Most bioimaging projects derive data from images and regions of interest (ROIs, e.g. segmented objects) on those images. It is desirable, and sometimes necessary, to explore these image-derived data while visualizing the image(s) and ROIs associated with each data point. To address this need, we developed the Image Data Explorer (IDE). The IDE is implemented as a Shiny app (i.e. a web app written in R using the Shiny package).
If you use it, please cite: Muller C, Serrano-Solano B, Sun Y, Tischer C, Hériché J-K (2022) The Image Data Explorer: Interactive exploration of image-derived data. PLoS ONE 17(9): e0273698.
### Quick start
Before you start, make sure that your data conforms to the requirements described in the [wiki section on preparing data for use with the IDE](