... | ... | @@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ Here we explain how to install and use the FCSpipelineEMBL_KNIME. |
FCSpipelineEMBL_KNIME is a software designed for automated processing: only user inputs and visualization of data steps (see green frames) need the user's supervision. The pipeline allows the interactive inspection of results and offers the opportunity to customize the workflow by modifying the source code of individual KNIME nodes. In addition, KNIME provides the flexibility to expand the existing workflow for specific project needs.
Explanations of **technical details** and **calculations** in FCSpipelineEMBL_KNIME can be found [here](technical details)
Explanations of **technical details** and **calculations** in FCSpipelineEMBL_KNIME can be found [here](technical details).<br>
For testing the workflow on a test dataset, download the Calibration folder from the main page and go through [Getting Started](https://git.embl.de/grp-almf/FCSpipelineEMBL_KNIME/-/wikis/Getting-Started) page.
#### 1. [Installation](installation)
#### 2. [Structure of workflow](#structure-of-workflow)
... | ... | @@ -131,6 +132,9 @@ info.csv is generated inside the main user input. This is the main output file w |
* path to the main directory
* calibration plot parameters and its errors
* intensity baseline
<br> <br> <img src="https://latex.codecogs.com/svg.latex?\Large&space;C=k(I - I_{baseline})" /> <br> <br>
* Mean background, local backround. To learn more about background subtraction, go to [technical details](https://git.embl.de/grp-almf/FCSpipelineEMBL_KNIME/-/wikis/technical-details)
2. **calibration.csv**
... | ... | |