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from collections import OrderedDict
import os

from pathlib import Path, PureWindowsPath
from pydantic import BaseModel
from time import strftime, localtime
from .accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor, PatchStack
from .models import Model
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class CsvTable(object):
    def __init__(self, fpath: Path):
        self.path = fpath
        self.empty = True

    def append(self, coords: dict, data: pd.DataFrame) -> bool:
        assert isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame)
        for c in reversed(coords.keys()):
            data.insert(0, c, coords[c])
        if self.empty:
            data.to_csv(self.path, index=False, mode='w', header=True)
            data.to_csv(self.path, index=False, mode='a', header=False)
        self.empty = False
        return True

    Singleton class for a server session that persists data between API calls
    log_format = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'

    def __init__(self):
        self.models = {}  # model_id : model object
        self.paths = self.make_paths()
        self.accessors = OrderedDict()
        logging.basicConfig(filename=self.logfile, level=logging.INFO, force=True, format=self.log_format)
        self.tables = {}

    def write_to_table(self, name: str, coords: dict, data: pd.DataFrame):
        Write data to a named data table, initializing if it does not yet exist.
        :param name: name of the table to persist through session
        :param coords: dictionary of coordinates to associate with all rows in this method call
        :param data: DataFrame containing data
        :return: True if successful
            if name in self.tables.keys():
                table = self.tables.get(name)
                table = CsvTable(self.paths['tables'] / (name + '.csv'))
                self.tables[name] = table
        except Exception:
            raise CouldNotCreateTable(f'Unable to create table named {name}')

            table.append(coords, data)
            return True
        except Exception:
            raise CouldNotAppendToTable(f'Unable to append data to table named {name}')
    def get_paths(self):
        return self.paths

    def set_data_directory(self, key: str, path: str):
        if not key in self.paths.keys():
            raise InvalidPathError(f'No such path {key}')
        if not Path(path).exists():
            raise InvalidPathError(f'Could not find {path}')
    def add_accessor(self, acc: GenericImageDataAccessor, accessor_id: str = None) -> str:
        Add an accessor to session context
        :param acc: accessor to add
        :param accessor_id: unique ID, or autogenerate if None
        :return: ID of accessor
        if accessor_id in self.accessors.keys():
            raise AccessorIdError(f'Access with ID {accessor_id} already exists')
        if accessor_id is None:
            idx = len(self.accessors)
            accessor_id = f'auto_{idx:06d}'
        self.accessors[accessor_id] = {'loaded': True, 'object': acc, **}
    def del_accessor(self, accessor_id: str) -> str:
        Remove accessor object but retain its info dictionary
        :param accessor_id: accessor's ID
        :return: ID of accessor
        if accessor_id not in self.accessors.keys():
            raise AccessorIdError(f'No accessor with ID {accessor_id} is registered')
        v = self.accessors[accessor_id]
        if isinstance(v, dict) and v['loaded'] is False:
            logger.warning(f'Accessor {accessor_id} is already deleted')
            assert isinstance(v['object'], GenericImageDataAccessor)
            v['loaded'] = False
            v['object'] = None
    def del_all_accessors(self) -> list[str]:
        Remove (unload) all accessors but keep their info in dictionary
        :return: list of removed accessor IDs
        res = []
        for k, v in self.accessors.items():
            if v['loaded']:
                v['object'] = None
                v['loaded'] = False
        return res

    def list_accessors(self) -> dict:
        List information about all accessors in JSON-readable format
        if len(self.accessors):
            return pd.DataFrame(self.accessors).drop('object').to_dict()
            return {}
    def get_accessor_info(self, acc_id: str) -> dict:
        Get information about a single accessor
        if acc_id not in self.accessors.keys():
            raise AccessorIdError(f'No accessor with ID {acc_id} is registered')
        return self.list_accessors()[acc_id]

    def get_accessor(self, acc_id: str, pop: bool = True) -> GenericImageDataAccessor:
        Return an accessor object
        :param acc_id: accessor's ID
        :param pop: remove object from session accessor registry if True
        :return: accessor object
        if acc_id not in self.accessors.keys():
            raise AccessorIdError(f'No accessor with ID {acc_id} is registered')
        acc = self.accessors[acc_id]['object']
        if pop:
        return acc

    def write_accessor(self, acc_id: str, filename: Union[str, None] = None) -> str:
        Write an accessor to file and unload it from the session
        :param acc_id: accessor's ID
        :param filename: force use of a specific filename, raise InvalidPathError if this already exists
        :return: name of file
        if filename is None:
            fp = self.paths['outbound_images'] / f'{acc_id}.tif'
            fp = self.paths['outbound_images'] / filename
            if fp.exists():
                raise InvalidPathError(f'Cannot overwrite file {filename} when writing accessor')
        acc = self.get_accessor(acc_id, pop=True)

        old_fp = self.accessors[acc_id]['filepath']
        if old_fp != '':
            raise WriteAccessorError(
                f'Cannot overwrite accessor that is already written to {old_fp}'

        if isinstance(acc, PatchStack):
        self.accessors[acc_id]['filepath'] = fp.__str__()
        Set paths where images, logs, etc. are located in this session; can set custom session root data directory
        with SVLT_SESSION_ROOT environmental variable
        :return: dictionary of session paths

        root = os.environ.get('SVLT_SESSION_ROOT', defaults.root)
        root_path = Path(root)
        for pk in ['inbound_images', 'outbound_images', 'logs', 'tables']:
            pa = root_path / sid / defaults.subdirectories[pk]
            paths[pk] = pa
                pa.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            except Exception:
                raise CouldNotCreateDirectory(f'Could not create directory: {pa}')
        return paths

    def create_session_id(look_where: Path) -> str:
        Autogenerate a session ID by incrementing from a list of log files.
        yyyymmdd = strftime('%Y%m%d', localtime())
        idx = 0
        while os.path.exists(look_where / f'{yyyymmdd}-{idx:04d}'):
            idx += 1
        return f'{yyyymmdd}-{idx:04d}'

    def get_log_data(self) -> list:
        log = []
        with open(self.logfile, 'r') as fh:
            for line in fh:
                k = ['datatime', 'level', 'message']
                v = line.strip().split(' - ')[0:3]
                log.insert(0, dict(zip(k, v)))
        return log

    def log_warning(self, msg):

    def log_error(self, msg):
    def load_model(
            ModelClass: Model,
            key: Union[str, None] = None,
            params: Union[BaseModel, None] = None,
    ) -> dict:
        Load an instance of a given model class and attach to this session's model registry
        :param ModelClass: subclass of Model
        :param key: unique identifier of model, or autogenerate if None
        :param params: optional parameters that are passed to the model's construct
        mi = ModelClass(params=params.dict() if params else None)
        assert mi.loaded, f'Error loading instance of {ModelClass.__name__}'
        ii = 0
        if key is None:
            def mid(i):
                return f'{}_{i:02d}'
            while mid(ii) in self.models.keys():
                ii += 1

            key = mid(ii)
        elif key in self.models.keys():
            raise CouldNotInstantiateModelError(f'Model with key {key} already exists.')
        return {
            k: {
                'class': self.models[k]['object'].__class__.__name__,
                'params': self.models[k]['params'],
            for k in self.models.keys()
    def find_param_in_loaded_models(self, key: str, value: str, is_path=False) -> str:
        Returns model_id of first model where key and value match with .params field, or None
        :param is_path: uses platform-independent path comparison if True
        models = self.describe_loaded_models()
        for mid, det in models.items():
                if PureWindowsPath(det.get('params').get(key)).as_posix() == Path(value).as_posix():
    def restart(self, **kwargs):
class Error(Exception):

class InferenceRecordError(Error):
class WriteAccessorError(Error):

class CouldNotCreateDirectory(Error):
class CouldNotCreateTable(Error):

class CouldNotAppendToTable(Error):