# Contributing to PyFastANI
For bug fixes or new features, please file an issue before submitting a
pull request. If the change isn't trivial, it may be best to wait for
## Setting up a local repository
Make sure you clone the repository in recursive mode, so you also get the
wrapped code of FastANI which is exposed as a ``git`` submodule:
$ git clone --recursive
## Compiling the extension
Compiling requires the `boost::math` module from [Boost](
Depending on your system, you may have to install them yourself.
To compile the extension, use the following command:
$ python -m pip install -v -e . --no-build-isolation
## Running tests
Tests are written as usual Python unit tests with the `unittest` module of
the standard library. Running them requires the extension to be built
$ python -m pip install -v -e . --no-build-isolation
$ python -m unittest pyfastani.tests -vv
## Running benchmarks
### Query fragments mapping
The `benches` folder contains benchmarks for evaluating the performance of
the node connection scoring step, essentially to make sure that the
multi-threading makes it faster.
Start by building `pyfastani` locally, and making sure it is compiled
in release mode:
$ python -m pip install -v . --no-build-isolation
Then make sure you have the required packages and data:
$ pip install --user -r benches/mapping/requirements.txt
$ python benches/data/
Finally, run the benchmarks and plot the results:
$ python benches/mapping/ -d benches/data/ -o times.json
$ python benches/mapping/ -i times.json --show
## Coding guidelines
This project targets Python 3.7 or later.
Python objects should be typed; since it is not supported by Cython,
you must manually declare types in type stubs (`.pyi` files). In Python
files, you can add type annotations to function signatures (supported in
Python 3.5) or in variable assignments (supported from Python 3.6
### Interfacing with C
When interfacing with C, and in particular with pointers, use assertions
everywhere you assume the pointer to be non-NULL.
### Interfacing with C++
When wrapping objects, use stack allocation where possible.