@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Transcription factor (TF) activity constitutes an important readout of cellular
For more information, please check our paper on biorxiv:
[Quantification of differential transcription factor activity and multiomic-based classification into activators and repressors: diffTF](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/07/13/368498).
[Quantification of differential transcription factor activity and multiomic-based classification into activators and repressors: diffTF](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/12/01/368498).
@@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ Citation
*Please cite the following article if you use diffTF in your research*:
Ivan Berest*, Christian Arnold*, Armando Reyes-Palomares, Giovanni Palla, Kasper Dindler Rassmussen, Kristian Helin & Judith B. Zaugg. Quantification of differential transcription factor activity and multiomic-based classification into activators and repressors: diffTF. 2018. *Molecular Systems Biology*. in review.
Ivan Berest*, Christian Arnold*, Armando Reyes-Palomares, Giovanni Palla, Kasper Dindler Rassmussen, Kristian Helin & Judith B. Zaugg. Quantification of differential transcription factor activity and multiomic-based classification into activators and repressors: diffTF. 2018. in review.
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ We now show which rules are executed by *Snakemake* for a specific example (see
diffTF is implemented as a *Snakemake* pipeline. For a gentle introduction about *Snakemake*, see Section :ref:`workingWithPipeline`. As you can see, the workflow consists of the following steps or *rules*:
- ``checkParameterValidity``: R script that checks whether the specified peak file has the correct format, whether the provided *fasta* file and the *BAM* files are compatible, and other checks
- ``produceConsensusPeaks``: R script that generates the consensus peaks if none are provided
- ``filterSexChromosomesAndSortPeaks``: Filters various chromosomes 8sex, unassembled ones, contigs, etc) from the peak file.
- ``produceConsensusPeaks``: R script that generates the consensus peaks using the R package ``DiffBind`` if none are provided
- ``filterSexChromosomesAndSortPeaks``: Filters various chromosomes (sex, unassembled ones, contigs, etc) from the peak file.
- ``sortTFBSParallel``: Sort the TFBS lists by position
- ``resortBAM``: Sort the *BAM* file for optimized processing (only run if data are paired-end)
- ``intersectPeaksAndBAM``: Count all reads for peak regions across all input files
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ Summary
String. Default "" (empty). Path to the consensus peak file.
If set to the empty string "", the pipeline will generate a consensus peaks out of the peak files from each individual sample. For this, you need to provide the following two things:
If set to the empty string "", the pipeline will generate a consensus peaks out of the peak files from each individual sample using the R package ``DiffBind``. For this, you need to provide the following two things:
- a peak file for each sample in the metadata file in the column *peaks*, see the section :ref:`section_metadata` for details.
- The format of the peak files, as specified in ``peakType`` (:ref:`parameter_peakType`)