@@ -6,11 +6,10 @@ This project contains a collection of macros to be used with the Droplet plugin
## Installation
1. Download the droplet plugin from the ImageJ wiki website: [http://imagejdocu.tudor.lu/doku.php?id=plugin:utilities:droplet:start](http://imagejdocu.tudor.lu/doku.php?id=plugin:utilities:droplet:start).
2. Save it in the "Fiji.app/plugins" folder
3. In the plugins folder `git clone https://git.embl.de/balazs/Droplet_Actions.git`
4. Rename the folder to "Droplet Actions" (replace underscore with space)
3.[Download repository in zip format](https://git.embl.de/balazs/Droplet_Actions/repository/archive.zip?ref=master)
4. Unzip to "Fiji.app/plugins", and rename to "Droplet Actions"
3. In the "plugins" folder `git clone https://git.embl.de/balazs/Droplet_Actions.git`
[Download repository in zip format](https://git.embl.de/balazs/Droplet_Actions/repository/archive.zip?ref=master) and unzip to "Fiji.app/plugins"