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Commit 9d321e6a authored by Nikolaos Papadopoulos's avatar Nikolaos Papadopoulos
Browse files

fixed ModelArchive bugs (protein names/models, protein query length); added...

fixed ModelArchive bugs (protein names/models, protein query length); added AFDB self comparison as per editors' request
parent e0fada09
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%% Cell type:code id:e951dd81-8a76-45fb-a00d-8de54697bf0f tags:
``` python
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import pytz
utc_dt = # UTC time
dt = utc_dt.astimezone()
tz = pytz.timezone('Europe/Berlin')
berlin_now =
print(f'{berlin_now:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}')
%% Output
2022-06-08 14:02
2022-08-16 07:52
%% Cell type:markdown id:84d83807-5bdb-4fb7-8bcc-069c17f984a4 tags:
In this script I will prepare the data for deposition in [ModelArchive]( I will rename the PDB files from the best structures and the corresponding metadata (.json) files so that the isoform ID is in the file name where the MMseqs2 query ID would be instead. I will then archive them in tarballs and upload using
%% Cell type:code id:3bebc329-4921-4890-baac-5f3718a687d9 tags:
``` python
import os
import shutil
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
%% Cell type:code id:a8ccaf2f-10dc-4ee6-9b80-60621401866b tags:
``` python
best_models = '/g/arendt/npapadop/data/spongfold_publish/best_models/'
metadata = '/g/arendt/npapadop/data/spongfold_publish/best_model_metadata/'
%% Cell type:code id:baf77327-f8b6-4d69-bde3-6cae33764844 tags:
``` python
named_models = '/g/arendt/npapadop/data/spongfold_publish/named_models/'
named_metadata = '/g/arendt/npapadop/data/spongfold_publish/named_metadata/'
%% Cell type:code id:0eb411cd-c982-4b74-a67c-30ed9fc724d0 tags:
``` python
if not os.path.exists(named_models):
if not os.path.exists(named_metadata):
%% Cell type:code id:b8e1583a-c4f0-49f0-b170-fdbd421b40ff tags:
``` python
structure_annotation = pd.read_parquet('../data/structure_annotation.parquet')
%% Cell type:code id:18fb42d0-780e-4a6d-919c-b9913d9d174d tags:
``` python
rename = {}
for query, isoform in zip(structure_annotation['query'], structure_annotation['isoform']):
rename[query] = isoform
input_model = {}
for path in os.listdir(best_models): # dir only contains PDB files
query = path.split('_')[0]
input_model[query] = best_models + path
input_metadata = {}
for path in os.listdir(metadata): # contains a3m and json files, so only keep the jsons:
if path.split('.')[1] == 'json':
query = path.split('_')[0]
input_metadata[query] = metadata + path
%% Cell type:markdown id:353e9492-9dbd-42e3-ba89-8abe6a23f24f tags:
Test that metadata and models match:
%% Cell type:code id:b072fafc-fa20-4b0a-8deb-0efc669498ed tags:
``` python
np.intersect1d(list(input_metadata.keys()), list(input_model.keys())).shape, len(input_metadata)
%% Output
((41932,), 41932)
%% Cell type:markdown id:2735d460-68e7-4626-ac78-dd9b1dbdb01a tags:
Test that all the predicted structures are in the list of annotated peptides:
%% Cell type:code id:d29b226d-4e8a-4c01-84e0-00beac861338 tags:
``` python
np.intersect1d(list(rename.keys()), list(input_model.keys())).shape
%% Output
%% Cell type:markdown id:3c1c09bf-cce7-46f5-9b52-d707b397ca1a tags:
This number is smaller than the total peptides in the proteome because eleven peptides were too long to get predicted structures:
%% Cell type:code id:709832d8-76e2-4b7e-bbfe-0c3ac55c8520 tags:
``` python
%% Output
query isoform MSA size query length gene name \
1548 15002 c104658_g3_i5 3238.0 3658 c104658_g3_i5_m.80315
2948 16435 c104956_g1_i1 5824.0 3548 c104956_g1_i1_m.84869
4265 16441 c104958_g1_i1 7300.0 3094 c104958_g1_i1_m.84896
8310 16304 c104922_g1_i2 3960.0 3866 c104922_g1_i2_m.84358
16426 16491 c104973_g1_i2 4396.0 3868 c104973_g1_i2_m.85101
17787 16186 c104894_g1_i3 20764.0 4624 c104894_g1_i3_m.83996
20465 15933 c104839_g1_i3 2958.0 3028 c104839_g1_i3_m.83198
25849 16094 c104872_g1_i1 13498.0 3716 c104872_g1_i1_m.83696
31264 15931 c104839_g1_i1 3259.0 3032 c104839_g1_i1_m.83180
38095 16431 c104954_g1_i2 8070.0 4832 c104954_g1_i2_m.84837
39412 15226 c104704_g1_i1 2004.0 2923 c104704_g1_i1_m.81036
protein_id gene_id has_start has_end target ... Preferred_name \
1548 80315 c104658_g3 True True None ... None
2948 84869 c104956_g1 True True None ... None
4265 84896 c104958_g1 False True None ... None
8310 84358 c104922_g1 False True None ... None
16426 85101 c104973_g1 False True None ... None
17787 83996 c104894_g1 False True None ... None
20465 83198 c104839_g1 False True None ... None
25849 83696 c104872_g1 False True None ... None
31264 83180 c104839_g1 False True None ... None
38095 84837 c104954_g1 False False None ... None
39412 81036 c104704_g1 True True None ... None
GOs PFAMs Entry name Gene names Function [CC] \
1548 None None None None None
2948 None None None None None
4265 None None None None None
8310 None None None None None
16426 None None None None None
17787 None None None None None
20465 None None None None None
25849 None None None None None
31264 None None None None None
38095 None None None None None
39412 None None None None None
Taxonomic lineage (PHYLUM) origin plddt complete_protein
1548 None None NaN True
2948 None None NaN True
4265 None None NaN False
8310 None None NaN False
16426 None None NaN False
17787 None None NaN False
20465 None None NaN False
25849 None None NaN False
31264 None None NaN False
38095 None None NaN False
39412 None None NaN True
[11 rows x 31 columns]
%% Cell type:markdown id:028d7534-ee18-4bed-995c-3f4d708753f3 tags:
Now copy each query protein and each metadata json to the adjacent folder while also renaming them to the isoform ID:
%% Cell type:code id:b77909f1-0d02-495d-9777-3da71d54694e tags:
``` python
for query in tqdm(input_model.keys()):
isoform = rename[int(query)]
output_model = input_model[str(query)].replace(query, isoform).replace(best_models, named_models)
output_metadata = input_metadata[str(query)].replace(query, isoform).replace(metadata, named_metadata)
shutil.copy(input_model[query], output_model)
shutil.copy(input_metadata[query], output_metadata)
%% Output
100%|██████████| 41932/41932 [10:10<00:00, 68.66it/s]
%% Cell type:code id:0a79e5f0-0767-4e91-a706-b8afe46947ec tags:
``` python
cd /g/arendt/npapadop/data/spongfold_publish/
tar cvzf 2022-06-08_Spongilla_lacustris_PDB.tar.gz named_models/
tar cvzf 2022-06-08_Spongilla_lacustris_json.tar.gz named_metadata/
%% Output
IOPub data rate exceeded.
The notebook server will temporarily stop sending output
to the client in order to avoid crashing it.
To change this limit, set the config variable
Current values:
NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit=1000000.0 (bytes/sec)
NotebookApp.rate_limit_window=3.0 (secs)
This diff is collapsed.
#!/bin/bash -ex
#SBATCH -J fs_self_afdb
#SBATCH -t 10:00:00
#SBATCH -c 32
#SBATCH --mem=128G
#SBATCH -o /g/arendt/npapadop/cluster/fs_self.out
#SBATCH -e /g/arendt/npapadop/cluster/fs_self.err
module load GCC
module load bzip2
"$FOLDSEEK" search "$QUERYDB" "$TARGETDB" "$ALIGNMENT" tmpFolder -a --threads 16
"$FOLDSEEK" aln2tmscore "$QUERYDB" "$TARGETDB" "$ALIGNMENT" "$ALIGNMENT"_aln_tmscore
"$FOLDSEEK" createtsv "$QUERYDB" "$TARGETDB" "$ALIGNMENT"_aln_tmscore "$ALIGNMENT"_aln_tmscore.tsv
"$FOLDSEEK" convertalis "$QUERYDB" "$TARGETDB" "$ALIGNMENT" "$ALIGNMENT"_score.tsv
module unload
0% Loading or .
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