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Teaching material for cluster computing course at EMBL.
Directory structure:
: material for the EMBL-internal Bio-IT course, Introduction to Cluster Computing at EMBL -
: material for the EMBL-internal Bio-IT course, Intermediate Cluster Computing -
: material for the HPC session of Software Carpentry workshops run at EMBL
Each of the above directories has an exercises/
subdirectory, containing files needed for exercises during the course.
Commands (for EMBL Cluster)
Below are most of the commands used during the practical, so they can be copy/pasted, but I highly recommend typing along if you can.
Login to the frontend node
ssh <username>
Clone this git repository
git clone
Identifying our computer
Our first SLURM job
srun hostname
Exploring our example program (don't run!)
cd $HOME/embl_hpc/exercises
./hpc_example -t 10 -m 100
Running example program on on the cluster
srun ./hpc_example -t 10 -m 100
Using our reserved training space
srun --reservation=training ./hpc_example -t 10 -m 100
Running in the background
sbatch --reservation=training ./
Redirecting output
sbatch --output=output.txt --reservation=training ./
Creating a larger list
You will need to edit to take arguments
sbatch --output=output.txt --reservation=training ./ 20 ???
Displaying details of our cluster queue
scontrol show partition
Requesting more resources
sbatch --mem=8200 --reservation=training ./ 30 8000
Requesting a lot more resources
sbatch --mem=100G --reservation=training ./ 30 5000
Cancel jobs
scancel <jobID>
scancel -u <username>
Defining time limits
sbatch --time=00 00:00:30 \
--reservation=training \ 60 500
Job efficiency statistics
seff <jobID>
Emailing output
sbatch --mail-user=<first.last> \
--reservation=training \
./ 20 500
Finding and using software
module avail
module spider samtools
module load BWA
BWA example
nano bwa/
sbatch --reservation=training bwa/
Running interactive jobs
srun --pty bash
Interactive job with more memory
srun --mem=250 --pty bash
Using sbatch
Using job dependencies to build pipelines
jid=$(sbatch --parsable
sbatch --dependency=afterok:$jid