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Created with Raphaël 2.2.018Mar13Nov23Jul28May8Apr12Mar414Nov31Oct302512Sep31Aug27Jul27Jun13531May302630Mar10Nov27Oct14126Jul22Jun2125May27Apr1531Mar301616Feb419Jan8Dec24Nov5Oct23Jun27May262529Apr1593Mar19Feb1811Jun7May2Mar128Feb23Sep6Aug11Mar26Feb2026Nov28Aug7May11Apr5Feb23JanMerge branch 'master' into 'master'mastermastersession01_2025session 14: LabID cliLinks and resources of todays sessionSession 12 materialremove session_03 dir.change session number for session 03 to session 04Add session03 on seleniumMerge branch 'session2' into 'master'add session 02Add decorator sessionAdd session on profilingsession 18: remove unused figuresMerge branch 'session18' into 'master'session 18Merge branch 'master' into 'master'Adds slides for session 17Add README with session planning linkfix session numbers for plotly and asyncioRename pytest session to match its numbersession_11_plotlyRemove extra argument accidentally added during live demoadd material for session 10: asyncioAdd translation and generic prompt interaction with OpenAIadd session: functional programmingUpload New FileUpload New FileAdd new directoryMerge branch '2023-03-pytest' into 'master'Added tests and session 01 about Bio-IT botRename session_01 to 02 to match year numbering.Merge branch '2023__session_01_static_type_checking' into 'master'Adds 'slides' form the static type hinting presentationAdd streamlit demo2021.10.27 plotlyAdd 2021 community discussion survey resultsAdd PDF presentation for session 20 on PyFilesystem2Add PDF presentation for session 13add seaborn as dependency