* If conda is too slow resolving dependencies have a look at https://github.com/mamba-org/mamba
* Virtual environments
* conda / anaconda
* venv and virtualenv
* Use an editor that helps you
* Syntax highlight
* Code completion
* Linter - flags errors or potential problems
* Has debugging abilities
*[VSCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/) - great for multiple languages, remote interaction (port-forwarding, ...), integrates jupyter notebooks
*[PyCharm](https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/) - also great option, very complete and professional grade IDE (Integrated Desktop Editor) - see [Professional vs Community (free) edition](https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download)
*[Atom](https://atom.io/) - versatile and modular editor - used as base for other editors (e.g. [Juno](https://junolab.org/) for the Julia programming language)
*[GitPod](https://www.gitpod.io/).io - Online VSCode-like experience - same environment for everyone needing only a browser to get started - see also [GitPod browser extension](https://www.gitpod.io/docs/browser-extension/)
* Don't worry about performance, readability is more important
* Be kind to your future self
* Consider if the more verbose option is more readable than the very concise one
* Use functions, leave classes for later.
* text is not text -> And why do we need Bytes and Strings
* Use descriptive names
* Follow a code style (e.g. PEP8, Google Python Style)
* A linter will help you (flake8, pylint, ...)
* Use docstrings - follow sphinx or numpy style - avoid mixing styles
* Comment/document things!! (in addition to docstrings)
* Describe **why** not **what** is happening
* Bad: If we don't have a zero here the code takes 10 times longer to finish
* Better: This function accepts 0 or 1 and 1 is the slower version
* Great: Valid values 0, 1: when 1, the code checks if planets are aligned before beginning ritual, this reduces failures but increases execution time.
* Tests are great, but they might be hard to get right
Doctests are a great alternative which serves as documentation too e.g:
def divide_and_conquer(values, position):
"""Breaks the list of values in to two at the specified position