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Materials for the ALMF/Bio-IT Image Analysis with Python series, running Spring/Summer 2018
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Study of ATAC-Seq data from the Lancrin group, data generated by Yasmin Serina
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Analyses scripts and Rmarkdown vignettes for graper manuscript.
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A flexible and compatible Visual Framework. Designed for branding and the life sciences.
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Analysis and data for "At the limits of Peer Review for Talent Identification: an analysis of the EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships Selection Process", by D. del Àlamo and B. Klaus
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Communications / Digital how-to
MIT LicenseEMBL Stratcomm Digital team's repository of how-tos and project documentation
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Bio-IT / image-analysis-training-resources
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalThe main repository for this project is now part of the NEUBIAS organisation on GitHub: https://github.com/NEUBIAS/training-resources
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Materials for the ALMF/Bio-IT Image Analysis with Python series, running Spring/Summer 2018
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Bio-IT / Community Documentation
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalEMBL Bio-IT Community Documentation. https://grp-bio-it.embl-community.io/docs
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Archived 0Updated
Marc Gouw / my-hugo-site
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Spilios Vasilopoulos / my-hugo-site
MIT LicenseUpdated