Genetic Interactions Screen on Lipid Levels
Project Overview
This repository contains protocols for the data analysis for analysing the gene interaction data for LDL uptake screen.
Repository content
- Image analysis results of RNAi screen (Image analysis performed with CellProfiler, data quality control and calculation of z-scores performed with HTMExplorer).
- Statistical analysis of RNAi screen data.
- Statistical analysis of genetic data.
- Magdalena Zimon (Pepperkok Lab, EMBL): RNAi experiments and analysis, current project maintainer.
- Yunfeng Huang (Biogen): statistical analysis of genetic data.
- Anthi Trasta (Pepperkok Lab, EMBL): primary RNAi screen and statistical analysis.
- Aliaksandr Halavatyi (ALMF, EMBL): statistical data analysis and support.
These work is part of the manuscript:
Genetic interactions modulate lipid plasma levels and cellular uptake. Magdalena Zimon, Yunfeng Huang, Anthi Trasta, Jimmy Liu, Chia-Yen Chen, Aliaksandr Halavatyi, Peter Blattmann, Bernd Klaus, Chris Whelan, David Sexton, Sally John, Ellen Tsai, Wolfgang Huber, Rainer Pepperkok, Heiko Runz
We thank Bernd Klaus (CSDA, EMBL) for the essential advises on statistical analysis