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Commit 2aa06f51 authored by Constantin Pape's avatar Constantin Pape
Browse files

Wrap gene expression in cluster task; vectorize and parallelize computation

parent 7ddc3228
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import csv
import h5py
import os
import json
import luigi
import numpy as np
from vigra.analysis import extractRegionFeatures
from vigra.sampling import resize
# wrap this in a cluster_tools task in order to run remotely
# fix blatant inefficiencis (size loop)
# make test to check against original table
def get_sizes_and_bbs(data):
# compute the relevant vigra region features
features = extractRegionFeatures(data.astype('float32'), data.astype('uint32'),
features=['Coord<Maximum >', 'Coord<Minimum >', 'Count'])
# extract sizes from features
cell_sizes = features['Count'].squeeze().astype('uint64')
# compute bounding boxes from features
mins = features['Coord<Minimum >'].astype('uint32')
maxs = features['Coord<Maximum >'].astype('uint32') + 1
cell_bbs = [tuple(slice(mi, ma) for mi, ma in zip(min_, max_))
for min_, max_ in zip(mins, maxs)]
return cell_sizes, cell_bbs
def get_cell_expression(segm_data, all_genes):
num_genes = all_genes.shape[0]
labels = list(np.unique(segm_data))
cells_expression = np.zeros((len(labels), num_genes), dtype='float32')
cell_sizes, cell_bbs = get_sizes_and_bbs(segm_data)
for cell_idx in range(len(labels)):
cell_label = labels[cell_idx]
if cell_label == 0:
cell_size = cell_sizes[cell_label]
bb = cell_bbs[cell_label]
cell_masked = (segm_data[bb] == cell_label)
genes_in_cell = all_genes[tuple([slice(0, None)] + list(bb))]
for gene in range(num_genes):
gene_expr = genes_in_cell[gene]
gene_expr_sum = np.sum(gene_expr[cell_masked] > 0)
cells_expression[cell_idx, gene] = gene_expr_sum / cell_size
return labels, cells_expression
def write_genes_table(segm_file, genes_file, table_file, labels):
dset = 't00000/s00/4/cells'
new_shape = (570, 518, 550)
genes_dset = 'genes'
names_dset = 'gene_names'
with h5py.File(segm_file, 'r') as f:
segment_data = f[dset][:]
# TODO loading the whole thing into ram takes a lot of memory
with h5py.File(genes_file, 'r') as f:
all_genes = f[genes_dset][:]
gene_names = [i.decode('utf-8') for i in f[names_dset]]
num_genes = len(gene_names)
downsampled_data = resize(segment_data.astype("float32"), shape=new_shape, order=0).astype('uint16')
avail_labels, expression = get_cell_expression(downsampled_data, all_genes)
with open(table_file, 'w') as genes_table:
csv_writer = csv.writer(genes_table, delimiter='\t')
_ = csv_writer.writerow(['label_id'] + gene_names)
for label in labels:
if label in avail_labels:
idx = avail_labels.index(label)
_ = csv_writer.writerow([label] + list(expression[idx]))
_ = csv_writer.writerow([label] + [0] * num_genes)
from ..extension.attributes import GenesLocal, GenesSlurm
def write_genes_table(segm_file, genes_file, table_file, labels,
tmp_folder, target, n_threads=8):
task = GenesSlurm if target == 'slurm' else GenesLocal
seg_dset = 't00000/s00/4/cells'
# TODO would be good not to hard-code this
gene_shape = (570, 518, 550)
config_folder = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'configs')
config = task.default_task_config()
# this is very ram hungry because we load all the genes at once
config.update({'threads_per_job': n_threads, 'mem_limit': 256})
with open(os.path.join(config_folder, 'genes.config'), 'w') as f:
json.dump(config, f)
# we need to serialize the labels so that they can be loaded by the luigi task
labels_path = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'unique_labels.npy'), labels)
t = task(tmp_folder=tmp_folder, config_dir=config_folder, max_jobs=1,
segmentation_path=segm_file, segmentation_key=seg_dset,
genes_path=genes_file, labels_path=labels_path,
output_path=table_file, gene_shape=gene_shape)
ret =[t], local_scheduler=True)
if not ret:
raise RuntimeError("Computing gene expressions failed")
......@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ def make_cell_tables(folder, name, tmp_folder, resolution,
if not os.path.exists(aux_gene_path):
raise RuntimeError("Can't find auxiliary gene file")
gene_out = os.path.join(table_folder, 'genes.csv')
write_genes_table(seg_path, aux_gene_path, gene_out, label_ids)
write_genes_table(seg_path, aux_gene_path, gene_out, label_ids,
tmp_folder, target)
# make table with morphology
morpho_out = os.path.join(table_folder, 'morphology.csv')
from .genes import GenesLocal, GenesSlurm
#! /bin/python
import os
import sys
import json
import csv
from concurrent import futures
import luigi
import numpy as np
from vigra.analysis import extractRegionFeatures
from vigra.sampling import resize
import cluster_tools.utils.volume_utils as vu
import cluster_tools.utils.function_utils as fu
from cluster_tools.utils.task_utils import DummyTask
from cluster_tools.cluster_tasks import SlurmTask, LocalTask
# Gene Attribute Tasks
class GenesBase(luigi.Task):
""" Genes base class
task_name = 'genes'
src_file = os.path.abspath(__file__)
allow_retry = False
# input volumes and graph
segmentation_path = luigi.Parameter()
segmentation_key = luigi.Parameter()
genes_path = luigi.Parameter()
labels_path = luigi.Parameter()
output_path = luigi.Parameter()
gene_shape = luigi.ListParameter()
dependency = luigi.TaskParameter(default=DummyTask())
def requires(self):
return self.dependency
def run_impl(self):
# get the global config and init configs
shebang = self.global_config_values()[0]
# load the task config
config = self.get_task_config()
# update the config with input and graph paths and keys
# as well as block shape
config.update({'segmentation_path': self.segmentation_path,
'segmentation_key': self.segmentation_key,
'genes_path': self.genes_path,
'output_path': self.output_path,
'labels_path': self.labels_path,
'gene_shape': self.gene_shape})
# prime and run the job
self.prepare_jobs(1, None, config)
# wait till jobs finish and check for job success
class GenesLocal(GenesBase, LocalTask):
""" Genes on local machine
class GenesSlurm(GenesBase, SlurmTask):
""" Genes on slurm cluster
# Implementation
def get_sizes_and_bbs(data):
# compute the relevant vigra region features
features = extractRegionFeatures(data.astype('float32'), data.astype('uint32'),
features=['Coord<Maximum >', 'Coord<Minimum >', 'Count'])
# extract sizes from features
cell_sizes = features['Count'].squeeze().astype('uint64')
# compute bounding boxes from features
mins = features['Coord<Minimum >'].astype('uint32')
maxs = features['Coord<Maximum >'].astype('uint32') + 1
cell_bbs = [tuple(slice(mi, ma) for mi, ma in zip(min_, max_))
for min_, max_ in zip(mins, maxs)]
return cell_sizes, cell_bbs
def get_cell_expression(segmentation, all_genes, n_threads):
num_genes = all_genes.shape[0]
# NOTE we need to recalculate the unique labels here, beacause we might not
# have all labels due to donwsampling
labels = np.unique(segmentation)
cells_expression = np.zeros((len(labels), num_genes), dtype='float32')
cell_sizes, cell_bbs = get_sizes_and_bbs(segmentation)
def compute_expressions(cell_idx, cell_label):
# get size and boundinng box of this cell
cell_size = cell_sizes[cell_label]
bb = cell_bbs[cell_label]
# get the cell mask and the gene expression in bounding box
cell_masked = segmentation[bb] == cell_label
genes_in_cell = all_genes[(slice(None),) + bb]
# accumulate the gene expression channels over the cell mask
gene_expr_sum = np.sum(genes_in_cell[:, cell_masked] > 0, axis=1)
# divide by the cell size and write result
cells_expression[cell_idx] = gene_expr_sum / cell_size
with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(n_threads) as tp:
tasks = [tp.submit(compute_expressions, cell_idx, cell_label)
for cell_idx, cell_label in enumerate(labels) if cell_label != 0]
[t.result() for t in tasks]
return labels, cells_expression
def write_genes_table(output_path, expression, gene_names, labels, avail_labels):
n_labels = len(labels)
n_cols = len(gene_names) + 1
data = np.zeros((n_labels, n_cols), dtype='float32')
data[:, 0] = labels
data[avail_labels, 1:] = expression
col_names = ['label_id'] + gene_names
assert data.shape[1] == len(col_names)
with open(output_path, 'w') as f:
csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t')
def genes(job_id, config_path):
fu.log("start processing job %i" % job_id)
fu.log("reading config from %s" % config_path)
# get the config
with open(config_path) as f:
config = json.load(f)
segmentation_path = config['segmentation_path']
segmentation_key = config['segmentation_key']
genes_path = config['genes_path']
labels_path = config['labels_path']
output_path = config['output_path']
gene_shape = tuple(config['gene_shape'])
n_threads = config.get('threads_per_job', 1)
fu.log("Loading segmentation, labels and gene-data")
# load segmentation, labels and genes
with vu.file_reader(segmentation_path, 'r') as f:
segmentation = f[segmentation_key][:]
labels = np.load(labels_path)
genes_dset = 'genes'
names_dset = 'gene_names'
with vu.file_reader(genes_path, 'r') as f:
all_genes = f[genes_dset][:]
gene_names = [i.decode('utf-8') for i in f[names_dset]]
# resize the segmentation to gene space
segmentation = resize(segmentation.astype("float32"),
shape=gene_shape, order=0).astype('uint16')
fu.log("Compute gene expression")
avail_labels, expression = get_cell_expression(segmentation, all_genes, n_threads)
fu.log('Save results to %s' % output_path)
write_genes_table(output_path, expression, gene_names, labels, avail_labels)
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = sys.argv[1]
assert os.path.exists(path), path
job_id = int(os.path.split(path)[1].split('.')[0].split('_')[-1])
genes(job_id, path)
import unittest
import sys
import os
import json
import sys
import numpy as np
from shutil import rmtree
# check new version of gene mapping against original
class TestGeneAttributes(unittest.TestCase):
test_file = 'test_table.csv'
tmp_folder = 'tmp_genes'
test_file = 'tmp_genes/test_table.csv'
def tearDown(self):
def _tearDown(self):
except OSError:
......@@ -22,6 +25,7 @@ class TestGeneAttributes(unittest.TestCase):
def test_genes(self):
from scripts.attributes.genes import write_genes_table
from scripts.extension.attributes import GenesLocal
from scripts.files import get_h5_path_from_xml
# load original genes table
......@@ -35,8 +39,19 @@ class TestGeneAttributes(unittest.TestCase):
genes_file = '../../data/0.0.0/misc/meds_all_genes.xml'
genes_file = get_h5_path_from_xml(genes_file)
table_file = self.test_file
# write the global config
config_folder = os.path.join(self.tmp_folder, 'configs')
os.makedirs(config_folder, exist_ok=True)
conf = GenesLocal.default_global_config()
shebang = '#! /g/kreshuk/pape/Work/software/conda/miniconda3/envs/cluster_env37/bin/python'
conf.update({'shebang': shebang})
with open(os.path.join(config_folder, 'global.config'), 'w') as f:
json.dump(conf, f)
print("Start computation ...")
write_genes_table(segm_file, genes_file, table_file, labels)
write_genes_table(segm_file, genes_file, table_file, labels,
self.tmp_folder, 'local', 8)
table = self.load_table(table_file)
# make sure new and old table agree
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