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Commit 7fe70128 authored by Constantin Pape's avatar Constantin Pape
Browse files

Working version of subvolume extraction

parent 3bbef304
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from scripts.export.extract_subvolume import make_cutout
import argparse
import os
import pandas as pd
from scripts.export.extract_subvolume import make_cutout, get_res_level, parse_coordinate, name_to_path
def get_bounding_box(tag, lower, upper, table_name, table_id):
# validate the inputs
have_coordinates = lower and upper
have_table = table_name and table_id is not None
assert have_coordinates != have_table, "Need one of coordinates or table"
if have_coordinates:
print("Converting coordinates from physical coordinates %s:%s" % (lower,
bb_start = parse_coordinate(lower)
bb_stop = parse_coordinate(upper)
print("to pixel coordinates %s:%s" % (str(bb_start),
name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(name_to_path(table_name))[1])[0]
table_path = os.path.join('data', tag, 'tables', name, 'base.csv')
assert os.path.exists(table_path), "Could not find table for %s at %s" % (table_name,
table = pd.read_csv(table_path, sep='\t')
sub_table = table.loc[table['label_id'] == table_id]
assert sub_table.shape[0] == 1
for row in sub_table.itertuples(index=False):
bb_start = [row.bb_min_x, row.bb_min_y, row.bb_min_z]
bb_stop = [row.bb_max_x, row.bb_max_y, row.bb_max_z]
print("Read bounding box from table %s for id %i:" % (table_name, table_id))
print(bb_start, ":", bb_stop)
return bb_start, bb_stop
# - expose out_format as argument
# - saving multiple names in one go currently only works for h5 and n5, fix this!
if __name__ == '__main__':
levels = get_res_level()
res_string = " ".join("%i: %s" % (lev, res) for lev, res in enumerate(levels))
......@@ -8,21 +44,49 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
"The levels range from 0 to 6 with resolutions in micrometer: "
"%s" % res_string)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Make a cutout from the platynereis EM data-set and save it as tif stack.")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Make a cutout from the platynereis EM data-set.")
# Mandatory arguments: which tag and scale
parser.add_argument("tag", type=str, help="Version tag of the data to extract from")
parser.add_argument("scale_level", type=int, help=scale_help)
parser.add_argument("lower_corner", type=str, help="Lower corner of the bounding box to cut out")
parser.add_argument("upper_corner", type=str, help="Upper corner of the bounding box to cut out")
parser.add_argument("save_file", type=str, help="Where to save the cutout.")
# Optional: data names
parser.add_argument("--names", type=str, nargs='+', default=['raw'],
help=("Names of the data to be extracted.\
Choose from 'raw', 'cells', 'nuclei', 'chromatin', 'cilia'"))
# Optional: select bounding box from platy browser coordinates
parser.add_argument("--lower_corner", type=str, default='',
help="Lower corner of the bounding box to cut out",)
parser.add_argument("--upper_corner", type=str, default='',
help="Upper corner of the bounding box to cut out")
# Optional: Select bounding box from table and id
parser.add_argument('--table_name', type=str, default='',
help="Table from where to read the bounding box, can be from the same option as names")
parser.add_argument('--table_id', type=int, default=None,
help="Id for bounding box")
# Optional: select where to save the data
parser.add_argument("--save_file", type=str, help="Where to save the cutout.",
args = parser.parse_args()
print("Converting coordinates from physical coordinates %s:%s" % (args.lower_corner,
bb_start = parse_coordinate(args.lower_corner)
bb_stop = parse_coordinate(args.upper_corner)
print("to pixel coordinates %s:%s" % (str(bb_start),
print("Extracting raw data")
raw = make_cutout(args.scale_level, bb_start, bb_stop)
print("Saving data to tif-stack %s" % args.save_file)
save_tif(raw, args.save_file)
# 1.) validate the tag
tag = args.tag
folder = os.path.join('data', tag)
assert os.path.exists(folder), "Invalid tag %s" % tag
# 2.) figure out the bounding box
lower = args.lower_corner
upper = args.upper_corner
table_name = args.table_name
table_id = args.table_id
bb_start, bb_stop = get_bounding_box(tag, lower, upper, table_name, table_id)
# 3.) extract data for all names
names = args.names
save_file = args.save_file
scale = args.scale_level
for name in names:
print("Extracting data for %s" % name)
make_cutout(tag, name, scale, bb_start, bb_stop, save_file)
import argparse
import os
import h5py
import imageio
......@@ -6,6 +5,17 @@ import imageio
from ..files.xml_utils import get_h5_path_from_xml
def parse_coordinate(coord):
coord = coord.rstrip('\n')
pos_start = coord.find('(') + 1
pos_stop = coord.find(')')
coord = coord[pos_start:pos_stop]
coord = coord.split(',')
coord = [float(co) for co in coord]
assert len(coord) == 3, "Coordinate conversion failed"
return coord
def get_res_level(level=None):
res0 = [.01, .01, .025]
res1 = [.02, .02, .025]
......@@ -18,22 +28,23 @@ def get_res_level(level=None):
return resolutions[level]
# TODO figure out compression in imageio
def save_tif_stack(raw, save_file):
imageio.volwrite(save_file, raw)
return True
except RuntimeError:
return False
print("Could not save tif stack, saving slices to folder %s instead"
% save_file)
save_tif_slices(raw, save_file)
def save_tif_slices(raw, save_file):
print("Could not save tif stack, saving slices to folder %s instead"
% save_file)
save_folder = os.path.splitext(save_file)[0]
os.makedirs(save_folder, exist_ok=True)
for z in range(raw.shape[0]):
out_file = os.path.join(save_folder, "z%05i.tif" % z)
io.imsave(out_file, raw[z])
imageio.imwrite(out_file, raw[z])
def save_tif(raw, save_file):
......@@ -45,29 +56,39 @@ def save_tif(raw, save_file):
def name_to_path(name):
name_dict = {'raw': 'images/',
'cells': 'segmentations/',
'nuclei': 'segmentations/',
'cilia': 'segmentations/',
'chromatin': 'segmentations/'}
name_dict = {'raw': 'images/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-raw.xml',
'cells': 'segmentations/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-cells-labels.xml',
'nuclei': 'segmentations/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-nuclei-labels.xml',
'cilia': 'segmentations/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-cilia-labels.xml',
'chromatin': 'segmentations/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-chromatin-labels.xml'}
assert name in name_dict, "Name must be one of %s, not %s" % (str(name_dict.keys()),
return name_dict[name]
def make_cutout(tag, name, scale, bb_start, bb_stop):
def name_to_base_scale(name):
scale_dict = {'raw': 0,
'cells': 1,
'nuclei': 3,
'cilia': 0,
'chromatin': 1}
return scale_dict[name]
def cutout_data(tag, name, scale, bb_start, bb_stop):
assert all(sta < sto for sta, sto in zip(bb_start, bb_stop))
path = os.path.join('data', tag, name_to_path(name))
data_resolution = read_resolution(path)
path = get_h5_path_from_xml(path, return_absolute_path=True)
resolution = get_res_level(scale)
data_scale = match_scale(resolution, data_resolution)
base_scale = name_to_base_scale(name)
assert base_scale <= scale, "%s does not support scale %i; minimum is %i" % (name, scale, base_scale)
data_scale = scale - base_scale
bb_start = [int(sta / re) for sta, re in zip(bb_start, resolution)][::-1]
bb_stop = [int(sto / re) for sto, re in zip(bb_stop, resolution)][::-1]
bb = tuple(slice(sta, sto) for sta, sto in zip(bb_start, bb_stop))
bb_start_ = [int(sta / re) for sta, re in zip(bb_start, resolution)][::-1]
bb_stop_ = [int(sto / re) for sto, re in zip(bb_stop, resolution)][::-1]
bb = tuple(slice(sta, sto) for sta, sto in zip(bb_start_, bb_stop_))
key = 't00000/s00/%i/cells' % data_scale
with h5py.File(path, 'r') as f:
......@@ -76,12 +97,45 @@ def make_cutout(tag, name, scale, bb_start, bb_stop):
return data
def parse_coordinate(coord):
coord = coord.rstrip('\n')
pos_start = coord.find('(') + 1
pos_stop = coord.find(')')
coord = coord[pos_start:pos_stop]
coord = coord.split(',')
coord = [float(co) for co in coord]
assert len(coord) == 3, "Coordinate conversion failed"
return coord
# TODO support bdv-hdf5 as additional format
def to_format(path):
ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1]
if ext.lower() in ('.hdf', '.hdf5', '.h5'):
return 'hdf5'
elif ext.lower() in ('.n5',):
return 'n5'
elif ext.lower() in ('.tif', '.tiff'):
return 'tif-stack'
elif ext.lower() in ('.zr', '.zarr'):
return 'zarr'
print('Could not match', ext, 'to data format. Displaying the data instead')
return 'view'
def save_data(data, path, save_format, name):
if save_format == 'hdf5':
with h5py.File(path) as f:
f.create_dataset(name, data=data, compression='gzip')
elif save_format in ('n5', 'zarr'):
import z5py # import here, because we don't want to make z5py mandatory dependency
with z5py.File(path, use_zarr_format=save_format == 'zarr') as f:
f.create_dataset(name, data=data, compression='gzip',
chunks=(64, 64, 64))
elif save_format == 'tif-stack':
save_tif_stack(data, path)
elif save_format == 'tif-slices':
save_tif_slices(data, path)
elif save_format == 'view':
from cremi_tools.viewer.volumina import view
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported format %s" % save_format)
def make_cutout(tag, name, scale, bb_start, bb_stop, out_path, out_format=None):
data = cutout_data(tag, name, scale, bb_start, bb_stop)
out_format = to_format(out_path) if out_format is None else out_format
assert out_format in ('hdf5', 'n5', 'tif-stack', 'tif-slices', 'zarr', 'view'), "Invalid format:" % out_format
data = cutout_data(tag, name, scale, bb_start, bb_stop)
save_data(data, out_path, out_format, name)
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