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  • 37-unnecessary-for-loop-in-rois-features
  • dev-nda-stream
  • dev-phenobase
  • dev_patch_viz
  • master default protected
  • migrate_model_server
  • staging protected
  • 2024.10.01
  • 2024.06.03
  • 2024.04.19
  • 2024.03.01
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.018Mar171454314Feb131287654331Jan302928272422920Dec1814131110976530Nov2928272625222120191815141211109432131Oct3028272625222015141372130Sep2624232013126315Aug1413129875Internal _mask will be used for sample, split, filterdev-phenobasedev-phenobaseReading serialized PhenoBase detects patch series from first RoiSet DataFramePhenoBase loads patches from storageReimplemented .read methodParameterize RoiSet subdirectoriesPhenoBase validates uniqueness of coordinatesMaking progress adding RoiSet to empty PhenoBase using unique coordinates as indexAnnotated changes, prototyped test for creating empty phenobaseAdded info to RoiSet, changed acc_raw to acc_sourceMerge branch 'dev-phenobase' of into dev-phenobaseExplicitly trigger loading of lazy accessor, client test runs without errorTrying to debug accessor not loaded issues, this is a fluke of a test environmentFixed bug if not lazy-loading multiposition filesRemoved pop argument to session accessor operations; this was just causing problems with no benefitExpose info dictionary in blocks, including unloaded onesMultiposition CZI now implements true lazy loading, i.e. get_accessors() method does not load all array dataConfirm that masks are unloaded after serializationCorrected serialization when making RoiSet from bounding boxes onlyMultiPosition CZI file and PatchStack inherit from AccessorSetCreated accessor set for lazy-loading single accessorsCreated accessor set for lazy-loading single accessorsRoiSet tests passWorking through issues with patch dimensionalityFirst test of separate PatchStack holding masksChanged other pipeline parameters to make accessor and model ID's optinoalAdded additional test for empty accessor IDMove accessor and model validation to call_pipeline; remove .api flag on parameters; pipeline parameters can now be called in tests, etc. without accessor and model id'sTODOs to remove binary mask from dataframe objectAll tests in test_roiset passTest covers deserialization of RoiSet from linked input fileserialized RoiSet writes its input accessor or a link theretoRemoved smoothing parameter from built-in pipelinesClient is initialized without error, but does nothingStarted writing test cover phenobase clientMerge branch 'patch_features_mem_error' into 'master'mastermasterRemoved unnecessary for loop Moved feret_diameter_max to 2d-only features, was causing memory issuesImplemented but did not yet test slice operationsdev-nda-streamdev-nda-streamPrototyped tiling approachPrototyped streamable accessor and its API endpoints