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Commit ae25e374 authored by Christian Arnold's avatar Christian Arnold
Browse files

Fixed a corner case in 3.analyzeTF for cases when the number of TFBS is so small that DESeq fails

parent a1926eb1
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......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ if (skipTF) {
# write a dummy pdf file
plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), ann = F, bty = 'n', type = 'n', xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n')
message = paste0("Insufficient data to run analysis.\n", message, "\nThis TF will be ignored in subsequent steps.")
message = paste0("Insufficient data to run analysis.\n", message)
text(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, message, cex = 1.6, col = "red")
......@@ -310,6 +310,7 @@ if (skipTF) {
skipTF = FALSE
if (par.l$nPermutations > 0) {
# Generate normalized counts for limma analysis
......@@ -351,151 +352,169 @@ if (skipTF) {
}, error = function(e) {
errorMessage <<- "Could not run DESeq with regular fitting either, set all values to NA."
checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, errorMessage, isWarning = TRUE)
if (class(res_DESeq) == "character") skipTF = TRUE
res_DESeq.df <-
final.TF.df = data_frame("TFBSID" = rownames(res_DESeq.df),
"DESeq_baseMean" = res_DESeq.df$baseMean,
"l2FC" = res_DESeq.df$log2FoldChange,
"DESeq_ldcSE" = res_DESeq.df$lfcSE,
"DESeq_stat" = res_DESeq.df$stat,
"pval" = res_DESeq.df$pvalue,
"pval_adj" = res_DESeq.df$padj,
"limma_avgExpr" = NA,
"limma_B" = NA,
"limma_t_stat" = NA
if (!skipTF) {
res_DESeq.df <-
final.TF.df = data_frame("TFBSID" = rownames(res_DESeq.df),
"DESeq_baseMean" = res_DESeq.df$baseMean,
"l2FC" = res_DESeq.df$log2FoldChange,
"DESeq_ldcSE" = res_DESeq.df$lfcSE,
"DESeq_stat" = res_DESeq.df$stat,
"pval" = res_DESeq.df$pvalue,
"pval_adj" = res_DESeq.df$padj,
"limma_avgExpr" = NA,
"limma_B" = NA,
"limma_t_stat" = NA
order = c("permutation", "TF", "chr", "MSS", "MES", "TFBSID", "strand", "peakID", "l2FC", "limma_avgExpr", "limma_B", "limma_t_stat", "DESeq_ldcSE", "DESeq_stat", "DESeq_baseMean", "pval", "pval_adj")
# dplyr::mutate(TF = par.l$TF) gives the following weird error message: Error: Unsupported type NILSXP for column "TF"
TFCur = par.l$TF
TF_outputCur.df = final.TF.df %>%
dplyr::left_join(overlapsAll.df,by = c("TFBSID")) %>%
dplyr::left_join(peaksFiltered.df, by = c("peakID" = "annotation")) %>%
dplyr::rename(chr = chr.x) %>%
dplyr::filter(!( & %>%
dplyr::arrange(chr) %>%
dplyr::mutate(TF = TFCur, permutation = permutationCur, l2FC = signif(l2FC, par.l$roundLog2FCDigits)) %>%
if (!skipTF) {
order = c("permutation", "TF", "chr", "MSS", "MES", "TFBSID", "strand", "peakID", "l2FC", "limma_avgExpr", "limma_B", "limma_t_stat", "DESeq_ldcSE", "DESeq_stat", "DESeq_baseMean", "pval", "pval_adj")
# dplyr::mutate(TF = par.l$TF) gives the following weird error message: Error: Unsupported type NILSXP for column "TF"
TFCur = par.l$TF
TF_outputCur.df = final.TF.df %>%
dplyr::left_join(overlapsAll.df,by = c("TFBSID")) %>%
dplyr::left_join(peaksFiltered.df, by = c("peakID" = "annotation")) %>%
dplyr::rename(chr = chr.x) %>%
dplyr::filter(!( & %>%
dplyr::arrange(chr) %>%
dplyr::mutate(TF = TFCur, permutation = permutationCur, l2FC = signif(l2FC, par.l$roundLog2FCDigits)) %>%
if (permutationCur == 0) {
TF_output.df = rbind(TF_output.df, TF_outputCur.df)
conditionComparison = readRDS(par.l$file_input_conditionComparison)
if (par.l$nPermutations == 0) {
plotDiagnosticPlots(TF.cds.filt, res_DESeq, conditionComparison, filename = NULL, maxPairwiseComparisons = 5)
} else {
plotDiagnosticPlots(TF.cds.filt, fit, conditionComparison, filename = NULL, maxPairwiseComparisons = 5)
# Density plot
conditionComparison = paste0(conditionComparison[1], " vs. ", conditionComparison[2])
xlabLabel = paste0(" log2 FC ", conditionComparison)
TF_dens = ggplot(peaks.df, aes(l2FC)) + geom_density(aes(fill = "Peaks" ),alpha = .5, color = "black") +
geom_density(data = final.TF.df, aes(x = l2FC, fill = "TF"),size = 1, alpha = .7) +
xlab(xlabLabel) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(face = "bold", color = "black", size = 12),
axis.text.y = element_text(face = "bold", color = "black", size = 12),
axis.title.x = element_text(face = "bold", colour = "black", size = 10, margin = margin(25,0,0,0)),
axis.title.y = element_text(face = "bold", colour = "black", size = 10, margin = margin(0,25,0,0)),
axis.line.x = element_line(color = "black"), axis.line.y = element_line(color = "black"),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank(),
legend.position = c(0.9,0.9),
legend.justification = "center",
legend.title = element_blank()) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("Peaks" = "grey50" , "TF" = "blue"), labels = c("PEAKS", par.l$TF))
# create ecdf plots for each TF
ECDF_TF = ggplot(final.TF.df, aes(l2FC)) +
stat_ecdf(aes(colour = "TF")) +
stat_ecdf(data = peaks.df, aes(x = l2FC, colour = "Peaks")) +
xlab(xlabLabel) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("Peaks" = "grey50" , "TF" = "blue"), labels = c("PEAKS", par.l$TF))
# Execute this ALWAYS, as also the values for the real data should be stored for easier later retrieval
TF_outputCurFiltered.df = dplyr::select(TF_outputCur.df, one_of("permutation", "TF", "TFBSID", "l2FC"))
TF_outputInclPerm.df = rbind(TF_outputInclPerm.df, TF_outputCurFiltered.df)
# d) Comparisons between peaks and binding sites
modeNum = mlv(final.TF.df$l2FC, method = "mfv", na.rm = TRUE)
# We have to filter now by NAs because for some permutations, limma might have been unable to calculate the coefficients
final.TF.filtered.df = dplyr::filter(final.TF.df, !
nRowFilt = nrow(final.TF.filtered.df)
if (nRowFilt > 0) {
if (nRowFilt >= par.l$minNoDatapoints) {
Ttest = t.test(final.TF.df$l2FC, peaks.df$l2FC)
tTest_pVal = Ttest$p.value
tTest_stat = Ttest$statistic[[1]]
} else {
message = paste0("Skipping t-test due to insufficient number of TFBS (<", par.l$minNoDatapoints, "). The columns T_statistic and pvalue_raw will be set to NA.")
checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = TRUE)
tTest_pVal = tTest_stat = NA
outputSummary.df = add_row(outputSummary.df,
permutation = permutationCur,
TF = par.l$TF,
Pos_l2FC = nrow(final.TF.df[final.TF.df$l2FC > 0,]) / nrow(final.TF.df),
Mean_l2FC = mean(final.TF.df$l2FC, na.rm = TRUE),
Median_l2FC = median(final.TF.df$l2FC, na.rm = TRUE),
Mode_l2FC = modeNum[[1]],
sd_l2FC = sd(final.TF.df$l2FC, na.rm = TRUE),
pvalue_raw = tTest_pVal,
skewness_l2FC = modeNum[[2]],
T_statistic = tTest_stat,
TFBS_num = nrow(final.TF.df)
} else {
# Rest will be NA
outputSummary.df = add_row(outputSummary.df,
permutation = permutationCur,
TF = par.l$TF,
TFBS_num = nrow(final.TF.df)
if (permutationCur == 0) {
TF_output.df = rbind(TF_output.df, TF_outputCur.df)
conditionComparison = readRDS(par.l$file_input_conditionComparison)
} else { # if skipTF
message <- paste0("DESeq could not be run.")
if (par.l$nPermutations == 0) {
plotDiagnosticPlots(TF.cds.filt, res_DESeq, conditionComparison, filename = NULL, maxPairwiseComparisons = 5)
} else {
plotDiagnosticPlots(TF.cds.filt, fit, conditionComparison, filename = NULL, maxPairwiseComparisons = 5)
# Density plot
conditionComparison = paste0(conditionComparison[1], " vs. ", conditionComparison[2])
xlabLabel = paste0(" log2 FC ", conditionComparison)
TF_dens = ggplot(peaks.df, aes(l2FC)) + geom_density(aes(fill = "Peaks" ),alpha = .5, color = "black") +
geom_density(data = final.TF.df, aes(x = l2FC, fill = "TF"),size = 1, alpha = .7) +
xlab(xlabLabel) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(face = "bold", color = "black", size = 12),
axis.text.y = element_text(face = "bold", color = "black", size = 12),
axis.title.x = element_text(face = "bold", colour = "black", size = 10, margin = margin(25,0,0,0)),
axis.title.y = element_text(face = "bold", colour = "black", size = 10, margin = margin(0,25,0,0)),
axis.line.x = element_line(color = "black"), axis.line.y = element_line(color = "black"),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank(),
legend.position = c(0.9,0.9),
legend.justification = "center",
legend.title = element_blank()) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("Peaks" = "grey50" , "TF" = "blue"), labels = c("PEAKS", par.l$TF))
# create ecdf plots for each TF
ECDF_TF = ggplot(final.TF.df, aes(l2FC)) +
stat_ecdf(aes(colour = "TF")) +
stat_ecdf(data = peaks.df, aes(x = l2FC, colour = "Peaks")) +
xlab(xlabLabel) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("Peaks" = "grey50" , "TF" = "blue"), labels = c("PEAKS", par.l$TF))
plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), ann = F, bty = 'n', type = 'n', xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n')
message = paste0("Insufficient data to run analysis.\n", message, "\nThis TF will be ignored in subsequent steps.")
text(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, message, cex = 1.6, col = "red")
# Execute this ALWAYS, as also the values for the real data should be stored for easier later retrieval
TF_outputCurFiltered.df = dplyr::select(TF_outputCur.df, one_of("permutation", "TF", "TFBSID", "l2FC"))
TF_outputInclPerm.df = rbind(TF_outputInclPerm.df, TF_outputCurFiltered.df)
# d) Comparisons between peaks and binding sites
modeNum = mlv(final.TF.df$l2FC, method = "mfv", na.rm = TRUE)
# We have to filter now by NAs because for some permutations, limma might have been unable to calculate the coefficients
final.TF.filtered.df = dplyr::filter(final.TF.df, !
nRowFilt = nrow(final.TF.filtered.df)
if (nRowFilt > 0) {
if (nRowFilt >= par.l$minNoDatapoints) {
Ttest = t.test(final.TF.df$l2FC, peaks.df$l2FC)
tTest_pVal = Ttest$p.value
tTest_stat = Ttest$statistic[[1]]
} else {
message = paste0("Skipping t-test due to insufficient number of TFBS (<", par.l$minNoDatapoints, "). The columns T_statistic and pvalue_raw will be set to NA.")
checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = TRUE)
tTest_pVal = tTest_stat = NA
outputSummary.df = add_row(outputSummary.df,
permutation = permutationCur,
TF = par.l$TF,
Pos_l2FC = nrow(final.TF.df[final.TF.df$l2FC > 0,]) / nrow(final.TF.df),
Mean_l2FC = mean(final.TF.df$l2FC, na.rm = TRUE),
Median_l2FC = median(final.TF.df$l2FC, na.rm = TRUE),
Mode_l2FC = modeNum[[1]],
sd_l2FC = sd(final.TF.df$l2FC, na.rm = TRUE),
pvalue_raw = tTest_pVal,
skewness_l2FC = modeNum[[2]],
T_statistic = tTest_stat,
TFBS_num = nrow(final.TF.df)
} else {
# Rest will be NA
outputSummary.df = add_row(outputSummary.df,
permutation = permutationCur,
TF = par.l$TF,
TFBS_num = nrow(final.TF.df)
} # end for each permutation
} # end if !skipTF
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