diff --git a/data/jsonexamples_andrew/pipedream/6-pipedream_summary.json b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/pipedream/6-pipedream_summary.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af3f420300cbdc248e2d46d96a559cd06cd6783e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/pipedream/6-pipedream_summary.json
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+   "GPhL_pipedream" : {
+      "runfrom" : "/.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial4",
+      "jobid" : "ab5fe2be-9d14-4c38-a46f-2bb482192fe2",
+      "command" : "pipedream  -autoprocdir results/20210705/process -nofreeref -xyzin 6cby-input.pdb -rhofit grade-LIG.cif -xclusters 2 -d fff1",
+      "terminationstatus" : "COMPLETED",
+      "runby" : "asharff : escher : 16:05:04 on Fri Jul  9 2021",
+      "version" : "__VERSION__  <__DATE__>",
+      "jsonversion" : "0.0.4",
+      "output" : "/.net/fs3/scratch_fs1/asharff/pipedream-tutorials/tutorial4/fff1"
+   },
+   "ligandfitting" : {
+      "type" : "Rhofit",
+      "ligands" : [
+         {
+            "ligandname" : "grade-LIG",
+            "solutions" : [
+               {
+                  "output" : "Hit_00_00_000.pdb",
+                  "contactscore" : 0,
+                  "correlationcoefficient" : 0.8702,
+                  "chain" : "B",
+                  "solution_number" : 1,
+                  "closecontacts" : "",
+                  "ligandstrain" : -4.4,
+                  "rhofitscore" : -1528.2,
+                  "poorfit" : "0/36"
+               },
+               {
+                  "contactscore" : 0,
+                  "output" : "Hit_01_00_000.pdb",
+                  "correlationcoefficient" : 0.8783,
+                  "closecontacts" : "",
+                  "solution_number" : 2,
+                  "chain" : "A",
+                  "rhofitscore" : -1474.9,
+                  "ligandstrain" : -6.3,
+                  "poorfit" : "0/36"
+               }
+            ],
+            "postrefinement" : [
+               {
+                  "WilsonB" : 28.35,
+                  "Rfree" : 0.23754,
+                  "RMSangles" : 0.884527,
+                  "cycle_number" : 0,
+                  "R" : 0.212545,
+                  "RMSbonds" : 0.00812243,
+                  "WatersPresent" : null,
+                  "MeanB" : 31.26,
+                  "step" : "initial",
+                  "type" : "BUSTER"
+               },
+               {
+                  "type" : "BUSTER",
+                  "step" : "final",
+                  "WatersPresent" : 756,
+                  "RMSbonds" : 0.00816878,
+                  "MeanB" : 31.32,
+                  "R" : 0.204523,
+                  "cycle_number" : 1,
+                  "RMSangles" : 0.894371,
+                  "WilsonB" : 28.35,
+                  "Rfree" : 0.234138
+               }
+            ],
+            "validationstatistics" : {
+               "molprobity" : {
+                  "clashscore" : 1.07,
+                  "cbetadeviations" : 0,
+                  "molprobityscore" : 1.08,
+                  "ramafavoredpercent" : 98.22,
+                  "poorrotamers" : 14,
+                  "poorrotamerspercent" : 2.28,
+                  "rmsbonds" : 0.0114,
+                  "rmsangles" : 1.48,
+                  "ramaoutlierpercent" : 0,
+                  "clashpercentile" : "(percentile: 94.2 N=41210, 1.68A+/-0.25A) ",
+                  "ramafavored" : 829,
+                  "ramaoutliers" : 0,
+                  "molprobitypercentile" : "(percentile: 84.1 N=40590, 1.68A+/-0.25A) "
+               },
+               "ligandstatistics" : [
+                  {
+                     "ligandomin" : 1,
+                     "mogulangl" : "1/32",
+                     "mogulring" : "0/2",
+                     "ligandbmax" : 24.64,
+                     "ligandresno" : "4000",
+                     "ligandid" : "LIG A4000",
+                     "ligandchain" : "A",
+                     "ligandomax" : 1,
+                     "mogulzangl" : 1.4,
+                     "mogulzbond" : 1.118,
+                     "moguldihe" : "0/1",
+                     "mogulbond" : "0/38",
+                     "ligandbmin" : 18.81,
+                     "ligandbavg" : 20.91,
+                     "ligandcc" : 0.96
+                  },
+                  {
+                     "ligandbmin" : 19.51,
+                     "mogulbond" : "0/38",
+                     "ligandbavg" : 21,
+                     "ligandcc" : 0.958,
+                     "moguldihe" : "0/1",
+                     "ligandchain" : "B",
+                     "ligandid" : "LIG B4000",
+                     "mogulzbond" : 1.104,
+                     "ligandomax" : 1,
+                     "mogulzangl" : 1.486,
+                     "mogulangl" : "1/32",
+                     "ligandomin" : 1,
+                     "ligandresno" : "4000",
+                     "mogulring" : "0/2",
+                     "ligandbmax" : 23.13
+                  }
+               ]
+            }
+         }
+      ]
+   },
+   "refinement" : {
+      "selectedmodel" : "6cby-input.pdb",
+      "Cycles" : [
+         {
+            "R" : 0.455174,
+            "step" : "initial",
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "MeanB" : null,
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.0103079,
+            "WatersPresent" : null,
+            "Rfree" : 0.445699,
+            "WilsonB" : null,
+            "cycle_number" : 0,
+            "RMSangles" : 1.09477
+         },
+         {
+            "WilsonB" : 28.35,
+            "Rfree" : 0.29327,
+            "cycle_number" : 1,
+            "RMSangles" : 0.870744,
+            "R" : 0.270907,
+            "step" : "refinement",
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.0079089,
+            "WatersPresent" : null,
+            "MeanB" : 29.16
+         },
+         {
+            "cycle_number" : 2,
+            "RMSangles" : 0.893797,
+            "WilsonB" : 28.35,
+            "Rfree" : 0.244699,
+            "step" : "final",
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "WatersPresent" : 662,
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.00825558,
+            "MeanB" : 31.26,
+            "R" : 0.215411
+         },
+         {
+            "WilsonB" : 28.35,
+            "Rfree" : 0.250721,
+            "cycle_number" : 3,
+            "RMSangles" : 0.892493,
+            "R" : 0.221951,
+            "type" : "BUSTER",
+            "step" : "ligand-detection",
+            "WatersPresent" : 671,
+            "RMSbonds" : 0.00817662,
+            "MeanB" : 31.26
+         }
+      ],
+      "refinementprotocol" : "Default",
+      "models" : [
+         {
+            "number" : 1,
+            "LMRscore" : 24.4,
+            "modelname" : "6cby-input"
+         }
+      ]
+   },
+   "dataprocessing" : {
+      "processingdata" : {
+         "AutoProc" : {
+            "refinedCell_c" : "64.389",
+            "refinedCell_gamma" : "90.000",
+            "refinedCell_b" : "116.975",
+            "spaceGroup" : "P 1 21 1",
+            "refinedCell_alpha" : "90.000",
+            "refinedCell_beta" : "92.547",
+            "refinedCell_a" : "57.988",
+            "wavelength" : ".97926"
+         },
+         "AutoProcscaling" : {
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis21" : ".00000",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis22" : "1.00000",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidValue2" : "1.81000",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidValue1" : "1.68100",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis32" : ".00000",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis31" : "-.22319",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis12" : ".00000",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis11" : ".97475",
+            "recordTimeStamp" : "2021-07-05 08:46:02",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidValue3" : "1.87200",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis23" : ".00000",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis13" : ".22319",
+            "resolutionEllipsoidAxis33" : ".97475"
+         },
+         "AutoProcScalingStatistics" : [
+            {
+               "resolutionLimitLow" : "64.325",
+               "scalingStatisticsType" : "overall",
+               "rMerge" : ".087",
+               "anomalousCompletenessEllipsoidal" : "91.7",
+               "resolutionLimitHigh" : "1.681",
+               "rMeasWithinIPlusIMinus" : ".097",
+               "anomalousCompletenessSpherical" : "76.7",
+               "anomalousMultiplicity" : "2.7",
+               "completenessSpherical" : "78.1",
+               "rPimWithinIPlusIMinus" : ".057",
+               "meanIOverSigI" : "12.6",
+               "anomalousCompleteness" : "91.7",
+               "DanoOverSigDano" : ".848",
+               "nTotalObservations" : "393991",
+               "ccHalf" : "0.999",
+               "completeness" : "93.2",
+               "rMeasAllIPlusIMinus" : ".097",
+               "multiplicity" : "5.2",
+               "ccAnomalous" : "0.033",
+               "completenessEllipsoidal" : "93.2",
+               "rPimAllIPlusIMinus" : ".042",
+               "nTotalUniqueObservations" : "75926"
+            },
+            {
+               "rMerge" : ".032",
+               "anomalousCompletenessEllipsoidal" : "96.4",
+               "resolutionLimitLow" : "64.325",
+               "scalingStatisticsType" : "innerShell",
+               "rMeasWithinIPlusIMinus" : ".033",
+               "anomalousCompletenessSpherical" : "96.4",
+               "resolutionLimitHigh" : "4.853",
+               "completenessSpherical" : "98.3",
+               "meanIOverSigI" : "38.7",
+               "rPimWithinIPlusIMinus" : ".019",
+               "anomalousMultiplicity" : "2.7",
+               "DanoOverSigDano" : "1.021",
+               "anomalousCompleteness" : "96.4",
+               "ccHalf" : "0.999",
+               "nTotalObservations" : "20598",
+               "completeness" : "98.3",
+               "rMeasAllIPlusIMinus" : ".035",
+               "multiplicity" : "5.1",
+               "completenessEllipsoidal" : "98.3",
+               "ccAnomalous" : "0.206",
+               "rPimAllIPlusIMinus" : ".015",
+               "nTotalUniqueObservations" : "4050"
+            },
+            {
+               "anomalousCompleteness" : "52.7",
+               "DanoOverSigDano" : ".793",
+               "anomalousMultiplicity" : "2.8",
+               "meanIOverSigI" : "1.6",
+               "rPimWithinIPlusIMinus" : ".758",
+               "completenessSpherical" : "16.7",
+               "resolutionLimitHigh" : "1.681",
+               "anomalousCompletenessSpherical" : "16.3",
+               "rMeasWithinIPlusIMinus" : "1.320",
+               "scalingStatisticsType" : "outerShell",
+               "resolutionLimitLow" : "1.830",
+               "anomalousCompletenessEllipsoidal" : "52.7",
+               "rMerge" : "1.175",
+               "nTotalUniqueObservations" : "3642",
+               "rPimAllIPlusIMinus" : ".540",
+               "ccAnomalous" : "-0.000",
+               "completenessEllipsoidal" : "53.6",
+               "multiplicity" : "5.6",
+               "completeness" : "53.6",
+               "rMeasAllIPlusIMinus" : "1.296",
+               "nTotalObservations" : "20258",
+               "ccHalf" : "0.480"
+            }
+         ]
+      },
+      "referencedata" : {
+         "symmetry" : "4",
+         "cell" : {
+            "alpha" : "90.000",
+            "a" : "58.020",
+            "b" : "117.031",
+            "gamma" : "90.000",
+            "beta" : "92.540",
+            "c" : "64.444"
+         }
+      },
+      "processingtype" : "autoPROC",
+      "datatype" : "images"
+   }
diff --git a/data/jsonexamples_andrew/pipedream/README.txt b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/pipedream/README.txt
index cb07da7bf13133f27e9997ee096b43d6f0dbc04c..29a43c0d78f859f38c23a4d4bab10e99dc527bf5 100644
--- a/data/jsonexamples_andrew/pipedream/README.txt
+++ b/data/jsonexamples_andrew/pipedream/README.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-1. A single input model with a monomer in the asu. 1 ligand
+1. A single input model with a monomer in the asu. 1 ligand.
 2. A single input model with a homotrimer in the asu. 1 ligand but 3 binding sites (1 per chain).
 3. A single input model with a monomer in the asu. 2 input ligands
 4. 3 input models( all with a monomer in the asu. 1 ligand.
-5. A single input model with a monomer in the asu. 1 ligand (Added chain/residue name to solutions container)
+5. A single input model with a monomer in the asu. 1 ligand (Added chain/residue name to solutions container).
+5. Latest version of Pipedream output before official release from Global Phasing.