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Commit f0a09bb4 authored by Jean-Karim Heriche's avatar Jean-Karim Heriche
Browse files

Add possibility to automatically switch to explore workspace after loading...

Add possibility to automatically switch to explore workspace after loading toml file. Remove constant columns for dimensionality reduciton.
parent 702b9ced
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......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ cluster_server <- function(input, output, session, rv, session_parent) {
updateTabsetPanel(session_parent , "tabs_menu", selected = "explore")
updateTabsetPanel(session_parent, "tabs_menu", selected = "explore")
......@@ -138,18 +138,22 @@ input_data_server <- function(input, output, session) {
## Vector of user input names (i.e. inputId) that we may want to restore from file
## Values are stored in rv$inputChoices
inputChoices.params <- c("selectedVar", "colsOnHover", "colsToHide", "groupLabels", "roiX", "roiY",
"roiFrame", "imgRoot", "fileCol1", "fileCol2", "plateSize", "plateCol", "wellCol", "fieldCol",
"treatCol", "awsEndPoint", "awsAccess", "awsSecret", "awsRegion", "awsBucketName")
"roiFrame", "imgRoot", "fileCol1", "fileCol2", "plateSize", "plateCol", "wellCol",
"fieldCol", "treatCol", "awsEndPoint", "awsAccess", "awsSecret", "awsRegion",
## Store all reactive values we need to share between modules in one object
rv <- reactiveValues(inputChoices = setNames(vector("list", length(inputChoices.params)), inputChoices.params),
data = NULL, currentRows = NULL, selectedRows = NULL, clusters = NULL,
imgPath1 = NULL, imgPath2 = NULL, pixelPosition = NULL, selectedFrame = 1, metadataImg1 = NULL,
metadataImg2 = NULL, colsToHide = NULL, colsToEdit = NULL, groupCol = NULL, selectedVar = NULL, roiX = NULL,
roiY = NULL, roiFrame = NULL, fileCol1 = NULL, fileCol2 = NULL, plateSize = NULL, plateCol = NULL, wellCol = NULL,
fieldCol = NULL, treatCol = NULL, plateSummary = NULL, wellInfo = NULL, proxy = NULL, key = NULL, colsOnHover = NULL,
dataTable_rows_all = NULL, annotationCol = NULL, annotationLabels = NULL, imgRoot = NULL,
datapath = NULL, select_variable_DR = NULL, bucketName = NULL)
imgPath1 = NULL, imgPath2 = NULL, pixelPosition = NULL, selectedFrame = 1,
metadataImg1 = NULL, metadataImg2 = NULL, colsToHide = NULL, colsToEdit = NULL,
groupCol = NULL, selectedVar = NULL, roiX = NULL, roiY = NULL, roiFrame = NULL,
fileCol1 = NULL, fileCol2 = NULL, plateSize = NULL, plateCol = NULL,
wellCol = NULL, fieldCol = NULL, treatCol = NULL, plateSummary = NULL,
wellInfo = NULL, proxy = NULL, key = NULL, colsOnHover = NULL,
dataTable_rows_all = NULL, annotationCol = NULL, annotationLabels = NULL,
imgRoot = NULL, datapath = NULL, select_variable_DR = NULL, bucketName = NULL,
workspace = NULL)
## Dynamically generate UI input to select variables once data is uploaded and read
Output_variable <- function(type, idx, label, binary, opt) {
......@@ -281,7 +285,7 @@ input_data_server <- function(input, output, session) {
choices = c("", colNames),
options = list(maxItems = 1))
}) # End renderUI
} # End Select_colums_image_file_names()
} # End Select_columns_image_file_names()
Select_colums_image_file_names("fileColumn1", "image|intensit", "fileCol1", "Column with file names for image 1")
Select_colums_image_file_names("fileColumn2", "label|mask", "fileCol2", "Column with file names for image 2")
......@@ -313,7 +317,7 @@ input_data_server <- function(input, output, session) {
options = list(maxItems = 1))
}) # End renderUI
} # End Select_colums_coordinates()
} # End Select_plate_info()
Select_plate_info("PlateSize", "", "plateSize", "Select plate size (number of wells)")
Select_plate_info("Plate", "plate", "plateCol", "Column for plates")
......@@ -360,9 +364,10 @@ input_data_server <- function(input, output, session) {
content = function(file){
## Collect current choices
settings <- list("selectedVar" = input$selectedVar, "colsOnHover" = input$colsOnHover,
"colsToHide" = input$colsToHide, "groupLabels" = input$groupLabels, "roiX" = input$roiX,
"roiY" = input$roiY, "roiFrame" = input$roiFrame, "imgRoot" = rv$inputChoices[["imgRoot"]],
"fileCol1" = input$fileCol1, "fileCol2" = input$fileCol2, "plateSize" = input$plateSize, "plateCol" = input$plateCol,
"colsToHide" = input$colsToHide, "groupLabels" = input$groupLabels,
"roiX" = input$roiX, "roiY" = input$roiY, "roiFrame" = input$roiFrame,
"imgRoot" = rv$inputChoices[["imgRoot"]], "fileCol1" = input$fileCol1,
"fileCol2" = input$fileCol2, "plateSize" = input$plateSize, "plateCol" = input$plateCol,
"wellCol" = input$wellCol, "fieldCol" = input$fieldCol, "treatCol" = input$treatCol,
"awsEndPoint" = input$awsEndPoint, "awsAccess" = input$awsAccess, "awsSecret" = input$awsSecret,
"awsRegion" = input$awsRegion, "awsBucketName" = input$awsBucketName)
......@@ -432,6 +437,11 @@ input_data_server <- function(input, output, session) {
rv$inputChoices[["treatCol"]] <- cfg$columns$hcs$treatments
if(!is.null(cfg$ui)) {
if(!is.null(cfg$ui$workspace)) {
rv$workspace <- cfg$ui$workspace
for(field in inputChoices.params) {
......@@ -578,6 +588,6 @@ input_data_server <- function(input, output, session) {
} # End Columns_event_Group_label()
return(rv) # To make reactive values available to other modules
......@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ dimensionality_reduction_server <- function(input, output, session, rv, session_
# Remove rows with NAs and infinite values
idx.valid.rows <- which(is.finite(rowSums(tmp)))
tmp <- tmp[idx.valid.rows,]
# Remove constant columns
tmp <- tmp[,!apply(tmp, 2, function(x) {all(x==x[1])})]
if(input$dimReductionMethod == 'PCA') {
pca <- prcomp(tmp[,input$featuresToReduce], rank = 2, retx = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
tmp <- predict(pca, newdata = rv$data[, input$featuresToReduce, with = FALSE])
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
## Main application file ##
VERSION <- "v1.5.4" # Update this when creating a new version
VERSION <- "v1.5.5" # Update this when creating a new version
# Increase max upload size to 1 GB
......@@ -91,6 +91,14 @@ source("R/cluster.R")
## Delay execution of expr until after all session inputs have been set
execute_after_input <- function(expr, session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
observeEvent(once = TRUE, reactiveValuesToList(session$input), {
}, ignoreInit = TRUE)
ui <- function(request) {
......@@ -160,16 +168,9 @@ ui <- function(request) {
) # End Dashboard Page
} # ui() function
server <- function(input, output, session){
ns <- session$ns # Allow to use ns() in the server
## To update menu areas
react <- reactiveValues(update_key = NULL)
## Detect switching menu areas
observeEvent(input$tabs_menu,{ react$update_key <- 1 })
## Sidebar panel for inputs
output$menu <- renderMenu({
sidebarMenu(id = "tabs_menu",
......@@ -192,49 +193,57 @@ server <- function(input, output, session){
## datafile
### global_data used to pass reactive values between modules
global_data <- callModule(input_data_server, "data_module")
## explore
explore_data <- callModule(explore_server, "explore_module", global_data)
if(input$tabs_menu == "explore"){
callModule(explore_server, "explore_module", global_data)
}, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = TRUE)
## annotate
if(input$tabs_menu == "annotate"){
callModule(annotate_server, "annotate_module", global_data, session)
}, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = TRUE)
## dimensionality reduction
if(input$tabs_menu == "dimensionality_reduction"){
callModule(dimensionality_reduction_server, "dimensionality_reduction_module", global_data, session)
}, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = TRUE)
## feature selection
if(input$tabs_menu == "feature_selection"){
callModule(feature_selection_server, "feature_selection_module", global_data, session)
}, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = TRUE)
## cluster
if(input$tabs_menu == "cluster"){
callModule(cluster_server, "cluster_module", global_data, session)
}, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = TRUE)
## statistics
if(input$tabs_menu == "statistics"){
callModule(stats_server, "statistics_module", global_data, session)
}, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = TRUE)
## Switch to explore workspace after input fields have been populated
## from config file
if(!is.null(global_data$workspace) && global_data$workspace == "explore") {
updateTabsetPanel(session, "tabs_menu", selected = "explore")
## Run the application
......@@ -243,6 +252,3 @@ IDE <- shinyApp(ui = ui,
enableBookmarking = "url",
options = list(port = 5476))
## Supply desired port to runApp() because it ignores options in shinyApp()
## Need to supply host for use in Docker container
##runApp(IDE, port = 5476, host = "")
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