# Image Analysis with Python 2018
This repository will be used to collect and distribute materials for the
Image Analysis with Python series.
#### Schedule
| Date | Nr. | Module | Teacher | Notes |
| ---- | - | ------ | ------- | ------|
| 02.05.18 | 1 | Image processing primer | Tobias | (for beginners) |
| 09.05.18 | 2 | Scientific python primer | Toby | (for beginners) |
| 16.05.18 | 3 | **Image analysis with python, part 1** | Jonas | teaching session |
| 23.05.18 | 4 | **Image analysis with python, part 2** | Jonas | teaching session |
| 30.05.18 | 5 | **Image analysis with python, part 3** | Jonas | practice session |
| 06.06.18 | 6 | **Data visualization and analysis, part 1** | Volker | teaching session |
| 13.06.18 | 7 | **Data visualization and analysis, part 2** | Volker | teaching session |
| 20.06.18 | 8 | **(Data visualization and analysis, part 3)** | Volker? | practice session |
| later on | + | (Additional content if desired & feasible) | ... | ... |