@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ Input: It requires protein accession IDs or protein seqences in FASTA format.
To extract examples, we will review our first session of NCBI using following instructions:
1. Search for RRM1 proteins in NCBI
2. Select RRM1 protein from *Mus muscuslus*
1. Search for P53 proteins in NCBI
2. Select P53 protein from *Mus muscuslus*
3. Run BLAST on this sequence to identify its homologs
4. Randomly select 10 hits (avoid multiple sequences from same species)
5. View GenPept report, and view the summary (top left) as FASTA (text)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ These sequences will be the set of queries for your MSA
COBALT in a tool for multiple sequence alignment, integrated in the NCBI resource for sequence analysis. It alignes sequences by conserved proteins domains and local similarities of the sequences.
1. Go back to your NCBI page of RRM1 BLAST result
1. Go back to your NCBI page of P53 BLAST result
* Click on multiple alignment
* Browse the result: phylogenetic tree
2. Randomly select few sequences, go to the GenPept page