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Commit 06f36622 authored by Christopher Randolph Rhodes's avatar Christopher Randolph Rhodes
Browse files

Obtaining correct results with cleanup script

parent 9dd27213
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......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def modify_ilastik_object_classifier(template_ilp: Path, lane: int = 0):
key = f'Input Data/infos/lane{lane:04d}/{gk}'
assert h5[f'{key}/location'][()] == 'FileSystem'.encode()
pa = Path(h5[f'{key}/filePath'][()].decode())
assert pa.is_absolute()
# assert pa.is_absolute()
rel_pa =
assert (proj_dir / rel_pa).exists()
del h5[f'{key}/filePath']
......@@ -7,110 +7,99 @@ import pandas as pd
import skimage
import uuid
from extensions.chaeo.accessors import MonoPatchStackFromFile
from extensions.chaeo.accessors import MonoPatchStack, MonoPatchStackFromFile
from extensions.chaeo.h5util import get_dataset_info
from extensions.chaeo.models import PatchStackObjectClassifier
from model_server.accessors import generate_file_accessor, GenericImageDataAccessor, write_accessor_data_to_file
def generate_ilastik_object_classifier(
template_ilp: str,
where: str,
stack_name: str = 'train',
template_ilp: Path,
target_ilp: Path,
raw_tif: Path,
mask_tif: Path,
label_tif: Path,
label_names: list,
lane: int = 0,
Starting with a template project file, transfer input data and labels to a duplicate project file.
:param template_ilp: absolute path to existing ilastik object classifier to use as a template
:param where: absolute path to folder containing input data, segmentation maps, labels, and label descriptions
:poram stack_name: prefix of .tif and .csv files that contain classifier training data (e.g. train, test)
Starting with a template project file, transfer input data and labels to a new project file.
:param template_ilp: path to existing ilastik object classifier to use as a template
:param target_ilp: path to new classifier
:param raw_tif: path to stack of patches containing raw data
:param mask_tif: path to stack of patches containing object masks
:param label_tif: path to stack of patches containing object labels
:param label_names: list of label names
:param lane: ilastik lane identifier
:return: (str) name of new ilastik classifier project file
new_ilp = shutil.copy(template_ilp, target_ilp)
# validate z-stack input data
root = Path(where)
rel_paths = {
'Raw Data': Path(f'zstack_{stack_name}_raw.tif'),
'Segmentation Image': Path(f'zstack_{stack_name}_mask.tif'),
paths = {
'Raw Data': raw_tif,
'Segmentation Image': mask_tif,
accessors = {k: MonoPatchStackFromFile(root / pa) for k, pa in paths.items()}
accessors = {k: generate_file_accessor(root / pa) for k, pa in rel_paths.items()}
assert accessors['Raw Data'].chroma == 1
assert accessors['Segmentation Image'].is_mask()
assert len(set([a.hw for a in accessors.values()])) == 1 # same height and width
assert len(set([ for a in accessors.values()])) == 1 # same z-depth
nz = accessors['Raw Data'].nz
# get labels from label image
acc_labels = MonoPatchStackFromFile(label_tif)
labels = []
for ii in range(0, acc_labels.count):
unique = np.unique(acc_labels.iat(ii))
assert len(unique) >= 2, 'Label image contains more than one non-zero value'
assert unique[0] == 0, 'Label image does not contain unlabeled background'
assert unique[-1] < len(label_names) + 1, f'Label ID {unique[-1]} exceeds number of label names: {len(label_names)}'
# now load CSV
csv_path = root / f'{stack_name}_stack.csv'
assert csv_path.exists()
df_patches = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
assert np.all(
df_patches['zi'].sort_values().to_numpy() == np.arange(0, nz)
df_labels = pd.read_csv(root / 'labels_key.csv')
label_names = list(df_labels.sort_values('annotation_class_id').annotation_class.unique())
label_names[0] = 'none'
assert len(label_names) >= 2
# write to new project file
with h5py.File(new_ilp, 'r+') as h5:
# open, validate, and copy template project file
with h5py.File(template_ilp, 'r') as h5:
info = get_dataset_info(h5)
for gk in ['Raw Data', 'Segmentation Image']:
group = f'Input Data/infos/lane{lane:04d}/{gk}'
for hg in ['Raw Data', 'Segmentation Image']:
assert info[hg]['location'] == b'FileSystem'
assert info[hg]['axes'] == ['t', 'y', 'x']
# set path to input image files
del h5[f'{group}/filePath']
h5[f'{group}/filePath'] = paths[gk].name
assert not Path(h5[f'{group}/filePath'][()].decode()).is_absolute()
assert h5[f'{group}/filePath'][()] == paths[gk].name.encode()
assert h5[f'{group}/location'][()] == 'FileSystem'.encode()
new_ilp = shutil.copy(template_ilp, where / (proj_name + '.ilp'))
# set input nickname
del h5[f'{group}/nickname']
h5[f'{group}/nickname'] = paths[gk].stem
# write to new project file
lns = f'{lane:04d}'
with h5py.File(where / new_ilp, 'r+') as h5:
def set_ds(grp, ds, val):
ds = h5[f'Input Data/infos/lane{lns}/{grp}/{ds}']
ds[()] = val
return ds[()]
def get_label(idx):
return df_patches.loc[df_patches.zi == idx, 'annotation_class_id'].iat[0]
for hg in ['Raw Data', 'Segmentation Image']:
set_ds(hg, 'filePath', rel_paths[hg].__str__())
set_ds(hg, 'nickname', rel_paths[hg].stem)
shape_zyx = [accessors[hg].shape_dict[ax] for ax in ['Z', 'Y', 'X']]
set_ds(hg, 'shape', np.array(shape_zyx))
# set input shape
del h5[f'{group}/shape']
shape_zyx = [accessors[gk].shape_dict[ax] for ax in ['Z', 'Y', 'X']]
h5[f'{group}/shape'] = np.array(shape_zyx)
# change key of label names
if (k_ln := 'ObjectClassification/LabelNames') in h5.keys():
del h5[k_ln]
if (k := 'ObjectClassification/LabelNames') in h5.keys():
del h5[k]
ln = np.array(label_names)
h5.create_dataset(k_ln, data=ln.astype('O'))
h5.create_dataset(k, data=ln.astype('O'))
if (k_mn := 'ObjectClassification/MaxNumObj') in h5.keys():
del h5[k_mn]
# h5.create_dataset(k_mn, data=(len(label_names) - 1))
h5[k_mn] = len(label_names) - 1
if (k := 'ObjectClassification/MaxNumObj') in h5.keys():
del h5[k]
h5[k] = len(label_names) - 1
del h5['currentApplet']
h5['currentApplet'] = 1
# change object labels
if (k_li := f'ObjectClassification/LabelInputs/{lns}') in h5.keys():
del h5[k_li]
lag = h5.create_group(k_li)
for zi in range(0, nz):
lag[f'{zi}'] = np.array([0., float(get_label(zi))])
if (k := f'ObjectClassification/LabelInputs/{lane:04d}') in h5.keys():
del h5[k]
lag = h5.create_group(k)
# for zi in range(0, nz):
# lag[f'{zi}'] = np.array([0., float(get_label(zi))])
for zi, la in enumerate(labels):
lag[f'{zi}'] = np.array([0., float(la)])
# delete existing classification weights
if (k_rf := f'ObjectExtraction/RegionFeatures/{lane:04d}') in h5.keys():
del h5[k_rf]
if (k_cf := 'ObjectClassification/ClassificationForests') in h5.keys():
del h5[k_cf]
if (k := f'ObjectExtraction/RegionFeatures/{lane:04d}') in h5.keys():
del h5[k]
if (k := 'ObjectClassification/ClassificationForests') in h5.keys():
del h5[k]
return new_ilp
......@@ -149,65 +138,46 @@ def compare_object_maps(truth: GenericImageDataAccessor, inferred: GenericImageD
return pd.DataFrame(labels)
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Path('c:/Users/rhodes/projects/proj0011-plankton-seg/')
template_ilp = root / 'exp0014/template_obj.ilp'
where_patch_stack = root / 'exp0009/output/labeled_patches-20231030-0002'
root = Path('c:/Users/rhodes/projects/proj0011-plankton-seg/exp0009/output/labeled_patches-20231030-0002')
template_ilp = Path('c:/Users/rhodes/projects/proj0011-plankton-seg/exp0014/template_obj.ilp')
df_labels = pd.read_csv(root / 'labels_key.csv')
label_names = list(df_labels.sort_values('annotation_class_id').annotation_class.unique())
label_names[0] = 'none'
assert len(label_names) >= 2
# auto-populate an object classifier
auto_ilp = generate_ilastik_object_classifier(
new_ilp = generate_ilastik_object_classifier(
root / 'new_auto_obj.ilp',
root / 'zstack_train_raw.tif',
root / 'zstack_train_mask.tif',
root / 'zstack_train_label.tif',
# auto_ilp = 'auto_obj_before.ilp'
def infer_and_compare_training_set(ilp, suffix):
# infer object labels from the same data used to train the classifier
train_zstack_raw = MonoPatchStackFromFile(where_patch_stack / 'zstack_train_raw.tif')
train_zstack_mask = MonoPatchStackFromFile(where_patch_stack / 'zstack_train_mask.tif')
train_truth_labels = MonoPatchStackFromFile(where_patch_stack / f'zstack_train_label.tif')
infer_and_compare(ilp, 'train', suffix, train_zstack_raw, train_zstack_mask, train_truth_labels)
def infer_and_compare_test_set(ilp, suffix):
# infer object labels from test dataset
test_zstack_raw = MonoPatchStackFromFile(where_patch_stack / 'zstack_test_raw.tif')
test_zstack_mask = MonoPatchStackFromFile(where_patch_stack / 'zstack_test_mask.tif')
test_truth_labels = MonoPatchStackFromFile(where_patch_stack / f'zstack_test_label.tif')
infer_and_compare(ilp, 'test', suffix, test_zstack_raw, test_zstack_mask, test_truth_labels)
def infer_and_compare(ilp, prefix, suffix, raw, mask, labels):
mod = PatchStackObjectClassifier({'project_file': where_patch_stack / ilp})
from extensions.chaeo.examples.test_modify_object_classifier import modify_ilastik_object_classifier
auto_ilp = modify_ilastik_object_classifier(new_ilp)
# auto_ilp = new_ilp
def infer_and_compare(ilp, prefix, raw, mask, labels):
mod = PatchStackObjectClassifier({'project_file': root / ilp})
result_acc, _ = mod.infer(raw, mask)
write_accessor_data_to_file(where_patch_stack / f'zstack_train_result_{suffix}.tif', result_acc)
write_accessor_data_to_file(root / f'zstack_train_result.tif', result_acc)
# write comparison tables
df_comp = compare_object_maps(labels, result_acc)
df_comp.to_csv(where_patch_stack / f'compare_{prefix}_result_{suffix}.csv', index=False)
df_comp.to_csv(root / f'compare_{prefix}_result.csv', index=False)
print(f'Generated ilastik project {ilp}')
print('Truth and inferred labels match?')
print(pd.value_counts(df_comp['truth_label'] == df_comp['inferred_label']))
# report out some things for debugging
rks = [
with h5py.File(ilp, 'r') as h5:
for r in rks:
print(f'{r}: {h5[r][()]}')
# infer object labels from the same data used to train the classifier
infer_and_compare_training_set(auto_ilp, 'before')
# copy project and prompt user input once ilastik file has been modified in-app
mod_ilp = shutil.copy(auto_ilp, where_patch_stack / 'auto_obj_after.ilp')
print(f'Press enter when project file {mod_ilp} has been updated in ilastik')
# repeat inference with the modified project file
infer_and_compare_training_set(mod_ilp, 'after')
infer_and_compare_test_set(mod_ilp, 'after')
# infer_and_compare_training_set(auto_ilp, 'before')
MonoPatchStackFromFile(root / 'zstack_train_raw.tif'),
MonoPatchStackFromFile(root / 'zstack_train_mask.tif'),
MonoPatchStackFromFile(root / 'zstack_train_label.tif')
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