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EMBL utilities

perms - a script to display permissions of a target file/folder up to the root of the filesystem (useful when granting permissions to someone else).

submitjob - a polyglot script that submits jobs to SGE, LSF and SLURM clusters.

q - shortcut to query state of own jobs across queue systems (SLURM, LSF and SGE) - a convenience script to start a container that shares the user's home and creates a user to ensure consistent permissions.

tabview and csvview - quick preview of tab and csv delimited files. Aligns columns based on content. Works fine with streams and large files. Uses xpipe. tabview converts tabs to ¬ (seldomly used character) to workaround

xpipe - like xargs but for splitting large or infinite streams into chunks and execute commands on them. - monitor servers and notify when conditions are met. Monitors system load, memory usage and presence of processes. Notifies with a shell bell or email.

qs - collect queue status across different SGE clusters/queues. Requires key-based authentication with SSH.

mv_keep_parents - equivalent to cp --parents src/*.txt dest/ but moving instead of copying. Passing -k will keep empty directories in src/. and - convert symlinks to relative/absolute respectively.



Save this into myscript.job and launch with submitjob myscript.job. If using SLURM you can use submit-slurm instead:

# Lines starting with % will be executed for every job in the array
# On SGE and using old modulefiles include the next line
% if [ -f /etc/profile.d/ ]; then source /etc/profile.d/; fi
# On SLURM you can simply load the desired module
% module add my_anaconda
% source activate py3-pandas

# All the lines below will be jobs on the same job-array
# NOTE that if the cluster is big enough and enough slots were requested
# the entire array will be started roughly at the same time

# Run the same script 20 times (useful for simulations, ngless, jug...)
@20 python

# Some more jobs to run as part of the same array


Display permissions of path to reach the file, resolving any symlinks along the way

% perms /g/scb2/bork/mocat/software/R/3.4.1/bin/R

-r-xr-xr-x  3     mocat     mocat  9468     Jan  1   1970   /g/bork3/home/mocat/nix/store/6549ws1c4y0ibj3qyfmd7d0kzyfzgzcd-R-3.4.1/bin/R
dr-xr-xr-x  2     mocat     mocat  4096     Jan  1   1970   /g/bork3/home/mocat/nix/store/6549ws1c4y0ibj3qyfmd7d0kzyfzgzcd-R-3.4.1/bin
dr-xr-xr-x  6     mocat     mocat  4096     Jan  1   1970   /g/bork3/home/mocat/nix/store/6549ws1c4y0ibj3qyfmd7d0kzyfzgzcd-R-3.4.1
drwxr-xr-x  6717  mocat     mocat  3424256  Feb  14  19:22  /g/bork3/home/mocat/nix/store
drwxr-xr-x  7     mocat     mocat  4096     Mar  25  2017   /g/bork3/home/mocat/nix
drwxr-xr-x  16    mocat     mocat  4096     Feb  14  19:27  /g/bork3/home/mocat
drwxr-x--t  86    adm_bork  bork   8192     Nov  3   10:51  /g/bork3/home
drwxr-xr-x  32    adm_bork  bork   4096     Apr  4   2017   /g/bork3
drwxr-xr-x  10    root      root   0        Feb  19  13:31  /g
drwxr-xr-x  36    root      root   4096     Oct  12  15:40  /


Show status of different clusters:

% qs alpha beta sigma

           Host       CPU  CPU-Free       MEM  MEM-Free   Usage %   Avail %      Rank
          alpha        64        57  940.4GiB  486.2GiB     28.62     50.70      2.99
           beta        64        24  234.9GiB      0.0B     80.25      0.00      0.00
          sigma        92        10  173.5GiB   90.8GiB     68.54      9.77      0.12
---------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
         GLOBAL       220        91    1.3TiB  577.0GiB     61.49     17.56


Moves (sub)directories keeping folder structure:

% mv_keep_parents CC/*/reads.filtered.263RefGeneCatalog.padded.solexaqa TO_REMOVE


% tree TO_REMOVE
└── CC
    ├── CCHB10959853ST-11-0
    │   └── reads.filtered.263RefGeneCatalog.padded.solexaqa
    ├── CCHB10961334ST-11-0
    │   └── reads.filtered.263RefGeneCatalog.padded.solexaqa