# model_server
Serving Vision to Living Things.
## Summary
model_server is a service for on-demand computer vision, adapted specifically to image-based feedback in microscopy
and other life sciences applications. It abstracts image data access, persists machine learning models,
and exposes an extensible API to facilitate low-latency analysis.
## Installation from source:
1. Install Git:<br>
2. Install Miniforge for environment management:<br>
3. Under the Start menu, open `Miniforge3 > Miniforge Prompt`
4. In the new terminal, clone the model_server repository:<br>
`cd %userprofile%`<br>
`git clone`
5. Create the environment: `mamba env create --file requirements.yml --name model_server_env`
6. Activate the environment: `mamba activate model_server_env`
7. Add the project source as a Python package: `pip install --no-deps -e .`
## To start the server:
1. From the Miniforge prompt, run `mamba activate model_server_env`
2. Then run `python -m scripts.run_server --port 6221`
3. A browser window should appear, with basic status information.