         | 0/90              | 3/25                | 0/4             | 0.507           | 0.698           |
+| LIG C4000    | 0/66         | 0/90              | 2/25                | 0/4             | 0.464           | 0.831           |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ For buster-report output see:
+              report-grade-LIG/index.html
+ =======================================
+ Successful termination!
+ Run took 02:30:02 h:m:s to complete
diff --git a/data/jsonexamples_andrew/3-pipedream_summary.json b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/3-pipedream_summary.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bba779817c318c1d5c5237445429b410133aa06a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/3-pipedream_summary.json
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+   "dataprocessing" : {
+      "referencedata" : {
+         "cell" : {
+            "a" : 54.268,
+            "b" : 58.462,
+            "alpha" : 90,
+            "c" : 66.267,
+            "beta" : 90,
+            "gamma" : 90
+         },
+         "symmetry" : 19
+      },
+      "datatype" : "mtz",
+      "processingtype" : "unknown",
+      "inputdata" : {
+         "reshigh" : 1.6982,
+         "reslo" : 19.8514,
+         "symmetry" : 19,
+         "cell" : {
+            "alpha" : 90,
+            "a" : 54.537,
+            "b" : 57.911,
+            "gamma" : 90,
+            "beta" : 90,
+            "c" : 66.625
+         }
+      }
+   },
+   "refinement" : {
+      "selectedmodel" : "input.pdb",
+      "refinementprotocol" : "Default",
+      "models" : [
+         {
+            "modelname" : "input",
+            "LMRscore" : 27.3,
+            "number" : 1
+         }
+      ],
+      "Cycles" : [
+         {
+            "MeanB" : null,
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.00676234,
+            "step" : "initial",
+            "cycle_number" : 0,
+            "Rfree" : 0.253755,
+            "WilsonB" : null,
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "RMSangles" : 1.01015,
+            "WatersPresent" : null,
+            "R" : 0.25073
+         },
+         {
+            "MeanB" : 17.75,
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.00815136,
+            "cycle_number" : 1,
+            "step" : "refinement",
+            "Rfree" : 0.220545,
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "WilsonB" : 17.79,
+            "RMSangles" : 1.07807,
+            "WatersPresent" : null,
+            "R" : 0.185886
+         },
+         {
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.00823966,
+            "MeanB" : 17.72,
+            "step" : "final",
+            "cycle_number" : 2,
+            "Rfree" : 0.218339,
+            "WilsonB" : 17.79,
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "WatersPresent" : 306,
+            "RMSangles" : 1.07498,
+            "R" : 0.184783
+         },
+         {
+            "WatersPresent" : 320,
+            "RMSangles" : 1.0768,
+            "R" : 0.179247,
+            "cycle_number" : 3,
+            "step" : "ligand-detection",
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "WilsonB" : 17.79,
+            "Rfree" : 0.211188,
+            "MeanB" : 17.72,
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.0081964
+         }
+      ]
+   },
+   "ligandfitting" : {
+      "type" : "Rhofit",
+      "ligands" : [
+         {
+            "postrefinement" : [
+               {
+                  "R" : 0.188362,
+                  "RMSangles" : 1.0734,
+                  "WatersPresent" : null,
+                  "MeanB" : 17.72,
+                  "RMSbonds" : 0.00818193,
+                  "Rfree" : 0.221954,
+                  "WilsonB" : 17.79,
+                  "type" : "BUSTER",
+                  "cycle_number" : 0,
+                  "step" : "initial"
+               },
+               {
+                  "RMSbonds" : 0.00807943,
+                  "MeanB" : 18.05,
+                  "cycle_number" : 1,
+                  "step" : "final",
+                  "Rfree" : 0.211086,
+                  "type" : "BUSTER",
+                  "WilsonB" : 17.79,
+                  "RMSangles" : 1.07013,
+                  "WatersPresent" : 336,
+                  "R" : 0.179147
+               }
+            ],
+            "validationstatistics" : {
+               "molprobity" : {
+                  "poorrotamers" : 2,
+                  "ramafavoredpercent" : 98.19,
+                  "ramafavored" : 217,
+                  "rmsangles" : 1.59,
+                  "cbetadeviations" : 0,
+                  "clashscore" : 1.8,
+                  "molprobitypercentile" : "(percentile: 91.4 N=40830, 1.70A+/-0.25A) ",
+                  "molprobityscore" : 0.97,
+                  "ramaoutlierpercent" : 0,
+                  "rmsbonds" : 0.0138,
+                  "clashpercentile" : "(percentile: 86.2 N=41457, 1.70A+/-0.25A) ",
+                  "poorrotamerspercent" : 1.09,
+                  "ramaoutliers" : 0
+               },
+               "ligandstatistics" : [
+                  {
+                     "mogulring" : "0/1",
+                     "ligandomin" : 0.91,
+                     "ligandbmax" : 53.18,
+                     "ligandbmin" : 52.13,
+                     "ligandid" : "L01 A4000",
+                     "ligandomax" : 0.91,
+                     "ligandbavg" : 52.45,
+                     "mogulzangl" : 0.445,
+                     "mogulangl" : "0/11",
+                     "mogulzbond" : 0.753,
+                     "moguldihe" : "0/1",
+                     "ligandcc" : 0.65,
+                     "mogulbond" : "0/9"
+                  }
+               ]
+            },
+            "solutions" : [
+               {
+                  "ligandstrain" : 0,
+                  "solution_number" : 1,
+                  "poorfit" : "2/10",
+                  "contactscore" : 0,
+                  "closecontacts" : "",
+                  "correlationcoefficient" : 0.6119,
+                  "rhofitscore" : -141,
+                  "chain" : "A",
+                  "output" : "Hit_00_00_000.pdb"
+               }
+            ],
+            "ligandname" : "grade-L01"
+         },
+         {
+            "postrefinement" : [
+               {
+                  "MeanB" : 18.05,
+                  "RMSbonds" : 0.00819827,
+                  "WilsonB" : 17.79,
+                  "type" : "BUSTER",
+                  "Rfree" : 0.219751,
+                  "cycle_number" : 0,
+                  "step" : "initial",
+                  "R" : 0.185995,
+                  "RMSangles" : 1.06384,
+                  "WatersPresent" : null
+               },
+               {
+                  "cycle_number" : 1,
+                  "step" : "final",
+                  "Rfree" : 0.207479,
+                  "type" : "BUSTER",
+                  "WilsonB" : 17.79,
+                  "RMSbonds" : 0.00817447,
+                  "MeanB" : 17.74,
+                  "RMSangles" : 1.05998,
+                  "WatersPresent" : 336,
+                  "R" : 0.177997
+               }
+            ],
+            "validationstatistics" : {
+               "ligandstatistics" : [
+                  {
+                     "ligandbavg" : 18.88,
+                     "ligandid" : "L02 A4000",
+                     "ligandomax" : 0.77,
+                     "ligandomin" : 0.77,
+                     "ligandbmax" : 20.38,
+                     "ligandbmin" : 16.57,
+                     "mogulring" : "0/1",
+                     "mogulangl" : "0/8",
+                     "mogulzangl" : 0.526,
+                     "moguldihe" : "0/0",
+                     "mogulbond" : "0/7",
+                     "ligandcc" : 0.664,
+                     "mogulzbond" : 0.969
+                  }
+               ],
+               "molprobity" : {
+                  "poorrotamers" : 2,
+                  "ramafavored" : 217,
+                  "ramafavoredpercent" : 98.19,
+                  "rmsangles" : 1.58,
+                  "cbetadeviations" : 0,
+                  "clashscore" : 1.2,
+                  "molprobityscore" : 0.86,
+                  "molprobitypercentile" : "(percentile: 95.4 N=40830, 1.70A+/-0.25A) ",
+                  "ramaoutlierpercent" : 0,
+                  "clashpercentile" : "(percentile: 93.0 N=41457, 1.70A+/-0.25A) ",
+                  "rmsbonds" : 0.0138,
+                  "poorrotamerspercent" : 1.09,
+                  "ramaoutliers" : 0
+               }
+            },
+            "solutions" : [
+               {
+                  "correlationcoefficient" : 0.6295,
+                  "rhofitscore" : -160.7,
+                  "chain" : "A",
+                  "output" : "Hit_00_00_000.pdb",
+                  "solution_number" : 1,
+                  "poorfit" : "3/7",
+                  "ligandstrain" : 0,
+                  "contactscore" : 0,
+                  "closecontacts" : ""
+               }
+            ],
+            "ligandname" : "grade-L02"
+         }
+      ]
+   },
+   "GPhL_pipedream" : {
+      "terminationstatus" : "COMPLETED",
+      "jobid" : "5b92df59-28d2-4840-aefa-b9b2a28298ba",
+      "output" : "/.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial3/results/20210702",
+      "runfrom" : "/.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial3",
+      "command" : "pipedream  -hklin 3rxt.mtz -xyzin input.pdb -hklref 3rxe.mtz -keepwater -nowateradd -rhofit grade-L01.cif,grade-L02.cif -d results/20210702",
+      "jsonversion" : "0.0.3",
+      "version" : "__VERSION__  <__DATE__>",
+      "runby" : "asharff : escher : 17:59:06 on Fri Jul  2 2021"
+   }
diff --git a/data/jsonexamples_andrew/3-summary.out b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/3-summary.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0577b98e71857f91ee4046f177034caef8cc28b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/3-summary.out
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+##   [pipedream] Automatic data processing and structure refinement         ##
+      Copyright (C) 2011-__YEAR__ by Global Phasing Limited
+                All rights reserved.
+                This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential
+                technology of Global Phasing Limited (GPhL). Possession, use,
+                duplication or dissemination of the software is authorised
+                only pursuant to a valid written licence from GPhL.
+      Version:  __VERSION__  <__DATE__>
+      Authors:  Sharff A, Keller P, Vonrhein C, Smart O, Womack T, 
+                Flensburg C, Paciorek W, Bricogne G (__YEAR__). 
+                Pipedream version __VERSION__. Global Phasing Ltd.,
+                Cambridge, United Kingdom.
+      Partial support by EU project: SILVER (FP7-HEALTH-F3-2010-260644)
+      Contact:  buster-develop@globalphasing.com
+ Program citations:
+ Phaser   : McCoy, A.J., Grosse-Kunstleve, R.W., Adams, P.D., Winn, M.D., Storoni, L.C.
+            and Read, R.J. (2007). Phaser Crystallographic Software. J. Appl. Cryst., 40, 658-674.
+ BUSTER   : Bricogne G., Blanc E., Brandl M., Flensburg C., Keller P., Paciorek W.,
+            Roversi, P., Sharff A., Smart O.S., Vonrhein C. and Womack T.O. (__YEAR__).
+            BUSTER version 2.13.0. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Global Phasing Ltd.
+ =======================================
+    Processing and Refinement Summary 
+ =======================================
+ Pipedream version: __VERSION__  <__DATE__>
+ Run by asharff on escher at 17:59:06 on Fri Jul  2 2021
+ Run from /.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial3
+ Job ID: 5b92df59-28d2-4840-aefa-b9b2a28298ba
+ Command run: pipedream  -hklin 3rxt.mtz -xyzin input.pdb -hklref 3rxe.mtz \
+              -keepwater -nowateradd -rhofit grade-L01.cif,grade-L02.cif -d \
+              results/20210702
+ All output in /.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial3/results/20210702
+ ==================================================
+ ************* Input data is MTZ file *************
+ ==================================================
+ Checking indexing consistency against reference mtz file 3rxe.mtz.
+ No need to reindex input data.
+ Copying Freer column from the reference file 3rxe.mtz to the input mtz file.
+ Any pre-existing Freer set in the input file will be discarded.
+ Consistently indexed mtz file with reference Freer is in consistent-input.mtz
+ Cell dimensions and space group information:
+ Reference data          = 54.268 58.462 66.267 90.000 90.000 90.000 'P 21 21 21' ( 19) 
+ Experimental data       = 54.537 57.911 66.625 90.000 90.000 90.000 'P 21 21 21' ( 19) 
+ Resolution limits of input data are 19.85A  - 1.70A.
+ ==================================================
+ ******************* limited MR *******************
+ ==================================================
+ Limited MR procedure run with 1 independently defined units.
+ MR solution found with score (TFZ) 27.3
+        For further details please see MR/*{rotation or translation}.out
+        Output pdb file: MR/phaser.3.pdb
+ =================================================================================================
+ ****** BUSTER refinement and unmodelled density elicitation (default protocol - version 2) ******
+ =================================================================================================
+ BUSTER refinement
+ =================
+ Run_1: Standard refinement, including Rigid Body at big cycle 1
+ Run_2: adding TLS, 1st and 2nd shell water placement
+        See Pipedream manual for full details
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Step                            | R      | Rfree  | RMS (bonds) | RMS (angles) | Mean B   | Wilson B |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Initial                         | 0.2507 | 0.2538 | 0.00676     | 1.01015      |          |          |
+| After 1st refinement (Run_1)    | 0.1859 | 0.2205 | 0.00815     | 1.07807      | 17.75    | 17.79    |
+| Final                (Run_2)    | 0.1848 | 0.2183 | 0.00824     | 1.07498      | 17.72    | 17.79    |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Waters in final model = 306
+ For further details please see refine.out
+ Output files:
+ model:
+              refine/refine.pdb
+              refine/BUSTER_model.cif (deposition-ready)
+ reflection data and map coefficients:
+              refine/refine.mtz
+              refine/BUSTER_refln.cif (deposition-ready)
+ Unmodelled density elicitation:
+ ===============================
+ Run_3: TLS, -L, calculation of map coefficients limited to 1.9A resolution
+ Potential ligand sites identified = 0
+ For further details please see refine-L.out
+ Output files:
+              refine-L/refine.mtz
+ ==================================================
+ *********** Ligand Fitting with Rhofit ***********
+ ==================================================
+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ | Running rhofit with ligand *grade-L01* |
+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ For output and further details please see rhofit-grade-L01/
+                             rhofit           ligand LigProt  Poorly
+                              total   Correl  strain contact fitting   LigProt contact to residues
+  File               Chain    score   coeff    score   score   atoms   (% means zero weighted in score)
+  =================================================================================================
+   Hit_00_00_000.pdb   A     -141.0   0.6119     0.0     0.0    2/10     A|301:HOH% A|339:HOH% A|372:HOH% A|95:ASN
+ To view the output solutions from Rhofit in coot use the command:
+ visualise-rhofit-coot results/20210702/rhofit-grade-L01
+ Post refinement of "best" solution will be carried out.
+ Hydrogen atoms will be added to the fit ligand(s) with full occupancy
+ Output file: rhofit-grade-L01/merged-hydrogenated.pdb
+ BUSTER post-refinement
+ ======================
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Step                            | R      | Rfree  | RMS (bonds) | RMS (angles) | Mean B   | Wilson B |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Initial                         | 0.1884 | 0.2220 | 0.00818     | 1.07340      | 17.72    | 17.79    |
+| Final                           | 0.1791 | 0.2111 | 0.00808     | 1.07013      | 18.05    | 17.79    |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Waters in final model = 336
+ For further details please see postrefine-grade-L01.out
+ Output files:
+ model:
+              postrefine-grade-L01/refine.pdb
+              postrefine-grade-L01/BUSTER_model.cif (deposition-ready)
+ reflection data and map coefficients:
+              postrefine-grade-L01/refine.mtz
+              postrefine-grade-L01/BUSTER_refln.cif (deposition-ready)
+ ==================================================
+ ************* Validation statistics **************
+ ==================================================
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Quality metric            | Value  | Percent | Remark                                     |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Clashscore, all atoms     | 1.8000 |         | (percentile: 86.2 N=41457, 1.70A+/-0.25A)  |
+| Poor rotamers             | 2      | 1.09  % | Goal: < 0.3%                               |
+| Ramachandran outliers     | 0      | 0.00  % | Goal: < 0.2%                               |
+| Ramachandran favored      | 217    | 98.19 % | Goal: > 98%                                |
+| Cbeta deviations > 0.25A  | 0      |         | Goal: 0                                    |
+| Molprobity score          | 0.97   |         | (percentile: 91.4 N=40830, 1.70A+/-0.25A)  |
+| RMS (bonds)               | 0.0138 |         |                                            |
+| RMS (angles)              | 1.5900 |         |                                            |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Ligand Refinement Statistics
+ ----------------------------
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Ligand       | CC(2mFo-DFc) | min(B)            | avg(B)              | max(B)          | min(occupancy)  | max(occupancy)  |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| L01 A4000    | 0.650        |  52.13            | 52.45               |  53.18          | 0.91            | 0.91            |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Ligand Mogul Statistics
+ -----------------------
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Ligand       | 'bad' bonds  | 'bad' bond angles | 'unusual' dihedrals | 'bad' rings     | bonds rms Z     | angles rms Z    |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| L01 A4000    | 0/9          | 0/11              | 0/1                 | 0/1             | 0.753           | 0.445           |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ For buster-report output see:
+              report-grade-L01/index.html
+ =======================================
+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ | Running rhofit with ligand *grade-L02* |
+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ For output and further details please see rhofit-grade-L02/
+                             rhofit           ligand LigProt  Poorly
+                              total   Correl  strain contact fitting   LigProt contact to residues
+  File               Chain    score   coeff    score   score   atoms   (% means zero weighted in score)
+  =================================================================================================
+   Hit_00_00_000.pdb   A     -160.7   0.6295     0.0     0.0    3/7     A|283:HOH% A|304:HOH% A|372:HOH% A|74:ASN A|76:VAL A|82:PHE
+ To view the output solutions from Rhofit in coot use the command:
+ visualise-rhofit-coot results/20210702/rhofit-grade-L02
+ Post refinement of "best" solution will be carried out.
+ Hydrogen atoms will be added to the fit ligand(s) with full occupancy
+ Output file: rhofit-grade-L02/merged-hydrogenated.pdb
+ BUSTER post-refinement
+ ======================
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Step                            | R      | Rfree  | RMS (bonds) | RMS (angles) | Mean B   | Wilson B |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Initial                         | 0.1860 | 0.2198 | 0.00820     | 1.06384      | 18.05    | 17.79    |
+| Final                           | 0.1780 | 0.2075 | 0.00817     | 1.05998      | 17.74    | 17.79    |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Waters in final model = 336
+ For further details please see postrefine-grade-L02.out
+ Output files:
+ model:
+              postrefine-grade-L02/refine.pdb
+              postrefine-grade-L02/BUSTER_model.cif (deposition-ready)
+ reflection data and map coefficients:
+              postrefine-grade-L02/refine.mtz
+              postrefine-grade-L02/BUSTER_refln.cif (deposition-ready)
+ ==================================================
+ ************* Validation statistics **************
+ ==================================================
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Quality metric            | Value  | Percent | Remark                                     |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Clashscore, all atoms     | 1.2000 |         | (percentile: 93.0 N=41457, 1.70A+/-0.25A)  |
+| Poor rotamers             | 2      | 1.09  % | Goal: < 0.3%                               |
+| Ramachandran outliers     | 0      | 0.00  % | Goal: < 0.2%                               |
+| Ramachandran favored      | 217    | 98.19 % | Goal: > 98%                                |
+| Cbeta deviations > 0.25A  | 0      |         | Goal: 0                                    |
+| Molprobity score          | 0.86   |         | (percentile: 95.4 N=40830, 1.70A+/-0.25A)  |
+| RMS (bonds)               | 0.0138 |         |                                            |
+| RMS (angles)              | 1.5800 |         |                                            |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Ligand Refinement Statistics
+ ----------------------------
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Ligand       | CC(2mFo-DFc) | min(B)            | avg(B)              | max(B)          | min(occupancy)  | max(occupancy)  |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| L02 A4000    | 0.664        |  16.57            | 18.88               |  20.38          | 0.77            | 0.77            |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Ligand Mogul Statistics
+ -----------------------
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Ligand       | 'bad' bonds  | 'bad' bond angles | 'unusual' dihedrals | 'bad' rings     | bonds rms Z     | angles rms Z    |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| L02 A4000    | 0/7          | 0/8               | 0/0                 | 0/1             | 0.969           | 0.526           |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ For buster-report output see:
+              report-grade-L02/index.html
+ =======================================
+ Successful termination!
+ Run took 00:25:40 h:m:s to complete
diff --git a/data/jsonexamples_andrew/4-pipedream_summary.json b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/4-pipedream_summary.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..255d3c1b5657b3df75488a4646b0f758f15b439b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/4-pipedream_summary.json
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+   "ligandfitting" : {
+      "type" : "Rhofit",
+      "ligands" : [
+         {
+            "solutions" : [
+               {
+                  "contactscore" : 0,
+                  "closecontacts" : "",
+                  "rhofitscore" : -1976.8,
+                  "output" : "Hit_00_00_000.pdb",
+                  "solution_number" : 1,
+                  "ligandstrain" : 15.1,
+                  "correlationcoefficient" : 0.8237,
+                  "chain" : "A",
+                  "poorfit" : "0/41"
+               }
+            ],
+            "validationstatistics" : {
+               "molprobity" : {
+                  "clashscore" : 0,
+                  "molprobityscore" : 1.06,
+                  "rmsangles" : 1.6,
+                  "rmsbonds" : 0.0121,
+                  "poorrotamers" : 17,
+                  "cbetadeviations" : 1,
+                  "ramafavoredpercent" : 98.05,
+                  "ramafavored" : 352,
+                  "poorrotamerspercent" : 5.41,
+                  "clashpercentile" : "(percentile: 99.4 N=50613, 1.91A+/-0.25A) ",
+                  "ramaoutlierpercent" : 0,
+                  "molprobitypercentile" : "(percentile: 89.3 N=50034, 1.91A+/-0.25A) ",
+                  "ramaoutliers" : 0
+               },
+               "ligandstatistics" : [
+                  {
+                     "moguldihe" : "1/11",
+                     "ligandomin" : 0.82,
+                     "ligandid" : "1R6 A4000",
+                     "mogulring" : "0/3",
+                     "ligandbmax" : 45.99,
+                     "ligandomax" : 0.82,
+                     "mogulangl" : "0/61",
+                     "mogulzangl" : 0.964,
+                     "mogulzbond" : 1.215,
+                     "ligandbmin" : 31.92,
+                     "ligandcc" : 0.93,
+                     "ligandbavg" : 36.11,
+                     "mogulbond" : "1/46"
+                  }
+               ]
+            },
+            "postrefinement" : [
+               {
+                  "RMSangles" : 0.997267,
+                  "type" : "BUSTER",
+                  "WilsonB" : 31.31,
+                  "cycle_number" : 0,
+                  "RMSbonds" : 0.00833401,
+                  "MeanB" : 46.98,
+                  "R" : 0.214341,
+                  "WatersPresent" : null,
+                  "Rfree" : 0.252025,
+                  "step" : "initial"
+               },
+               {
+                  "R" : 0.207073,
+                  "MeanB" : 49.15,
+                  "RMSbonds" : 0.00809347,
+                  "cycle_number" : 1,
+                  "step" : "final",
+                  "Rfree" : 0.250653,
+                  "WatersPresent" : 377,
+                  "type" : "BUSTER",
+                  "RMSangles" : 0.988097,
+                  "WilsonB" : 31.31
+               }
+            ],
+            "ligandname" : "1R6.grade_PDB_ligand"
+         }
+      ]
+   },
+   "dataprocessing" : {
+      "referencedata" : {
+         "symmetry" : 178,
+         "cell" : {
+            "gamma" : 120,
+            "alpha" : 90,
+            "a" : 103.243,
+            "b" : 103.243,
+            "c" : 169.108,
+            "beta" : 90
+         }
+      },
+      "datatype" : "mtz",
+      "inputdata" : {
+         "reslo" : 27.9307,
+         "cell" : {
+            "alpha" : 90,
+            "a" : 102.48,
+            "gamma" : 120,
+            "beta" : 90,
+            "b" : 102.48,
+            "c" : 169.495
+         },
+         "reshigh" : 1.9115,
+         "symmetry" : 178
+      },
+      "processingtype" : "unknown"
+   },
+   "refinement" : {
+      "models" : [
+         {
+            "LMRscore" : 52,
+            "number" : 1,
+            "modelname" : "1-1w50"
+         },
+         {
+            "modelname" : "2-4dh6",
+            "number" : 2,
+            "LMRscore" : 56.8
+         },
+         {
+            "LMRscore" : 53.1,
+            "number" : 3,
+            "modelname" : "3-4j0p"
+         }
+      ],
+      "selectedmodel" : "4dh6.pdb",
+      "refinementprotocol" : "Default",
+      "Cycles" : [
+         {
+            "WatersPresent" : null,
+            "step" : "initial",
+            "Rfree" : 0.352125,
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.010085,
+            "cycle_number" : 0,
+            "R" : 0.354932,
+            "MeanB" : null,
+            "WilsonB" : null,
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "RMSangles" : 0.98686
+         },
+         {
+            "step" : "refinement",
+            "Rfree" : 0.330985,
+            "WatersPresent" : null,
+            "MeanB" : 35.53,
+            "R" : 0.303921,
+            "cycle_number" : 1,
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.00816357,
+            "WilsonB" : 31.31,
+            "RMSangles" : 0.980675,
+            "type" : "BUSTER"
+         },
+         {
+            "step" : "final",
+            "Rfree" : 0.254656,
+            "WatersPresent" : 323,
+            "MeanB" : 46.98,
+            "R" : 0.214914,
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.00853429,
+            "cycle_number" : 2,
+            "WilsonB" : 31.31,
+            "RMSangles" : 1.01029,
+            "type" : "BUSTER"
+         },
+         {
+            "WilsonB" : 31.31,
+            "RMSangles" : 0.999903,
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "step" : "ligand-detection",
+            "Rfree" : 0.274171,
+            "WatersPresent" : 313,
+            "MeanB" : 46.98,
+            "R" : 0.230398,
+            "cycle_number" : 3,
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.00831549
+         }
+      ]
+   },
+   "GPhL_pipedream" : {
+      "jobid" : "dab062c4-2d0c-4aa6-bc59-d1bd89ce50c2",
+      "jsonversion" : "0.0.3",
+      "command" : "pipedream  -hklin 4ke1.mtz -nofreeref -xyzin 1w50.pdb,4dh6.pdb,4j0p.pdb -rhofit 1R6.grade_PDB_ligand.cif -rhothorough -d results/20210704",
+      "runfrom" : "/.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial5",
+      "runby" : "asharff : escher : 18:53:52 on Sun Jul  4 2021",
+      "version" : "__VERSION__  <__DATE__>",
+      "output" : "/.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial5/results/20210704",
+      "terminationstatus" : "COMPLETED"
+   }
diff --git a/data/jsonexamples_andrew/4-summary.out b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/4-summary.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17189423606d96c40bafce07bf905a2365718c59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/4-summary.out
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+##   [pipedream] Automatic data processing and structure refinement         ##
+      Copyright (C) 2011-__YEAR__ by Global Phasing Limited
+                All rights reserved.
+                This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential
+                technology of Global Phasing Limited (GPhL). Possession, use,
+                duplication or dissemination of the software is authorised
+                only pursuant to a valid written licence from GPhL.
+      Version:  __VERSION__  <__DATE__>
+      Authors:  Sharff A, Keller P, Vonrhein C, Smart O, Womack T, 
+                Flensburg C, Paciorek W, Bricogne G (__YEAR__). 
+                Pipedream version __VERSION__. Global Phasing Ltd.,
+                Cambridge, United Kingdom.
+      Partial support by EU project: SILVER (FP7-HEALTH-F3-2010-260644)
+      Contact:  buster-develop@globalphasing.com
+ Program citations:
+ Phaser   : McCoy, A.J., Grosse-Kunstleve, R.W., Adams, P.D., Winn, M.D., Storoni, L.C.
+            and Read, R.J. (2007). Phaser Crystallographic Software. J. Appl. Cryst., 40, 658-674.
+ BUSTER   : Bricogne G., Blanc E., Brandl M., Flensburg C., Keller P., Paciorek W.,
+            Roversi, P., Sharff A., Smart O.S., Vonrhein C. and Womack T.O. (__YEAR__).
+            BUSTER version 2.13.0. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Global Phasing Ltd.
+ =======================================
+    Processing and Refinement Summary 
+ =======================================
+ Pipedream version: __VERSION__  <__DATE__>
+ Run by asharff on escher at 18:53:52 on Sun Jul  4 2021
+ Run from /.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial5
+ Job ID: dab062c4-2d0c-4aa6-bc59-d1bd89ce50c2
+ Command run: pipedream  -hklin 4ke1.mtz -nofreeref -xyzin \
+              1w50.pdb,4dh6.pdb,4j0p.pdb -rhofit 1R6.grade_PDB_ligand.cif \
+              -rhothorough -d results/20210704
+ All output in /.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial5/results/20210704
+ WARNING : Reference structure factors (results/20210704/1-1w50_nowater.mtz)
+           have been back-calculated from reference model with sfall!
+ NOTE :  You are running Pipedream without a common Free R set. This is not
+         adviseable as it may compromise cross-validation!
+ ==================================================
+ ************* Input data is MTZ file *************
+ ==================================================
+ Checking indexing consistency against reference mtz file results/20210704/1-1w50_nowater.mtz.
+ No need to reindex input data.
+ Using Freer column already present in the input mtz file.
+ Cell dimensions and space group information:
+ Reference data          = 103.243 103.243 169.108 90.000 90.000 120.000 'P 61 2 2' (178) 
+ Experimental data       = 102.480 102.480 169.495 90.000 90.000 120.000 'P 61 2 2' (178) 
+ Resolution limits of input data are 27.93A  - 1.91A.
+ ==================================================
+ ****************** Input models ******************
+ ==================================================
+ You are running pipedream with 3 input pdb files.
+ Limited MR and initial refinement will be run on each
+ of the input models, after which the model that best
+ fits the data will be chosen. Further steps will only
+ be run on the selected model.
+ The input models (in order) are: 
+ 1: 1w50.pdb (located in current directory)
+ 2: 4dh6.pdb (located in current directory)
+ 3: 4j0p.pdb (located in current directory)
+ ==================================================
+ ******************* limited MR *******************
+ ==================================================
+ Limited MR procedure run with 1 independently defined units.
+ 1-1w50: MR solution found with score (TFZ) 52.0
+        For further details please see 1-1w50/MR/*{rotation or translation}.out
+        Output pdb file: 1-1w50/MR/phaser.3.pdb
+ 2-4dh6: MR solution found with score (TFZ) 56.8
+        For further details please see 2-4dh6/MR/*{rotation or translation}.out
+        Output pdb file: 2-4dh6/MR/phaser.3.pdb
+ 3-4j0p: MR solution found with score (TFZ) 53.1
+        For further details please see 3-4j0p/MR/*{rotation or translation}.out
+        Output pdb file: 3-4j0p/MR/phaser.3.pdb
+ ==================================================
+ ***************** Model selection ****************
+ ==================================================
+ For the results of initial refinement and the edstats output
+ for each of the input models, please see:
+ results/20210704/1-1w50/refine1/refine.log
+ results/20210704/1-1w50/refine1/edstats.out
+ results/20210704/2-4dh6/refine1/refine.log
+ results/20210704/2-4dh6/refine1/edstats.out
+ results/20210704/3-4j0p/refine1/refine.log
+ results/20210704/3-4j0p/refine1/edstats.out
+ The  residues, automatically selected by pipedream
+ from comparison of pairwise mainchain RMS deviations
+ (deviations > 1.5), that will be used to assess which
+ one of the input models gives the best fit to the
+ input data are listed in the file:
+  results/20210704/comparison-residues.list
+ NOTE : Only residues that are present in ALL of the input models will be
+        considered in selecting the best model. Please be aware that a
+        significant number of missing residues in one or more of the input
+        models could potentially compromise the model selection process!
+ NOTE : The average Z-score of the real-space sample correlation coefficient
+        (ZCCm) over the selected residues for each of the input models are:
+ average ZCCm = 0.3900, for model results/20210704/1-1w50/refine1/refine.pdb
+ average ZCCm = 0.5400, for model results/20210704/2-4dh6/refine1/refine.pdb
+ average ZCCm = 0.4800, for model results/20210704/3-4j0p/refine1/refine.pdb
+ ****************************************************
+ On the basis of having the highest mean ZCCm score,
+ over the selected residue range, the model selected
+ as the best match to the input experimental data is
+ results/20210704/2-4dh6/refine1/refine.pdb
+ refined from 4dh6.pdb
+ Subsequent steps will proceed using this model only!
+ ****************************************************
+ =================================================================================================
+ ****** BUSTER refinement and unmodelled density elicitation (default protocol - version 2) ******
+ =================================================================================================
+ BUSTER refinement
+ =================
+ Run_1: Standard refinement, including Rigid Body at big cycle 1
+ Run_2: adding TLS, 1st and 2nd shell water placement
+        See Pipedream manual for full details
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Step                            | R      | Rfree  | RMS (bonds) | RMS (angles) | Mean B   | Wilson B |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Initial                         | 0.3549 | 0.3521 | 0.01009     | 0.98686      |          |          |
+| After 1st refinement (Run_1)    | 0.3039 | 0.3310 | 0.00816     | 0.98067      | 35.53    | 31.31    |
+| Final                (Run_2)    | 0.2149 | 0.2547 | 0.00853     | 1.01029      | 46.98    | 31.31    |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Waters in final model = 323
+ For further details please see refine.out
+ Output files:
+ model:
+              refine/refine.pdb
+              refine/BUSTER_model.cif (deposition-ready)
+ reflection data and map coefficients:
+              refine/refine.mtz
+              refine/BUSTER_refln.cif (deposition-ready)
+ Unmodelled density elicitation:
+ ===============================
+ Run_3: TLS, -L, calculation of map coefficients limited to 1.9A resolution
+ Potential ligand sites identified = 3
+ Site 1   with (estimated) volume of       147.61 A^3   and contacts  <=1.5A: A32(ASP)
+ Site 3   with (estimated) volume of        77.43 A^3   and contacts  <=1.5A: A105(SER) A107(LYS) A111(ASN)
+ Site 5   with (estimated) volume of        61.10 A^3   and contacts  <=1.5A: A58(SER) A349(ARG)
+ For further details please see refine-L.out
+ Output files:
+              refine-L/refine.mtz
+ ==================================================
+ *********** Ligand Fitting with Rhofit ***********
+ ==================================================
+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ | Running rhofit with ligand *1R6.grade_PDB_ligand* |
+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ For output and further details please see rhofit-1R6.grade_PDB_ligand/
+                             rhofit           ligand LigProt  Poorly
+                              total   Correl  strain contact fitting   LigProt contact to residues
+  File               Chain    score   coeff    score   score   atoms   (% means zero weighted in score)
+  =================================================================================================
+   Hit_00_00_000.pdb   A    -1976.8   0.8237    15.1     0.0    0/41     W|106:HOH% W|238:HOH% W|241:HOH% W|242:HOH% W|245:HOH% W|277:HOH% W|33:HOH% W|37:HOH% W|40:HOH% W|58:HOH%
+ To view the output solutions from Rhofit in coot use the command:
+ visualise-rhofit-coot results/20210704/rhofit-1R6.grade_PDB_ligand
+ Post refinement of "best" solution will be carried out.
+ Hydrogen atoms will be added to the fit ligand(s) with full occupancy
+ Output file: rhofit-1R6.grade_PDB_ligand/merged-hydrogenated.pdb
+ BUSTER post-refinement
+ ======================
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Step                            | R      | Rfree  | RMS (bonds) | RMS (angles) | Mean B   | Wilson B |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Initial                         | 0.2143 | 0.2520 | 0.00833     | 0.99727      | 46.98    | 31.31    |
+| Final                           | 0.2071 | 0.2507 | 0.00809     | 0.98810      | 49.15    | 31.31    |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Waters in final model = 377
+ For further details please see postrefine-1R6.grade_PDB_ligand.out
+ Output files:
+ model:
+              postrefine-1R6.grade_PDB_ligand/refine.pdb
+              postrefine-1R6.grade_PDB_ligand/BUSTER_model.cif (deposition-ready)
+ reflection data and map coefficients:
+              postrefine-1R6.grade_PDB_ligand/refine.mtz
+              postrefine-1R6.grade_PDB_ligand/BUSTER_refln.cif (deposition-ready)
+ ==================================================
+ ************* Validation statistics **************
+ ==================================================
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Quality metric            | Value  | Percent | Remark                                     |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Clashscore, all atoms     | 0.0000 |         | (percentile: 99.4 N=50613, 1.91A+/-0.25A)  |
+| Poor rotamers             | 17     | 5.41  % | Goal: < 0.3%                               |
+| Ramachandran outliers     | 0      | 0.00  % | Goal: < 0.2%                               |
+| Ramachandran favored      | 352    | 98.05 % | Goal: > 98%                                |
+| Cbeta deviations > 0.25A  | 1      |         | Goal: 0                                    |
+| Molprobity score          | 1.06   |         | (percentile: 89.3 N=50034, 1.91A+/-0.25A)  |
+| RMS (bonds)               | 0.0121 |         |                                            |
+| RMS (angles)              | 1.6000 |         |                                            |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Ligand Refinement Statistics
+ ----------------------------
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Ligand       | CC(2mFo-DFc) | min(B)            | avg(B)              | max(B)          | min(occupancy)  | max(occupancy)  |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| 1R6 A4000    | 0.930        |  31.92            | 36.11               |  45.99          | 0.82            | 0.82            |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Ligand Mogul Statistics
+ -----------------------
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Ligand       | 'bad' bonds  | 'bad' bond angles | 'unusual' dihedrals | 'bad' rings     | bonds rms Z     | angles rms Z    |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+| 1R6 A4000    | 1/46         | 0/61              | 1/11                | 0/3             | 1.215           | 0.964           |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ For buster-report output see:
+              report-1R6.grade_PDB_ligand/index.html
+ =======================================
+ Successful termination!
+ Run took 01:42:03 h:m:s to complete