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Teaching material used during the High Performance Computing session of the EMBL Software Carpentry course.


Below are most of the commands used during the practical, so they can be copy/pasted, but I highly recommend typing along if you can.

Login to the frontend node

ssh <username>

Clone this git repository

git clone

Identifying our computer


Our first SLURM job

srun hostname

Exploring our example program (don't run!)

cd $HOME/embl_hpc/exercises
./hpc_example -t 10 -m 100

Running example program on on the cluster

srun ./hpc_example -t 10 -m 100

Using our reserved training space

srun --­­reservation=training ./hpc_example -­t 10 -­m 100

Running in the background

sbatch ­­--reservation=training ./

Redirecting output

sbatch --output=output.txt --reservation=training ./

Creating a larger list

You will need to edit to take arguments

sbatch --output=output.txt --reservation=training ./ 20 ???

Displaying details of our cluster queue

scontrol show partition

Requesting more resources

sbatch --mem=8200 --reservation=training ./ 30 8000

Requesting a lot more resources

sbatch --mem=100G --reservation=training ./ 30 5000

Cancel jobs

scancel <jobID>
scancel -u <username>

Defining time limits

sbatch ­­--time=00­00:00:30  \
    ­­--reservation=training \ 60 500

Job efficiency statistics

seff <jobID>

Emailing output

sbatch ­­--mail­user=<first.last> \
    ­­--reservation=training \
    ./ 20 500

Finding and using software

module avail
module spider samtools
module load BWA

BWA example

nano bwa/
sbatch ­­­­--reservation=training bwa/

Running interactive jobs

srun --pty bash

Interactive job with more memory

srun --mem=250 --pty bash

Using sbatch instead


Using job dependencies to build pipelines

jid=$(sbatch --parsable

sbatch --dependency=afterok:$jid