A list of repeating events for the Bio-IT community.
-[Annual events](#annually)
-[Monthly events](#monthly)
## Annually
- Biocomputing Retreat
- usually takes place in Feb/Mar
- Bio-IT/Centres Unit Seminar
- date varies, set via Alena Froehlichova in January
- usually uses one of the Zeller or Gibson Team slots
- "Thank You" Summer BBQ and Hackathon
- EMBL Lab Day
- EMBL's internal conference
- Bio-IT usually has a poster or a short talk at the event
## Monthly
- Taskforce Meetings
- bi-monthly, taking place at 14:00 on the first Wednesday of odd-number months
- see [Taskfoce Meeting HOWTO](TODO) for details
- Bio-IT lunch
- roughly monthly
- a lunch bringing together Bio-IT coordinators, bioinformatics/computational support staff, members of IT Services, and other major contributors to the Bio-IT Project
- Training interest group lunch
- roughly monthly
- organised by Rachel Coulthard-Graf
- a meeting of various parties at EMBL (EICAT/Course & Conference Office, Predoc Office, Bio-IT, ELLS, General Training & Development, etc) interested in providing/organising training at EMBL
- Bio-IT Beer Sessions
- informal events to bring the community together
- usually begin with a discussion/talk around a technical topic of interest to the community
## Fortnightly
-[emblr](https://bio-it.embl.de/emblr/), EMBL's R User Group meeting
- 16:00 every second Tuesday
- see the [schedule](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nVgPZG6thxJbJ8LgvTRwcwo2sjRMCvMy3bpuqUgWUWI/edit#gid=0)
-[EPUG](https://bio-it.embl.de/embl-python-user-group/), EMBL's Python User Group meeting
- 16:00 on Tuesdays when _emblr_ doesn't take place
- see the [schedule](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cMDumZ8GdhsTaiWzJl1qHDfi192sl4P1KJJhtuk0ZkE/edit)
## Weekly
-[Drop-in sessions](https://bio-it.embl.de/drop-in/), consulting on computational biology/bioinformatics-related topics
- 10:00 - 12:00 every Tuesday
- take place in the EMBL cafeteria
- EMBL Git Admins meeting
- Fridays at 10:00
- take place only if there is something to discuss and the maintainers are available to meet